Visit Sweden - The DON'Ts of Sweden

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Dont sit nära mej on the buss

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/alfhooli 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies

"Don't gawk cuz swedes are attractive"


Looks into the mirror...



👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Kathkere 📅︎︎ Feb 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
good that fellow-travellers mark here with walters ruled it today we are here in the islands of stockholm and i'll tell you why i'm not telling you the name later because it's swedish and we always have problems with that today we have for you are the don'ts of visiting sweden and the first don't i have for you is don't ignore the line culture look in sweden they love their lines and eve's you don't see the line there everybody knows who was first who was second who was third so don't try to jump the line whether it's at the bus or getting on a ferry or doing whatever they do follow the line so do be careful with that because they are pretty strict with that one so that's the first thing is don't skip the line follow who went first and things like that my second don't for you is if you're lucky enough to get invited to a Swedes home which you probably will because people are really nice here is don't wear your shoes inside their house it's like the biggest insult when you go to somebody's home when you go in you're gonna see they'll have places to put your shoes all the time so just take your shoes off put it there sometimes they might have slippers for you sometimes not it's okay but just know you're gonna take your shoes off so if you've got stinky socks and feet make sure you wear clean socks and you know wash your feet before you go there okay now my third don't for you is probably more related to the tourists that when we come here is you know when you come to Sweden you're gonna want to go to the clubs and the bars and things like that because they've got some really fun clubs around the country but the thing is is a lot of times especially again Stockholm you have what's called face control so my don't for you for this is don't expect to get into a club if you don't dress the part you do have to dress up when you go out here because there will be people like pointing okay you can go in you can go in you can go in now this is more of a Stockholm issue but does happen other places around the country so don't dress like crap and you come here there's a reason why we all wear H&M stuff that's a Swedish company because they got some really cool cheap style here so go get one of the thousands of stores of the country so you can look good when you go out and then you can actually get in when you want to go out now my fourth don't for you is don't worry too much about your safety when you come to Sweden yeah I know there's a lot of stuff in the news about things going on here but the thing is a Sweden is very safe and just like anywhere you go if you go to the parts you're supposed to go to and don't go the parts you're not supposed to go to you're gonna be okay and that's one of the things is we have our kids here and we let them kind of have a good time because Sweden is really safe so don't worry about your safety too much but just like anywhere you want to pay attention I mean there's even pickpocket signs in the airport when you're going through the passport check okay so just a heads-up on that but you don't have to worry too much about the safety another don't I have for you is don't forget to bring a credit card with a PIN number okay because they don't always take cash here which is kind of a pain in the butt but just one thing you should know also kind of a dump with that one it's don't bring euros they use the Swedish crown here so you're gonna use the Swedish Krona when you do pay but you will most likely use credit card instead of cash so don't take out a bunch of money from the ATM when you come here because you're gonna be using your credit card most of the time and I mention that because our next don't is don't expect a cheap vacation in Sweden unless you're coming from Norway for over Norway this place is cheap but we're going from anywhere else look sweetness not a cheap place to go drinking eating hotels things like that throughout the country it is really pricey so make sure you prepare your pocketbook for when you come here and that's why when I tell a lot of people it's like look you can do that the Scandinavian tour and things like that but also throw in the Baltics go over to Tallinn and Riga and Lithuania and stuff like that and you can kind of balance out the money you're gonna spend because this is not a cheap place to come now 1/7 don't for you is don't expect the Swedish food to wow you look new Scandinavian cuisine is actually really good the new stuff aft is it got influence and fusion from all over the traditional Swedish foods you know like the herring and the 19 version of herring and and things like that and there's other things out there probably not there's probably reason why you don't see so many Swedish restaurants around the world now the new Scandinavian the restaurants they have you it has actually good food but traditional Swedish food is probably not what you're gonna be looking forward to enjoy a lot there are some good stuff like there's cinnamon rolls oh my god that fantastic but just know when you're gonna be going out to eat here go try new scandinavian cuisine or other things here so you have a lot of different national flavors you have that that's good but the traditional local stuff is well like I said check how many Swedish restaurants in your hometown now