17 Weird Things Swedish People Do !! (culture fun facts)

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I’m a Swedish Plumber I come to fix your pipes. Don’t worry,don worry bout anything!

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this video is sponsored by none other than squarespace the best place to go when you want to get a domain or create a website or online store konichiwa from tokyo but this video is about scandinavia so no more japan stuff in this one if you want to see what we get up to in tokyo go check out our vlogs from here over on our other channel i'll put a link in the description i asked you guys over on instagram which videos you want me to make and this was one of the most popular ideas now all countries have their own weird customs and behaviors and swedes definitely are no exception i'm swedish myself and a lot of these things i didn't realize were completely bonkers until i left and moved to another country i thought this is just how people behave it's human nature all over the world but no no people do not behave like this everywhere it's time to roast my own country people and call them out on their strange and embarrassing habits okay okay i'm one of them so i'm gonna roast myself today as well let's do it in sweden no one is ever better than anyone else it's considered completely vulgar to brag about yourself or even slightly point out one of your good sides if someone gives you a compliment you can't say just thank you instead you have to go like oh no not me not at all i'm not good at this at all all this makes job interviews a kind of tricky business in sweden swedish people's favorite word isn't about love or thank you or please or oh goody or something cute like that our favorite word is oi we say it all the time it means kinda like oops and wow combined oi the short little ugly word is used instead of oh really and cool and even excuse me yep if a swedish person bumps into someone they will simply say a little oi this got me into trouble when i moved to london and as a reflex went oi whenever i walked into someone because british people used the word oy too but there it has a not so nice meaning i was the rudest londoner until i got out of the habit of oilying people on the street you're not allowed to buy alcohol in the supermarket in sweden the only place you can get your drinks are at system below it a speciality shop that close on seven on weekdays three on saturdays and is closed on sundays the lines on friday evenings and saturday afternoons are ridiculous when you're walking in the forest in sweden because everyone walks in the forest in my country you wear rubber wellies in those wellies you put crunchy crisp bread why because there are badgers in sweden and an old myth is that when badgers bite you they don't let go until they hear bones cracking so naturally you outsmart the badgers by putting crunchy bread in your boots that will crack satisfying the badger and you can both leave the encounter completely satisfied a big problem in sweden is the boys in the north sweden is a very long country and up in the northern part it's cold dark and gloomy beautiful but oh man the weather is tough also there are no big cities and not as many work opportunities as in the southern parts so a lot of swedish girls have ambitions they move south the day after graduation trying their luck in stockholm or gothenburg for example the boys aren't as ambitious staying behind so there are actually whole villages in sweden with very few young women only a bunch of very lonely dudes in sweden we don't like to stand out it has to do with that whole you're not supposed to brag and think you're special kind of thing so we like dressing the same if you walk down the street in stockholm you'll be convinced that you're seeing the same few people over and over again nope we're just all imitating each other if you want to be cool in sweden you'll speak super cutely to strangers don't ask me why this is cool but people go like hi sweetie hey gullet hi missy no matter who you're talking to even the 56 year old bus driver with prison tattoos is in on it we are an extremely reserved people we do not like talking to strangers or even talking to acquaintances we hate it when we see someone we know on the street because then we have to talk to them before leaving the apartment we look in the little peephole to make sure that no neighbor is out there waiting for the elevator if there are someone there we will wait for them to get into the elevator first and we get the next one if you've ever heard a swedish person small talk you'll understand why which brings me to if you ask a swedish person hi how are you don't expect to get out great how are you back don't ask someone how they're doing in sweden if you don't want to get depressed we love to complain we will tell you the gory details of our kids ear infection the horrible way our dentist messed up our tooth yesterday how expensive everything has become and how we've not been sleeping well lately again it's all about not bragging about your life strange as it might sound we trust society we believe strangers are good people and we never ever expect to be hustled or tricked it was a shock for me moving to london and realizing that i had to watch my back my whole life up until then i just been a trusting person because in sweden in general you really can be to sound friendly we like doubling up words to be cute see it works cute and friendly again no one is better than anyone else in sweden so we hate hierarchies your boss will always try to be just one of the guys and you never use mr or miss with anyone we're all on first name basis at uni there are no professor this or doctor that it's just john and julia which means i didn't even know who were professors or doctors or assistants or guest lecturers at my school they were all just people this isn't strange it's hygienic people take off your bloody shoes it's nasty having them on indoors barbaric we are one of the if not the most coffee drinking people on earth yet we don't have different kinds of coffee it's all just a cup of coffee and cup cafe noma chiatos or restretos or avogados or espressos it's just coffee with portoify lucky which means a refill oh there's one other type that all people drink it's called cathete which means coffee on saucer yep they pour some coffee onto their saucer place the sugar cube in between the teeth and then slurp the coffee from the saucer through the sugar cube nasty stuff but i used to love it as a kid though we're a feminist people and it shows in our fashion women like to dress quite masculine because it makes us cool men get away with dressing hipsters soft and cute because that makes them cool enough to be comfortable in their own masculinity it makes for great people watching the swedish style is just the crossover between the kebab and the pizza with iceberg lettuce and everything oh and sometimes the whole shebang gets covered with french fries just to get it all in there a heart attack on a platter in sweden we don't have places that only takes cash we have places that don't take cash at all the coins and bills are a thing of the past and everything is done electronically in sweden very futuristic so yes swedish people are weird but i'm pretty sure you guys are justice we weird only in different ways if you want to hear more about life in scandinavia dave and i made a podcast episode about growing up in the north i'll put a link in the description if you want to check it out but now it is your turn to share with the rest of us the strangest bloody thing people in your country do i've heard that spanish people believe in the christmas poop man for example can you top that talk to you down in the comments a big thank you to my lovely sponsor squarespace if anyone out there wants to create a beautiful blog or website for example you should definitely do it with squarespace whenever someone asks me about getting a blog or a site or an online store i always recommend them especially if you want something simple to handle but still modern and brilliant looking and since it's an all-in-one platform you can get a domain and beautiful templates to have fun with all in one place they have 24 7 customer service so there's always help to get you started and you don't have to learn any coding to create something that fits you and your aesthetic i'm sure you will love the site just as much as i do so what are you waiting for go get your free trial today at squarespace.com and use the offer code jennymasted to get 10 of your first purchase that's it see you next week hey and christmas see i did the double phrase there puss puss cute right here you go soy latte [Music]
Channel: Jenny Mustard
Views: 1,302,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the mustards, jenny mustard, david mustard, minimalist, minimalism, minimalist living, minimalist lifestyle, vegan, couple, minimalist couple, weird facts about sweden, facts about sweden, swedish traditions, swedish midsummer, swedish facts, sweden (country), swedish culture, sweden weird, sweden facts, swedish things, interesting facts about sweden, sweden travel, living in sweden, amazing facts, swedish language, Stockholm, how to, top 10, swedish food
Id: 5Pu_ZH-qHC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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