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The collection of 18 amazing toast/bread recipes (in my videos). Cooking Haru :) 1. Hot Dog Bread Roll. It is a hot dog made with sliced bread instead of making dough. Cut out the edges. Refer to ‘Garlic bread popcorn’ video for how to use bread edge. Flatten the sliced bread with a rolling pin. It looks like ‘Flat Stanley’. Flat. Flat. Sausages. It is better to boil the sausages before use. Cut the sausages slightly smaller than the bread. Cut the mozzarella cheese if necessary. 1 Egg. 1/4 teaspoon of Salt. Spatula Monster couldn’t find camouflaged egg like a chameleon. Apply egg mixture at the edge of bread. Place cheese and sausage and roll it like Gimbap. Seal the sides. It is better to use soft bread. Wow. It sticks very well. Thank you, egg. Apply the egg mixture on all three edges,the bread sticks better. The shape of bread is not important. After rolling, it looks same. Hot dog 1, 2, 3... It keeps falling. Dip into the egg mixture. Bread crumbs. Coat it with bread crumbs evenly. Press so that the bread crumbs do not fall off. Last hot dog... Medium-low heat. Cooking oil. Put hot dog in the pre-heated wok or pan. Fry it evenly. I used a little cooking oil. You can add more for deep-frying. Delicious sound. Place them on the stainless net. Stick a chopstick in a hot dog. It sounds crispy and yummy. Ketchup and mustard. You can apply sugar like the video ‘Super Crispy Glutinous Rice Hot dog’. Let’s see the inside...Mouth watering. It looks like normal (Korean) hot dog made with dough. But it is easier because you can simply use sliced bread. <Extended scene> Finally, Spatula Monster found the egg. 2. Garlic Cheese Toast. Let’s make the ‘Garlic Butter Spread’ first. 30g Butter. Garlic. It is much tastier to mince the garlic just before you use it. Chop.chop. Perfect! It is accurately 1 TBSP. 1 TBSP Honey (You can use sugar). Parsley. You need to use softened butter to mix well. You can adjust the amount of garlic and honey as you like. Sliced bread. Fluffy.Fluffy. Cheese which you like. Cut the bread but leave the end uncut so it doesn’t separate. Spread the garlic spread. Apply the garlic spread between crevices. You can sprinkle with sugar to enjoy it sweeter (Optional). Put it on the parchment paper and bake it in the oven. Bake for 7.5 min in pre-heated oven to 350℉. (Adjust if needed). WoW! Delicious smell of garlic butter!! Mouth watering. Super crispy! Crispy!. Easy to eat one by one. Cheese makes it so soft. This time, I will add an egg for breakfast. Apply the garlic spread on one side of bread. Cut out the middle with a cookie cutter or cup (any shape). Any kind of cheese you like. 1 Cute egg (in the room temperature). Put toast on the parchment paper. Don’t forget the cut piece. A little salt on the egg. Bake in the preheated oven to 350°F for 10 min. Away from heat sources (Adjust). Keep toast in the oven for a while if you want to cook egg more. Crispy. crispy! It looks more delicious with an egg. Cut as you like. Wow! Yummy!. 3. Egg Bacon Toast. 4 Egg guys. ‘Jump into the bowl’. 1/2 TBSP of Sugar. 1/2 tsp of Salt. 6 TBSP of Milk. Low heat. Enough cooking oil. Pour the egg mixture. Move the cooked egg quickly so that eggs are cooked soft. Divid it into 3. Make the holes so that the upper parts can be cooked, too. Coat the pan with the cooking oil and put the bacons(100g) on it. Oh! Delicious smell. Let’s make sauces which improve the taste 10times!!. Sauce 1) Butter Garlic Sauce (Optional). 30g of Soft butter (I soften it in the microwave). 1.5 TBSP of Honey. 2 TBSP of Mayonnaise. 1-1.5 tsp of minced garlic (You can adjust it as you like). 1 tsp of Parsley. Sauce 2) Condensed milk & mayonnaise (2TBSP of each). ‘Is the bowl too small?’