15 Mystery Riddles Only the Bravest Dare Try

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you wake up in a dark cold dungeon you don't remember how you got here and you don't know what's going on you rub your head because it hurts your ears are ringing hey calm down and focus creepy puzzles are waiting for you and at the end of the video you'll see how good at them you are you see several strange symbols scratched on a brick wall it's four vertical stripes three stripes below and a check mark even lower next you come to a grid a huge rusty lock is hanging on it there's no key look around and try to figure out how you can get out have you noticed that brick that sticks out of the wall try pushing it ah it worked a secret door opens and you make your way outside you go down the stairs and see a large hall several torches light up and you spot four huge mirrors they reflect frankenstein a skeleton a zombie and a vampire one of these creatures is a human being can you guess who it is vampires don't get reflected in the mirror so you're looking at a human he gives you a small bone and warns that you will need it you get outside and realize you're in the courtyard this is the territory of a large sinister castle there are no clouds in the sky and the sun is hidden behind one of the tall towers you can see three gates ahead a werewolf is next to the first one a second gate is guarded by a huge scorpion the size of a car and the third gate has a scary alive gargoyle something is wrong here find out what [Music] exactly the sun is shining brightly so there's no full moon so what's a werewolf doing here it's just a human in a costume the werewolf opens the gate and you go through you're back in the castle and step into a small room there are cobwebs everywhere and a lot of garbage on the floor you can see a jar of salt on the table and a note on the wall it says a circle of salt you decide to take the jar just in case at this point a slippery viscous liquid starts dripping onto your shoulder you look up and see a big spider descending towards you on his web you run away and see three doors you can hear screaming behind the first one behind the second door you hear the sound of a chainsaw a dog is barking behind the third one quickly you've got to decide where to go run through the third door yeah you'll meet an angry dog but you have a bone you throw it and the dog immediately feels better it nibbles on his trophy and forgets all about you on the floor you can see human footprints that lead to the next door you push the handle down it's locked look around the room and find the key the dog is gnawing on the bone and the key is glinting on its collar you pet the dog and gently remove the key from its neck you open the door it's dark and you can't see anything you take a small step forward and fall into a deep hole fortunately you're not hurt on the ground you find an old mp3 player with headphones it still has some battery left great you put it in your pocket you can't climb up the smooth walls of the pit but you can see that someone has thrown down two ropes for you to get out one rope is white and slightly shiny the other looks quite ordinary choose which you should use to get out [Music] the white rope is a spider web the spider is still chasing you so you choose the normal rope you get out of the pit the rope is tied to a marble pillar you untie it and put it in your pocket you slowly walk down a dark corridor and hear a growl behind you it's a werewolf the full moon is out you run out of the corridor and find yourself in the street there are three paths ahead of you the first road is covered with lava the second one is swarming with snakes and the third road leads to a poisonous lake hurry up the werewolf is coming [Music] there's a shoe lying right on the water on the left side of the lake this means that the lake is frozen you're sliding on the ice and falling the werewolf is still chasing you but it slips too and you have time to run to the solid ground there's a massive tower ahead you run inside and close the door you find yourself in a circular hall lit by torches human faces appear on the walls their hands begin to reach out the phantoms are slowly approaching you they're everywhere surrounding you what will you do remember that jar of salt and the note saying a circle of salt you should spill salt around you and the phantoms won't dare cross that line you do and then wait for a while and they disappear you climb up a spiral staircase to the top of the tower the door slams shut behind you there's one window and an iron torch stand mounted on the wall in the center of the room you notice a wide bed surrounded by a white veil you push the veil aside with your hand and see that two zombies are sleeping there they open their eyes get up and slowly walk towards you what are you gonna do now [Applause] use the rope you found before tied to the torch stand and go down through the window great the zombies are too stupid to pull the rope back you're on the ground and see a car at this moment the werewolf breaks out of the castle you get into the vehicle and lock the door the werewolf hits the window with its pawns you can't find the key it's probably in the glove compartment but it has a three-digit combination line recall the beginning of your adventure and try to guess the code hurry up before the werewolf breaks the glass in the dungeon where you woke up there were several signs on the wall four vertical stripes three stripes below them and a check mark even lower the check mark is the roman numeral five then the code is four three five you take out the key start the engine and drive away you leave the castle but realize the car's brakes don't work there are three roads ahead a brick wall is at the end of the first one the second road leads to a burning forest and the third road ends on a high hill with a cliff what path will you choose there's almost no time you're driving too fast [Music] release the gas pedal and drive up the hill the speed will soon drop at one point you'll be able to get out of the vehicle you jump out of the car and it falls off the cliff you go around the hill and get into a swamp you make your way through the marsh and see three women in front of you which one is a mermaid the woman in the middle has something strange on her neck those are gills the second girl has webbed fingers the girl on the left seems normal she's a human you pass through the swamps and find yourself on the seashore an old motorboat is lying on the sand you push it to the water start the engine and climb inside you go far away from the island with the castle in the distance you see some rocks and shipwrecks you slow down and hear beautiful singing it's coming from several women staying on top of the rocks they're sirens using their singing they lure sailors whose ships crash against the rocks you move straight toward them and can't resist it the rocks are getting closer and closer do something quickly you still have your mp3 player you found in the pit you put on the headphones turn on the music and go away the engine stalls far ahead you can see an outline of another island you grab an oar and start rowing a few hours pass you're hungry and thirsty there are fish swimming in the water and you find a can of worms in the boat but how can you catch them without a fishing rod use one of your shoelaces tie the bait to it and lower it into the water it works you catch a few fish but then you notice a shark's fin it circles you and pushes the boat the island is really close but you need to get away from the dangerous creature how are you going to solve this problem throw the fish you've caught as far as possible this will distract the shark and give you some time to get to the shore done but unfortunately you've given your lunch away to the sea hunter exhausted you get to the shore here you meet a man it says it was him who left you the mp3 player and the rope he also wrote the code on the wall of the dungeon without a word you kick him in the shins and he hobbles off no you don't but i sure would anyway you're glad that everything is over and just lie down on the sand but the man tells you it's not the time to relax other tough tests are waiting for you you hear bizarre sounds coming from the jungle but that's another story and this one is coming to an end time to find out your score zero to four points and don't get upset you can do better but it's a bad idea for you to go to magic castles five to eight points not bad you've proved that you're brave but you are a little lacking in resourcefulness you will solve other riddles better 9 to 12 points almost perfect you've passed the test and prove that you can get out of any dangerous situation alive 13 to 15 points it's not you who should run away from the monsters they should be wary of you any mystical castle can become your home
Views: 1,944,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side riddles, riddles, riddles with answers, riddles and puzzles, logical thinking, logical riddles, logical puzzles, brainteasers, brain exercises, brain riddles, brain puzzles, detective riddles, solve riddles, mystery riddles, 7 second riddles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, how smart are you, riddles for teens, iq test, who's lying, who's human, survival riddles, choose one, pick the right variant
Id: neXeGpru-U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 10 2021
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