1940-1943 Mercury Dimes

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hello coin collectors out there got some more Mercury dimes to share with you in this video and we're also going to talk about the value of them and the mintages and actually where to find the mint mark on them I haven't mentioned that in any of the other videos I've uploaded so far so I'm going to get into that so the coins I have to share with you are the four coins we have a 1940 1941 zoom in a little for you there 1942 and you guessed it 1943 so you can see they all have the W on the front that's not actually the mint mark there is no mint that has the W symbol for it that's this the signature of the designer the designer for the Mercury dime was Adolph Weinman and that's his signature right there so let me gonna zoom out and just focus on these one at a time we can go in order from oldest to newest so let me get the 1940 right in the center for you here all of these coins are 90% silver and so 1940 let's talk about the mintages for 1940 in 1940 there were 65 million from the filly 21 and 21 from the denver and san san francisco mint now I haven't mentioned in any of the other videos where to find the mint mark so let me explain that for you so you if you flip it over the mint mark the coin just moved on me will be right there right after the e an1 so it'll be between the e and the little thing right there so that's where to look for the mint mark so let's see if any of these coins I have here are from mints other than the Philadelphia now Philadelphia produced in most years 80% of the Mercury dimes so it's unlikely that I have them I also live on the East Coast so more likely to get the Philadelphia mints so this is the 41 in 1941 there were a hundred and seventy five million produced of the Philadelphia Mint 45 at the Denver and 43 at the San Francisco mint so let's flip it over and see if this is from San Francisco or Denver fingers crossed but unfortunately it's not so let me change the lighting for you there by clicking in the background here all right you can see right there no mint mark so on to the next one this is 1942 no mint mark on this one either which is unfortunate in 1942 205 million produced at the filament the Philadelphia Mint 60 million at the Denver and 49 million at the San Francisco so our last one right here is the 19 of 43 so in a 43 the mintages are as follows a hundred and ninety-one million at the Philadelphia Mint seventy one point nine million at the Denver and sixty million at the San Francisco so will this be from the Denver or San Francisco let's flip it out to see yes it is indeed so this one right here has the D mint mark located right there right at the bottom there so you can see that this one is from the Denver Mint so this one's kind of extra special I mean although there were kind of a lot made at the Denver Mint that year there were a 60 million made only 49 million made it to San Francisco but 205 million made at the Denver at the Philadelphia Mint so that's the video for you just wanted to share these Mercury dimes with you I'll get them back in order for you so there is the 43 the 42 the 41 and 40 and let me zoom out so you can get a good look at him there they are all great looking coins so hopefully you enjoyed this video if you're into coin collecting please do check out some of the other videos on my channel enjoy
Channel: BigDCoins
Views: 177,154
Rating: 4.6355214 out of 5
Keywords: 1940 dime, 1941 dime, 1942 dime, 1943 dime, 1940 mercury dime, 1941 mercury dime, 1942 mercury dime, 1943 mercury dime, rare dimes, rare coins, mercury dime errors, rare mercury dimes, rare silver coins
Id: VdgD1HPeXco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2017
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