. It is really soft and sweet sauce. Sauce 3) Sriracha sauce and mayonnaise (1 TBSP of each). You can adjust the spiciness. The sauces are for 4 slices of breads (I used 1/2 in the video). Bread ASMR. 2 Slices. Apply the butter garlic sauce on one side. Low heat. Place the toast with the sauce side down. If you want the sauce on both sides, apply the sauce on top now. I will toast the other side with butter only. You can toast both sides with butter without butter garlic sauce. When both sides are done, press the middle. Oh, I forgot to show you the other side with butter. Crispy. Press the middle and fold the toast in V-shape. Apply the sweet sauce 2 on the half of toast. Apply the spicy sauce 3 on the other half of toast. Add cheese and put bacons on it. Put the 1/2 of egg on it. Drizzle it with sauce 2 (I put it in the small zipper bag to drizzle). Parsley. One more time! Cheese, bacon, egg, sauce 2, parsley. It is ‘Eggslut’ style toast with super soft yummy egg. I omit the part of how to make toast box because of video length. You can serve it in any square bowl to keep the shape. Soft and fluffy eggs on the crispy toast!!. WoOow! It is super delicious!!. See you in the next video! Bye!. [Epilogue]Eggs and Spatula Monster after the show. ‘Wake up! Let’s play together!’. 4. One Pan 2 Egg Toasts. Rolling Rolling Tomato. Come, Green onion. Cut. Cut. If your butter is not soft, put it in the microwave for a few seconds. Cook bacon in advance. Sizzling. Sizzling. Cute egg boys. ‘Do you want a piece of me?’. Make them get along well with each other. How many chopsticks do you see?. 1/3 Teaspoon of salt...???. Fresh milk 3 Tablespoons...??. Mix. Low heat. Cooking oil. Perfect ways how to check if the pan is preheated. Egg mixture. Adding milk makes it softer. Green onion. Fluffy sliced bread!. Put it on the egg. Apply butter on the bread. Preparation before action. Turn it over!. Cheese. Ham. Delicious bacon. Fresh tomato. A little salt. A little pepper. Fold the egg. Cover it with the bread. Cut the egg in the middle. One more time, butter. Delicious smell of buttered toast!! Is it done??. Wow!! Crispy! Crispy!. The middle is hotter. Move it to cook evenly. Peeking to check if it is done. Move to the plate. If you want to add some fresh veggies,. Turn it over. On this side toast and egg are not attached. Open it. Add veggies. Cover it. Well done!. Green veggies always makes it look fresher. Cut the toasts for easy sharing with others... And eat it all by myself. It looks so yummy even with only ham, cheese and egg. Toast, which pretends to be a little healthier, looks delicious, too. Wow! Drooling!. Bacon Cheese Egg Toast with fresh vegetables. Crispy crunchy!! It is really good!. [Behind scenes] Building the eggshell tower. 2nd try. 5. Banana Cheese Toast (Dumpling style). Sliced bread. Cut out the edges. Refer to ‘French toast like cake’ video for how to use bread edge. Press with the rolling pin. Press. Press. Perfect!. 3-4 Cute eggs (3 Eggs would be fine). 2 Tablespoons of Milk (Optional). One pinch of salt. 1.5-2 Tablespoons of sugar. Sweet Banana. Cut it slightly smaller than the sliced bread. Apply the egg mixture on oneside of the bread. Put mozzarella cheese and banana and roll it . Press the edges to attach. It is better to use soft bread to make a shape. It looks like a dumpling. Attach sides tightly so that the ingredients do not leak out. Even though you attached tightly but did it leak out??!!. No problem! Eat deliciously. It is all the same in your stomach. Flat shape is easier to cook so ‘Guys, Be Flat!’. Splash in the egg mixture. Low heat. A little butter. Add a little cooking oil. Coat it with egg one more time and put it on the pan. Cook both sides. Cook the sides if it is thick. Delicious smell. Take them out. One more time. Place the clean side up. Too much egg?!! It’s ok. Make all sides delicious. Smell of sweet banana and butter. It is delicious to eat as is, but I will show you how to eat it in various ways. Way to Eat 1) Eat with cinnamon powder. Cinnamon powder : Sugar = 1 : 2. Mix. Roll the toast on the cinnamon sugar powder. Way to Eat 2) Eat with chocolate sauce. Cut 100g of the chocolate (I used cacao 35-40%). 