1873 Uberti Cattleman in .45 Colt

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petcock 45 here i'd like to stop and talk with you but I can't where's the desperado down here I've got to deal with that I'll take care of it yeah it cost 45 with a colt 45 what am I so look at the smoke coming out of that barrel is that sweet or what yes this is I mean there's nothing like a colt 45 you know you can always tell when you have a Colt because you can hear the CE o L T when you pull the hammer back right well used to be that way this is a you birdie cattleman and you probably already know that no he knew but it really sounds like a cult and I tell you it feels like I told I've done some yakking about it I think on a radio show I posted a picture of it on Facebook and I have been impressed with this baby we've not had a birdie in the 1873 Colt clone configuration yet I guess we've had some cartridge conversions and some other things but this is what you would call a Colt clone it's a clone of a colt the 1873 bird the original 1873 came out first and a seven and a half inch barrel like this I don't think it was in stainless steel but it was this size and you know basically almost in every way these are nice clones there are a lot of variations of the old Colts and some of them and you know Berger used to make the big Vaquero the early ones they were they were tanks they were probably weighed 50% more than these things of course they'd take any round you put in it now they've scaled that down and it's kind of a clone but it's not the same spring setup and everything but the you birdies the most of the Italian Colt clones they are pretty much a very exact replica you know and in most parts of the firearm so that's what you have you have a copy yeah of the Colt with just a few exceptions so that's what this is you Bertie cattlemen and the reason I was how to fool around there with a Colt that is one of the things going to get cold see oh he should be four distinctive clicks when he [ __ ] a cold and with a lot of the replicas you don't get that especially in the past but I notice with this one you do this is so far I'm very impressed with the quality of this thing it just feels I've told several people you know I just got a new birdie cattleman in and if you blindfolded me and handed me some Colts and and this I'm not sure I can tell the difference it just feels better all of them have been quality firearms I've had several you birdies over the years and I've always been impressed with them but this this is their new model they call it and I think they've upped the the quality you know and then the new models I really do so anyway winter viewer sent us this and just as a gift and then we appreciate it because I I just have not had a you birdie like that in this configuration so it's kind of cool I know I have all the Colts and I'm always doing the Colts and they are my babies but this may be my one of my new babies right here I like this gun it shoots true to aim just a little bit high like most Colts and Colt clones do doesn't seem to shoot left or right the windage seems fine and for you folks in Kentucky that's what left and right means windage right Kentucky windage you all know that we appreciate the ammo from federal of course we've got now these are actually 225 grains right here and they send us some 225 grain that these are semi wad-cutters that will do a couple of those to have an interesting factory loading in the hollow-point lin might be what I'd carry if I were packing this for defense of interesting and then we miss you some of my hand loads too of course the old classic 250 grain slug lead slug so kind of a variety a man ammunition god I brought my Colt out here when I probably my favorite Colt single-action just to compare you know this is the the same gun except in stainless steel as a one-piece grip and which the originals had and it's in stainless steel they were not in stainless steel they were available in nickel you know but not staying that it looks kind of like nickel that's fine that's fine okay it's different yeah I I really like this gun it's it's solid it seems to shoot well however I shoot it today and it's a lit even though that colt was made in let's see that's 1957 that's a second-generation when I have some made all periods of time you know I don't know they're making up today you know as we speak so it's kind of hard to know and if someone can make one that has a different name on it and it's the same quality you know or close to it you know that's pretty cool you know so if the main difference is it doesn't say colt on the barrel okay like a limb plus it's $1,000 less or more so that's pretty cool the main thing is what you got in your hand think about it 1911 for example you know 45 ACP how many different companies are there that make that thing in all price ranges and everything else but whenever you pick one up it's just like these and you got a 1911 takes you back into history maybe military history or whatever same with these whoever makes it if it's authentic and it feels like they did in 1873 you've got it so it's loaded up here quit yakking so much but this is pretty car there's only maybe one or two things I worry about through some of mine and here those were some of the federal house firings begin with load five if you don't know why I'm doing that we have an FAQ video on okay you missed a lot of videos if you don't know why I'm doing that okay so we've got five pull