my eighth thought for you is don't worry if you don't understand anything in Swedish you'll see words and go like this song here says shatter home on this Krug I have no idea what the hell that says and you'll have had a lot of times a Swedish like dude I have no idea but it's okay throughout Sweden people speak English German you'll have all kinds of languages people speak here because the Swedes are really good and they have really really good accents I'm it's one of the places where you go they speak the language you like are you a tourist as well oh no I'm Swedish I had English in school their English is fantastic so don't worry about that but I will say a little extra don't on theirs don't do your Swedish you know your Swedish Chef impression of people go oh yes Swedish you're flirty flirty flirty flirty look the Swedes will get that I've said they might laugh at you but it's more like the UH kind of thing so so maybe we don't do this Swedish Chef where you are here now my night don't for you is don't worry about the Swedish silence look when you're on like you taking the subway here in Stockholm we're taking buses throughout the country you're taking the trains you'll notice it's very quiet like you hear the birds here going the Swedes are very reserved and quiet except when they're drinking then they just start singing all kinds of crazy songs but in general it's really kind of quiet and if you're talking and you're hanging out with sweets and there's not a lot of people talking don't be upset by that's a normal kind of thing okay so don't worry about the Swedish silence alright I guess another little don't is if one of your Swedish friends says oh we're gonna have a special dish from Sweden and they're gonna say oh we're gonna have surströmming look that is fermented Baltic herring possibly the most stinkiest thing you can actually eat and oh my god so don't don't get tricked by your Swedish friends because they do like to do that sometimes and if you do have that don't eat it in your house eat it outside and like let the neighbors know because it is it's sanely disgustingly smelling but actually doesn't taste that bad but the smell is well it's just that good now my living don't for you is don't gawk okay look I'm not gonna lie to you the people in Sweden are really good-looking the guys and the girls are gorgeous you look around going oh my god they look so good oh my god they're so good-looking and they dress really well you're saying that wait how wouldn't they all get in the clubs because they want to look just don't gog too much when you are here because they are quite good look at when you are he here I'm a couple other little things you might want to realize is don't think the the swedish fish candy we have in the US and other places they don't have swedish fish we're not gonna buy swedish fish in a bag what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to a candy store and the candy store you'll get a scooper and then you scoop up things that look like the swedish fish to put in a bag and you do it that way so don't go in looking for the bag soviet like prepackaged you're gonna go to a candy store dig it out and put into a bag for you also don't call IKEA or sorry Tonko you care IKEA okay you care IKEA in the US is from here and it's nowhere near as popular here as it is in the US like in the US you say oh I went to Ikea and it was like ooh you got that IKEA oh my god and here's psycho yeah I want a can I got it it's like another place to go shopping alright so don't be thinking it's a magnificent a wonderful thing as we find in the US as they might not find it the same way here oh and I guess I have one one other don't I have for you for for Sweden if you got to be saline and though in the islands and stuff like that don't go on a boat that's called broken cuz yes it was quite prophetic that it broke down while we're going through the archipelago so it was a little bit scary but we worked out okay we got towed and had some fun and melted through some things but it was good but just still take a boat called broken just just FYI anyway how this helps you enjoy more of Sweden it is a really cool place I highly recommend it we have all kinds of videos on visiting Sweden tens things are shocking about Sweden five things you love and hate well you should eat when you're here cuz yes there are some things you should eat I know I made fun of the the surf strumming but in the food in general there are some really cool things you should try anyway if you want to learn more check us on our website at Walters WorldCom or us on twitter facebook Instagram YouTube and we really appreciate your likes subscriptions and we hope you have a great time here in Sweden but don't worry you will your wallet won't but but you will buy from Sweden oh and the reason why I didn't say what this island was out loud is because I can't pronounce it and that's one of the things about Swedish like you're just like I don't know how to pronounce these things if you like that last travel video click over here for more videos you might like if you want to see our latest travel video click over here and if you like these videos you want to subscribe click that subscribe button which is up or above my head somewhere and click there and you get those videos every Wednesday and Saturday and by from the hill across this here in Lithuania Vicky
Channel: Wolters World
Views: 1,681,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel, europe, mark wolters, wolters world, advice, tourist, attractions, vlogger, sweden, stockholm, tourism
Id: aA0IHkeQjrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2017
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