1952 Ferrari barnfind + vintage race cars

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[Music] [Music] a lovely day for a barn find in the middle of nowhere northamptonshire and if you watched one of my videos last year back in the summer with a bright yellow ferrari 250 resto mod owned by a lovely bloke called will will said i've got a number of other vehicles um a bit of a hoarder i tend to buy stuff and then kind of forget about it or never finish it well he said you must come back and have a look one day and that day is today and this is a barn it's been in his family since the the war since the 40s and it's full of interesting metal one car in particular a ferrari that's very special indeed so we're gonna have a look today's the day i'm johnny smith welcome to the late break show will i hope you're in there he is in there [Music] well it's hard to know where to start but i thought we'll start on the left and work our way around that's the right because there's so much there's so much in you what is this building that's my first question well this was my dad's aircraft hangar um so there's a grass field out here yeah and he used to keep three aircraft in here tiger moth at the end of your childhood house garden exactly wow i mean there's a wing off for miles messenger this yeah that's a 1946 wonderful wooden british single-engine monoplane oh my gosh i didn't know that that was a wing yeah i thought i thought we were gonna just talk about these though from the back yeah when when i saw um a little sight of it i thought it was um an ac cobra well it is the same sort of shape i mean it is so similar but it's obviously about half the size of an ac cobra what why have you got two there's two here they look identical to me well this one it's a barclay yeah se492 and it has a three cylinder two stroke engine in it three three cylinder it's super lightweight three hundred and something kilos you can lift the car up it says oh my gosh uh it's got a monocoque aluminium chassis and it's a fantastic little thing it reminds me of my little honda yeah actually yeah because it feels it's a three cylinder air cooled two strokes just it could be a bit of a screamer i suppose for the purposes of this video remember that will likes to drive fast you've raced a lot of stuff over the years and there's a couple of other race cars in here so the idea with this is build a race car yeah be great at goodwood wouldn't it it would be awesome if i could get in it i don't know possibly win wow so these are both from america they're both from america different customers different sellers rather yeah um one came with its engine one came without i mean we could just go home now i'm quite pleased with these i think what's bizarre about i mean it's lovely because the sun's coming out yeah there's there's no electricity in here so uh we've we've got to bring some lights with us this is stuff that you've sort of accumulated because i know you're you're hopelessly devoted to projects that's it yeah yeah i could say i'm addicted yes and i know that you you you you suffer from that disease of being a bit of a magpie and going well that would be good and then yeah you get the hots for something yeah yeah so you've got a barkley obsession and then a bristol obsession oh i mean it's it's the it's the ideas the ideas are all there aren't they yeah i mean it's just for fun isn't it not a business it's yeah yeah i can't believe that's an airplane and what's a giant bellow well yeah we used to have uh a farm down in the middle of the village here and that was the bellows from the blacksmith's shop that's huge yeah absolutely so next to the barclays you've got well you've got two bristols actually haven't you got one just there i knew this was a bristol immediately they are very very unique absolutely i suppose there are i mean the earlier bristols are actually very tasteful i think the latter bristols are a bit too weird yeah they're not quite my cup of tea either no what's the deal with these then will so it's it's obviously not got an engine and no engine the other one hasn't no no engine no gearbox in either of them so this is a bristol 403 yeah so 1952 or something like that yeah it's more or less the same as the first as the 401 uh just a few improvements yeah i think they made about 275 of these at all yeah and probably 300 or 400 of the 401s gosh they're pretty rare they're fabulously built wonderful well bristol was an aircraft company as you know yeah yeah and you can see evidence of the aircraft engineering and quality everywhere you look so these basically people used to sell the engines or want the engines out right they're used in um fraser nash lemon replicas they're used in uh cooper bristol racing cars right various sports historic race cars historic race cars and so there was a time when the engines were worth more than the car no yeah yeah and this is all aluminium isn't it all aluminum fabulous design yeah really air interiors in there all its instruments all it's missing engine and gearbox so i've got the engines got the gearboxes got the car haven't yet had the time so that's so so historic race cars basically off of the period resto model exactly yeah that's that's a great correct fab so it's on the list it is on the list they're all on the list they're all on your list none of these in here am i fed up with okay okay i mean that was going to be my next question is this your only shed no no this is the tip of the iceberg oh is it great oh my gosh you'll have to come back well you've seen some of the containers haven't you i have seen some of the containers let's have a look at the other bristol [Music] okay so right bristol 406. yeah 175 odds built of these is that all yeah didn't realize bristol production numbers were so low oh amazing over several years so this is the shape they developed after the 403 yeah there was