1850's Chuck Wagon Coffee Grinder Restoration
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Channel: Pegasus Projects
Views: 645,251
Rating: 4.7407498 out of 5
Keywords: coffee grinder, coffee grinder restoration, perfect restoration, tool restoration, how to weld, how to stain wood, how to polish brass, vinatge tool, antique tools, old tools, attention to detail, diy restoration, wood work, Pegasus Projects, japanning, bluing metal, metal fabrication, welding sheet metal, at home hydro-forming, chuck wagon coffee grinder, asmr
Id: IzdUydO7wu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 28sec (1588 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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Ooooo! How do you think the japanning turned out? Any changes you would make?
Nice. What recipe did you use for the japanning?
Another trick if you don't want to go through all the trouble of traditional japanning, is black India ink in shellac. We use it all the time on hand planes and it looks great without all the fuss.
Nice work. I was especially happy when you had the screws lined up on the front of the grinder, that was the most satisfying part to me.
That's awesome! Ever since seeing HandToolRescues video on it I've been wondering about whether Japanning other tools like wrenches or screwdrivers would be feasible. Given all the shapes of the parts on that coffee grinder it looks like you could use it on just about anything.
Where did you get the Asphaltum powder from?