#18 Romans by Chuck Missler

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well we are in session 18 in our review of the Epistle of the book of Romans and we're in the middle of chapter 11 9 10 11 being the three chapters that are the dispensational part especially of this book and I sometimes call these three books the 911 Scripture 9 10 11 we have this strange verse that we're going to attack this evening Romans 11:25 many people call it the major pivot point in our time or Paul after the first 24 verses of this chapter devoted the Israel's future says for I would not brethren that ye should be ignorant of this mystery what on earth is a mystery that word in the Greek has some special meanings will come to lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to Israel until key word the fullness of the Gentiles be come in well before we can really jump into this we need to talk about the unconditional covenants the Abrahamic covenant the Palestinian covenant and the Davidic covenant and the everlasting companies for covenants we reviewed back when we were in session 12 while we're studying chapter 9 so this is by way of just a backward glimpse because one of these is astonishingly surprising even to many who have studied the Bible for many years they're familiar with the Davidic covenant but they fail to fully appreciate its significance because it's not just a Jewish thing we generally read that in the context of David but we sort of dismiss it after Israel is sort of you know put on the back burner that I asked for about that there wasn't a Davidic covenant really all about let's take a quick glimpse at that again the throne of David will be reestablished that's what Gabriel promised Mary that her child would sit on the throne in Jerusalem it's going to be reestablished in Jerusalem not in heaven in Jerusalem this was also emphasized even back to Abraham Genesis 17 this is included in those remarks and by the way four times it says that David himself will rule on that throne now most of us presume what means the son of David Jesus enemy and turn out be turn off that way on the other hand there are many good scholars that take that strictly literally he's going to be resurrected and maybe he's destined to serve as the Prince under Christ and maybe that's why that strange designation in the Millennial temple has it's an area of interest the Davidic covenant can't be applied to the church we went through Ezekiel 37 in detail clear Nets all talk about Israel the nation Israel and this covenant when it will begin with the relief of nature's curse the curse of Genesis 3 and all of that that's in Isaiah 11 + 65 and Micah for deaf and I have three all through the scripture Jeremiah 31 well this is about the everlasting covenant but it talks about Bill the day shall come saith the Lord that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel the house of Judah even it even the everlasting covenant that gives the New Testament its name is a covenant with Israel many people overlook that but this shall be the comment that I will make with the house of Israel after those days saith the Lord I will put my law and their inward parts and write it in their hearts and they will and will be their God and they shall be my people and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor and every man his brother saying I know the Lord for they shall all know me from the last least of them unto the greatest of them saith the Lord for I will forgive their iniquity and I will remember their sin no more us from what Israel when will all this happens the question well God says speaking through Hosea and chapter 5 last verse I will go and return to my place till they acknowledge the defense and seek my face in their affliction they will seek me earnestly in other words after the tribulation Zeca Zechariah 13 it should come to pass that in all the land save the Lord two parts therein shall cut off and die but the third shall be left there in that's where I get this two out of three issue I'm the Great Tribulation the time when Jeremiah 30 verse 7 caused the time of Jacob's trouble I'll bring a third part through the fire I would refine them as silver as we find and we'll try them as gold as try and they shall call on my name and I will hear them and I will say it is my people and they shall say the Lord is my god but 1/3 shall be left there in well that gives us the Roman eleventh this pivotal verse for our study I would not bear that you should being at this mystery mystery what is a mystery the word mystery in the grave mysterion in the Greek is a truth previously unrevealed but now so it's like well if I reveal to you a password that's revealing a mystery it's not just mystery like something hidden it's something hidden that's now being revealed is the implication revealed and it sees previously unknown it's now being revealed and publicly proclaimed see there are aspects of the script is very controversial many pastors but there are aspects in the scripture that are deliberately hidden especially from the unbeliever they're there but they're hidden from the unbeliever and I'll give you some examples that's what a parable is all about people they wait why did Christ that's a key that's it that's a litmus test with someone why did Christ use parables if they'd been to Sunday school I said well that's to make things