a hammer all the way back remember with these guns you never go down from half [ __ ] you always bring it all the way back and then down okay on an empty chamber there alright that's why you'd carry it if you were in the West and this was your packing firearm you know what I'm gonna do we got a target I'm gonna go ahead and shoot it but you know sometimes when I shoot these things I know this my troops aren't so good because I really don't worry about my groups and someone who winds up with one of these might might prefer that I actually had some hits in the black you know so I figured out a way to make sure that happens maybe I'll put a couple more in from a distance hey while I'm down here close which me sneak one in on that get off me ant sneak one on that later there all right plugged in do we plug the other one alright I told you the sights are right on it's just a matter of whether I can squeeze the trigger at the right time yeah should be empty and that 2-litre should not explode there we go let's go up here and load it again oh man there's nothing like a Colt single-action or a clone of one there really isn't I enjoy this this is always a special day and I'm really not a cult elitist I'm really not they're kind of investments they're nice to have but I I tell you I enjoy this thing a lot more than you probably can't appreciate doesn't have to be a cult that's for sure because it feels good I mean it's just the real deal nice one thing that's different I'll show you is you know how you open these step button pull out the base pin is they have it they do have a safety on them it is uh you know this is removal the base pan of course and that the internal part down will take it out that comes out just like a first or second generation colt and you'll notice the base pin maybe if you know these well is it a little bit longer and what they do I think is an under part of the import restrictions you know and that sort of thing but it has a safety on it and I guess it could be worse they could have some kind incredible incredibly obnoxious looking safety on the gripper or something some button yet to push over here before it'll fire well what they've done here is if you didn't know this already is when you push that base pin in all the way like that and of course that's what the cult looks like it's pushed in all the way but that's just normal well if you push this one in all the way to that that last notch what happens is it protrudes back here and it blocks the hammer so if I pull the hammer it's not going to fire it could be loaded in fact I made that mistake earlier as I was firing it so what you have to do is make sure it's on the other knots there we go like right there so that's going to protrude a little more maybe doesn't look quite as authentic a little bit longer all right so now it will fire there's another notch there it's not ready to fall out and I read down the manual or I think it was an ax magnet somewhere that you can replace it with a cult based pen and then you got the same you know authentic authenticity I tried I have three or four extra cold base pens and things and I couldn't get them to fit to go in so I don't know maybe I need to get the sandpaper out the terminal tool at this challenge okay let's uh let's try some of these things [Music] hollow points whoa dangerous with a 45 colt you generally don't have enough velocity to worry about whether it's a hollow point or not so but still why not plus you have a 45 caliber cartridge to begin with yeah all right let's put him back in my cross draw a holster okay what do we need to shoot a hollow point insert here well there's no real difference to speak but we'll shoot at the leader with it I don't think let's try that red one there in this pot man had a drink in it Oh see if we can hit that little 12 ounce or there tell you what let's go ahead and kill that job nice what I knew it was empty ah we got to put a couple on the gong right I tell you it shoots right on and that that's important you know sometimes you can get a hold of one of these things especially an old colt I had a really nice on one time he was first-generation went back into the 1800s I love that thing but I'll tell you what it shot to the left Wow at my 20 yards it shot to the left about 8 inches and it just always bothered me even though it was not something I was going to shoot much let's get some of the federal jacketed ammo see some of that okay like I'll reach out there a little bit just a mess but I haven't shot at long range too much but it seems to shoot right on it's great that so many of these are being made these these replicas and clones alright let's try the gong [Applause] I love that sound like I barely caught it that's sweet got a couple left let's try let's try a ram lefty the left Ram I think I Phi holds right on the bottom of his belly that again Oh didn't quite rolling good well that was five yeah nice gun it has a good feel it's like that one I feel like I can hit almost anything with that other that colt seven half-inch barrel I can tell this one gives me that same same feeling there's something about the long barrel it actually does makes it an easier gun to hit with although a lot of people in the Cowboy Action Shooting including myself didn't use the long barrels that much I did my last two matches though I should have probably been using them the whole time because I shot my last two matches I shot in Cowboy Action Shooting clean as they as they