18 Favorite gshade presets for sims 4 + how to install gshade presets! | Sims 4: gshade tutorial ✨

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hi Beauties it's Savvy that's simmer and cozy up and let's get into a fun g-shade video where I go over a small tutorial and all my favorite presets this is a highly requested video so I figured I would go ahead and cover that at some point sooner than later so before we do get started I do want to try and section this video into three different sections so I want to be able to show you guys how to use g-shade on your computer downloading and installing g-shade presets so that way I can just kind of walk you through it so then I want to talk about the technical system functions of the actual g-shade panel with you and then lastly I'll go over my favorite presets so what I want you guys to do in order to learn how to download reshade and install it into your actual Sims 4 game is to please visit lemonclouds their YouTube channel has an amazing video which is listed right here under their popular videos and it is how to install and use G shade for The Sims 4. so basically they have whole tutorial on how to download it install it into your game so it's perfect it's 21 minutes it goes over a really good in-depth explanation of it video is especially important to learn how to download g-shade and actually install it in your game but I'm just gonna be going over my tutorial portion of how to actually use it in the game and functionality of it and then also my favorite presets so anyways just make sure you guys watch that so the next part of the video is I want to go ahead and show you guys how to download a preset and put it in your preset folder again make sure you watch the video that I suggested for you to so you know how to actually install g-shade I'm not doing an install G shade video steps so you know how to use g-shade and installing presets and using them in your game and taking screenshots so in my favorite ones of course um so for example I went ahead and just put typed in one of my favorite ones boho Dreams by Nick Soul so what you're going to do is you're going to click this link right here and then it's going to take you to her Tumblr website once you're there you're going to scroll all the way to the bottom right here and hit download and so once you hit download this right here will pop up for you and you'll just hit download So once you download boho dreams preset it's going to show up right here in your downloads folder and you're going to go over to your C drive where your G shade lives basically where the folder lives so you're going to go to your C drive like I said you're going to click program files with the 86 so this one has program files blank this one will have the x86 you want to make sure that you click that so this might be different how your game is set up for you but for me some people have Electronic Arts in here or origin but most people probably have Electronic Arts or it may just look like Sims 4 because we switched over to the EA app so now that it looks like that you're going to go to Sims 4. you're going to find your game folder and then you're gonna find Ben make sure though it's been not the Ben Le you can open it if you want but that's not the one we need to go into so you're gonna just go to the bend then you're going to go to G shade presets then go to custom and this is where all of my presets live so all you're going to do is just go ahead and cut it or copy it whatever you want to do but I always just drag it and throw it in there so now that you can see the boho dreams is located in my um presets folder so you just want to always make sure all of your presets are in the custom folder so it shows up in your G shade panel so if you ever want to take any of them out you simply just grab them out and they're no longer in there and then you can just put them in there so that's how that works and then it should show up in your game and it always does for me so yeah that is just a simple tutorial on how to download your t-shaped presets and then put them into your game and then once you load up your Sims 4 game it should be located in there so I know it's going to sound a little dramatic but when I play The Sims 4 I literally cannot play it without G shade ever since having g-shade in my game and playing without it like I just I can't so this is off and this is on so basically it just changes the colors of the game too much for me and it just honestly feels like a different game so I just can't fathom not having it like I have to have some type of Shader in my game if that's reshade or g-shade or any type of Shades um whatever they end up coming out with in the future I love it and I I won't ever do without it so it's my favorite also just a little tip for you guys though so when you are using G shade or reshade um go to your game options and make sure your Edge smoothing is turned off so what that does it's going to add more depth so especially if you have any shaders on that have a lot of like depth to them so this is actually my stem cell I'm sure you're familiar with her from all of my sim Channel branding basically I wanted to show you guys a little tutorial of all of my favorite g-shades that I use so I'm gonna go ahead and do the scary thing and turn it off you guys will see the difference look at the difference isn't this crazy to me it's