clearer they can't be used for that but that's not why Christ did that just the opposite there's a point in Christ ministry where he totally shifted gears Matthew 12 is the turning point the Pharisees attributed his miracles to Satan and Mark's Gospel is shorter than Matthews because you don't have the discourses Matthew's Gospel is long one because it has all the discourses and somebody's discusses her phone of course the similar mountain serve others but anyway chapter 13 is the firt is the major discourse that's where Jesus proclaimed seven in fact maybe a few more parables up to that point the king has a fennec a Despard with various miracles but growing opposition of the king climaxed when the Israel's leaders concluded that Jesus work not by divine power but by Senate phonetic power by the end of chapter 12 the die was cast Jesus turned to his disciples began and struck the music prayer he never spoke outside to the public except in parables and the ache you only explained the parables in secret to nihlus tration the disciples came and asked him why speakest out of them in parables all these and then on verse 34 a little later in that same chapter so all these things spake Jesus and the multitude in parables without a parable spake he not unto them why that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet saying that was this was prophesied by Isaiah I woke my mouth and parables other things which have been kept secret from the foundation of the world so these parables are not only secrets but they're secrets you won't find the answer to in the Old Testament they're hidden since the foundation of world you have mine no test because if they were they wouldn't be hidden from the foundation of the world they're hidden up till now this is new information apparently now why did he he gave three reasons for this he was communicating through perils in order to continue to reveal the truth to his disciples he's making them known the kid the myth of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven and we're gonna talk more about that term in a minute second reason he spoke to them to hide the truth from the unbelievers and he said so in verse 11 and 12 or that chapter secrets of the kingdom would be given to disciples but hidden from those that rejected him in fact even what they had previously known would no longer be clear to them interesting it's all verse 11 and 12 by 13 the third reason he spoke parables was fulfill the promise that Isaiah had mentioned there okay let's keep moving here many Old Testament prophets had predicted that the Messiah would deliver the nation Israel that's not new news and establish scheming on the earth so there's nothing new about that but Jesus came and offered that kingdom to the nation but they rejected it the secrets of the kingdom that we're going to discover now reveal that an entire age would intervene between Israel's rejection of the king and there later acceptance of the king there's a parenthesis in there we called up the church agent when you study Ephesians 3 very carefully and then some of the passages also point this out you'll discover that there's a major truth hidden in the Old Testament Paul it says it was his privilege to be the revealer of this secret out of the Old Testament I mean it's not in the Old Testament and that secret is the church and that doesn't mean that well that's that that means that Gentiles could be saved know that Isaiah is all full of that no that's not it that it would not I'd be saved but it would be joint heirs with Christ oh wow what's all that about and Paul reveals to thee that these parables deal with the church in Ephesians 3 that's the point 1st Corinthians 14 Paul writes he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speak if not a man but unto God for no man understandeth him howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries there's that word strange word mysteries again in first Corinthians 2 verse 7 he that speak but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery even the hidden wisdom which God hath ordained before the world in her so we keep running into this word mystery what is a mystery we'll discover there are 12 of them let no man account of us as the ministers of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God really and though I have the gift member the famous love chapter though I have the gift of prophecy and understand all what mysteries and all knowledge and though I've all faith so I could move mountains and have not love or agape I am nothing mysteries what are they Weller's turns out there's 12 of them there's the mystery of the kingdom of God okay that's pretty good that's everything got it right mystery of the kingdom of heaven gee I thought that was the same thing most people do many good scholars do there's the mystery of the Incarnation the Bertha Craig God becoming man there's the mystery of Israel's interim blindness there's the mystery of salvation by faith there's the mystery of Gentile fellow heirs there's the mystery of the seven churches revelation first three chapters the mystery of the harpazo the rapture that's a mystery mystery of the Bride of Christ the mystery of the iniquity whatever that is and the mystery of Babylon and the mystery of a consummation each one of these is a good litmus test to find out where your friend whoever it might be