4 Tablespoons of milk. Melt it in the microwave for 20-30 sec (Adjust the time). Mix until you get the thick chocolate sauce you know. It looks yummy as is. The smell of chocolate!. Way to Eat 3) The easiest one to prepare, maple syrup. Cut it in half. Wow! The cheese!!. It is delicious with chocolate sauce. Yum.Yum.Yum. I will try it with maple syrup this time. It is good finger food ( Should I call it as dumpling? or toast?). [Behind scene] Banana. [Epilogue] Somebody took the eggs’ house. Spatula Monster who is looking for eggs. 6. Dessert French Toast. French toast like a moist and soft dessert cake. 2 slices of bread. Cut out the edges. I will tell you the recipe of leftover bread at the end. 2 Eggs. 90ml of Milk (You can adjust it). You can use fresh cream instead of milk. 2 Tablespoons of Sugar. Mix. Fast skill +. Soak bread in the egg mixture. Apply evenly. Yellow chick color. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Egg mixture is almost gone. Toast slowly over low heat. Butter. Put the bread gently on the pan. Peek the bottom to see if it is done. When it smells strong butter flavor, flip it over. Peek the other side. It is almost done. Turn it over. The outside is crispy and inside is very moist. If the bread is thick, it is better to cook the sides, too. Maple syrup. Sweet and crispy outside is done. Sprinkle with sugar when it is hot. Sugar and maple syrup coat the bread like caramel. Wow! Yummy crispy and moist French toast. Serve it on plate gentl..y...Dropped :( Let’s re-shoot it. Outside is crispy and sweet. Inside is soft and moist like dessert cake. Divide into 4 equal parts and share (by myself). The sweet coating of outside makes it shiny. Yum.You can enjoy crispy and moist texture at the same time. Add a little butter and leftover bread in the pan where sweet sauce is left over. You can use up leftover bread and sweet sauce together. It is crispy crunchy bread in pop corn size. Add maple syrup when it is still hot. Maple syrup coats bread. Super simple caramel pop corn bread is done. 7. Cube Potato Pizza. Bread. Cut it in cube shape. It is cute cube shape bread. You can play with cubes like blocks. Cut the inside of cube. Press to make some space in the middle. It is easy to press in case of soft bread. If your bread is not soft enough, cut out the middle. It is a cube bowl which you can put anything in. 400g Potatoes. Peel the potatoes. Cut. Add potatoes and 2 TBSP of water. Cook it in the microwave for 2.5-3.5min (Adjust). Mix it in the middle to cook evenly. Hot... Remove the leftover water. Gently poke the potato with a chopstick to check if it is cooked. 1/2 teaspoon of salt. A little pepper. 2 Tablespoons of milk. Mash it. Add parsley (Optional). You can add more milk if needed. Potatoes are ready!. 80g of Bacon. Cut it in small size.. 3 TBSP Tomato sauce. Get along well with each other. Put mashed potatoes in the cube bread. In.In.In. Press and make potatoes flat. Add tomato bacon. Flat. Flat. FLat. Mozzarella cheese. Press the cheese to fill the space. Add enough cheese. A little parsley. I will show you cube pizza without parsley later. Put Cube pizza on the parchment paper or silicone paper. Bake it in the preheated oven ( 370°F. 10min. Adjust if needed). Wow!! Delicious smell!!. Crispy crunchy cube pizza!! Well done!!. Let’s see inside. The delicious potato pizza is inside of cube toast. The outside is crispy crunchy. Inside is tasty pizza. It is yummy!!. The cube shape is very cute. Cube pizza without parsley on top. It looks like cheese tart. I