Making a Printing Press

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so I want to get into printmaking most specifically I want to get into couple printmaking I would love to make the pizza dough first thing it looks a bit too complicated for my abilities so I'm gonna go for the more a torture device looking press so that is going to be our bridge which is gonna push them out a little bit [Laughter] okay looks pretty good nice want kind of nice [Music] [Applause] yeah baby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] look sloop looking good yester we have a problem from all places the wood can chatter oh oh how they could blow out he decided to do it here why [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] come on you can do it okay so now I want to make two balls yeah two balls they're gonna be kind of like counterweights on the handle [Applause] [Applause] I've been thinking like this is cherry we have oak we have like a mix-and-match also different type of oak or air Shore something Douglass so yeah it's very much a whole party of woods so I thought maybe are you gonna stain it or something like that to make it all even looking and a nice and dandy but I think I'm just gonna burn it all okay I am going to stain it I don't worry it will look delicious it will look great so we're gonna put some shellac so while all of this dries we're going to engrave some how the label pin I think and I've designed one especially for that I wish it was a little bit cleaner than this [Music] [Music] okay I think I put something backwards because it didn't align light or maybe I didn't do the measurements correctly or something but I gave it a bit more leeway so it moved just a bit I don't think it's gonna be a problem because it's gonna be centered by the bottom plate so let's see so you see it's not exactly aligned it's close I think we have it I want to get the feel of how strong this is really and the way to check it is [Music] yeah I'd say that's pretty strong so I've prepared a tiny kind of a linocut in the future I want to do something a little bit more precise than then linocut which is gonna be wood engraving or oh I don't know copper engraving which I don't know if this machine can handle and I have some paper that need to be wet and or moist and I should say but we're gonna try without it first it actually works really well not as much pressure this time okay so I'm this is quite complicated so I hope you enjoyed this video as much as I did this is an absolutely incredible addition through the head to the shop I think so yeah hopefully already in the next video we can do some engraving and printing and all this fun stuff so thanks for watching and I will catch you up in the next video
Channel: Uri Tuchman
Views: 531,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to, diy, make, craft, woodworking, metalworking, engraving, carving, art, drawing, sculpting, painting, making, tools, workshop, Printmaking, press, black, brass, linocut, vintage, illustration
Id: h8EzpBvPtE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 14sec (794 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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