stanzas in these things gee I don't know that's a good honest answer well I think it's this good okay let's check it out these are mysteries there's 12 of them we're gonna reveal each one tonight well most of the day if you didn't believe the couple of the list a mystery of the kingdom of God you know that's the biggest part that's the easiest one that's everything right everything outside of God Himself everything he created the angels the earth and millions and millions of years after the earth he created the universe Wow see all of us don't pay attention the earth was long standing before the Sun that they were before it was it existence before day one the stars they came in they for wait a min what's going on here until you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God there's that term again run unto them which are these things are all done in parables there's a given it when he's parallel passages he said unto you is unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God okay so mister can that's sort of everything right it's invisible okay but that's what we don't problem that we can relate to that our problem is when we come to this term and I would say nine out of ten pastors will tell you and they can be right maybe that the two terms are the same thing I'm going to show your reasons why at least my wife and I from the research we've done are beginning to discern that the Word of God is pure and specific and precise in a way that surprised even us Matthew in chapter 13 verse 11 says he answered and said on because it has given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven but to them is I Matthew is the only guy that uses this term mystery of heaven and most people since there are parallel passages in the other Picasa bowls Mark Luke and John say King of God same colon verse but Matthew says came to heaven Matthew some time he seems to have a different style this terminus doesn't refers to things that were in the Old Testament that are not being revealed okay there are three let's back up and talk vocabulary there are three heavens mentioned in Scripture the first heaven is what we consider the atmosphere birds and clouds are in the first heaven there's scripture on that the second heaven is where the stars and the planets the celestial heavens if the you know if I can put it that way the third heaven is beyond space time it's still physical but it's beyond space time second Corinthians 12:2 is one of the places refers to that now we know the day will come at the end of the millennium where a city will be called the New Jerusalem as the label of it will enter from outside the third heaven and be present in some sense in our own physical reality here that's kind of interesting we're going to encounter a problem that I like to call resolving power those of you that are in optics or astronomers know exactly what I'm talking about see if one looks through an inexpensive telescope you can view a particular star as you replace that telescope with a better more expensive telescope you'll discover the star you're looking at isn't one it's actually two very close together the mathematical ability of that optics to resolve two close objects is called the resolving power as a mathematical formula in fact often the single stars really a double star and that's what we call resolving power in 1893 we discovered that semuc that that's in the constellation Virgo which speaks of course of the virgin birth Keeper is a key it's the key star there is a double star now if you're into that kind of thing that's a great discovery because God is it refers to the God and man Christ Jesus but anyway this idea of resolving power is that Paul is alluding to in second 52:15 that we study to show yourself approved under God rightly dividing the word of truth see if you see a single star but you have a better set of optics you discover that one star is really two and that's what I'm travelled the fact that Luke 21 is not the olive to discourse Matthew 24 and Mark 13 of the Olivet discourse Luke 21 is a similar but different discourse very similar but to a different audience with some different emphases once you discover that us cover all kinds of things that's another whole study so if we have this resolving power is it possible the kingdom of God and the king of heaven are not the same thing are they subtly perhaps different maybe this part that's in common but part different we'll see right there dividing the truth kingdom of God that's everything beyond visibility the angels cherubim and all of that super angels if you will it began even before the earth was created because the Angels shouted for joy according to Joe it's inclusive of everything God's created and then and maybe more so the kingdom of heaven is a little different it turns out it's physical the name is misleading because of the Kingdom of Heaven but remember the third heaven is still in its still physical yes it has locality it has mankind only its earthly interestingly enough it has a political institution Daniel 2 mentions it it has the capital it's in Jerusalem it was usurped and it's destined to be regained according to Matthew 11 verse 12 we look at that before through so suddenly begin to be a kingdom of heaven aim ain't quite the same thing came of God began when God created everything outside himself before the angels universe earth