1947 Caterpillar D2 Diesel Cold Start
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Channel: Strong's Garage
Views: 346,273
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Id: wS8Wca7TpuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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What camera did you film this on?
Also why did the engine smoke so much upon start up but cease at operating temp ?
ok that was pretty cool
Our D7 had this. The pony motor had a two-speed transmission. You used the low speed to "bump" the diesel a few times to get things moving, then ran it at low speed until the oil was less. . . solid. Then you could stop it, shift into high, and let the diesel spin up. After a few minutes you simply opened the throttle on that big diesel.
Quite the process.
Edit: I should point out that our D7's pony motor wasn't electric start - it was a crank. Here's a video of a similar setup, with almost the exact same difficulties: https://youtu.be/WQ1CMddiX7E
The old diesel engines were a challenge to start at the best of times, so they installed a smaller gas engine (pony motor) which would turn over the diesel for an extended period of time until it would start.
It was relatively easy to electrically start the pony motor. With the less powerful electric starters of the time and no glow plugs, it would have been a real challenge to do a full electric start, particularly in winter.