a 404 a short wheelbase sporty sort of thing but these were gentlemen's cruisers that was the idea yeah but what's gain no engine i was going to say there's nothing going on no engine no gearbox same reason as the 403 and you bought both these as is engine yep separately of course this one i think came from scotland again cheapest chips wow so that's good interior you can see all that yeah still in i just comments here i i just can't believe that people would just take the engines out of bristol's and leave kind of leave them for dead really it's all about how much money stuff is worth when stuff's worth nothing yeah people don't have that respect for it i know one before we started filming will brought over this little book in this book you bought a lamborghini miura oh yeah nine thousand quid oh my gosh nine grand may 1988 up in scotland a friend of mine remembered walking past it several years earlier in a driveway and he mentioned it we got straight in a car and shot up there with just an address because this is obviously pre-sat now all that stuff yeah and there was the car still in the driveway in front of it was an old wooden garage with a ford pop inside uh and the owner unfortunately uh was an alcoholic yeah uh and he just hadn't got it together to put it inside so it was rotting it was absolutely rotting um we went down the pub with him to try and buy it ended up completely pissed and he was straight as a guy didn't manage to do the deal with him and had to go back a fortnight later and have another go oh my gosh so we go from the the bristol and i i'm noticing i mean i know it's it's covered in cobwebs and poor things on its tires and it's lovely grey leather interior there's some very cool touches to it though yeah yeah yeah these little indicators on the roof i love these yeah and they spotted the cool badge as well didn't i spotted yeah the little 406 badge down here what i love about coming to see you is people like you is that the interesting cars as you get older just keeps expanding yeah because you think i'm only into x and y and then i turn up here and suddenly i go bloody l bristol yeah yeah what a great idea to put a period v8 yeah um that has some relationship with the with the company in in these sorts of cars what a great idea i've realized we walked past another car uh with an e-type jag bonnet uh kind of covering yes okay yeah the morgan right you can see it doesn't look like a normal morgan does it no it doesn't doors are straight across the top yeah this is a strange line the screen's got those strange pillars on the side yeah so that is the luxury morgan that's what they call the drop head coupe oh okay yeah okay so uh they were probably a bit more expensive than a normal uh that's a plus four with a tr engine yeah so that would have been more expensive than the base model yep yep do you mind if i lift the lid yeah so we've run the engine oh yeah that looks pretty good yeah that looks good uh i probably won't get around to restoring that that one could actually be for sale i love now so yes as we're going through this i feel like we're making progress yeah some realism yeah am i sort of counseling you as we go so you you've almost admitted that this might never happen that's right without selling okay there's a morgan chassis next to it this thing here yeah that's a morgan plus four chassis which belongs to another morgan over here which is a two-seater oh that's a car yep yeah that's the ash frame with the body i just walked past that when we got the original paint work so that's going to stay yeah that's going to go yeah the 4-4 racer is in one of the containers up the other end yeah i just thought that was a pile of doors and pallets and then i realized it's another car on its side yeah it must be mad so you grew up with a dad who would go to the bottom of the garden and fly a biplane yeah you were never going to grow up normal probably probably not that's just awesome that's just yeah well it was normal to us i suppose it was bloody hell will this i mean it's kind of like a it's kind of like an art deco batmobile or something well it it is in fact doesn't it i mean look at these wings this this shape is just yeah this is a bit special bloody hell wow if you're talking about boring stuff like how much stuff is worth yeah you've got your ferrari 250 gtos pretty much up there and not far below that you've got the alfa romeo hc 2900 touring millimeter yes same shape right this is actually uh it's called a 6c 2500 right yeah so uh it's actually 1940. and the style uh they built i think 1939 1940 they built three or four and they called them sexy corsa corsa meaning racing yeah in italian yeah and this is that sort of shape i mean it's all aluminium isn't it i mean the shapes are it's it's mind-blowing you you really need to stand back and look at it and see i know we need it deserves to be wheeled out on its own next year we'll go for a blast in it won't we i'll hold you to that is it this is going to be stunningly finished well and quick so it's got it's all independent suspension yeah needle roller bearings on the front amazing like the grand prix cars yeah the engine is a straight six two and a half liter twin overhead cam wow the original six seat courses were normally aspirated we couldn't resist designing and making a gear driven supercharger set up for it so i'm looking for 200 220 brake horsepower on petrol there's a road car and the way it's it's going to be light it's going to weigh it's a big carb it's going to be lightweight away well under a ton yeah yeah fabulous thing this is why i had to come here and have another chat with will about one of his sheds i'd love to stand and just look at this car but we actually do have and we still haven't got to i guess the kind of the party piece i'm staring at it over there that bleming ferrari gosh but we've got to get through