(1785) Medeco Picking Tips (REALLY!)

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well guys every lock picker comes to the point where they want to specialize in a lock when they get to that intermediate or advanced level they're looking for a new challenge so a lot of guys go for the assam look like the disc container some specialize in the multi-lock series pin and pins other guys gravitate towards these these little medicos this is a medeco biaxial you can see the symbol right there and this is a little four pinner i decided to talk a little bit about medicals i'm no expert but like most of you i've kind of tipped my toe into the medical pool to get a feel for these guys and i've learned that there are really three ways to open the medico the first one and i've done some videos on this is particularly on the three pinners and the four pinners is you get yourself a little rake and you can a lot of times rake them open by pure you're depending on 100 percent luck and that's the truth uh it doesn't always work i would say your success rate's probably 20 at best so you want to look for other ways and the other way that i found is i went online i found a permutation calculator actually as a printout i know that these pins in here have three possible positions they're four pins do the math 64 possible combinations uh and i printed it out and i try them one at a time each time you try one of those it takes about a minute so to pick this little four pinner it takes a little bit over an hour if you have to try all 64 of those different combinations of pins not the most efficient way of doing it because if you screw up somewhere along the line you've just invalidated the whole experiment the other way is to singapore pick it and that's what we're here to talk about today because that's what most of the questions seem to be about so before i get into that let's talk a little bit about these locks for those of you who really aren't that familiar with them first of all the medeco pin is a little bit unusual instead of being pointed or angled like many of the pins we're familiar with they're actually shaped like little wedges and one side is a sharper angle than the other and the reason for that is and let's take a look at the key by the way this is not the correct key for this but i just wanted to show you what the keys look like so if you look at a normal key obviously we've got cuts for the different depths but medicals are unusual in the fact that they have different angles as well so those wedges have to fit down inside of these little grooves and then the point the chisel point of that wedge will then get turned to fit at this angle so raise it to the correct height and then we call this a left turn we're turning it to the left about 20 degrees when we go to the next one you notice we have to turn him about 20 degrees to the right third one 20 degrees to the left and then the last one see if i can he looks like he's straight so straight across so three possible positions straight left or right those are the extremes so the key has to be able to turn in addition to going to the proper depth let's take a look at the top of one of these pins you notice from the top of it you can see what i call the guide tip it's a little tip that keeps the pin from over rotating there's a little chamber and you'll you'll see it as we go along the pin keeps the that little tip keeps the pin from over rotating past about 20 degrees in either direction you'll also see we've got some grooves on there we have a false set groove you notice a false groove is about one-fourth of the depth of the real groove that allows you to get trapped it allows you to pinch the leg of the sidebar which i'll show you in a moment and it just kind of binds it up you get stuck there and there's not enough room in there for the leg of the sidebar to fit into to get an open on the lock let's take a look at the side of one of the pins again you can see the same thing you can see the guide pin you can see the faults gate and then you can see the much deeper and much wider real gate that's because next fixture the sidebar the sidebar has little legs that have to fit inside of those wide grooves not only do they have to fit in there but it has to compress against springs because the sidebar has to compress inside of the core so that it can rotate inside of the body of the lock there's a groove inside of the body that the sidebar will fit into and when it can't compress the core can't turn so let's take a look at the core in the core you can see the first one those little fat grooves are not aligned with the side so the side bar would not be able to compress inside of it on this next one you can see that the pins have been rotated to the correct angles and now those wide or fatter reel grooves real gates are aligned with the sidebar and the little legs of that are protruding from our sidebar which you see right here can fit inside of those grooves and compress inside of the core and then you can rotate it so very very cool lock so let's get back to it we're not going to show you how to rake it we're not going to do that tedious you know matrix picking this thing 64 times what i've discovered is that there is a very slight discernible difference between the real gate and the fault skate when i take my pick and slide it in there and i put this thing under about moderate tension i