honestly crazy like I never play the game anymore like Bare Bones like this like what is this so again this is on and this is off so this is the G shade panel so if you had reshade it might look a little bit different or if you're wanting to use reshade you can so G shade and reshade are basically the same thing they're just two different platforms that hold shaders in them to help change the coloring like this so my um G shade panel looks like this um it does need to update so this is why this looks like this so my panel to open up G shade is this I use number four so I'll go ahead and show you really quick so everything probably looks like you know very unfamiliar to you it may look a little intimidating as well but I promise you it's really not intimidating once you get used to it it's actually very very easy to use so for example the overlay key is number five this is everything that I have changed it to on my keypad just because it's easier for me so like I said I use four so I'm gonna hit the number four right now turn the shade on and off on and off with the number four so and then the number five is my overlay key so the overlay key for example just means that this um this right here the panel is going to disappear and appear so I'm hitting five now it's gonna open and close it open and close so going back to the settings and then the number eight key so for example the number eight and number seven for me is going to be the previous key and then next key so what that does is this is basically I'm going to close it for you guys and then close it so so if I'm in the game and I'm wanting to change presets but I don't want to open up the panel all I have to do is hit the number seven and the number eight so I chose those two because they're so close to each other so number seven right there just change the preset you guys saw number eight takes us back to my favorite one right here and number eight Moses going forward going forward so yeah and I know that I know my favorite one by heart like I know which one it is it's this one right here so yeah so that's just a little example on how to use the um panel so I will be linking a video Down Below on how to actually install G shade I'm not gonna be doing that today um I feel like the one that I'm gonna link for you guys is honestly like the best and it's just a really good overview so also another thing I do want to mention to you is the screenshot um key and you can actually type in here and change all of your shortcut keys if you'd like you don't have to have what I have but for example the number nine um is my screenshot one so I will show you guys so I'm gonna hit the number nine and then later on towards the end of the video I'll show you this screenshot was able to be taken so anyways mine's the number nine I just like those keys how they're set up it's just really helpful for me so if you want um the screenshot message to alert you that the screenshot was done you would just hit show screenshot message um or there should be a notification too um you can also see before and after images as well which is nice if you're like trying to share your information um with other people um like on Twitter and stuff like that so let me show you guys really quick just so you can kind of get an idea so this is the L Cruz G shade this is my most favorite g-shade this is what I use all of my screenshots for this is how I get the bokeh effect so this is what I mean by bokeh so this beautiful creamy blurry background so I'm actually a photographer in real life so I am familiar with that term so Boca just basically means like it's a blurry effect it's basically the circle size of the actual um like blur if that makes sense so a lot of people will say like oh I like the blurry effect or I don't know other people say like different terms but it's just it's called Boca um but it's really beautiful and it's just like a very gorgeous like creamy um background as you guys can see and then with this preset it gets stronger and it can also get lighter too um but as you guys can see there's like depth right here so that looks you know different compared to what it normally does normally it looks like this but with it on it looks like this so so getting back to my SIM really quick I will show you guys what it looks like when I have the blur effect again the bokeh so this is the adoff key so a d o f um that is on so the shortcut key for the age off is shift five so I'm gonna hit shift five so for example right there as you guys can see I have the preset on but I'm turning the bokeh on and off so on and off and it looks so beautiful I love it so much this girl is going to be so tired by the time um I'm done with this tutorial she's just like continuing to keep doing her thing um so that's the L Cruz G shade that is my most favorite one you guys will notice that I use this one specifically a lot in my thumbnail so yeah I just love the bokeh effect I think it's so beautiful and creamy and it just reminds me of like real life um photography and like beautiful lenses so but we're here for The Sims not for photography but you get you guys get my points so my next favorite one will be the eleanora um by El Cruz so this is it right here this is the one that I use for my gameplay so I'm not sure if you guys notice this but um this is the exact one that I use for my for my gameplay so this is with the um G shade on