added more cheese this time. One more good thing! You can play with cube pizza while eating. Tell me where you come from. I always welcome you. 8. Fried Egg Sandwich. Cover fried egg with sliced bread like blanket for easy sandwich. Keep butter in the room or warm in the microwave to soften it. Sliced bread. Cute shape. I like it. Well sliced bread. Give me 2 slices. Apply butter on one side only. Then, you can enjoy crispy and soft texture at the same time. Done. Low heat. Coat the pan with the cooking oil. Add egg on the pre-heated pan. Place the bread on the egg with the buttered side up. Tap.Tap.Tap. Burst the yolk. Move the bread to hide the egg under it (playing hide-and-seek). Turn it over when the egg is almost cooked. Any type of ham. Any type of cheese. A little strawberry jam that ran and just arrived. A little bit more... Place the bread on it with buttered side up. OK. It is done. Turn it over. Crispy. Crispy. The color is uneven. You can rotate the bread to get even color. Looks yummy!!. I can’t wait!!. Wow!!. Crispy and delicious sandwich!!. Crispy outside and soft inside. It is yummy. 2nd Option) It is a sandwich with tomato and lettuce. Slice a tomato. Cut the end of the lettuce. Oh, no! Egg is too far from the camera :( Cover the egg with the bread. Flip it over. Add a little salt and pepper. Ham, first!! and Cheese (It makes it easier to add vegetables). Check if it is done. Turn it over. Open the bread and add lettuce and tomato. Egg is attached on the bread firmly so it is easy to handle. Did I make this crack? Oh, no!! Are you ok? pat.pat.pat. I am exciting to see the inside. WOW! It looks really yummy!!!. Buttered side is very crispy while inside is soft. Because I gently burst the yolk, you can see the pretty yellow. Listen to the sound!! You will love it...(maybe even me...). [Behind scene] When I put the bread on the egg too early... 9. Potato Grilled Cheese. It is grilled cheese sandwich with creamy potato. Potato. Cut in any shape. Add 2 tablespoons and cook it in the microwave for 4-5 min. You can boil or steam it to cook. Mix it in the middle to cook it evenly. Hot! Hot!. 2/3 teaspoon of Salt. A little black pepper. 6-7 Tablespoons of milk (I added in the middle while mixing). Crush it gently. Parsley (Optional). If you like creamy texture of potato more, skip parsley. Add enough milk in the middle to get creamy and soft potato. Add salt if needed. My cheese is not salty. You need to adjust amount of salt. You can make 2-3 sandwiches with 1 potato. Butter. I heated it for 20 seconds in the microwave to get soft butter. Fluffy fluffy bread. One..., Two..., Butter becomes very creamy while waiting. Apply butter on one side of each bread. Spread. Spread. Done!!. Low heat. Add a little butter on the pan. Put the bread with the buttered side down. Add more butter if needed. Put your favorite cheese...(Death by cheese...). Add creamy potato. Apply evenly. Cover it. Half toasted?. Move to cook evenly. Turn it over and cook evenly again. Super crispy!!. Cut it in half and serve on the plate. Wow!! Look at the cheese and creamy potato!!. Yummy!. Crispy Crunchy sound! Mouth watering. Outside is super crispy. Inside is full of creamy cheese potatoes. Wow!! It is delicious ASMR!. The grilled cheese becomes more delicious with creamy potato. [Behind scene]. 10. Cabbage Toast. It is Super Delicious Cabbage Toast (Korean street toast). 200g Cabbage. Wash it several times. Remove water. 2-3 Eggs. ‘Spatula Monster who is looking for Eggs’. Touch gently. gently.’ 1/2 Teaspoon of salt. 1/2 teaspoon???. Mix drained cabbage and egg mixture. A little ground pepper. It is easy and delicious sauce. 1 TBSP of ketchup. 1 TBSP of mayonnaise. 