1868 A Simple Wind Turbine That Will Blow Your Mind

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foreign video 1867 we talked about this idea of the generator speed on the rim instead of acting on the axle and talk at the Hub and of course when you do something like that the very next thing you've got to do really is put your money where your mouth is and build something so according to those principles what I've done is I've made this savonia style generator now many savonias because he's single of the simplest style it's really easy to make and it's really easy to compare with other savonius types that people have been making now printed it but I've also made this from discs of plastic and rainwater gutter so you can make it by hand but I've done a 3D print of it and in the bottom I've got all these little indents to take my magnets and these are the magnets I'm going to use they're one centimeter across and two millimeters d-burn their N35 near Demian magnets and I've printed a top and a bottom and the bottom is to take a serpentine coil now I've done this in three parts because um well Simplicity is always the key for things people like to think that it's complexity and they like to think it's efficiency and it isn't if you get super super efficient but it's very complex to build actually it'll just never get made the best thing you can do if you want something to be actually made is to make it a simple and easy as possible so about 300 grams of plastic here in three parts it could be injection molded for pennies now of course I printed this from pla so the plastic cost to me was five pounds 40 but at two pounds a kilo you're looking at something like 60 Pence to make something like this so all of that stuff really matters when you're thinking about what it is that you're going to design don't design something that's so stupidly complex and expensive to make that all of that happen is it'll sit in your design folder and you find this a lot with people they do stuff that never gets made apart from their imagination because you've got to pair it back you've got to think about how is it going to be made what's the simplest number of parts to get an acceptable efficiency and of course that is in this it's part of what we've done when we've designed this done this is one part a few holes in the bottom to glue the magnets in this is the actual generator section we'll be banging a coil in there and that's the top and the reason I did a top separately I could have branded it all in one is because if I didn't do that I would have had to put supports in it because all those supports are wasted plastic so doing it in three parts means I'm West less plastic print it really easily make it really quickly and make it really cheaply okay that's the design lessons out of the way now all we've got to do obviously is put some magnets in here and wind up wind a coil and stick it in there foreign put the magnets in the bottom and you'll notice there's a bearing in there that bearing is because this has to have something to stop it zipping off the top so we've got our bearing in there and what we've got here is the best black it's got a steel rod in it which that'll battle sit on that helps guide it and at the back we've put our coil knee on that our coil is a serpentine coil because Serpentine coils are um surprisingly good in their performance we went through in video 1859 exactly how to make them they're fast to make I made that coil in about 15 minutes or so and we've got 36 little coils imagine trying to do each one of those little coils and then place them so it gets the result very very quickly and actually does a really good job and check out that video if you're not sure about that now if we put that on top of that here we go there is our generator and wind turbine complete the build of this after I printed it was probably about half an hour or so something like that costs about five pounds of Opti in the plastic about three pounds 60 in the uh magnets and everything else the wire was 35p sorry you know the whole thing's been put together for about nine pounds or so and that's a prototype so to build this as an industrial thing you're probably talking about I don't know two three pounds something like that so we've got ourselves a little mini generator for two or three pounds and of course the big question is what you do with it then well I've actually made two so I guess we could use them as a Charming set of earrings if we wanted to or we could maybe stack them together and then we could make ourselves a wind wall so there's lots of ways of looking at this this remembers of prototype so we can demonstrate it and the whole issue here is keep it cheap keep it simple keep it effectively efficient not super efficient there's nothing wrong with looking at stuff super efficient I mean if you want to play with yourself mentally all day long go for it because there's nothing wrong with that but if you want to actually make something then you need to make it as simple and easy to make as you possibly can so that the performance is acceptable and this actually is awesome let me connect it to an LED which I've got here and I'm going to blow it around first [Laughter] [Music] I'm blowing on it it's latching the LED okay you're gonna have a challenge to get a wind turbine to work by blowing on it okay I thought that was really cool a wind turbine that works when you breathe on it so I thought I'd do an extra little bit with this one because um well that was quite impressive so there's our Winter by sitting here and I've got it on this BK precision load so this actually has a set resistive load and it will measure the volts and amps as the turbine works against that load and I've got it going through a rectifier right there it's a bridge rectifier as this takes DC voltage we've got a fan and we've got a little anemometer to read the wind speed so let's turn that on and see where we actually get out of it thank you so I'm reading a couple of bolts 12 14 milliamps and the wind speed foreign [Music] that that's absolutely awesome okay so for me that was Sam well knocked the ball out of the park success stuff showing that this generation by speed at The Rim really works and against a load and gives a really good result and of course the design principles have keep it simple are really what you need to head for you want something that's going to be produced just because uh the price of everything now that probably I don't know three four quid in total to produce a whole unit if it was done nine quid for the Prototype that's pretty good going when you think about prototyping costs there's not even share that with you as an example of what can be done with this speed at The Rim idea although he put a savonius on top of course anything can go on top of that generator section that we just did and we can use it in a whole Myriad of ways so I hope you enjoyed the video I hope the example of what I was talking about with um speed at The Rim as opposed to talk at the Hope makes sense thank you very much for watching and please do remember to like And subscribe
Channel: Robert Murray-Smith
Views: 277,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: savonius, wind, turbine, generator, robert, tnt, fwg
Id: uysrB7YtEiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2023
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