1851 There Really Is Free Energy Everywhere - Electrostatic Motors

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 20 2023 🗫︎ replies
foreign there is a mysterious force all around us all of the time and we can harness it to produce power you might think one of two things first thing you might think is I knew it the power companies have been robbing me my entire life and the other thing you might think is well Rob's only gone and cracked but what I'm talking about is a wind it's what we discussed in video 1840. it's atmospheric electricity the Earth is essentially one great big ball of electrons and above our head there's a huge cloud of positive ions and every meter you go up you get a voltage difference of a hundred volts right the way up to about 52 kilometers where it's hundreds of thousands of kilovolts that actually exists and it's a huge amount of work going on to try to harness that now it's really just an example of electrostatics and you can think of electrostatics as the magnetism of electricity it works because like forces whatever they are always repel unlike forces always attracted part of what makes things stick to each other it's part of why atoms don't fly apart it's a force all around us all of the time that we can harness and that's what Corona Motors atmospheric Motors electrostatic Motors they're all the same thing doing exactly the same thing the problem is when it's a very low voltage of course the force isn't very big and you can't do a lot with it in order to do a lot with it you need very high voltages and they can be quite scary because a high voltage is like a strong magnet it's got a big old push but it is really easy to do something about this and what I've done is I've designed a machine let's have a look at it and here it is and you can see it's actually only five parts one two three four five you do need four of those bars 12 of these rods with threads on the end and 24 of these little thumb screws two of these plates and one of these drums that drum is the bit that we're going to rotate those end plates help hold everything together these rods here have lots of little holes in them and what we're going to do is stuff nails through those holes and you can see it's threaded and then we have our thumb screw right at the end there that we're going to attach on to our threads so that we can hold this thing together and they're just special bars so that whole thing is a really simple machine that we can build now obviously I'm going to 3D print this but you could build this by hand if you wanted to now oh incidentally I meant to mention anything I put onto YouTube is public domain free for all use and that's true of any video I've ever done if you see an idea that you like knock yourself out it's yours to work with anyway we're going to print this in real okay so I printed 12 of these These are the little rods with the threaded ends and the holes in them what you do is take some of this stuff which is one centimeter copper tape and that's the beauty of electrostatic machines they don't use much in the way of metal in fact they're ideal for 3D printing because the bulk of the machine is made from plastic that's what you want you're not leaking any high voltage you use very little metal this one we've got a strip of one centimeter wide copper tape that we put on the back there of one of those bars bringing it up to that point there where the four millimeter hole was then what we do is here stuff a load of these things these are 30 centimeter 1.5 millimeter pins these put those pins into that point there and you will get that that is a comb of nails that is surprisingly enough connected if I put a meter on here and a meter on here I get about 0.2 ohms you're just pushing the nails through the copper creates the connection you want no soldering required none of that four mil hole that we have here is put a bolts this is an m425 mil bolt bolt it down and we get a good electrical connection from that bolt to that pin and every pin in that row so we need to make 12 of those columns now the only thing I've done to the drum is stick a bit of eight mil bar through it and cover the outside of the drum with aluminum foil this is the stuff it's the stuff that you get for heating ventilation uh ductwork ceiling and that's four inches or 100 millimeters exactly for how I made the drum and then it's coated and ready to go now the end plates have obviously just got Skater bearings in them and the drum feeds into the end plates as do these these are a bit of M8 threaded bar and the spacers go over those so the bar goes into the end plate and the spacer then goes onto the bar so the one we put on the other end plate it's the right distance apart but before we do that we have to put our combs in now the Combs alternate so they go one black one red and you'll notice that the M4 are pointing in different directions all the Reds that way all the blacks that way so we'll put this thing together okay so that's all the red in incidentally in case you were wondering why the little levers and thumb screws the sums those screws and the levers mean that we can adjust the position there we go of those nails and the height of those nails to get it I don't know optimized maybe you'll notice that all the nails are pointing in the same direction now it's time to put the black in there it is all together and now we've got to join these up so we need to join all the regs together and all the blacks together and easiest thing to do that is a bit of cable and some crimps and these are four mil crimps because of course we put four mil bolts on there and all we have to do with that is crimp those cables and then we can just connect them up by slipping that on there okay I've completed a fun little flag on it there and we're going to test to see if it works now the way to test this really is to give it a ground and then some static charge and you see people using Van de graaff's you can do with a bit of plastic that you rub or you can actually just put a wire up in the air or you can do what I'm going to do I'm going to give it a bit of high voltage with this high voltage Supply so we're going to test it with a bit of high voltage first just to see if this actually does anything then obviously what we need to do is get a wire up into the air and see if we can run it from the atmosphere but let's just try in a high voltage Supply and see what happens okay let's give that a little bit of voltage and see what happens it's working okay I know I'm using a high voltage Supply but I actually got about two volts so the conversion factor that's about a kilowatt or so for it's using microamps let's put it up a little bit yeah that is some speed okay now you see these things being developed by people doing things like drilling holes in bits of wood that kind of thing and there's lots and lots of research if you go back to video 1814 you'll see some of what I mean that's about five volts so we're about two and a half kilovolts and we're still in the microamp range bang it up some more that is just fantastic [Laughter] look at that girl amazing look at it okay so for a long time these were seen as little more than a toys really scientific Curiosities you can find Motors all over the Internet very simply made from styrofoam cups and aluminum tape but they've made great inroads recently and if you want to look at somebody who's doing an independent development then have a look at Laser hacker and his Atmos a very impressive thing indeed but then industrially there's things like the C motor because these are in fact capacitive there's a lot of capacitance involved in this and it's based on the work of olive Oleg Jeffy Manco if you want to look that up as well now I did these nails for a specific reason um the some of the stuff I've been looking at have the cones interweaving each other but you then need a dialectic to stop the arcing you said remember breakdown voltage of air is about a thousand volt per millimeter so these are quite well spazzed away from natural drum to prevent that arcing happening and when working it by induction it's an inductive effect where the positive charge forces a negative charge anyway we can go into electrostatic some of the time the simple thing is that these motors are becoming much more significant in what they can do for some of the reasons we've mentioned I mean one thing is it's predominantly Plastics hardly any metal we ran this motor up which is surprisingly efficient actually and with a 3D printer and a Bag of Nails so it doesn't take a lot to do it no soldering involved nothing really in terms of the Machining involved so it's very simple to make and that means it's more accessible now it's only working from the natural static electricity around us this I used a home voltage on this to see it was actually working because it's the first one I've made there are various issues with this these handles are snagging on here you'll notice I've removed the feet because they also snagged at the beach so when I was designing this I didn't really think it through when I put it into practice there's a couple of little things I still need to do to it so I'm going to be working on this some more because it's a very impressive and as I say it's a power source that's all around us that was previously ignored and thought of as stupid and certainly has become very very interesting to lots of people anyway I hope you enjoyed the video thank you very much for watching and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 767,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: electrostatic, motor, free, energy, robert, fwg, tnt
Id: AThJ8qxVdGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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