#18 Notre Dame vs. #3 Florida 1992 - Green Jerseys IV

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we were arches s key for the point after and just a relatively easy touchdown and easy drive and an easy fleur-de-lis when Johnson is back to receive for Notre Dame and injunction from the five find a seam of the metal that and so the Gators are right back in business at the 39 they'll go to the air again and why not a ton of time Matthews he walked on but it's picked off and that's a very a flag is gone after the hitch right they have tonight maybe they've just assumed the play was over 24 yard field goal for says st and the irish are very lucky they are only down 13 to nothing with 10 29 left in the half could have been a lot worse signaled first down at his second and inches and liar enough for a first time the vulnerable position but Larry Kennedy the defense he back just stood and looked across the line to be just a little hit he was wrong 36 yard field goal attempt for a zesty Florida unable to get it into the end zone so in the Florida three to one in first downs and two to one in most of the other categories and I here is Kevin Pendergast who was recruited from the soccer team he did kick against Penn State and this a 23 yard field goal attempt and it is good that's a good drive for men into the turf brought the Colbert fired coffees who picked it up and he at the 24-yard line a big Lord in these situations can much of the season Big Ben to me takes it to the six yard line the white Great King once a third quarter we are seeing being turned in by Notre Dame and every kick is high drama here for now Notre Dame with hatred her and ow Misha's that 5-yard penalty will be exactly when look at Lu high-fiving on the sidewalk to give the Gators the lead and this one is good again he's four a touchdown here would have been catastrophic and the fourth Florida into a field goal attempt is a major victory for Notre Dame's defense a three play that ball should have been caught for six you're right ever just didn't handle it he was on a pretty fast but when he should have caught 24 yard attempt for Kosinski and he has just established a new Sugar Bowl record 21 to play into it they are really an experience now to Notre Dame's offensive right that's where the with no mercy this game either Dan 2222 and Holtz runs out onto the field and here they are they're going to go for do to cook for the throws the ball very well I think is what done defensively because he is there smoking now second and ten for men does its job for the Gators black crappie at play gets stamped by car Melia McGill watch this I mean that's the Hat right in the sternum 9-3 they're going for it on 4th and 10 at their own 49 the Gators can stop the clock twice for rose and catkin beause the middle linebacker all the way downfield when they are for the motor and I'll guarantee it then his ball club could lose the Notre Dame today come out a dominate this game on the second half they could have quit in illustrious history as a football game I'll tell you send a message Oh go on fourth and ten with 340 remaining in the game as Shane Matthews was having a heck of a time getting him they're gonna go for two and by going for two they want to win the game with a field goal if they can if they miss here they'll eat another touchdown Matthews has it so it's 32 to 28 and that means the Gators have have to go all the way in meanwhile they're going to go for an onside kick that's the alignment has to go 10 yards keep in mind before the kicking game can recover unless it's touched by a Notre Dame prior to the vulgar is the first down again their outfits I'm not sure Bettis got touched I'm not sure a Florida defender even gentleman fun a fuse in the wrist with a hand at the number five and you rarely see lou holtz this emotional on the sidelines after a football game a reflection of how sweet this one is for the fire with a kneel down and that's going to do it highest-scoring Sugar Bowl game in history situate their players and they played hard tonight this was fun to be a part of but we just felt we had to play 60 minutes they're an outstanding team you know I give them all the credit well but we're happy to win I I can only wait to go back to that restaurant owner damn the difference cheerios belong in a bowl I think we proved we belong here congratulations thank you
Channel: RocketShark
Views: 250,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Notre, Dame, Irish, Florida, Gators, Football, Sugar, Bowl, Jerome, Bettis, The, Bus
Id: 5cUyCdytcPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2007
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