a couple of race cars first i mean make it sound like a chore it's really not so this is the race car corner will uh yep it is all races well that's a road car as well as a racer yep this is fun it's called a frontenac ford franca frontenac so it's basically a vscc race car yeah these days in england so model t chassis model t engine um model a back axle i think it's a good looking thing it's a great looking thing wow so have you you have raced this before we've braced it uh with the single cam yep but for the twin overhead cam we are going to go a bit bonkers i think i'm going to make a five-bearing crankshaft because you can you can machine and bolt a a steel cradle in the bottom of the block to support two extra bearings they did it back in the day okay okay so then you can rev it then you can utilize the breathing power of the uh 16 valve head and fantasy wise could it become the fastest normally aspirated model t in the world take it to bonneville i don't know i think you do know we i think that's the thing we've got to have a go it's it's on the hit list yeah yeah that would be really good fun now i know that i know that's a morgan three-wheeler yep i love those that's a matchless super sports so air-cooled yeah v-twin fabulous thing very cool just casually sat there propped up on a engine's out we do have a little supercharger that we might put on it if we can't resist it i don't know the thing behind you oh wow i mean yes so this is yellow chassis blue body riley right ccs colin clifford special colin built this and raced pretty successfully in it i of course decided to supercharge it yeah of course and i started doing it before i really knew as much as i know now and i didn't get it right and uh then it sort of languished and haven't had time to finish it but this one is on the soon to be done hit list okay i hope it's going to be out racing within two years i mean we will just gloss over these oh my gosh they're so light magnesium they've never been i don't know where they came from they've never been drilled [Music] don't know where they came from yeah i actually i've got to admit well i don't really know what this is i can't tell i can't tell what it is so what sort of engines in there is that a six or an eight six six v6 yeah can you read on the side of the cam covers or valve covers hang on let me let me know it's on this side perhaps here come on let me give you torch out lancia yeah so that's the classic lancia v6 i suppose for younger people yeah who don't know the the legacy of valencia yeah lancia was was up there with the most exotic most technologically advanced of its time lancia were beating ferrari in grand prix racing and when they went bust and they handed over their whole team of single-seaters which were then rebranded as ferraris afterwards for my gosh yeah and they won fabulous cars so yeah pay attention to your lancia history i've got to ask the question will how how do you know how many cars you have right now approximately and [Music] i think about 25 okay and and how many are in here one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve i forgot the the the tv the tv are there we haven't even looked at the tv i haven't ever so this is less than half yeah i mean but some of them are goers they're not all projects [Music] okay [Music] this is it and this is the reason why we had to do this there's there's a number of interesting cars some of which aren't even here but this yeah you like this one don't you i mean just look at it um i like i said in the intro i'm not going to kid you and say that the car has been sat here for 50 years but this is an incredibly special car will i remember you mentioning it to me in passing i didn't quite realize how much bird poo would be on it so 1952 the body is 1950 1952 yeah so it's made by vignali who carried on for years afterwards yeah but they made most of the early competition ferrari bodies right so so they were a coach builder like gear and all those they were but they were very small scale okay they didn't use um body bucks or anything like that they were drawn up and made by eye so this side of the car is quite different if you put a profile on it it'll be different to that it could be out by an inch because they would just look at it and go oh at least whatever and and that's how it works so each one of these early vignelli cars is different wow okay yeah so i mean not only is it going to be slightly different shape but they'll all have slightly different features it really was a proper work of art it's the finale badge down there yeah that's it original badges so you're having an a period accurate replica chassis made by the people that originally made it oh they've done it i've got it oh you've already got it we've got it back already yeah oh okay yeah so we could have made it ourselves but it just gives it that little bit more yeah this is you you're you're you're trying to assemble a kind of marinello jigsaw puzzle aren't you exactly and the more original parts i can use rather than repro parts the better i'm going to have a quick look around the car in fact should we let's wheel it out because we'll see if we can get it out into the sort of sunlight a bit right so we're going to try and push it out well we've we've got too well we've got two i um do you know what's weird it actually it's got some quite sexy quite sexy dust on it yep you might better sell that we're all right we're all right yeah we're doing okay mine the tvr look at that look at the shape of this thing look at it it's dead head on that the shot where the camera is you must have just gone wow i think i did i i when i saw it in the flesh yeah in the it was right in the middle of the auction actually at monaco yep and it i just like gotta have it you know there we go emerging into the light look the sun's coming out it wants to see it hasn't been out in the sun