was created beyond locality outside time it's eternal it's incapable of dissolution the other one can't be dissolved this one can't be kingdom of God is a big all-inclusive term but within that there's something called the kingdom of heaven it's like someone says gee I live in Idaho there I lived therefore I live in the United States okay but just cuz I live in I just the United States doesn't mean I'll even Idaho only be lucky wins okay there are 739 references to heaven and they used quite differently in different places what's interesting is only Matthew uses this term kingdom of heaven uses it 33 times and many experts including rabbinical experts will tell you that the reason he is king of heaven is that's it he was Jewish and he doesn't like to pronounce the name of God that's why they get around that there are many good scholars that regarding they're really equivalent that's just Matthew's choice of terms well it's possible except Matthew uses kingdom of God five times he apparently chose to use one one time by the Holy Spirit I assume one uses kingdom in general in seven times and others his father's others five times but 33 times he chooses this term and I'm convinced doesn't mean I'm correct you need to check me out but I'm convinced he did it deliberately there are subtleties when he quotes the same thing he chooses a different term because he's emphasizing a different new name a few kingdom of heaven none of the others do why did he use that term Mark Luke John use only kidding of God never the came for heaven and of course many specular is that there it was a way of a jewy a Jew not having to use the name of God well then he did he named it five times wrong maybe he did occasionally use a king of God no a kingdom of heaven has basic elements they got a king a geographical distance a full W that's what makes a kingdom they have a kingdom you have to have a king faithful subjects and some circumscribed locality that's what it is that's what we pray for in the Lord's Prayer thy kingdom come apparently it hasn't yet we're hoping it will right what does that mean back in day or two forty four hundred Daniel 2 that's this big grandstand by the young kid when he he reveals the the future of Gentile them speak the image and all that and he says in the days of these kings the license shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom since is the God of heaven that's setting up the kingdom that's why it's called the kingdom of heaven it isn't heaven like we think of heaven that's where we impute to that a presupposition that can be called an illegitimate connotative transfer when I apply a connotation to where it shouldn't be we do that all the time deliberately it's called a pun we do it for humor typically but can also do it inadvertently and come to a logical error kingdom of heaven isn't in heaven on the earth that one's belong to heaven but it's on the earth the God of heaven set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left to other people but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms and shall stand forever it's going to destroy our political kings on the earth and take over the political kingdoms on the earth this isn't a spiritual thing in your heart or some fuzzy fuzzy no this is this is where the rubber meets the road they shall Drive thee from men starting to Nebuchadnezzar and that dwellings will be of the VESA field they shall make thee to eat grasses oxen and they shall what be with the dew of heaven and the seven times shall pass over thee till thou know that the most high rules the kingdom of men and giveth to whomsoever he will and whereas they commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots the kingdom shall be sure unto thee after that thou shalt have known that the heavens do there's a strange worse in Matthew 11 verse 12 from the days of John the Baptist till now the Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force take that to your neighbor Bible study and have them analyze what it is you see the kingdom haven't started was given Adam and they're usurped by Satan the Kingdom of Heaven was taken over by force by Rome Christ was prepared to take care of all that if they'd accepted him but they didn't the violent take it by force see we have a kingdom he's got a king did you grab faithful zombies Adam to Noah to Abraham to David to Christ was the handover these were the previous ones were usurped by Satan that's the struggle Satan so I Adams arrival the keys when you got a mystery like that there's always a key that unlocks it and I was fascinated to see the key that unlocks this is the key to the kingdom the key it's a pun that's it I think it's a pun by the Holy Spirit I redo what is the key it so shows up in Isaiah 22 verse 20 we see it given to Peter in Matthew 16 at Caesarea Philippi in Revelation we know that Jesus is the one that has the keys of David but in Isaiah 22 verse 3 says the keys of the kingdom are the keys to the house of David when Matthew being a Jew is talked about the Kingdom of Heaven he's talking about the Davidic Kingdom and when he interprets other things going on it's always in terms of that Kingdom there's an overlap between the Kingdom of Heaven kingdom of God and that's us the key is sealed we see that all through the scripture you can check this out on your own later Church of Philadelphia has promised