say with no misses now doesn't mean I won them I think I might have black powder class but but and they got a lot of different classes you shoot doulas with one hand or and shoot with two hands and all kinds of different classes and that sort of thing but you know not missing is nice you no matter what class you're shooting in and all that kind of thing and the long barrel does help you if it really does it might be a little slower in some ways but it's a it's an accurate configuration of these guns pretty cool alright what else was I going to shoot let me go with some classic 250 grain LED bullets that's the nice thing about you know having a variety of ammo or hand loading or just whatever you can shoot different things you got a 44 Magnum using special rounds like Magnum hot Magnum whatever you want to do you know what that bothers me that somebody set a propane tank on my barrel I guess this won't knock him off but I'm letting no I'm not having we there's a plate there's a plate put another on that target okay don't take logged-in thea thats the only thing although if you're really geared up and ready to shoot you got lots of ammo with you you can unload and load them back up there about few months ago life obviously the Scofield's will faster right to unload and reload you remember the scope field we'll get it back out and play with it that one later yeah cool let's go back to the holster here alright let's pretend we're on the streets of Dodge City there are some bad guys out here bad Desperados need to be dealt with I didn't know the round oh man that's fun and that's the fun of Cowboy Action Shooting if you've ever seen that done before you have lots of targets you have lots of large targets in fact which makes it fun for the whole family and people who don't even shoot a great deal you don't have to be an expert marksman to enjoy it you just have to be safe and and you know and all that you know this of course across drawl is an issue in Cowboy Action Shooting after you're really careful when you have cross draw I never really used it true than that I wear it around here sometimes but you don't sweep somebody with your gun this house holding my other hand back here just just to make sure I wasn't sleeping with my muzzle my arm if I'm staying here like this be real easy to see what you got going there don't shoot I pull that out and lift it up I get very easily you know sweep is the word for that sweep my arm that's one thing you're always not only attempting to do you don't you just don't want to sweep any part of your own body or anybody else's body it's okay if you sweep a roach on the ground okay maybe even a frog pretty cool oh one more round okay I know y'all are in a hurry because whenever you get these things out people just slow down right any opportunity to see a Colt single-action or a cult clone single action is just good times look at those big chambers is that cool or what or that click it just makes you want to shoot some more - let's put a couple in there again we appreciate this firearm and skip one appreciate the federal providing this food seems to shoot pretty well they go 45 colt slugs it's a big hole and whatever you shoot at okay close it up and then when I [ __ ] it it's gonna be on an empty chamber see that didn't have my ears then now I do all right let's uh let's just shoot that propane tank again cowboy that's enough I guess so anyway stainless cattlemen you know nothing too exotic about it if you look online any the companies that provide these things tailors and company or any of them the cattlemen you know there must be 50 different variations of it and finished and barrel lengths and the whole nine yards and it's really a popular model because it is you know pretty much the exact colt clone of the 1873 in fact that's the specific model of this it's on the sizes model 1873 you know 45 colt just like you have gi clones you know for the 1911 all right so there's lots of models of these and configurations and they're just nice they really are you don't have to have a cold I would in fact one thing I should be leading with and really emphasizing is I have this and talk about it is don't feel like you have to save up to get a cold in order to enjoy a single-action you know especially if you're a person who you've saved up for a cig or some other expensive firearm 18 K you just like to I don't know you just don't buy many guns but you just rather not have a gun unless it's what you consider one of the best made or something I understand that you know collectors value and all that but but if if you don't have a single-action western-style single action like this well first of all what's wrong with you you should don't let the fact that they're the Colts and some of those others are so expensive hold you back these things run like five six hundred dollars five hundred dollars you can get a neat new birdie and a single action like this and just enjoy the heck out of it really so anyway the Uberti cattlemen fun gun it just is the longer barrels they're easier to shoot but the short ones cheap fine too whatever link you prefer I like this one tell you the truth life is good [Music]
Channel: hickok45
Views: 3,285,322
Rating: 4.8590975 out of 5
Keywords: Uberti, .45 Colt, Colt 45, Colt SAA, 1873 Colt, 250 grain, Peacemaker, Cowboy, Wild West, Wyatt Earp, Old West, 45 Colt
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 16 2014
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