#16 Romans by Chuck Nissler

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well we are in session 16 of our review of the book of Romans and you can regard this session sort of as an addenda or an insert to bridge between chapters 10 and 11 we're going to spend some time this session essentially to review the history of Israel put in perspective both its past its present as a preamble to our study of its future in the next session so we're going to look at Israel history and I'll call it the present tense you may recall that we've been through the book of Romans first eight chapters are doctrinal and various topics sin salvation sanctification and Roman Romans nine to eleven are the three chapters on Israel Israel past present future in our previous session we reviewed Israel's predicament of the present in the sense that she was chosen by God and yet she failed she stumbled she she stumbled over the stumbling block himself so we're going in the next session talk about Israel's future but I thought it would be useful before we as you go from chapter 10 to 11 - at least refresh our memory a little bit on the history of Israel and I'm drawing for this from a number of our previous studies we have a very extensive study of the Middle East called the roots of war and many of these things will be excerpt from that and some of our other briefings so many of you who have deep experience with our materials may find some of this material new and some of it may be a surprise so we're going to next time talk about Israel future but if God is so skilled at sovereign election as we emphasized in chapter 8 who me Alexei predestinate to be conformed what about Israel is the question that's sort of a lurking question behind these last few chapters Paul uses Israel as an example of how God deals that's why we're studying so intently this these chapters will tell us a great deal about the nature of God it isn't just an interested in Israel directly it's it's it's lessons Israel was chosen we discovered chapter 9 but although they were chosen they blew it we want to understand how they blew it so that we don't blow it too maybe to the maasai among other things and there is a heresy in the church that we're trying to highlight for your own study most churches are immersed in a heresy over this very point they believe a view that says God is all through with Israel they have no future that's literally what they teach that Israel for further promises that God made to her those promises now belong to the church it takes a great deal of allegorized a lager allegory is a license to invent by the way that literally is you always interpret by the literals illuminate by the by the allegories not the other way around we need to study and discern the distinctives between Israel and search I urge you in your Bible studies to be a be sensitive to the differences between Israel and the church they have different origins and different destinies I'm not going to badger this more other than just to make you sensitive to it see the very bizarre belief emerged in the 4th and 5th century became the primary doctrine of the Christian Church that had tragic consequences for the Jew it justified all kinds of astonishingly horrid persecutions of the Jews the christ-killers they call it if you want to blame someone for the crucifixion of Christ blame me it's my fault my sins I put him on the cross now the Reformation did a lot of wonderful things in soteriology but it did nothing to stop the anti-semitic beliefs and that confusion in the church about Israel is what led to the Holocaust in Europe and that's been well documented this same confusion is emerging again and will lead to the next Holocaust that's the reality the first Holocaust killed one Jew out of every three next Holocaust will killed two out of three Gordon Isaiah Zechariah 13 verse 8 and 9 I didn't say that Zechariah did and the roots of this next Holocaust we the same as before anti-semitism within the church itself when I say Church here I mean the or nice church obviously when the church became anti-semitic it obviously was tragic for the Jew it was also tragic for the Christian because we lost our Jewish roots most Christians have no idea what the Old Testaments all about just a matter of first of all basic literacy here's interesting that you put your finger in the Bible at Genesis 12 and then put your other finger in Acts chapter 2 and pick it up pick up your Bible from justice 12 to acts 2 what's between your fingers is all about Israel think about it yet most people have no idea about the concept of Israel it is in the sense that is a key instrument the key instrument of God's plan of redemption okay why is all this so important because of the summary the purpose strategy and triumph of all history do you said o Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often I would have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth that was the purpose of all history that was the climax of all history but she would not behold your house is left to you desolate for ever no we're going to discover in the next chapter of Romans when that's going to end his blindness was decreed upon Israel until a certain point in time and we'll study that in our next session but the triumph all history of course is when G says I say unto you ye shall not see me henceforth until ye shall say blessed is he that cometh and they milord the good news is that restoration is coming and they will be restored so chapter 9 residuals past chapter 10 Israel's present chapter 11 Israel's future there are two agendas to this entire section Israel has a future God is a future plan for them we're going to learn about all of that understand the points Paul is making relative the existence of Israel that affects all of us every one of these things affects every one of us Israel president rejected and why you know if we thought we did a special study on the Middle East called roots of war and when you talk about the Middle East you can't help but think of Macbeth's famous scene act 4 scene 1 double double toil and trouble fire burn and cauldron bubble remember the witch's stirring that in the famous Shakespearean play well what kind of caller are talking about well you take the countries that make up the Middle East and dump them in this cauldron and they all blame all their plight on Israel which is ridiculous of course absolutely absurd has it been all kinds of wars that is has nothing to do with but they create this belief and we'll talk about some of the strange ways they do that Israel most of you recognizes flag officially adopted in 48 first introduced in 1891 not earlier than that by the way it was used in ancient history but for many different purposes the six pointed star of david' is an ancient Jewish symbol about blue and white stripes courts the Levitical colors when it Israel begin some would say genesis 3:15 therefore the seat of the woman and so forth well that's that's that's a defendable argument and the summary of that woman in that sense is in Revelation 12 others would argue that start in Genesis 12 the call of Abraham then you could defend that but clear the scripture says that Israel went down to Egypt as a family and came out as a nation they were born at the exodus according to Exodus chapter 4 now if we'd start looking at the chronology of the nation in fourteen roughly something in the neighborhood of 1500 BC I'm using uh sure x' dates here some scholars would quibble with a few of them but they're widely accepted as this at least a frame of reference but the birth of nations sometime in roughly 1500 BC they went into captivity as a family I was a nation and it was about fourteen forty five or so that the conquest of the promised land under Joshua was accomplished you're getting up to about 1100 when saw was a point of the first