it because they Christ will give it to them let's look at Isaiah 22 the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulders and he shall open and then shall shut and shall shut and none shall open and I will fasten him as a nail in the sugar place and he shall be for Laureus throne to his father's house the key to the house of David we're talking about and he shall hang upon him the glory of his father's house and offspring and the issue and all the vessels of small quantity from the vessels of cups even to the vessels of fragrance in that day said the Lord of Hosts shall the nailed is fastened industry replace be removed and be cut down Wow and fall and the burden that was abundant still be cut off where the Lord had spoken in so he was cut off but he's coming see a distinction by Matthew seems intended the king of God never includes the kingdom of God never includes unsaved people all the places used the kingdom of heaven includes saved people it also includes those who profess to be Christians but are not we don't have time to chase all those down that's what you'll discover there are tears spoken of when you talk about the kingdom heaven but never the king of got the same parable recorded by the different people whether the tares are mentioned or not depends on whether they're talking about schema God Kevin is it that the terminology is very precise parable the wheat and the tares a parable of the mustard seed parable of the dragnet all those are kingdom of heaven parables because they have unsafe Jesus never spoke of the mysteries concerning to came to heaven until after the nation had made its decision concerning him by trimming the part of Satan so all this shows up after Matthew 12 there's something going on here see he unveiled certain facts not given the Old Testament about his reign on the earth many Old Testament prophets had predict the Messiah would deliver the nation Israel established his kingdom on the earth Jesus came and offered that kingdom in Matthew 4 but the nation rejected him that's what happened to Matthew 12 if he of that rejection what would happen to God's kingdom the secrets of the kingdom now revealed an entire age would intervene between his rejection and his later being accepted we noticed that there are 12 kingdom mysteries right there are also 12 kingdom parables we'll go through all those here there are 12 tribes of Israel there are 12 apostles there are 12 Thrones upon which those twelve apostles will be judging the twelve tribes do you see a Jewishness here when you talk about the kingdom of God there are seven churches there are seven of these and seven of those and seven of those you follow me it's interesting structure linguistically it's like a symphony it's been very carefully orchestrated twelve thousand sealed from each of the twelve tribes so where you get 144 thousand so the kingdom is a twelve fold thing okay so much for that one mystery of the Incarnation well we could talk a lot about this but I think you familiar with that did Timothy Paul says it without controversy great is the mystery of godliness for God was manifest in the flesh that's the that's the mystery here that God could become flesh and dwell among it that's staggering to behold justified in the spirit seen of angels preached to the Gentiles believed on the world and presented when glory that's the mystery of the Incarnation and we also have the in Colossians to the hearts might be comforted being knit together in love and to all riches of the full assurance of notwithstanding understanding to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God and the father of Christ in whom our he had all treasures of wisdom and knowledge again God becoming man the God and father of Jesus Christ praying also for us that God would open to us the door of utterance to speak the mystery of Christ now we all are familiar of course in the babe at Bethlem Christ speaking me but I'm saying is that whole phenomenon is also one of the twelve mysteries is the point this week referred to several times this is the one that hits us here in Paul's letter to Romans the mystery of Israel's interim bind this very important thing to be aware of this is where we noticed Paul says I would not bread that you should be ignorant of this mystery lest you should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part is happened Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in now we're blindness here is per osis it really means like covering with a callus if you will a cruciferous dullness and mental discernment a mind has been blunted stubborn obdurate whatever you this differs by the way from sclera no which is used of the Pharaoh to speak of his deafness it's a different word used here this blindness was declared by Christ in Luke 19 remember in Luke 19 he's riding the donkey to Jerusalem and they're singing busted be the king that cometh the name of the Lord singing the hell else are verse 26 celebrating him as the Messiah that we don't recognize the Pharisees do tell me hate to rebuke your disciples he rebuked a pose and the answer instead of I tell you that if he should hold her peace the very stones would immediately cried out and when he came near and beheld the city he wept over it saying if thou hadst known even now at least in this die day what do mean this day this day was specifically specified by