for a while i'm guessing [Laughter] did i tell you about the headlight johnny what's it's got one eye what's the deal with it well it had a cracked one so these are all the original lights and the fantastic thing about this is you know all of these uh lenses and stuff like that yeah are 1952. so you can see on there what does it say marshall marshall equinox i should think yeah equilux that's right so this one was cracked yeah so then you know you put in an ebay search wait for a few months one turns up so i do have this one i just haven't it almost looks like you've intentionally done that to make it look boring but we haven't i promise yeah yeah i mean this shape is so when you bought the car you done some historical digging on it yeah because i mean these these are always going to have been sold to interesting people yeah yeah here's some history okay i'm down with history yeah marcel massini sort of he's the guy this book's by him he's found out more info since he wrote it on all of these cars but this the 166 originally made eighth of march 1950 1950 right sold not with this not with this body yeah sold to a guy in rome who did the targa florio and the mill amelia wow crashed it okay 1952 re-bodied by vignale as a coupe so it sat for two years well probably who knows when it's crash 51 yeah so then it it was seen in usa in 1965. oh disappeared in texas for 16 years okay is this is this yours here this is one that's a photo yeah there there there there and there interesting so here's when it was owned by john giles of the j giles band you remember that guy yes uh biggest hit angel in the center that's it my angel said so he owned this he owned this okay i made you know we've got a wheel company yeah we made some wheels for him for another car so i got to know him yeah and suddenly made the connection so we spoke about it yeah he sent me photos of it when he had it oh really yeah oh that's cool yeah yeah very nice guy dead now unfortunately so it's a 1952 body yeah and then the question is what do we do with the rest of it you know yeah we've got the chassis got the engine all the parts got the gearbox got the back axle where is all that is that in another that's in containers up at project heaven okay even the instruments this has got later instruments in it from a 250 gt okay these would be 1960-ish instruments yeah so i've had to find the proper value instruments that are appropriate to this car for the two to five and actually looks really good in there it does look good i mean actually the paint looks really good underneath all this it's lovely yeah yeah it's um have you looked have you ever opened the door i haven't i'm gonna have a look that side you gotta go i'll put this away vignale's own door handle you see they're amazing they are amazing gosh it's actually really really lovely seats are remarkably good well we've been feeding obviously we don't want the leather to uh go off so bernadette's been down here feeding the seats to but they're fantastic they are they really are yeah i mean how many cars have got their 1952 interior still in them now this just this door pocket actually is really rather elegant bakelite on the fitting there is it cutting that is that 50 stuff when i open the door this looks like really thick glass perspex weight saving is that what it is absolutely so it was a competition car this this car yeah when it's finished it's going to be about 900 kilos okay 280 break maybe at 8 000 rpm i mean it's gonna be about three liters it's gonna be a bit of a weapon it's gonna be a flyer yeah so that's the thing not only is it gorgeous but it has actually got race credentials yeah yeah under a ton 280 odd horsepower yeah no wonder you're into it exactly drum brakes yeah huge drum brakes i bet they are huge because uh so it's got 16-inch wheels so that allows the bigger sized drums yeah so the previous models the 212 were on 15 inch and the 225 went up 16. what's that trigger where the um oh that'll be the bonnet catch is that what it is it's a beauty looks like a gun yeah aluminium all aluminium it's right hand drive yes oh oh didn't you know about that no no most european competition cars up to the 60s were right hookers were they because most of the circuits are clockwise so the driver wanted to be on the inside of the bend to judge the apex just right i didn't why didn't i know that yeah well you can't know everything can you i mean because they never drove they never had left right-hand drive cars in italy not on the roads not on the road because it's okay okay okay is is this is this a keeper i think so yeah yeah yeah or as long as i'm healthy enough to drive yeah yeah well i know you like to drive i do i do and i i i think this could be possibly one of the it's my favorite car it's the best thing for me that i've had is it the combination of the the the elegant looks but with the sort of competition underpinnings because that's the thing it's something about the early ferraris because it was it was quite a big it was a big little factory so a lot of people working doing fantastic stuff and producing them in low numbers yeah has this body been modified since since 52 oh yeah and not the body itself john giles first sent me photos of when he had the car yeah and straight away i noticed it had a aluminium surround around here polished okay it had some aluminium ducts here it had an aluminium uh like a waistband trim or something yeah yeah quite high level yeah and it didn't have an external fuel filler so quite a common thing of the early vignelli bodies was they'd have the fuel tank in the back and you would have to open the boot to get the fuel filler out fully so no neck no filling no filling okay and this has had one added at some point yeah but in the photos i'm going to show you have you got do you want to have a look at these yeah i think so you've got them in there got them