King for Samuel 10 and it's not that many years later that it's a 1048 that David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and about roughly nominally a thousand dealing dealing round numbers that's when Solomon dedicates the first temple in Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles second chronicles six seven by nine seventy four we have the civil war that divides Kingdom into two houses the house of Israel to the north and house of Judah to the south and they have many different dynasties up north go from bad doors down south they generally go downhill there's a couple of exceptions about three or four of those kings that are not bad but basically it's also declined but all one dynasty dynasty of David we get to 721 the northern house calling themselves Israel was defeated by a Syrian totally exile they weren't taken captivity in the Trinity in a aggregated sense they are taking the slavery and distributed throughout the Assyrian Empire Assyria had a policy of commingling they would take other captives and put them in this country and take their in order to break down any sense of national identity and they succeeded in doing that so it the house nor the house disappears from history at that point there is a spiritual sense in which the two houses will be rejoined in the Millennium we have evidences of that in the scripture well the big event occurs in 607 when Pharaoh Necho of Egypt the big power at the time was defeated by this young son of Nabi fellas our God by name and Nebuchadnezzar son of the king great general very effective he defeated Pharaoh Necho at the Battle of Kashi mesh in 607 roughly and then in 606 on his way home he lays siege to the city of Jerusalem and the on behalf of his city-state called Babylon and he succeeds in that siege and takes Daniels three friends captive and puts a basket of King in charge because he's learned during the siege that his father's died he is now king of babylons he goes home and take over the throne 597 we have this well they have a vassal King put in charge who gets who's listening to the false prophets and decides that we're God's chosen people you rebelled again he doesn't listen to the true prophets who were saying Nebuchadnezzar is God's instrument of judgment you yield him there eat got on the ego trip he leads a rebellion Nebuchadnezzar has he and a couple of allies put a second siege take 10,000 more deported including Zeki himself Jeremiah is still in Jerusalem but Ezekiel gets now joins in a sense Daniel in Babylon again zelicah is put in charge another vassal King is put in charge instead he also gets on an ego trip ultimately and 19 years after the first one for a siege he also tries to repeal but Nebuchadnezzar not only puts him down he levels the city well the zekiel in Babylon all Jeremiah in Jerusalem are preaching saying yield Nebuchadnezzar if you don't God is going to destroy the city of Jerusalem and they don't listen and so Jerusalem finally Falls in the third siege and the temple is destroyed there's some very interesting each one of these sieges is a prophetic trigger point for some other prophecies but we won't going all out here 5:39 big deal Persia conquers Babylon Cyrus discovers a letter written to him by name in the Book of Ezekiel Daniel shows a tomb when he makes his grand entrance he's so impressed it's a matter of history that he releases the Jewish captives to go back and build their temple gives them financial incentives to do so and that's the first regather another land and Isaiah 11 11 points out it's the secondary gathering that'll be the big one that's the one we're seeing going on right now but the first one was back there in the days of Cyrus the Great well they try to go back and build their temple not their city they have that authority they had this already build the temple they don't get very far because they can't protect themselves so as the years go by finally nehemiah finds himself in a position he's the actual the wine taster and cup bearer to the king king artaxerxes longjumeau knows he's in great favor with him so he takes advantage of that to gain from him the authority to rebuild the wall and rebuild the city and with that authority he goes and the book of Ezra is that troubling time to try to build the temple without that authority and they don't get very far but Nehemiah gets that decree to rebuild the city and that's a trigger point for the famous prophecy that Gabriel gave Daniel chapter nine and you really want to understand the 70 weeks prophecy the last four verses Daniel 9 because if you understand that everything else ties together it is until 332 that Alexander the Great conquered the Persians phenomenal young leader incredible gifts but he conquers Persians and that begins the Hellenistic rule of Judea and if that brings you down to this as they succeed and Alexander dies four of his key generals divide the empire but the one that we watch for biblical reasons is in 1960 in FF 19 in 167 BC and Takas the fourth attack is epiphanies he called himself ransacks Jerusalem but he does a whole series of things he makes reading the Torah the Jewish Scriptures punishable by death if parents circumcise their children they get killed and he went in one of his climactic acts as he sets up the abomination of desolation in the temple he actually puts an idol in the holiest spot all a spot on the planet Earth it's important to understand the abomination of desolation the abomination is any idol worship but the ultimate one is putting an idol in the most holy spot on the planet Earth which is not just in Jerusalem in the temple it's in the holy Holies and that triggers the Mecca be in revolt in 167 by timing three years ago by the Maccabees as they call themselves were they recaptured the temple and they rebuilt the they rededicated it fabricating everything that had been profaned and that event is what's worship to ever celebrated this to this day as Hanukkah it's even mentioning the New Testament John 10:22 interestingly enough because it's important the right the Holy Spirit do that it's important for us to understand that because you need to understand that in order to understand a milestone that Jesus predicts that's coming in the future so the mecca beans finally succeed the family name is Hasmonean so the Hasmonean dynasty then rules in Jerusalem about 142 and they rule until the Romans finally take over for under Pompey all the way till 63 we're still BC now and the Parthian 's a rival Empire to the east called the Parthian and they conquer Judea from the Romans for about three years they conquered in them BC 40 and they carried all the way to BC 37 when that Herod Herod when Herod is appointed King of Jerusalem it's too risky to he's in Rome it's too risky to go there but when they finally throw off the Parthian 'he's control of that area Herod then can he's on he's on shaky ground when he goes there to be acting as the Roman appointed king and he tries to popularize himself by building expanding the temple and a lot of building projects and so with government leaders all we never never hesitate to spend your money to spread their goodwill yo so that brings you to a reference here roughly the birth of Christ is about four to BC depending on what authorities you look at there's a lot of debate about that we'll give that here there is an event though that occurs about seven ad that you want to be a winner of caesar augustus appoints Caponi Asst procurator in judea he removes the judicial authority from Judea they no longer have the right for capital punishment that'll become very important to understand when you get to the crucifixion of Christ they needed a Roman Authority but if there's an event that occurred about 7 AD that's recorded in Josephus and elsewhere that the when they lost the right to when Caponi away their right