Gabriel did manual five centuries earlier and it's the exact day it was scheduled he's there on the day they should have beheld him accountable didn't know this the things which belonging to the peace but nobody says but now they are hidden from the eyes he declares judicial blindness on Israel on that day from that day on they're blinded they had the chance they bullet he's no he's going across you know the whole story are they blinded forever no how long are they blinded Paul tells us in Romans 11:25 that's the point of this this passage this thy day Jesus holding them accountable to know this this is all Daniel 9:25 for being fulfilled their blindness was thus declared by Christ but only until Romans 11:25 he goes on to tell him thereby the other one that he's riding right he said for they shall come upon thee that enemy shall cast the trench about the encompassed around keep the end on every side and shall lay thee even with the ground and my children within they about a million and a half men women and children slaughtered by the Romans in those nine months of the siege that called fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and they shall not leave in leave one stone upon another why why was Jerusalem slaughtered and crushed because thou knewest not the time of that is it a ssin the autumn accountable - no Daniel no they were supposed to be ready to receive him that's why the temple was destroyed in 70 AD I knew it's not the time of my visitation that's what Paul saw man how we're not reading that you should be going to this mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to Israel until something happens here the fullness of the Gentiles becoming at what on earth is that all about there are three untilled for the nation Israel the first is Matthew 23 all Jerusalem Jerusalem all the kills the prophets member went through all this in some of the earlier studies show us them that are insanity how often I would have gathered thy children even as a hen gathereth her chickens and that's was the purpose of all history the tragedy of all history and she would not but the triumph of all history is behold behold your house is left to you desolate the triumph is I Sandy he shall not see me henceforth until there's another one of these entails you shall say blessed is he that cometh the name of Lord that's the first of three amtel's okay the second one is Hosea 5:15 looked at earlier I will go and return to my place until they acknowledge their offence in their affliction they shall seek me earnestly then we have they shall fall by the edge of the sword they shall be led away captive into all nations Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until this is a different until now the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled don't confuse the times the Gentiles the fullness again the time the Gentiles is a term referring to Gentile Dominion it starts with Nebuchadnezzar and it finishes with the Antichrist okay that's not to be confused with the fullness until the fullness of the Gentiles the fullness of the Gentiles is play Roma and that's a term that which has already been filled it's a maritime term actually from shipboard use fully manned sailors rowers whatever you it implies the plural a term in Greek implies a specific specification that is now complete the fullness of the Gentiles is Paul's technical term for the completion of the church the father terms in the sentences go get him there's a fullness for Israel there was a foreword for Israel there's now a fullness that was mentioned back in verse 12 of Romans 11 now there's a fullness for the Gentiles God is now taking Gentiles of people for himself that's what acts 1514 talks about in Romans 11:25 there are two specific facts about Israel's hardening it's partial it's only in part because all the way through they're still a remnant it's saved it's temporary because it's going to end when God sovereignties chosen a number of israel gentiles are have been saved very interesting conjecture I want to include here I can't resist this it whenever get to this fullness of the Gentiles this implies a specific specification a specific number for completion somewhere in heaven there is a counter that's keeping track of how many people are saved every time someone accepts Jesus Christ seriously that counter increments by one and never goes backwards you get losing clicks forward Satan knows that some specific number you don't know what the number is and he does know what the number is right his mom you know it doesn't know what it's headed for but he knows there's a number and he also knows that when that number is complete that's stuck that fires the starting gun and he knows he has only a little bit of time so he knows that a number exists whenever I think why did I figure for 2,000 years roughly Satan has been a shock treatment every time somebody accepts Christ that counter goes click and Satan doesn't know that that's the starting gun click click he wants to slow that's counter that's why I want you to be unproductive that's who wants you to get you discouraged and confused he's trying to slow the counter down because when that counter finally reached that priya verb destined number the father says son go get him that starts the Raptor triggers a whole series events and he's got to be ready every time someone puts their trust