18th Century Mechanism Reconstruction for a Museum in France

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a long time ago on a cold winter night after a long summer day i went outside for my usual work with my great new balance the ones with their reflective capital n on them as i was strolling along the river like i usually do i've noticed suddenly two shadows merge behind the trees i shouted hello there i shouted because i listened to music but they were actually two meters away from me they come out behind the trees and to my surprise they want shadows at all they were people shadows i mean they're people just people i asked state your business and one of them replied i am a mathematician and before the other one could say anything i said no no i mean what do you want what are you looking for so they replied we're looking for yuri tuckman pronouncing my name correctly they did not so i told them i don't know there's such a thing but perhaps i can help you so they said uh yes we want to draw a curl and i started laughing what do you mean draw curve nobody can draw a curve you can only make straight lines and that's all we know that's all that we can do so the other one took a sheet of paper it was a drawing of some sort plans of a particular mechanism this mechanism can draw curves that's what they said and i was like okay cool what do you what what do you want well we are looking for someone that can make these mechanisms can you do it and i continued laughing of course i can make such a simple mechanism accurately they continued i stopped laughing as we sat there for three minutes in silence i told them have you heard of [Music] clickspring so here we are a few weeks later and i'm reconstructing two mechanisms for the museum of breast in france in this video we're going to do the first one which is called the track 3 i think i don't know if i'm pronouncing it correctly however these instruments were designed by giovanni pollani in the 17th century and they were meant to simplify the way we can draw mathematical curves the way that these devices achieve that is by pushing or pulling in this case a brass wheel that naturally wants to go in this delicious curved line i will try to link all the details and further information in the description bear in mind that this project and research is not yet finalized so all the publication and what i can share might come a little bit later uh all right so [Applause] [Applause] see here you're close [Laughter] okay that looks pretty good it looks horrible but it looks pretty good good the next piece that we are going to make is this slide rail sort of thing that can pivot it is made out of three thin thick plates of brass and you'll see in a moment why it is constructed in this wheeled fashion [Laughter] ah as this mechanism was created before the existence of milling machines i think that explains why this component is made out of three separate sheets of brass which are sandwiched together to create this kind of guide rail sort of thing the final piece and perhaps the most complicated part in this mechanism is the wheel housing this is made out of two components one is kind of a shell that rides along the rail and the other one that is kind of free-flowing is the one that holds the actual wheel in place huh oh my god okay it's a bit ugly but i think it's not too bad you may get okay so so look look look look [Music] okay [Music] there we go put the little wheel box click and is it riding yes sliding oh beautiful okay so oh my god let's do it like that okay let's do this again so we press here and we move the thing [Music] uh-huh and where is the the little dots line so this and then it continues continues and so on um that's the curve that's the mechanism that's what it does makes a line a curved line which has some significance in the mathematical universe which is the actual universe anyway um i hope the museum and the mathematician will like it and it will be to the desired standards uh i'm not a professional reconstructor but it's not perfect but it's me and it's me it's going to be in the museum and i'm blubbering sorry i will see you in the next video which is going to be another one like this but a little bit more complicated but probably does the same thing we'll see um not the same thing it looks similar like a line i mean um so yeah i will see you there and i hope you liked this i hope you liked the video and i will see you and see you there so have a good one and have a good day and i will see you there oh my god i need to i need to i need to take a break
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 103,504
Rating: 4.9601636 out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, make, craft, woodworking, metalworking, engraving, carving, art, drawing, sculpting, painting, making, tools, workshop, 18th, century, museum, france, poleni
Id: tOWfatOJHl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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