found that when i just mess around with a single pin at a time when i try to pick it to the correct height the pin will drag but as i apply tension if the tension increases as the pin rises up into that shallow groove pressing against the leg of the sidebar that tells me it's probably a false gate because the side the leg would not be compressing if i was in the real gate at that point you stop let the pin back down rotate it to from say left to center and try the center position that doesn't work then i try it to the right position one of those three positions you'll discover that you get absolutely no additional resistance as you push up on the pin and literally it feels like silk as it kind of glides into place right up until you reach the shear line with that pin and then you move to the next pin and x-men once you've figured out the rotation of each of the pins then it's time to go back to the beginning let everything reset and try to pick it so enough talking but i wanted to give you the theory behind this before we tried to demonstrate it so let's hop to it let me clamp this guy by the way this is probably a starter switch this is a it's got an electrical connection on the back here i got this in a trade i don't know it doesn't come apart so we're not going to be able to gut it without destroying it i really don't want to do that i've opened medicals before so opening this is not a true claim to fame i don't think anyway let's get to the theory and see if we can't figure out how to open this thing all right let's take a crack at this little guy i've drawn some lines on there they are they're off center now but when i tension it i didn't realize this has got constant spring pressure on it so when i've got it against spring pressure i think you see they all line up pretty good all right i'm going to be using this guy plenty of room in there there's no reason not to use them all right i'm going to use i'm going to go up to the line and there's barely at uh apply tension i'm going to go in and find a binder okay that was pin 4 a little click but i'm going to release the tension now because he felt like he was dragging a little bit okay now he's on the i put him on center in the middle position and got a little click and i felt a little turn on the core so let's keep looking find the next binder and that would be pin two i'm gonna go to the left first oh maybe he was one to bind first so let's release all tension let's try him first because he's going nowhere okay he went left i got a little click out of it i'll take it so let's keep looking he's still springy let's go to the back keep looking all right i'm still seeing pin two so let's let him fall again get lined up on him again center so that did not work let's try it again let's try the left again nice little nice solid click the other one seems to drag more in the center position so let's keep looking um feels like pin one i'm not going to mess with them let's keep looking in the back all right pin one is the one so let's try him come on okay gotta click right in the center a little turn on the core i'll take it move to the back see if i can find the next binder i'm on three felt a click but that felt like a mush let's keep going just for the heck of it okay that was two again so he had come back down all right let's release everything all right we know that two is the center so let's go and get him first nice click go to pin one he also was in the center good click now we got two to worry about okay that was three i had a nice click so i'm just going to try like find the next one come on i'm just jiggling him back and forth to see if i can get him to figure out where those gates are a little click so let's just see if maybe one of these others fell back down so it was center and center as i recall and there it is all right so it is it's not going to open all the way it doesn't look like if i let it go it's going to unlock but it's going to re-lock but you can see it is unlocked i'm going to let it go and lock it back up so guys it is possible it just takes a little bit of practice don't get discouraged as as in everything with lock picking and guitar playing and all those other things that require those fine motor skills it just takes a little bit of hands-on experience and you very quickly get the feel of how those pins are oriented how to turn them which way they're pointed when you touch them with the tip of your pick and then of course you'll be able to feel the the fault skates and those reel gates this is definitely the way to go over trying that huge matrix because try to remember we'd only have 64 possible combinations on this guy so it takes a little over an hour but if this was a five pinner there's 125 combinations or permutations and on the six pinner there's 216 so try to imagine picking through 216 possible pinnings that would take forever and chances of getting it right will be absolutely zero anyway guys appreciate your time appreciate your patience stay safe stay legal [Music] you
Channel: BosnianBill
Views: 40,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bosnianbill, Bosnian Bill, LockLab, Lock Lab, How to pick locks, How to pick a lock, Lock picking for beginners, Advanced Lock Picking, Lockpicking, lockpicking asmr, lock picking asmr
Id: UR2kq2D00bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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