in Christ divine counter increments by one and Satan never knows when it might be full now that counter might mean we have other reasons to believe that it's getting awfully close to the end there might be somebody in this room that's the last one to accept Christ and we wish you would because we want to get out of here are you holding us up anyone until the fullness that Gentiles be come in come in where Tom of the rapture our pot so that's when God now completes the church any focus is once again on Israel in ways that are astonishing this closes the interval that's predicted in Daniel 9 verse 26 remember Daniel 70 weeks I won't go through the details here we've all been through that quite a bit you know seventy sevens are determined upon whom thy people obamas it to the Jews this is Daniel's people to do five things six days finish transgression make an end of sins reconciliation for iniquity bring an everlasting righteousness of prophecy and anoint the most holy place then we have this fantastic prediction of the exact day that Jesus would do this know therefore understand from the going forth commitment historical Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks plus threescore in over sixty nine weeks the street shall be built again on the wall even troubled times it's the city not the temple there were decrees all of them to go back and build their temple but watched only am I was got the authority to build the wall that had triggered the triggers this see after the threescore - desires shall be cut on executed for capital right but not for himself for us and the people at Princeton shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary in the end thereof shall be with a flood and at the end of the war desolations are determined so there's the timeline from creation through Genesis through the nation Israel up to Christ Genesis covers all the way from creation to Exodus the rest of the Old Testament takes you up to the Exile pretty much there's 400 years silent years that are in the Bible but they're predictive in Daniel chapter 11 verses 5 through 35 again the New Testament just one lifetime of course we have Christ crucified we have the church born and the church is the that time is the fullness of the Gentiles after the church stake out we have this period called the seventh week of Daniel I put a tribulation here because just to get in the spaces here the times of the Gentiles started with Nebuchadnezzar and ends with the Antichrist see the difference that's why I put this in here okay Israel is restored sometime just prior to the rapture of the church well Israel restored me 14 to 48 at least substantially after the tribulation the kingdom is set up and of course we have all of that we'll look at that more in a minute the 73 can hang on to half weeks if you will and we all we've been through the precision of Gabriel's presentation to Daniel and thanks to Sir Robert Anderson's work we shocked with the dating the the degree of artaxerxes large ominous 14th of 445 BC if you count the seven-year period 69 of them with 362 day years which is what God uses both in Genesis and in Revelation that's all written by the way and in the Greek translation of the Old Testament three centuries before all this happens you can check it all out the very day that Gabriel predicted is the day that the triumphal entry occurs and you can dig into all that's worth it's worth the study it's during the Greek Empire that we have the Septuagint translation which translates all the Hebrew into Greek way back then and talks especially these dozen abomination of desolation from which we understand the one that's coming is all about let's say there's a covenant enforced by the Antichrist in the middle of that week he sets up his himself to be worshipped the two half periods the Great Tribulation is the last half of those those two weeks it's interesting that there is a gap in the prophecies given to Israel 69 weeks and then a seventh week there's a interval there that's how we because verse 25 gives us this week verse 27 gives us this one in between is verse 26 which details events that are after the 69th we put before the 70th start that tells us they're not contiguous we know them at least 38 years in there because the Christ being crucified the temple be destroyed all that fits in there we've discovered it's longer than that but this is an interval that we find throughout the Bible now in the book of Revelation when you get to Revelation 4 and 5 you find 24 elders who do they represent when who are the 24 elders represented in Revelation the church exactly right they sing a song we are the redeemed now us redeemed us out of every blood repose kindred tongue in Asia well if the 24 elders some see the 12 represent Israel they're not 12 or 24 because they're kings and priests uniquely what's kind of interesting this interval is in the Bible hidden away a number of places how many places do you suspect that interval can be found good for you it's 24 places and I won't take you through them all you do that take the notes and do at your own leisure but it's interesting to me the elegance of design even the hidden interval it's hidden but you can find it if you know what look is they're not 7 or 12 24 times ok so we now have the next one is a whole group that will a facility for next time but I wanted to cover these because