to administer capital punishment the priests put on sackcloth and ashes and marched around let's say I think I have slides on all this ya see in genesis 49:10 there's jacob predicted says the scepter shall not depart from judah the tribe of judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come now chilo is recognized as a rabbinic allusion to the messiah that the scepter shall not depart from judah until she lo come and to him shall the gathering of the people be well the scepter the word mean refers to the tribal identity and the right to apply an enforcement laws to adjudicate capital punishment Jews plenty I and even during their 70 year captivity in Babylon the tribes retained their tribal identity they regained their own logistics and judges and so forth the word Sheol oh really it means who is right it is and the separation I Department June until he comes to whom it belongs to what it really means in Hebrew and it's understood by the early rabbis and the Talmudic authorities as referring to the Messiah and that's in a bunch of the targets hung close Jonathan you chillon me the Jerusalem cometh targum Herod the Great dies Herod Antipas Archelaus was appointed ethnic by Caesar Augustus broadly rejected dethroned this all and Josephus components was appointed procurator the legal power of the Sanhedrin was immediately restricted and the adjudication of capital cases lost and this was normal Jewish policy you'll find this and other works of Josephus Wars that the Jews 2.8 in antiquities it describes this after the death of procurator Festus when albinius was about to succeed in the high priests Aeneas considered a favorable opportunity assemble the Sanhedrin he therefore caused James the brother of Jesus interesting allusion here in Josephus who is called Jesus who is called Christ and several others who appear before this hastily assembled council and pronounced upon them the sentence of death by stoning all the wise men the strict observers of law were intrusive expressed their disapproval of this act they didn't the right to do that is the point some even went to albinos himself who had departed Alexandria to bring this breach of the law under his observation to inform that Arenas had acted illegally in assembling the Sanhedrin without the Roman Authority get the picture they're no longer running things so the priest officially mourned they went around the Martian on the city in sackcloth wailing woe unto us for the scepter is departed from Judah and the Messiah has not come the priests actually thought that the Word of God had been broken that's the point that's recorded in the record in the histories they believed the Word of God had failed they were unaware that was a young boy growing up in a carpenter shop in Nazareth at that time Hebrews M self as the Messiah the King on the very day that had been predicted previously by the angel Gabriel five centuries earlier what's with Daniel 9 is all about anyway gained back to Israel about 20 BC Arab begins his big reconstruction from about 28 to 32 is the Ministry of Jesus crucifiction under herod antipas the tragedy of all history as described in Matthew 23 that's one way of describing it that's the way Merrill Gibson did movie the passion describing is the tragedy let's read that true is really an achievement every detail was planned before the foundation of the world but in any case because they didn't accept him when he came national blindness is decreed in Luke 19 verse 40 and following and we'll deal with that when we get to Roman's 11 Jesus himself predicts the destruction of Jerusalem some 38 years later this generation will not pass away in one generation 38 years down it comes and that starts the Diaspora as it's called the outpouring that became an idiom in our language the wandering jew became a proverb for almost 2,000 years anyway so we got that from 37 to 41 the Roman Emperor Caligula attempts to have his image established in the temple just the like antiox epiphany did that's why he gave Petronius the general in charge orders to put his statue in the holy Holies Petronius realized if he did that there'd be an uproar so he didn't do it Caligula when he discovers you to do it sends orders for him to be killed but then Caligula dies and by a mix-up at sea the message of his death arrives before the message of his expert on his execution and when he dies all bets are off it's interesting how the Lord interferes to keep that from happening that would have been the abomination of desolation no yet future from 66 to 73 have the Jewish revolt against the Romans which leads of course to the fall of Jerusalem itself in 70 AD Masada and all of that the fall of Jerusalem is about 70 AD Second Temple was destroyed by Titus and so forth it's interesting that the falling of the temple is not mentioned in any of the Gospels or the epistles you'd think it would be for apologetic arguments there are all kinds of reasons it would have been very meaningful why wasn't mentioned very simply it's a proof that the New Testament documents proceeded 70 AD by 1020 years at least in some cases so they're written before 66 AD there's also other evidences don't go through all that here 73 was the last day at Masada emotional another story in 1890 the Council of yob name is redefines Judaism the Jews have a real problem the temples gone the Torah says there's no without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins there's no place to to shed blood that's effective and so they got a problem and so they redefined Judaism into a works oriented do-good kind of in program and that's all start that definition gets started 8090 and gets modified as the Talmud gets published a few centuries later but 132 AD Bar Kokhba declares himself as the Messiah and he has a revolt he successfully destroys the Roman twelfth Legion something they never recovered from and he begins trying to rebuild the temple but it doesn't last long it takes the Romans about three years to get their act together and they finally crush the Bar Kokhba revolt but what comes as a result of this Emperor Hadrian at that time decides there's no way they can rule this troublesome land as long as there's any Jewish presence there so he orders the City of Jerusalem totally plowed under and builds a Roman city on top of that I yell at Capitolina it was the name of the city it was Hadrian's middle name and his capital was built on the ruins but the interesting thing was the temp a temple of Jupiter was built over the site of the Jewish temple and we think we know where that is and it's not where the Dome of the rock is anyway the names names they deliberately named the region the after the Philistines the way to do that in Latin was to call in Palestina that was the Latin term for the felicity they deliberately trying to eradicate any evidence of Jewish presence and when with that Roman name of Palestine ax get sticks of course with the British and the Jerusalem Post was called the Palestine post until the state was finally formed and so forth but when you used the word Palestine using the name of their enemy by giving him by their enemies yet to the third and well into the fourth century by now Constantine has taken over and he legalizes Christianity throughout the Roman Empire he doesn't declare the state religion that second success draft that but he does make it legal it was illegal up till then but he realizes over half the world was slaves and most of them were Christians in the caves hiding he was a very shrewd maneuver for lots of reasons you know only legalizes christianity that was popular for lots of reasons but he also declared one day a week as a day of worship he had three different groups of sun worshipper and his empire and so by he felt he was unifying the Empire by doing all that and administratively was very effective for him and he