1 TBSP of sugar. It is very delicious when eaten with cabbage. Low heat. Cooking oil. Spread cabbage mixture on the preheated pan. Does it look like a rectangle?. Cut it in half and turn it over. One more cabbage mixture on the side. 3 layers of cabbage is done. A little butter. Sliced bread. The sound I really like. Put bread on the butter. Do not overcook cabbage for the crunchy texture. One more butter and sliced bread. The sauce. Cheese. Ham. Cover it with bread. Wow! Crispy. Crispy!. Toast the bottom evenly. The sweet and sour taste sauce is fantastic with cabbage. Ham and cheese add a variety of flavors. Crispy crunchy. It is really yummy. It is a taste that make me happy. [Behind scene] ‘You are not supposed to be launched!...’. 11. Pocket Pizza Toast. Pizza is in the pocket of toast. Mushroom. Bell pepper. Sausage or ham. Make the bottom flat and it will be easier to cut. You can change the ingredients of pizza. Medium low heat and cooking oil. Mushroom. Bell pepper. Sausage. You can put the ingredients at the same time in the pan. Ok, Done. Egg (1 egg for 1 sliced bread). ‘Spatula Monster is looking for eggs’. ‘Phew!! It seems that he is passing by without seeing the eggs.’. 1 Teaspoon of salt and ground black pepper. Mix eggs and cooked ingredients. Umm...m...too much bubbles...The chopsticks were too fast... Sliced bread. The knife is too thick to cut it out neatly :( Cut out the inside of the bread. I changed the knife to the small and thin one. It is much better. Low heat. A little cooking oil. Sliced bread. Mozzarella cheese. Tomato ketchup or Pizza sauce. I wanted to draw smiley face...but...I failed. Cover the messed up drawing with the bread. Push it softly. If it moves, it means the bottom is cooked. When you turn it over, add butter. Well done!. You can hear the crispy sound when you push it Yes! It is toasted well! The middle part is thicker because of the bread. Don’t worry. After flipping it over, it will become flat like magic Butter. Crispy. Crispy. Thanks to butter. You can use pizza sauce instead of tomato ketchup. Opening the lid is one of the most difficult parts of cooking. It is better to use a thicker sauce (not watery). You can skip butter. It looks yummy. Crispy bread. It looks like the ordinary egg toast if you see the outside. But it looks like pizza when you see the inside. Wow! It is my favorite time!. Yum. Yum. Yum. It is really great!. You can taste egg toast and pizza at the same time. [Deleted scene]. 12. Potato Salad Sandwich. 4 Cute eggs. Water slap. 1/2 TBSP of salt. After it starts to boil, boil another 10 min. Put boiled eggs in the cold water for a while. 1/4 Carrot. Chop it finely . 1 Small cucumber. I will not use the center parts which is very watery. When you use center part, apply salt and leave it for a while and squeeze the water. Chop it finely (bigger than the carrot) . Remove the moisture with paper towel. 100g Sandwich ham. Cut it (bigger than cucumber). 2 fist sized Potatoes. Peel it. Cut. The potatoes are about 460g after peeling. You can boil it but I will cook it in the microwave today. Add 50ml water. Remove the excess water after cooking potato. Cook it in the microwave for 5.5 min (Adjust the time). Mix it in the middle to cook evenly. Poke it gently to check if it is cooked well. 1/2 Teaspoon of salt. A little black pepper. Softly press with the potato masher. Eggs saved from cold water. The shell is peeled very easily. Cracking two eggs at the same time. A Spatula Monster with the hobby of ‘breaking egg shells’. Cut the eggs into large chunks and add them to the potatoes. You can cut eggs easier and prettier if you use egg slicer. Cut and mix eggs using the potato masher. Add cucumber, carrot and ham. Put 1/2 (3TBSP) of mayonnaise first. Mix. Add more mayonnaise if needed (I used total 6TBSP). After checking the taste, add 1/2 tsp of salt and pepper (Adjust). 1TBSP of honey mustard (Optional). 