and I have the adopt key on so again this is on and off but again you guys probably will notice if you watch my videos like this is what I use um and then I have the Angelic one which is by Elena this is one of my first ones I ever used in the game and I'll just go ahead and show you guys what that looks like in the game so it has like a nice like pretty um I don't really know exactly how to describe it but it just has like a lot of like orangey red Hues to it so um you know it's not always easy on the eyes but it's definitely very beautiful and I'm definitely a big fan of it and this one is called Champagne by chewy butterfly so this one is really fun it's a little funky so I'll show you guys how this one works so as you guys can see here my sim is like super blurry and um everything around her is so this is one that you're definitely gonna have to use to use for more like a focal point of view so what I mean by that is this is one that you're gonna have to like actually um go right here and then click on your sim so you're going to click you're going to click on your sim or you're just going to click on whatever you're trying to focus on so for example if I so if I click over here on these leaves that's going to be in Focus but if I click on my SIM over here you see she she is in Focus so yeah and then you would just take a quick G shade photo but this is when I really enjoy taking funky screenshots with I really enjoy it a lot and it has like these pretty flares to it as well and you can always go in and like play with stuff so this would be like the bloom lens flare and you just put it on and off so and then moving forward I have the eleanora one as well and again this is the one that I like to use for my gameplay so it's just beautiful I love it so much but I do have a version that I tweak for myself yeah um it's actually this one right here so it's two eleanora this is my gameplay one and this is her regular one right here the eleanora so this one's a little bit darker I got those two confused but just don't mind that and then um groovy is another one by El Cruz so this one is um which is very like over saturated so basically it's just very like bright and Airy which is I think it's gorgeous for a screenshot and also the Shader is very high so what I mean by that is how you see like all these shadows in the game we don't really have that so for example um that is going to be mxao so when I turn it off do you see the difference it is a huge difference basically what mxao is it's just a Shader so it creates depth and shadows I'm gonna turn the mxao off so do you guys see the difference like all these Shadows are completely off and I wouldn't suggest to have this Shader um that Shader for gameplay if you don't have a really high-end computer because even on my like pretty mine's like in between a medium and a high gaming laptop it's definitely not super high um but my new one that I have it still runs a little laggy sometimes with um this on so I would just highly suggest playing around with it if it works for you awesome if it doesn't then maybe just turning it off or maybe a lower setting but you can always go in here as you guys can see and like play with it and you can make like this background over here to be more blurry versus your Sims face but I I personally like to have my Sims um look more in depth with like their actual faces and um their clothes so I just think it looks nice and it's just so different from like the flat gain that we have so and then um yeah so that one is one of my favorites as well I think the groovy one is so beautiful and so well done again though take that Shader off um if it's heavy on your computer if not totally have fun with it but I can't always and then latte which is another one by El Cruz is a really good one as well so this is off this is on off and on and Latte is really good for um red colors so let me show you what I mean so this one can also be a little bit harsh in the eyes but it just depends um on how you feel but let me just show you all these like beautiful Reds and greens so this is off look at that y'all off and on like how beautiful is that like it's gorgeous it's such a beautiful difference and that's what I love about it so anyways with this one um mxao is also on so you can just turn that off but let me show you so even even with that off like these colors still look so gorgeous and by the way we are in windenburg if you notice it's one of my favorite worlds so I had to do this tutorial in there so and then moving forward um we have this minty fresh one um which I personally love I felt like this one was a little bit darker for my gameplay but it's just so beautiful if you're in the mood for something different and something that has like a little bit of a more like moodier preset I would highly suggest this minty one and again this is one of my favorites I just don't use it for like filming YouTube um maybe I should maybe it'd be fun to like check out but again this is off and this is on like isn't that so nice I feel like this would be a nice preset for your Sims to like play in the fall so yep that is the minty one and don't worry I will make sure to link all of these um in the description below this one is called pound cake by Elena this one also has the mxao on it as well and this one speaks to my heart like this is one of the first ones I ever used y'all look at these