17 Detective Riddles Had Me Up All Night Stumped

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miss harrelson called the police and reported that someone had broken into her house when the officers arrived they found the woman tied up to a chair she said a man in a black mask had entered her house and tied her up so that she couldn't even move then he had stolen all her savings and left but the officers didn't believe ms harrelson and arrested her for misreporting why if the woman couldn't move how did she manage to call the police it was hazley's birthday her parents said that they had a present for her but she had to find it first to help the girl they gave her a note that said where should the girl look for her present [Music] it seems as if the note doesn't make any sense but that's only because the two halves of each word are switched if hazely places them in the correct order she'll get pretty straightforward instructions your present is hidden in the basement sydney told her mother that she and her gymnastics team were going to a sports camp for the weekend mrs stevenson knew her daughter well and suspected it was just an excuse sydney was going to spend the weekend with her boyfriend instead still the woman helped sydney pack and let her go when the girl returned she was angry with her mom for forgetting to pack a toothbrush that was when mrs stevenson realized she had been right and sydney hadn't been to the sports camp how did she figure it out [Music] when she packed sydney's things she put the toothbrush in the bag with her gymnastics clothing if her daughter had indeed been to the sports camp she'd have opened the bag and found the toothbrush but she didn't which means she never used that bag look at these people who are doing their grocery shopping one of them has stolen a watermelon can you tell who [Music] it must be this guy on the right he's holding a soccer ball but it looks as if it's very heavy and since soccer balls don't weigh much it must be a disguised watermelon mason went on an expedition to antarctica his boss asked him to send pictures as proof that he was actually there mason sent pictures every day but when he returned from the expedition his boss fired him take a closer look at the pictures and try to understand what his boss didn't like mason was sent to antarctica but in some pictures you can see palm trees no wonder the boss realized the photos were photoshopped and mason hadn't gone there at all an old man had extremely poor vision he was living with his son mark because he needed assistance all the time one day the man was resting in his armchair while his son was preparing dinner suddenly mark heard glass shatter the man ran into the room and saw that the window was broken he asked what had happened his father told him that some dark-eyed dark-haired guy had thrown a stone into the window and shattered it then he ran away but mark didn't believe his father why the man had extremely poor vision and he wasn't wearing his glasses at the time of the accident he couldn't see the guy let alone the color of his hair and eyes savannah went on a business trip with her husband in the evening the woman didn't feel well and suddenly blacked out when savannah woke up a couple of hours later she couldn't remember anything there were two men in front of her and both claimed to be her husband the woman couldn't remember which of them was her real husband can you help her figure it out [Music] they went to a business meeting that's why they're both dressed accordingly the guy in a hoodie doesn't look formal so her husband must be the other one the man who's wearing a suit now this girl susanna can't remember who her husband is too can you help her it must be this guy look he's wearing a ring while the other doesn't seem to be married ava's parents john and catherine came to the hospital to pick up the teenager can you tell which of these young people is their child it's this girl john and catherine are ava's parents ava is a girl's name and she's the only girl in the room esme was having her usual walk in the forest by night time she realized she had gotten lost again she was wandering around until she came across the witch's house the girl petted the cat greeted the witch and asked the woman to send her home at that time the witch was participating in a math tournament for witches from all over the world she really wanted to win and prove she was the smartest witch out there there was one last task she couldn't solve the witch promised that if esme helped her she'd let her go home if not esme would have to stay with the witch forever here's the task make three identical squares by moving only three matches you just have to move these three matches over there it works and esme can return home thor asked his friends to guess what his laptop's three-digit password was each of them made a guess the numbers they chose were three five seven nine zero two nine zero seven nine five four even though no one's guess was right every person guessed one digit correctly and exactly in its right place can you figure out thor's passcode since just one of them guessed one digit correctly the first digit can't be nine in this case three people would have guessed it right and there wouldn't be enough people to guess the third digit the only other option for the first digit is three which means the second digit can't be five and the third one can't be seven since the second one can't be five then it's zero two people guessed it correctly and the third digit is four if it was two it would mean someone guessed two digits correctly zero and two but that's not true so thor's code is 304 students were divided into two teams to do one task storm dean and brooke were in team yellow elsie emma and veda were in team purple following the same logic what group does lexi belong to [Music] in team yellow there are students whose names have just one syllable in team purple there are students with the names that consist of two syllables lexi's names has two syllables so she belongs to team purple atlas got trapped in the attic of an old house there are just three ways out and all of them dangerous behind the first door the roof and the floor are made out of magnifying glass and the sun will burn anyone who comes in behind the second door there's a room filled with poisonous gas and the third door is hiding a hungry lion how can atlas escape he should wait until it's night the sun will set and the guy will safely walk through the first door now take a look at iris and her close friends max jenny josh and ren who's her partner it must be josh look they have matching tattoos on a rainy night dylan was driving past a bus stop there were three people there an elderly lady who was feeling unwell a doctor who saved many lives and selena a girl dylan had been crushing on for years unfortunately there was only room for one more person in the car what should dylan do [Music] he should give his car to the doctor who would take the elderly lady and drive her to the hospital and dylan can stay at the bus stop with the girl of his dreams charlie andy taylor and alex are all related to each other but one of them is the opposite gender from the other three here's what you know alex is either charlie's brother or charlie's only daughter alex's sister is either andy or taylor taylor's only son is either charlie or andy can you tell who's the opposite gender from the other three [Music] if alex is charlie's only daughter then alex cannot have a sister it means that alex is charlie's brother if alex's sister is andy then andy's a girl and according to fact 3 charlie is taylor's only son but alex is charlie's brother so we have a contradiction here it means that alex's sister is taylor so taylor's a girl charlie alex and taylor are siblings and andy is taylor's son keenan was watching tv when a detective arrived with a search warrant the detective said that the city bank had been robbed and keenan was the main suspect the man replied that he hadn't even left the house that day he couldn't do anything the police didn't find the money but still arrested the man why [Music] keenan said he hadn't left the house but take a look at the calendar and the grocery store receipt the dates are the same it means keenan at least did some grocery shopping and lied about not leaving the house
Views: 1,162,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side riddles, riddles, riddles with answers, riddles and puzzles, logical thinking, logical riddles, logical puzzles, brainteasers, brain exercises, brain riddles, brain puzzles, detective riddles, solve riddles, mystery riddles, 7 second riddles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, hard riddles, riddles for smart people, how smart are you, riddles for teens, iq test, who's lying, who stole watermelon
Id: YPhQwKW87ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 12sec (672 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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