in the skoda all discerning exotic car uh buyers have a skoda vrs estate which you can't see so this book is fantastic that's a chunky this is my christmas present from deanna this year it just came out so superfines corrado cupelini there's an italian guy who started searching out and recording and buying and trading yeah old sports cars and race cars yeah from the 70s i was reading through the book what do we come to but i don't want to disturb the i don't know it's quite nice oh here we go described as a ferrari 212 enter it's this car and that's this it was actually should have said 166 but he didn't know and so those are those um embellishments there's the strip along the side yeah there's the chrome around the front there's the apertures okay um so hang on a minute as we're talking about the history of this car will yeah effectively this is this has been this is this has been barn found twice yes i mean this is a barn find video don't get me wrong he knew it was in there it's just that will's got so many projects he kind of forgets about them it's been tucked away but so this was this was a this emerged from a barn years back well look what it says a surprise find near monza right i mean seriously what a good looking car so i think i'm tempted to put these bits back yeah i won't do to start with i want to get it get it going and drive it yeah so i would not even clear the dust i'd clean the windows yeah i think that's going a bit far i mean i don't clean cars more than once a year you like a nice rear end johnny i do such tiny little dual light lights yeah yeah this is what i like and quick release boot yeah well not just quick release lightweight yeah that's that's the whole point of it of course and that's the weird thing about this car is even if you weren't interested in going fast and or competing which it's capable of or was yeah it's a beautiful thing to just stare at yeah from every angle this angle the front dead head-on is just amazing i'm just really really quite amazed by it it's just an amazing era because not only were they beautiful but they were all different i mean the fact that every one of these is at least slightly different to every other one yeah it's just mind-blowing to me yeah yeah well the other thing is like you said before i think is who's got the ferrari with the most pedigree the person that took this body off yeah kept the chassis in the engine yeah but put a a replica body of the original yeah so that body hasn't done it hasn't got any history yeah but the running gear has yeah and you've got a body with a lot of history yeah but without a chassis or an engine or you have now yeah yeah so who's who's right and who's wrong as it were no right and wrong i don't care that's the thing but i'm dead happy but what i like it's not even the history that it's so much from 1952 it's just the fact that this was made by one or two craftsmen yeah uh in just such a fabulous way yeah i love the fact that i've probably driven past this barn a number of times in the last 20 years no idea that something so special well a number of cars so special like that yeah yeah just sitting here gathering dust getting getting pooed on some of them get finished you know no i'm not saying you never touched but i think that's the thing about this particular episode of barn finds is like um this is like you you've almost forgotten how much you've collected you know over will shoulder here is this aero engine and propeller in fact we haven't even talked about the tvr under the cover oh yeah [Music] i can see that it's v8 clearly it's v8 it's got alloy heads because when this is not an fia car so we don't have to follow the old rules yeah so that the alloy heads means you can run higher compression yeah and because it gets the heat away better it's got a good camshaft got a good carb it's got a fantastic ignition system ed made a rather complicated exhaust can you see that oh yeah so it goes forward the headers go they collect and go forward yeah so they're equal length pipes so that's very important for the power so another this is just going to be a fun fun road car yes it won't take much to finish it yeah actually now i've seen this again having not looked at it for a long time uh i think we better get it up there and get it going this is what happens he's remembered how good it was yeah thank goodness you came there we go it's funny isn't it you drive past these sorts of buildings or walk past them and you never really know what's behind the door little did i realize that something this special will be here so i hope you've enjoyed this episode and i want to say a massive thank you to will for letting me in and looking at the ferrari and all the other amazing cars that are languishing in here do you know of anybody with a particularly interesting barn find if you do can you contact us on the late break show or there's a link in the description below i want to say a big thank you to adrian flux insurance for sponsoring the barn find playlist if you haven't already subscribed to the late break show go ahead and subscribe i dare you thanks very much for watching [Music] you
Channel: The Late Brake Show
Views: 830,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jonny smith car reviews, car pervert, vintage ferrari, vintage ferrari coupe, ferrari mm, classic ferrari barnfind, ferrari vignale, ferrari 166mm barchetta, ferrari restomod, ferrari restoration project, ferrari survivor car, ferrari engine rebuild, the late brake show, jonny smith barn find, bristol cars abandoned, rare ferrari found, morgan car barnfind, alfa romeo corsa, barnfind hunter, valuable barn find car, project car vintage ferrari, barn find race car
Id: YMLDO77i7_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 29sec (2249 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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