also is fed up with Rome so he moves the capital of the world to Byzantium and renames at Constantinople and then over a thousand years later it'll be run over by the Muslims and they renamed it Istanbul as it is today well it's the second successor after Constantine Theodosius that makes Christianity the state religion of the entire Roman Empire big disaster of course because now you've got state appointed pastors and no but no regenerates or very few probably by about five seventy another event occurs Mohammed is born in Mecca and the rise of Islam begins Syria fell 634 Jerusalem 637 Egypt 638 Persian 640 North African 689 Spain 711 this was all stopped at tours France and 732 we'll come to that in a minute anyway the Persian stacked Jerusalem 614 the Byzantines recaptured Jerusalem then Jerusalem's conquered by Khalif Omar and that's when the Dome of the rock presumably was built the Muslim domination of Jerusalem begins it's interesting that they had domination of that for over a thousand years and let Jerusalem turn to rubble it never was their capital that's interesting by 7:30 to the big event occurs in Europe Charles Martel defeats the Moors the Muslims at tours France that arrests the incursion of Islam into Europe and it was interesting here I'll be lipkin talk about this because a Jew he's always hated Crusaders for obvious reasons Crusaders went through having contests of how many Jewish babies you can get on a sword that sort of in all kinds of horror stories but he also realized when he was visiting some of his roots in Spain is that Charles Martel if it had for him they all would have been speaking Arabic that Israel that Europe almost fell to Islam it was the Crusaders that kept it from happening - which obvious remedy well finally the I was a dynasty of Baghdad Caesars control of Jerusalem Egyptian based Fatima dynasty Rica conquered Jerusalem all the synagogues and churches are destroyed this about 950 now the Seljuks conquer palestine persecuting both jews and christians it's interesting that islam enemies is they call their enemies the people of the book I mean Jews and Christians I think we'll both be glad to sign up to that one main Dame mama looks ruled from Cairo 1291 Jerusalem becomes a city of exile for all kinds of dangerous criminals and his favorite officials that's that was Kairos place anyway the Ottoman Empire succeeds the Mamluk Empire so Jerusalem is in Turkish hands then for the next four centuries I realize during all this time Jerusalem is not a capital of any of the Islamic interests that are in charge different different groups are in charge different Muslim groups but never making it a capital Damascus sometimes Cairo other times and so forth the dolls that you see there now if you visit it are built by Suleiman the Magnificent in the 16th century actually 1537 on I loved this in 1544 the Muslim authorities they seal the golden gate because they hear that the Jews believe the Messiah is going to go through that gate so they sealed it to make sure the Messiah couldn't get through there I Got News for them that matter wrong gate but even so that's another thing ok and then we have the First Crusade roughly 1100 and round figures to Jerusalem Crusaders lay siege to Jerusalem we capture the city for a little while wholesale massacre of almost 40,000 Jews and Muslims Crusaders declare Jerusalem the capital of their Latin Kingdom and notice that's interesting it's the enemies of Islam that make it a capital about them get brings you about 1187 when the Muslims finally recaptured Jerusalem under Saladin who encourages the Jews and Christians to settle in Jerusalem and help him fight the Latin Crusaders I think that's kind of interesting he recruits the Jews the Christians to settle there and help him fight these crazy Crusaders Saladin finally dies the Aires battle each other Germany brokers a deal to return all of Jerusalem except the Temple Mount to Crusader control but by 12 just couple years later Crusaders are expelled from Jerusalem by mercenaries hired by the egyptian sultan mama Luke's rule from Cairo Jerusalem becomes a city of exile for dangerous criminals and his favorite officials and then 1516 the Ottoman Empire succeeds the Mamluk Empire so you got the Turks succeeding the Egyptians if you will and it's a Turkish hands for the next 400 years Napoleon just before 1800 moves against the Ottoman Empire from Egyptian front but he stopped before he reaches Jerusalem now in 1860 the Michigan Ishod I mean that's the first Jewish neighborhood built outside the Jerusalem walls when you visit Jerusalem is a very conspicuous windmill that's commemorates this up till them.they it was getting cramped because they all in the traditional view was to be within the walls for protection by the time you get to 1860 that's an obsolete concept they're beginning to obviously live outside the walls and you have to realize when you read Ezekiel he never saw a city you know a none walled village that's just unthinkable what's common today of course in 1881 you got that's in Russia the pogroms start awakening the Jewish identity so we're getting the late 19th century a number of events start to indicate that the regarding is going to begin in 1882 there's the publication of Leo Pinker's auto emancipation calling for the establishment of Jewish state and this began the first wave of Zionist immigration to Palestine but that's it's it's a few years later it's 1894 is the key a key event occurs there is a kangaroo court as I would call it in France an officer by name of Alfred Dreyfus who happen to be Jewish is framed as a traitor and put on trial found guilty and it becomes a national uproar a famous author Emily stolen published a thing called I accuse and it gets big big publicity but a god man a Theodor Herzl is watching all this ridiculous this charade of a trial and recognises that it's just a symptom of French anti-semitism and he begins to realize that there's no hope for the Jew until they have their own country so the conspicuousness of this and instead of years many years years later Alfred Dreyfus is found not guilty this is all that's long after all the damage is done but but anyway the point is this prompt emotion this prompts Theodore Herzl to write a book called dare you didn't stop which is in the the Jewish state he publishes this it becomes a manifesto for the Jews to start pushing for their own homeland and in the year later he convenes the first Zionist Congress in Basel Switzerland these are big milestones to the Jewish community in 1915 just before you know during World War one there's a the Zion mule Corps British Army was organized the first Jewish fighting unit but in 1916 a secret agreement is signed the sykes-picot agreement assigned by Britain France and Russia and the sykes-picot agreement was a secret agreement between Britain and France primarily agreeing to divide between them the lands of their enemy the Ottoman Empire once the war ends the war hasn't ended yet but they could see it coming so once the war ends they're going to divide the Ottoman Empire between themselves and among its terms was the establishment of an Arab state know in southern Palestine whatever that means what's the impact of all this the Arabs of course when they learn of all this it was secret at first they're incensed that Britain had decided instead to engineer its own rule over all Palestine through the League of Nations and see Britain ruled Palestine essentially as a colony all the way till 1948 so something else you need to know in world war 1 there was a very serious shortage of ammunition because part of what they need to create TNT is natural acetone but all the sources for natural acetone had been dried up so David Lloyd George the Prime Minister of England advertised extensively for someone to produce a formula for synthetic