1TBSP of honey (Optional). You can put mayonnaise only. I like to add honey mustard&honey. Delicious potato salad is done!!. My favorite sound of the bread drum!. I added a few lettuce (You can skip it). Add a big spoon of potato salad. I put it too much without thinking LOL. Put lettuce on it (Optional). Cover it with the sliced bread. Done!!!. Clean up the sides nicely. Did I put too much?. You put 1/2 of it. Otherwise it may come out when you eat. Cut it in half and see inside. Wow! It looks yummy!. It is also delicious if you eat it with the bread roll. Cut the bread roll but leave the edge uncut. It looks like ‘Pac-Man’ in the movie ‘Pixels’ (Do you know it?). Put the potato salad and sprinkle with parsley. It kind of looks like a baby bird's mouth.. I will show you how to pack it. Roll it up with the food wrap and hold the sides and rotate it. You can see the air inside. If you eat right away, you do not need to wrap it. It is filled with delicious creamy potato salad. It is really tasty and perfect meal. 13. Cabbage Toast (without bread). It is healthy toast made with cabbage but without bread. Cabbage. It looks like a smart brain. Slice (350g). Wash it several times. Remove the water with the paper towel. Prepare the sauce while removing the water on the cabbage. Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Sugar 1 TBSP each. Sugar... :( Mix. Drained cabbage. 3 Cute eggs. Monster Spatula ‘Long Time No See!!’. 3 TBSP of all-purpose flour. 1 tsp of Salt. A little bit of pepper. Mix. Low heat. Cooking oil. Cabbage mixture. Make it flat. Add a little butter. Cut it in half to make it in shape of toast. Turn it over and cook the other side. It looks like a egg toast. GOOD!!. Turn it over again when the other side is cooked. Add sandwich ham and cheese. Melt the cheese over the heat. One more. Add butter. Cut it in half and cook both sides. Turn it over again. Add cheese and ham. I added the sauce on the plate first. Put the cabbage toast on the sauce. Delicious and nutritious cabbage toast is done!!. Parsley. You can drip the sauce over the toast or serve it separately. Wow! It looks yummy. The sauce is perfect for the cabbage egg toast. 14. Garlic Bread Popcorn. This is super easy snack that uses up the leftover dried bread. But I have only soft & fresh bread at home that I just bought :( I put this outside overnight and made it like old dried bread. Dice it in popcorn size. ...Um...It is too hard. It is better to cut with a bread knife. 25g Butter (2TBSP) ‘Smooth like butter~ Like a ~’. Melt butter by the microwave or double-boiler. 1/2 - 2/3 Minced garlic. 1 TBSP of Honey (or Sugar). 1 TBSP of Parsley flakes. Low heat. Butter. Bread. Apply garlic butter mixture on the bread. You can apply garlic butter on one side only. It’s yummy anyway. I applied leftover garlic butter mixture on the other side. Cook until you get the yummy yellow-brown color. Delicious baked garlic butter flavor!!!. Yum. Yum. It is great!. You can use up leftover bread edges from cooking like this. I should have made this much more. It is so good!. 15. Banana Cheese Toast (Dessert style) It is dessert toast made with banana and bread. I need 1 banana per 1 sliced bread. Cut.. Butter from the fridge. Melt in the microwave for 30 sec. Gently apply butter on the sliced bread. Banana on the bread. You can use a tortilla instead of bread. Mozzarella cheese. Bread after adding mozzarella cheese in my imagination. Reality...(Do it on the paper. It is easier to clean up). Option 1) Toasting in the oven - Bread on parchment paper. 