Shadows like they're so gorgeous let me show you with it on and off though just to give you a reference so this is off and on but again you can all always just play with it figure out what you like and you know you can like I said play with it and just see like what works better with your computer but you might not even have any issues you know it's just I want to give you a forewarning just in case so anyways moving on from that one I love pound cake it's so cute um so Angelic was one of the first ones I used by Elena and then I think it was also strudel yeah strudel is one of my absolute favorites too so look how good they look my only thing is so with this one I would probably just go in and I would just probably tweak the m-a-x-a-o so this is the strudel one I absolutely love this preset so much I think it's absolutely gorgeous like look how beautiful this is and honestly in my opinion like it doesn't even need the mxao like this is on and off like I think it still looks really nice without it in my personal opinion again it's just my personal opinion but yeah I think it looks great and then this is with the blurry effect on it it and like come on you cannot tell me that this is not the most gorgeous preset like it's so beautiful also just a little tip too you can make this bigger or smaller if you want just a little tip and then moving on we have the sweet pies Again by Elena I literally love Elena I love her Sims I love her work when it comes to um her stuff but this is sweet pies mxao is very strong so I would just maybe suggest tweaking this one too this one is also really beautiful and I love the colors they're just so rich like look at the difference with the Reds and the oranges on and off like it just adds so much depth to it and if you're a fan of G shape I would highly suggest trying out any of Elena's presets because they're just so gorgeous so this one I believe does have the blurry effect for it like look how good this looks with the bokeh on like this looks so beautiful this preset is so gorgeous I love also just how pretty um and just natural like I really like what it does to our Sims skin tones like I just think it looks really beautiful and really natural and then moving on that's what it is called the petals G shade preset this one is just a little funky um I personally love this one this is really fun for me for screenshots so let me show you what I mean this is not one that I would use for your general gameplay this one is very heavy so what I mean by heavy is just very powerful so for example let me just find a nice little place to take a screenshot okay so if I want to take a screenshot of this house over here this is fun because all you have to do is you see this target right here so the center of this right here is where you would have in Focus hopefully that makes sense to you guys so let's just say we wanted to come over here we want to get this full picture right but we wanted to make sure the whole house was in focus do you guys see how the rest of this over here is blurry okay it's moving my mouse is moving but um again so the house is in Focus but then the rest over here is blurry so it just keeps changing because I'm moving my my mouse around but let me take a screenshot for you guys I'll put it on the screen so you guys can see but if I was gonna come over here and I wanted to have this tree in Focus that's in focus and everything else is blurry so that is one of my favorite ones too this is just really nice I think it looks beautiful and hampered and Bagley and in windenberg just it's a really nice preset when you want to take scenery screenshots in my opinion I just think it's so cozy and I mean what can you not love about this one this one's just so gorgeous so moving back to my SIM this other one is called the Storyteller um believe it or not this is my actual my first one I ever used the Storyteller I loved this preset so much I it's so funny like seeing this now like and how much I've changed um my Sims but again you can add the adoff key um and make the blurry background so yep here we go this is what I used to use for my um screenshots so it's just really nice and simple I like that about it and it's just really pretty so this one's really gorgeous and it's definitely a good preset to start off with and then moving forward I do have the Miss lollipop um this is her gameplay preset so this one is also a little bit darker but I love and honestly I can't remember if this is the way it looks in general I have tweaked this one a few times because I really enjoy it a lot so I just can't remember what the original one looks like but yeah let me show you all really quick this is her screenshot one so as you can see the bokeh is starting to like have an effect and this one is really beautiful this preset is her screenshot preset that she has and it's called with the bloom so if you wanted to take the bloom off which kind of gives it like this like kind of magical creamy effect to it you would just take this magic Bloom off there's just so many different and that's the bloom right there I thought there's so many different settings that you can change on here and I promise you don't be intimidated by this it's really not that um intimidating but if you wanted to reload anything you could just hit reload and then you can also if there's ever anything that you want to just go back to how the preset