acetone and it was developed by dr. Crime Weitzman and he later becomes a first you know one of the first presidents of Israel anyway the resulting availability of gun powder because of what he did turned the tide of the war and this was widely recognized and that's why occasioned the publication of what's not the famed Balfour Declaration so we haven't set 1917 this famous document a short note really just from the Foreign Secretary a J Balfour to Lord Rothschild one of Britain's most prominent Jews stating that quote His Majesty's Government view with favor the establishment Palestine of a national homeland for the Jewish people that will later be abrogated by a white paper but the point it became a major mandate document in the eyes of the Jews and it helps speed Jewish immigration to the Holy Land and it's regard as a formative national document by the Israelis but this together with the sykes-picot agreement laid the foundation for the current conflict in the Middle East interestingly enough some other things that will come up here in a minute beside Peace Conference of course Wilson argues for self-determination of people's there's the Jewish Arab Accord Jews claim the Jewish homeland and Palestine the Arabs claim Arab state from Iraq to Yemen it's a night when they defined their Jewish state they exclude Palestine I think that's interesting they didn't see that as thirst then then we get to the San Remo conference in 1920 that granted Britain the mandate over Palestine with the aim of encouraging immigration and the settlement of Jews and the option of a Jewish homeland however the British officials instigate Arab riots in Palestine the rioters demand an end to Jewish immigration and the incorporation of Palestine to Syria and obviously we're starting to get in the 20s we're beginning to realize that oil is important so that's a factor behind the scenes here along this way of lad Amir Pinsky founds the Hagana the Jewish self defensive force which will later become of course the IDF now in 1921 this is I'm a great supporter Winston Churchill Marvis guy but he makes one gigantic Bunder the British decide to install Abdullah in Transjordan he creates this country on paper and some other things are going I'll bring you up here in a minute let's talk a little bit jardín you need to understand this background for prophecy reasons the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is not an ancient kingdom it's rather a European creation of 1946 by Winston Churchill if you take a look at the Middle East this whole central region over here was supposed to be was mandated by the League of Nations and others to be a Jewish homeland elderly but the British Foreign Office takes a chunk of that ground that which is east of the Jordan River and creates out of thin air a nation called trans Jordan that's the that's the region we're talking about now prior to World War one the areas of Ammon and Moab and Edom using the biblical names had previously just been popular by unaffiliated Bedouin tribes mobile you know tenement tribes during the war when the bridge and the Allies were fighting the Germans in the Ottoman Turks a bridge officer de lawrence organized his widely publicized Arab revolt it's mostly a propaganda ploy it's more an invention of the British Foreign Office than it is actual progress they capitalized on this for reasons general Allenby is ultimately victorious in the Middle East and so the League of Nations award they British a mandate on April 25th 1920 which was to endure all the way till 19 May 14th 1948 a mandate to preserve peace in the area in 1921 an aggressive young man named Abdullah son of Sharif Hussein of Mecca in Arabia in other words he's an Arabian moved into the land east of the Jordan River with his troops the British colonial secretary recognized Abdullah as the Emir of Transjordan they made that up by the way it didn't exist before Abdullah then consolidate control with his bridge trained Arab Legion so this all a propaganda thing 19:46 everywhere Bella's crowned king of Transjordan now since 1999 his great-grandson abdullah ii is the current king in 1948 jordan joined the attack against israel as war of independence and successfully fought the Hagana and held the west bank but in 67 the so-called six-day war they again joined Egypt in the six-day war but they lost it all in 1998 previously having reputed any rights to the West Bank Jordan signed a peace treaty with Israel at Camp David this one has been a real one a serious one now why am I getting into that because there's a very interesting exception in the scripture in Daniel chapter 11 verse 41 speaking of the Antichrist and says he shall enter also into the glorious land assume that's Israel and many countries shall be overthrown but these shall escape out of his hand even Edom Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon what does this mean have no idea but it's fascinating to realize that for some strange reason this region that we now know as Jordan escapes the thumb of the Antichrist we don't know why we speculate that it may be to provide a refuge in Petra but that's speculation let's continue this list evasions ratify the British Mandate over Palestine with the aim of building a Jewish National Home but Churchill whitepaper creates Transjordan taking 78% of the land allocated for the British Mandate so if you want a Palestinian state churchill created it for you it's called Jordan it literally stole the land from that which the League of Nations had set aside for Israel 78% of it well sumin Vladimir duboff Lee founds the Zionist revisionism forerunner of the hair root political party in the modern the could party there's riots and in the 20s 29 the other big riots massacre of Jews and a bran Safed and Arabs demand an end to Jewish immigration the Arabs continue to scream in Britain accommodates the Arabs in the 1930 they actually produce a white paper which limits Jewish immigration to Palestine in direct contravention to what they mandate that they were given by the League of Nations then in 33 another event occurs that got all our attention thanks to Churchill Hitler comes to power in Germany and he passed the Nuremberg Laws what are they they became one of his party's infamous it was after one of the big rallies the laws provided for the legal framework for stripping Jews of all their rights as human beings it's astonishing to to read that framework the first of which is titled a law for safeguarding human blood and honor the laws and their successors paved the way for departing the Jews and ultimately for death camps of the Holocaust what's the impact murder of six million European Jews and the inability of most of the survivors to return home even after Germany was defeated in 1945 but the good news is many people would argue that if it wasn't for this you wouldn't have a Jewish state today it took the guilt of this mess and the sympathy of the world to get the state formed is the argument that is vast by some but meanwhile of course the violence continues to get prompted by the Arabs in Palestine every rioters murder 500 Jews and thousands of Arabs demanding an end to Jewish immigration the Arab nationalist movements right at the stop Jewish homeland Palestine they throw their support behind Hitler the Arabs throw their support behind Hitler everybody forgets that today the 1930s on the peel Commission asserts that the Jewish National Home cannot be built in Palestine hit trip wins it we partition Palestine into a tiny Jewish state 5% of the total area and the Arabs state limit in the remainder it's rejected by both the Arabs and the Jews Britain halts Jewish emigration of Allison condemning millions of European Jews to the Holocaust there's 37 1937 and America participated in this relegating these boatloads of people to the death camps 1938 Munich