10 min in preheat oven to 200°C (Adjust if needed). Remove the paper later to prevent a soggy toast caused by temperature difference. Parsley (Frankly speaking, no need). Wow! Crispy outside and soft inside! Yummy!. Option2) Cooking in a pan-For those who don't have oven... Toast is likely to burn or get soggy in the pan while melting cheese. You can put toast on the cookie mold or small plate in the pan. but I made it with parchment paper (Is it origami channel?). Butter over low heat. Apply butter to the bread. Crispy sound. It is slightly toasted. Put the parchment paper under the toast. Close the lid to melt cheese. Wipe off the moisture from the lid sometimes. The cheese is soft and toast is still crispy. I will make it a dessert toast with chocolate. Marshmallow melt on the cheese and so yummy. Chocolate syrup. Sprinkles. M&M’s chocolate...any sweets you have. It was on the plate for a while but still delicious. This time, dessert toast... 16. Pocket French Toast. It is French Toast with ham and cheese in the pocket. 2 Eggs and 1/2 Tablespoon of sugar. Invisible chopstick skill. If you add milk, you can make it softer. Sliced bread. You can use the bread without cutting. Cut cheese with the back of knife. Sliced sandwich ham. I used 2 slices. Cut the ham in the SAME size of the cheese. Put ham & cheese together. Low heat. Butter or cooking oil. Egg mixture. Put sliced bread. Lift the bread right away, put the ham and cheese in its place, turn the bread over and cover the ham and cheese with it. Hide and seek time. Thinking how to flip it over... ...in the coolest way. We can flip it over at once like an expert cook..., but let’s hide the skill. Cut them into quarters and flip over. Well done!!. Eat now, you can enjoy fantastically soft and yummy taste. I need to move them to the plate for pictures... Let’s check the inside pocket. Delicious ham and cheese in the pocket. Looks yummy!. I added suger powder. You can add maple syrup. Yum.Yum. It tastes perfectly balanced. 17. Egg Pizza Toast. Onion 1/4 (Ingredients in the video for 2 pieces of toasts). Chop it to cook it quickly. 1/4 Paprika. Chop.Chop again. 60g of Bacon. You can use ham, sausages or spam instead. You can use any ingredients you like. 2 Eggs ( 1~1.5 Eggs per toast). You can add milk to make it softer. Melt butter over the low heat. Sliced bread on the pan. Add vegetables and bacons around the bread. Cook vegetables & bacon and toast bread at the same time. Toast the other side. Pour the egg mixture thinly. You can add garlic or other ingredients you like. It is moving on the pan. It is time to flip it over. You can use a spatula OR... You can use a lid. You can apply tomato sauce like pizza (I skipped it today). Fluffy inside and crispy outside. Mozzarella cheese. You can add cheddar cheese. Parsley powder. Pepper if you like. You can eat it as round pizza but I will fold it on the toast. I feel I am doing origami...Next turn, paper plane!. Folding the bread. Done!. Let the cheese melt more for a while. Yay!! Time to eat!! (I put all the leftover here. Almost bursting). Crispy Crunchy! Yummy sound. Soft cheese on the inside. I will try it with sweet strawberry jam. 18. French Toast. 3 Eggs. Sugar 2/3 ~1 Tablespoon. According to your taste. Small eggs. Added 1 more. Big Bread. Cut it in half. Bread in the egg mixture. mmm...a small bowl... I will use the bigger bowl next time. Cut the strawberries. Done!. Butter or vegetable oil. Bread on the heated pan. Cook both sides. Please...Please...Please. Changed the utensil...Much better. Add butter. Serve on the plate. Like the one at the brunch restaurant. With strawberries and blueberries. Sugar powder...Look better... It is delicious to eat with spray whipped cream. French toast with some fruits. Simple but a nice meal. Yum. Yum. It is great. Thank you for watching the video to the end!!.
Channel: 쿠킹하루 Cooking Haru :)
Views: 5,697,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 토스트, 샌드위치, 식빵, 브런치, 핫도그, 빵, yt:cc=on
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 39sec (4599 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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