originally was you would just go right here and you would go to reset all to default so how it says the Quint right here and if you ended up changing something like this like look I I ain't changed that right I wanted to change it back you just hit yes and it changes it back where it was so yeah it's just really cool and you can play around with everything and this is like the bokeh and blur it can make it bigger or smaller you can do whatever you want with it so and then she also has a Sims Radiance one for screenshots so this one is also one of my favorites too this one is so beautiful and I just love how my Sims look like it's just it's just absolutely gorgeous in again the name of it it's called The Radiance one and I couldn't agree more with that like it is literally radiant so um not to be cheesy but it's just so beautiful one is this one called thunderstorm by the mushroom whims so this one is another like cool funky one as you all can see um you would definitely have to get pretty close to your sim to like get them in Focus but all you have to do is hold your mouse down and zoom in and just kind of move around about um so yeah I think it looks really really beautiful and yeah you just have to make sure your sim isn't both Focus or whatever you're trying to get in Focus but I really love like for example like once my sim is in Focus I like the blur effect on this one I just think it's extra fun okay so the next one I want to share with you guys is a much beloved preset I feel like a lot of people know about this preset but if you don't um this one is definitely for you um this is definitely a really good one to start off with so boho Dreams by nixel is one of my favorite ones like I said this is a really good one to start off with but this one actually does not come with um mxao originally so it's just gonna look like this when you put it in your game so I feel like this is a really good preset to start off with especially if you don't have like the most powerful computer in the world I played with this when I had I like more lower end computer and it was like just fine for me so let me Zoom back into my SIM for you guys so you can see what she looks like but yeah this one is definitely a very popular one among um the simming community obviously like it's just so beautiful like it's very simple as you guys can see like look at the coloring though like it's just to me I love it I like the Hues of it I love how simple it is and it's just really beautiful and also it runs really well for me even on my like lower end computer that I had before I had my new gaming computer so highly suggest this one a lot um it's definitely a go-to for me um I don't use it as much anymore I I really use that eleanora I'll cruise one um but yeah it is absolutely beautiful and I love it so highly suggest this one and then moving on I do have this one by Charlie pancakes which is called livid so for this one we're gonna go off into the nature so that sounds weird but yeah we're gonna go into the nature so this one by Charlie pancakes is really beautiful so for example this one um has a nice like blur to it so it has a magic Bloom and then the magic Dolph key which is like the Adolph key um but this one has just like a very slight blur and it's kind of I don't know how to explain it but it's just very subtle I don't know if you guys can tell like the blur is kind of subtle on the house and then there's some blurring up here at the top but yeah I don't think this one would be good for like maybe everyday gameplay just because it blurs out like a lot of your surroundings like my sim would be blurred but you can always just turn off that right there but then still have the bloom so you you guys can kind of tell again I'm not sure how to really describe my words um when it comes to that but yeah so that's the magic Bloom right there so it kind of just makes it like hazy kind of like um dreamy in my opinion um but with the magic Dolph key on it just adds like the blur so again if you want to use this for gameplay just turn that magic off key on and then put the magic balloon back on with the magic Bloom on my SIM is in Focus she just looks like really dreamy and yeah it just looks really pretty so again if I put that off key back on you see how she's blurry take it off and again she just has that nice like kind of haziness to her which is like thanks and dreamy I can definitely see like that being in um heferred on Bagley or maybe even glimmer Brook so yeah I love this one a lot and Charlie pancakes is the creator of the save file that I did recently I did a review of her save file so definitely check out that video If you haven't seen it already I'll put a little um screenshot up on the video now so you guys can check it out if you want to but moving on to our next one so this one here is called um Dove 2.0 by Kindle spice so for some reason I'm not sure why the mxao Shader didn't compile for me um but it's totally okay I don't really care I just I don't mind it but maybe it'll work for your computer maybe that's just a me thing and maybe it needs to be updated or something this is the dove Shader on and this is off so you guys can see the difference with this one this one is really beautiful and it just gives it like a nice um like pop of color like the colors are very like saturated and they just look really nice like look at the difference like the water