conference that betrayed the Czechs I want to I want us to get into the Sudetenland stir right but come back to that in a minute in 38 we have the minute conference in 1939 he overruns Czechoslovakia that announces an end to jewish national home and knowing immigration for five years and so forth now Hitler and then invades Poland and World War two as we know it begins I want us if you haven't ever studied this pay attention to what happened in Czechoslovakia because it's a fascinating case study in human affairs Hegel is famous for saying history teaches us that man learns nothing from history and there's a good example Czechoslovakia had a major strategic barrier that eight eight hundred thousand armed Regular Army that's a powerful armed even by today's standards they had a highly efficient arms industry checklist labaki I did and they had to sedate mountains which were a formidable barrier militarily protecting their heartland Prague was the capital get that picture their fortifications were regarded as impregnable that's the Sudetenland the heartland of Czechoslovakia that has a sufficient arms industry and all the rest of it they also enjoyed the protection of the Western powers France had 100 divisions larger than Germany Britain and Russia also guaranteed protection of Czechoslovakia that's the picture that's the set up journey has got a problem Germany and his fancies couldn't deal with that so they adopted a propaganda solution the sedating land happen to have three million Germans among it and seven million others the Germans are a minority but there are about 3 million these aren't displaced Germans they just happen to have some German roots ok sedate land was a prosperous democracy there was full civil rights to everybody ok no-one's abused yet really there is a puppet political leadership call the sedating freak or they fabricated a check terror program of the sedate and Germans this is a puppet of the Nazis but they fabricate terror on the sedate and Germans you got the picture so far okay William sure whose classic book the rise and fall of the Third Reich is if you're interested in all in the history of the world or not it's a definitive study of the rise and fall of Nazi Germany as of course mine he says that's the plight of the German minority in Czechoslovakia was merely a pretext for cooking up a stew in a land he coveted Hitler coveted undermining it confusing and misleading its friends and concealing his real purpose to destroy the Czechoslovak state and grab its territories the leaders of France and Great Britain did not grasp this all through the spring and summer indeed almost to the end Prime Minister Chamberlain of France of Britain and premier dolly Adair the France apparently sincerely believed along with most of the rest of the world that all Hitler wanted was justice for his kinsfolk in Czechoslovakia so Hitler's instigating terror things on the Germans to have something to complain about that's all Czechoslovakia is fault we're not taking care of them see this is what's called the reversal of causality to turn it around and paint it backwards the intransigent checks according to the press were the obstacle to peace because they're not giving in to Hitler's demands the checks were precipitating a crisis to prevent the breakup of their state as the story the choice between war and peace was in their hands whose hands the Czechs hands this petty segment of Europe is harassing the human race was the call sliding the Czechs of the bad guys there's a small minor E of Germans that are being assaulted by a terror group and all the propaganda is blaming Czechoslovakia for not dealing with that and it becomes the cause celeb it gets worse it gets worse the argument is the Western powers should force checks to relinquish the occupied territories Czechoslovakia is somehow painted as inappropriately occupying this that really belongs to these Germans hailer a minority in the first place and they they're not the one screaming Hitler for outside is screaming they're manufacturing a point of view in 1937 1938 the Czechs were pressured by leading Western powers to meet the sedating demands Western press laments this Czechs disregard for peace in Europe injustice of not allowing the sedate land to be returned to Germany hey wait a minute never once part of Germany it's a part of Germany it's the core land of Czechoslovakia that's mitt lost and everybody the British envoy demands the Czechs remodel Foreign Relations to assure freedom from aggressive action against their neighbors the or may have checked a tech state action to keep the Czechs for hurting they're not hurting their neighbors September eighteenth of 1938 the bridge in the French determined the Czechs must exceed the Hitler's demand for the Peace of Europe for the maintenance of peace and the safety of Czechoslovakia is vital interests you've got to be kidding it's their vital interest they're forcing them to hand over they want an international guarantee of the new boundaries and if not they would fight Hitler alone wait a minute these are the people vision prints that our treaty bound to protect Czech Slovakia they're using their abrogation that treaty is a threat that's called extortion it's all up to the text now according to velch as it's quote by Neville Chamberlain well that's the set up the sting hysteria mounts shuttle diplomacy increases minutes before the September 28th deadline Hitler agrees to Chamberlain's proposal for a peace conference the Munich conference Britain and France plead with Hitler for 11 hours to take the Sudetenland peacefully please take this without war that he finally after 11 hours reluctantly agrees huh he finally gives in to these demands that he engineered in the first place Chamberlain and Daladier were praised cheered and thank for having traded land for peace land for peace that sound familiar to you somewhere he came back and his famous quote that will ring through eternity my friends I believe it is peace in our time the Prime Minister of checklist laka says we have been basically betrayed he understood no one else did first Thessalonians 5:3 when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape phase 2 September 30 1938 the Czech army withdraws from the Sudetenland the German annexes it followed by more demands violence and oppression continues March 15 1939 the Nazi war machine rolls through the rest of Czechoslovakia that arms industry the strategic mountains the whole routine are now in Hitler's hands something he could never have won militarily didn't have the muscle the Western powers did nothing there are assuring tsa's to Czechoslovakia meant zero why am I going through this image do you see a pattern here Israel also is a small democracy with a powerful army and defensive terrain the Golan Heights have the same role there that the sedate and mountains did for the Satan's a Dayton land direct seizure unthinkable now they tried a few times always lose pressure from the West ah that's achievable because the media are prostitutes reversal of causality astonishingly effective the Israel somehow the cause of all the terrorism I got it on Fox News the other day you know that that the Israel is Israel wiped out some terrorist leader and even they say the supposed terrorists now come on you know who's doing the terrorism when you go through an airport they're not looking for an Israeli bomb reversal the causality is sergeant effective through a managed press and an illiterate elect the press is prostitutes the politicians are one step not one step removed for that and the electorate and generally average person you know what's the biggest problem is that ignorant or apathy I don't know and I don't care okay well a let's continue back in World War two days the mufti that's appointed by Britain relocates himself to Berlin that tells you