China Announced MOST DANGEROUS Military Equipment

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a notable geopolitical trend in recent decades has been the rapid strengthening of china and its gradual transformation from a regional leader into a superpower that no longer hides its global ambitions today china has the second largest economy in the world and it continues to grow rapidly however a strong economy alone is not enough to realize global ambitions the power of a state and the respect of its neighbors as at all times is determined by the ability of its armed forces to defend national interests all equipment including military equipment is produced there exclusively by people which is a plus for china and another intimidating factor for enemies china has a very large army a developed military industry and its mobilization resources are the largest in the world the chinese army ranks third in the world behind only the united states and russia it is constantly showing off many powerful new weapons and experts believe china is sending a message many people think that china is in the process of creating the most advanced weapon system in the world in recent years china has developed a number of high-tech weapons for its army navy and aviation it is known that china gives priority to the development of the naval and air forces it is still lagging behind russia in some areas in aircraft and rocket engines submarines cruise missiles but this gap is rapidly closing moreover the prc is gradually turning into a powerful player in the world arms market confidently occupying the niche of inexpensive and high quality weapons in our video you will learn about the most successful military developments of the chinese army we will start with tanks vt4 and bt-3000 for the past 50 years chinese tanks have not been considered particularly sophisticated especially by american standards this was due to the fact that for a long time the chinese fighting tanks were developed or more correctly copied from captured or secretly obtained samples this engineering often resulted in a tank that was similar and designed to its soviet counterpart but was much worse in all other respects recently this trend has begun to change and while there is no doubt that modern chinese military equipment is still largely based on foreign technology and designs the design of the new tanks definitely shows a higher level of complexity the vt4 tank also known as the mbt 3000 is considered to be an improved vt1 model it was built by the chinese state corporation norinko the concept debuted in 2012 the vt-4 features a digitized interface and combat control system that increased the tank's efficiency like many of the combat vehicles on this list the chinese tank is also equipped with active defenses that can detect and hit attacking missiles type 99 the type 99 tanks are equipped with a 125 millimeter cannon with a carousel automatic loader taken from soviet era models during the war in the persian gulf the gun showed itself weekly in battles with the abrams and challenger tanks but thanks to ammunition with a tungsten core at a shorter distance it is able to penetrate the frontal armor of the abrams the new type 99a2 tank has a larger gun which theoretically should give a higher muzzle velocity to sub-caliber projectiles as well as increase armor penetration and hit accuracy the cannon also has an intricate new stabilizer according to the available information china intends to eventually install a 140 millimeter cannon on the type 99 tank although during preliminary tests the gun barrel exploded the type 99 combines composite and modular armor providing approximately the same protection as or close to that of the abrams one source claims that this armor is equivalent to armor steel about 1100 millimeters thick although its actual effectiveness is classified the type 99 has an active countermeasures laser system that warns the commander if his vehicle is irradiated by an enemy laser beam this gives the driver a chance to steer the tank out of the danger zone now let's move on to the particularly dangerous military aircrafts that china is proud of chengdu j-10 the shang-do j-10 is an all-weather multi-role fighter in the workhorse of the chinese air force all 400 currently operating were produced by the chengdu aircraft industry group in china with the participation of russian specialists and using russian-made units the j-10 is piloted by a crew of two but there is also a single-seat variant called the j-10a the j-10 has 11 fixed suspension points six under the wings and five under the fuselage they could be attached to air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles or external fuel tanks to increase the flight range j-10 aircraft are also armed with satellite-guided laser-guided bombs the practical ceiling of the j-10 is 59 055 feet its maximum speed is over 1 67 miles per hour which puts it on a par with the fastest fighters other than the u.s air force shenyang j-11 shenyang j-11b is a fourth-generation chinese fighter it is viewed as a competitor to the f-15 and f-16 aircraft in service with the u.s air force for the air force the people's liberation army of china 253 of these aircraft were built the j-11 carries a formidable arsenal chinese and russian weapons it has a main 30 millimeter grayazev shipping of cannon and 10 fixed points for carrying missiles the aircraft can also drop cluster bombs j-20 china's first stealth fighter the chengdu j-20 is china's newest fifth generation military stealth fighter arguably one of the most impressive in the country it entered service on december 12 2016 placing china in the third place in the world as a country producing its own stealth fighters the aircraft is capable of attacking large surface ships such as aircraft carriers the stealth design greatly reduces the likelihood of radar detection the front end of the j20 is fitted with small duct-shaped fenders to help the pilot maintain control and improve supersonic performance the maximum speed of the aircraft is 1 304 miles per hour the estimated cost of building each vehicle is 110 million dollars there are many speculations that china used information stolen from the united states to create its own stealth fighter kj 2000 key chinese radar shield kj 2000 is an aviation radio detection and guidance system the aircraft codenamed main ring by nato is equipped with powerful 360 degree radar systems capable of tracking ships and other aircraft over a long distance about 292 miles the kj-2000 can see 100 targets simultaneously complex's kj-2000 along with some other pla air force aircraft recently participated in the planned exercises red sword 2016. the purpose of which is to increase the combat capability of army the maximum speed of the aircraft is 528 miles per hour and the flight range is 3 398 miles currently the chinese air force has five aircrafts impressive chinese aircraft carriers continue our list lyoni the 1000 foot combat combat-ready lyoning is carrying 24 j-15 multi-role fighters less than half of the number carried by american aircraft carriers the lack of a launch catapult like the americans forces the use of a deck springboard at the same time aircraft require more fuel on takeoff and their maximum weight is limited in addition the speed of the liaoning is lower than that of the american nimitz-class aircraft carriers according to the center for strategic and international studies the ship's maximum speed is only about 22 miles per hour due to the poor design and technical equipment of its soviet-made power plant shandong project 002 or shangdong is an aircraft carrier of the prc naval forces launched in april 2017. this is the prc's second aircraft carrier after the owning and the first fully built in the country the ship's design largely follows the design of the soviet aircraft carrying cruiser admiral kyutzensov as well as the first chinese aircraft carrier leone which was built from an unfinished ship of the same class compared to the owning it has been modified and improved has an improved radar and can carry more ammunition and fuel which allow it to carry more aircrafts than leoning approximately 30 to 40 aircrafts and helicopters it has a length of over 984 feet and a displacement of over 50 thousand tons shandong is a significant improvement over the soviet era leoning for example the shandong carrier ski jump has an angle of 12 degrees instead of 14 degrees in liaoning this is the ideal launch angle for the shenyang j-15 fighter jet together with the enlarged hangar the island which was reduced by 10 and expanded by sponsors in the stern of the starboard side space was freed up allowing the transport of up to eight aircraft and helicopters we hope you enjoyed the video which chinese military development did you like the most and which do you think is the most suitable for use in the military leave your answers in the comments if you like the video do not forget to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notification to be the first to know when a new video is released thanks for watching see you later you
Channel: TOP STORY
Views: 1,095,480
Rating: 4.1956968 out of 5
Keywords: top story, news, military, armored, ship, carrier, vehicle, soldiers, weapon, top channel, 5g, airplane, fighter, china army, china, happening now, china military, airplanes, airplane crash, flight, top 5, fly, jet, pilot, chinese, china news, us military, us army, fighter jet, secret, fortnite, 21 savage, the secret, secrets, bomber, cnn, war thunder, bomb, aviation, air force, planes, navy, tanks, MBT3000, Type 99, J-10, J-20, aircraft carriers, top, war, video, facts, fire, cars, flying, world of tanks, wot, tank
Id: -j20yx4_mR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 10 2020
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