it sets the groundwork in the next hour the last hour for chapter 11 we're going to talk about Gentiles being fellow heirs will talk about the mystery of the seven churches briefly because it's all in the revelation commentary we'll talk about the hot pot so what's this myth listen that's the most preposterous doctrine of Christianity that we're all gonna be caught up it's a crazy isn't it it only has one thing going for it's absolutely correct it's clearly biblical amazingly enough we'll talk about the mystery the Bride of Christ is the bride the body how are they different what's what's going on there what's all that about the mystery of iniquity boy that's what mystery no mystery about iniquity it's everywhere no there's a specific thing it's dealing with and then we're talking about the Mystery Babylon which is the false bride and what's all that about and then we'll find out the purpose of the whole enchilada as we might say the consummation God's goal in the whole program what is the son doing he's going to come down here and set up a kingdom he's going to reign for a thousand years why what's all that about what's he gonna accomplish he's doing something to prepare it all all everything to present to the father that he can be all in oh and we'll see we'll talk about what that means next time next session there's no future part three and suddenly begin we speak Israel we don't mean those guys we're gonna be part of that so you want to complete your study of the rest of the chapter and let's stand for closing word prayer many of the things you talked about here obviously good scholars will disagree about that's fine because my challenge to you is not to accept it in fact you know my trademark has been for more than but 50 or 60 years I guess acts 17:11 receive it with openness of mind but search the scriptures they approved by those things we saw I believe that everything that's true is resolvable from within the biblical text if you know where to look and indeed some things are tucked away for the diligent so check it out as you do the shrewdest set aside as best you can your presuppositions Edmund Spenser's famous for a quote he says there's only one certain barrier to truth by which no arguments can overcome and that's the presumption you already have it so set whatever you think you know about it aside for the minute search the scriptures and then let it talk to you find out these things because your eternity depends on it all through the New Testament there are incidents where there's weeping and gnashing of teeth and we always presume that's the unsaved no it's not in many cases that is that those are people that are saved that are discovering when they're before the judgement they're saved and they're grateful for that but they're shook because they realize that they had wasted their opportunities and they realized the implication if they had just if they had just they'll be like Schindler in that closing scene of the movie or he could have just done one more he was two tears for what he didn't do he could have and I make the outlandish statement from what I think I know that most people who are in heaven will be disappointed I don't mean they're disappoint in heaven don't misunderstand me they're thrilled to be there in terms of the alternative but they're also be shook because they realize they had not been taught the idea of being responding to their salvation the things they could be doing for their King to earn their inheritance their inheritance was forfeit it would be forfeit we studied that early in Romans we talked about inheritance we will again but inheritance is something that you can forfeit it was forfeitable in the old testament and the new just because you're entitled to inheritance doesn't mean you win it just because you can enter a hotel doesn't mean you inherit the hotel it's the difference between entering heaven praise God for that but through justification but sanctification is a process that has glorification as an input most of us are working process I want to get as much of that process done here as we can let's borrow hots forward prayer father we just thank you that you through your mercy as well as your grace and allowed us to be here we pray father through your Holy Spirit you would open our hearts and lives to these things we pray father you would increase in each of us a hunger a passion for your word that we might embrace these things and understand what you would have of us in these days not to get on a work strip god forbid but that we might be more responsive to your spirit in our lives then it might bear fruit that the spirit might bear fruit in our lives doing things that will accrue to be creditworthy at the Bema scene of our Lord and Savior we pray that father not to please us but to please you don't fulfill that destiny you have for us that we might attain to that inheritance which you have provided for us we thank you father for these truths we thank you father for the Holy Spirit to reveal them to us we thank you for our Lord and Savior who paid himself to make it possible in whose name we do pray amen
Channel: NarrowPathMatt714
Views: 19,927
Rating: 4.8476191 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Romans, Chuck Missler
Id: cKMRaKND0uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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