something about his sympathies meets with Hitler announces the intention of creating a fascist Arab state agitates for the destruction of world Jewry instigates terrorism against Arab moderates also notice that instigates terrorism Yasser Arafat later Yasser Arafat murdered more Arabs and he has Jews because his game is to keep them fight and keep them extremists if you try to be a moderate Arab you don't have a chance your enemy is the PLO the Nazi conference at one's a and decides on the destruction of all Jews in Europe that's their policy this tells you it's satanic you know this is more than just a somehow an exploitable resource or something no this is this is satanic clearly if you look what's really going on Islam it's satanic they do things that are not even in their own best interests I tell you something else is driving us demonic anyway 44 we have the British Brigade part of British forces fights alongside the Allies that make a name for himself that counts for something when World War two finally ends liberation of the deaf camps or six million Jews died Arabs are still demanding an end to Jewish immigration and the so called illegal smuggling of Holocaust survivors in the Palestine by the Jews all kinds of underground actions of course a friend of our family friend of ours was proud of fact that he bombed the King David hotel etc they're good bombs the King David hotel famous thing at 46 well finding 47 British says enough that already they can't handle anymore they were they announced their withdrawal United Nations announces a partition in a Jewish Arab Jewish Arab States the partition this is facing a Jewish crisis refugee crisis mass immigration it could no longer control Britain acceded to revelation resolution 181 of newly founded UN which also called for the partition of British rule Palestine in two separate Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem as a separate entity administered by the United Nations that was their concept was the impact the Palestinian Jews approved the plan astonishingly enough but the Palestinian Arabs and neighboring Arabs States rejected Bobby moon was famous for counting nine times when there's a walk away from various tables as always the Arabs that walked away he said they never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity attention turns to violence and the British goes to goes to withdraw the Dead Sea Scrolls happen to be discovered about that time so finally 48 you have the invasion of the airports are aimed at preventing the establishment of the Jewish state the declaration of independence by David ben-gurion citing Ezekiel as his authority named the new Jewish homeland Israel he's the first Prime Minister the British Mandate you know as it expires that Jewish just declares their state and the US and the USSR interestingly have together were that quickly recognized it which I thought was that's that's it kept think of us in those days us and America agreeing on anything in Palestinian Arabs joined by five neighboring states launched a war that I can we ever ebuddy thought sure they just walk over five countries thousands of times larger than Israel going to walk over there though they didn't and meanwhile some 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled from their lands encouraged by their own Palestinian neighbors the Jews pleaded for them to stay promised them citizenship now they they left the refugee problem is created by them by the end of that war of course is will expand its borders I love the t-shirt she has attack us again we need the real estate Egypt occupied the Gaza Strip Jordan occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem the old city the huge population of Palestinian Arabs had fled and they would ultimately become radicalized in the squalor of the refugee camps the people that are keeping those camps are the Palestinian neighbors there's no reason they can't absorb some of those it's the political football playing in the hands of the PLO frankly strange strange inversion going on here then of course you finally have their war of independence that as we talked about five armies and so forth we have 800,000 Jews expelled from Arab countries flee to Israel and are absorbed by the way six hundred fifty thousand Arabs flee from Israel and are confined to refugee camps what's wrong with this picture now see Arafat of the sanik line begins organized the Palestinian radicals in Cairo recruits a member of these wild guys from the front of PLO and there's terrorist raid so we have to go through all of this the Israeli army adopts policy of reprisals which the only thing they understand then we get to the Sinai campaign Kemal Abdel Nasser nationalizes the Suez Canal and blocks Israeli shipping Israel captures the Sinai from Egypt not the last time by the way in terrorists bases and Gaza dismantled US Soviet pressure forces rule to withdraw from the Sinai without a peace treaty and get this Dwight Eisenhower guarantees protection of Israeli shipping few years later when they call for that protection believe it or not the record shows we couldn't find the paperwork and you can't believe that stuff until you look at you see it the documentation 64 the PLO is founded I want you to notice the day that the year that the PLO is founded 1964 what does it stand for the Palestinian Liberation Organization this is B for 1967 this is when they had what they call the West Bank what they claim they're after is what they had then no they were formed to get the whole thing they're calling for Israel's destruction totally they've never struck on that from their documents and the campaign of terror attacks escalates as it just goes on PLO adopted charter setting on its claim to all the land once ruled by Britain as Palestine not ruled by them they never has been a Palestinian state or even a Palestinian people Palestine people with Jews and again it's this inversion thing it's so so astonishingly effective to an illiterate press the charter of the PLO codified its ideology and rationalized its violent tactics the radical language became a major stumbling block after the Oslo peace process which began in 1993 has never been revised they say they were canceled the in fact have not a few they haven't done that at all they claim they have they haven't I need you to pledge the Sinai with troops blockades the Israeli shipping in the 1967 the American guarantee to protect Israel fails to take effect and a literary record they couldn't find the baby through diplomatic channels placed a call and couldn't find the paperwork six-day war then and I was at the Ford Motor Company executive dining in those days I can remember vividly that nobody's Aerith expected that to last much I had reason to believe that they had nuclear war nuclear weapons and I always wondered what would happen if we went seven days after six days they established themselves Israel defeats the combined force of Egypt Syria Iraq and Jordan captures the Sinai in Gaza Judea Samaria and the Golan Heights and Israel is reunited and a Jewish settlements in eastern Jerusalem Judea and Samaria were re-established I know why they didn't just MX at all 67 UN steps right in to fix all this to UN security documents 242 and 338 called for sides to renounce the acquisition of territory by war why why they didn't start it they also asked for a solution to this Palestinian refugee problem not ask the Palestinians about that anyway in respect of sovereignty independence of the others so these resolutions rally international sentiment against Israel's to keep the territory one in 67 or the West Bank East Jerusalem the Gaza Strip honey so that's been the bone of the throat see it's interesting the main impact the main detriment to priests in the Middle East is the UN astonishing to see that again and again I'll come back to