actually looks blue and these trees over here just everything's basically enhanced and that's basically what we're looking for when it comes to G shade we just want to enhance against the color of our game clearly because you know we don't want our game to be boring and plain like look how flat everything looks you put the G shade on and everything looks nice and beautiful and colorful so that is the dub 2.0 and again this is another beloved one that everyone loves but if you are newer to G shade which most of you guys are that request this video this is a good one for you so anyways again you can always go in and like tick things off if you want to and if you notice that certain settings in here are a little bit heavier on your computer and it's running a little bit slow just take some time to like go in here and like play with it so but this one should be pretty good on your computer if not just play with the settings so one more technical thing I want to show you guys so for example when you are trying to find your screenshot that you just took normally it's going to be in this folder but I will show you how to change that so I'm just going to show you where the folder originally is and then for example when I change my folder to which is the Sims screenies which basically means like Sim screenshots but I like to be extra and call them screenies so what you're going to do is you're going to hit your C file the OS and then C so that's your C drive so what you're going to do is you're going to go to your C drive and it's going to say osc and then you hit users hit public and then you go down to public pictures basically going to have your original g-shade photos in here so as you can see those are G shade presets photos that have been taken by g-shade however what you'll do in the game and when you're in your G shade panel is you can change the path directions for it and I'll show you how to do that in just a moment but these are my sim screen shots right here as I said before this is where look at all these files y'all so this is where all my G shade photos are currently so I'll go ahead and show you in just a moment where to actually change what folder you want to put your G shade screenshots in so mine just are on my desktop right here so it's just easy for me to like go in and grab but it just makes it easier for me when trying to find them so if I wanted to change the path of where my screenshots go I have all I have to do is go right here so where it says screenshot path So currently like I mentioned before it says Sims screenies that's where mine go so if you ever want to change it or if you want to move it from the public pictures you would just go right here to this little folder icon and then you go to Sims screenies but you can even click this one again okay and then you could go to all these different folders wherever you want to go again I just like having it on my desktop so it's easy so I can just go in and grab it anytime so again I would just go to desktop you just click it and then send screenies again because obviously that's where it is so then if you look up here at the top it's going to say the folder that you want it to go in so again if I want to change it I'll just go back to the desktop let's say I wanted to put it in the documents tab so I would just go over here and hit documents I'm not going to put it in here but I would click on my pictures and hit select but again I'm doing the desktop screening so Sim screenies again and then I just hit select right here so that's it super simple and very easy to use so again that is where I grab all of my screenshots so I'll just go on my desktop and it'll be in that folder so super easy and very important to know though so you don't have to go and dig through you're trying to find your public photos for your t-shade screenshots so I like that I think it's super easy to use so yeah I hope that really helps you guys but that is all I have for you guys today in regards to to my favorite presets now there's a ton of other presets out in The Sims universe that you can find and use and put you in your game but I just want to show you my top favorite that I use myself that I love and I trust so with that being said definitely comment down below if you have any more suggestions or if you guys have any other fun due shade presets that you want me to check out and review I am more than happy to do so but anyways I feel have a wonderful day or evening wherever you are and whenever you are watching this video I love you guys so much and thank you for being here and watching this video and thank you for my lovely subscribers for actually mentioning this video idea I think it'll be really helpful to a lot of you guys so anyways make sure to like comment and subscribe and I'll see you all in the next one bye guys through the fields of our parts [Music] but it's strange now dreams holding us closer Meadows are by youth 107 days they're calling it backwards our dreams holding us closer [Music]
Channel: Savythatsimmer
Views: 43,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gshade, gshade tutorial, sims 4 gshade, how to download gshade, how to install gshade presets, sims 4 cottage living, sims 4 growing together
Id: Og84A_nkiM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 19sec (1939 seconds)
Published: Thu May 04 2023
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