that in a minute then we of course the Yom Kippur War by the way it's really interesting to visit Cairo you remember the Yom Kippur War Ariel Sharon circled the entire Egyptian Third Army they were like they were in effect totally outflanked right it was the intervention of our Minister of State time shuttle supremacy forcing us to stop and give it all back and we Kissinger forced them to unwind and when you go through Cairo you see the monuments celebrating their victory in the 1973 war they were wiped out they were they lost but they don't know it you see the whole thing is to give them some kind of pride you have to see it to believe it as you go through a visit if you visit Egypt we get 7080 guards you get the Camp David Accords so Menachem Begin enters in us-brokered talks and ultimately a peace treaty between the two most powerful states in the Middle East Egypt Israel it held fast but the relationships between the states were still strained so that was ultimately assassinated largely because of Camp David and the attempt to draw the Palestinians Jordan Assyria the talks failed so then we have the annexation and claims it will pass two key laws in the 80s the first named all of Jerusalem cluding East Jerusalem the old city as Israel's eternal capital Jerusalem the capital of Israel but even the u.s. hasn't got the guts to do what the Congress has instructed the administration to do which is put our embassy there but we won't do that the second annex the Glahn Heights which is kept from Syrian 67 and so these moves by the right-wing government enraged the Arabs of course and made future talks more difficult it really moves argue these moves are vital in the security and their identity and most of the world including the u.s. still maintains its embassies in Tel Aviv because we do if we would do what we should do and put embassies in the capital it would be a statement then we have the 93 so-called Peace Accords years of secret contacts between let Israel and PLO into a complex formula agreed by both sides the sea context wasn't by Israel and PLO it's by everybody else meddling here the larger issues by the way the major issues we're not dealt with Jerusalem statehood and refugees we're all put off till the final status talks that's stupid we deal we agree on the small points we Lee the main issues unresolved and that's when we have Rabine and arafat and the famous handshake on the White House lawn what a travesty like Sadat are being paid with his life and they of course the Accords have proved impossible to implement the Arab side has done zero not one of the commitments they made have been kept and of course the fundamental problem the problem is not the borders of Israel's the very existence of Israel the size is not really the issue anyway and we go through the Israel Jordan peace treaty I mentioned that to you already we don't have to get into that detail here that caused trouble for King Hussein because the scheme has the Palestinian majority at least as a second Arab state to officially recognize Israel Egypt and Jordan have it paved the way for others and keep optional talks moving then we have the so-called interim agreement which really has very little effect I don't have to go through all this here in our time here but it all bogged down over complexities and have run and the politics there's just a result it was solvable we have the Wye River agreement which there again the extremists continue to try to upset the elections violence in the early in the term of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu virtually shut down the process for several years so the Wye River memorandum revived it with US President Bill Clinton mediating the new disputes between the parties the PLO meanwhile was going broke in Tunis until Clinton got that revitalized for them Israel pledged to resume it land handovers Palestine is vowed to step up security measures anybody fell victim to recriminations and so it all gets stalled again and the last one in our list here is the meeting in Egypt and again very ambitious plan agreement or not it would all unravel not important to get the details because it was all for nothing mm your camp gave it to and that also is a foot in trying to form a legacy something before office and so Israel for the first time offered part of East Jerusalem as a Palestinian capital plus most of the West Bank stupid move but they offered it they often literally put like 98 percent of what they were asking for on the people who do you think walked away arafat did he found something he didn't like and he walked away so the fate of Camp David - eroded domestic political support for Barack he resigned in December of 2000 call for fresh elections and his political decline Harold the rise of Ariel Sharon la cude party and you know where that's all gone so there's more of these talks again nothing really seriously concluding especially why Arafat was alive that was a tragedy for the Arabs as well as Jews because he had no interest in the welfare of the Arabs he was interested in his own agenda and so all kinds of talks nothing really happening let me give you one fact to face all up the United Nations up until 1990 which has happens to be the data that I have call ated here there were a hundred and seventy-five Security Council resolutions passed by the United Nations Security Council up until 1990 of the 175 97 were directed against Israel now the fact that even involve Israel is astonishing because there's a lot of there's a lot of countries a lot of problems before the UN besides Israel but 55 percent of the resolutions they passed had to do with Israel all were anti-israel all of their anti-israel well that's the Security Council what about the General Assembly they published 690 resolutions 429 were directed against Israel 62% do you understand what this is telling you do you understand why Israel does not get excited when the UN is going to offer to broker some borders or what have you that's a joke that's a pathetic joke well so much for our quick skim through here Romans 9 was Israel passed Romans 10 is Israel today so we thought would be appropriate in order to get to Roman's 11 our next session will be on Israel's future and so I encourage you to read Romans chapter 11 which is going to deal with a lot of events that are on a horizon that are going to impact every one of us so let's stand for a closing word of Prayer Father in Heaven we thank you for who you are we thank you Father that he that keepeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep so as you've instructed us father we do pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and yet father we know there really will be no peace until the Prince of Peace takes over as you've instructed us to pray thy kingdom come we look to that day in the meantime father we pray that you would guide through Holy Spirit and through your word to illuminate for each of us what you would have of us in these days ahead we pray for our own leadership in this country despite all the pressures and all the hidden agendas we pray father that indeed you would prevail that that your purposes would be accomplished in every life especially every life in the hearing of this study we thank you Father for who you are and we thank you that you are in charge ultimately and we we just praise You Father for allowing us to be part of what you're doing as we commit ourselves without any reservation whatsoever into your hands in the name of Yeshua our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen
Channel: NarrowPathMatt714
Views: 23,194
Rating: 4.7936506 out of 5
Keywords: Romans, Bible, Chuck Missler
Id: Vtuk47B5QYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 58sec (4078 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 01 2014
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