$16.99 FILIPINO BUFFET ALL YOU CAN EAT near Los Angeles!

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over 15 choices of all you can eat Filipino foods plus all you can drink coffee this is like your ultimate breakfast buffet experience in LA county hey guys welcome back to my channel this is Steve from Rockstar eater coming to you with another rocking episode and I am out here in West coina which is really East in Los Angeles County because I'm going to be revisiting a restaurant I've been to in the past right here is bistro Filipino I came here for a lunch buffet last time but I heard that they also have a pretty rocking breakfast buffet so if you guys want to see a really bonified Filipino breakfast buffet didn't I encourage you stick all the way to the end of this video because I'm going to show you the entire spread here at one of the most popular Filipino restaurants you can find especially in West coina and also if you're new to this channel take a moment right now to hit that subscribe Button as well as the notification Bell because I post these food and travel videos weekly you don't want to miss out on so go ahead do that right now and in the meantime I'm going to be heading into this breakfast Buffet because it is 8:00 I got to get my breakfast let's go o let's check this out yes there it is there it is so the breakfast buffet menu runs from 700 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. so you got to get here early in order to try this so for $16.99 it looks like you can get about 15 or 16 amazing Philipino food choices and plus they throw in free coffee that's pretty enticing isn't it hi right guys this is Hera the owner of Bistro Filipino she's going to go through the entire line to show us what's here for breakfast hi Steve so this is our Aros Calo Aros Calo is actually sweet rice with um chicken and cooked in um Ginger so this is a Filipino comfort food for breakfast yeah as you can see uh we have chicken over here so it's just like a rice porridge with chicken and lots of Ginger Ginger is good for you yeah and then this one is ch chor it's a Filipino version of champorado yeah I know there's um Hispanic version of champorado but our champorado is actually sweet rice in Cocoa it's really good and of course this is fried rice as you know this is fried garlic rice yeah okay I've had this many times so good um this is our Panet it's called Panet gado it's actually glass noodle um with um vegetables carrots cabbage celeries and also um this one is with chicken this one is um soup it's called um tinola um we actually eat this when it's rainy um um rainy in the Philippines so um this is chicken cook in um ginger soup this is longanisa it's our um Filipino sausage yeah it's like Soro so um what is this this is not ground pork um this is actually made out of MCH pork yeah and then seasoned with pepper and um yeah vinegar and soy sauce inside it's really nice it's really good this is beef tapa this is a version of beef tapa um this is actually beef sirloin um thinly sliced and marinated in soy sauce and vinegar and a little bit sweet it's just like beef jerky yeah so we make our own beef tapa and this is toino um this is pork um this is um a little bit sweet yeah but not too sweet yeah um so this is a thinly thinly um sliced pork as well um there's vinegar in it and then there's um a little bit of sugar in it fried eggplant yeah wow looks so good I know yeah sundried um herring fish yeah and um salted herring fish yeah but it's it's a little bit salty actually yeah and then we have this um fried eggs this is called buo it's actually a regional dish in the Philippines and this is um steamed vegetables local vegetables in the Philippines and then um you eat it with this um fermented fish and rice fried milkfish yeah boneless milkfish oh boneless yeah that's boneless yeah okay and these are our appetizers we have this um chicken skin fried chicken skin it's very crispy and crunchy yeah it's very delicious too um very tasty and this one is um fried diesis we call it fried diesis this is what it is is actually anchoi fish and then um with um bread crumbs and it's very crunchy as well we eat this with vinegar we soak it with vinegar and we eat it yeah so these are our condiments we have the vinegar here for all of your um appetizers over there this is a vinegar and this is soy sauce with a little bit of vinegar yeah seasoned and then we have the patis patis is um fish sauce and then we have lemon and then we have the shrimp paste over there yeah and then we also have like free coffee so we have um like women sugar over here so Hara I heard that you also have another restaurant kind of close by is that right yes right yeah actually we have the Euphoria no West Cina it's just 3 miles away from here uh it's by the Edwards Theater so when you exit at 10 Freeway Exit at the Vincent and you would see the no pit Bar and Grill the line starts right here this is where they lay out all the plates in the utensils looks so pretty so you can just grab it and then head on over to Buffet Steve let's try the champorado okay so this is how you eat the champorado oh I never had it like this before you eat it with Toyo um you know why we like this because chor is sweet and then the Toyo actually the dried carring fish is salty so sweet and salty oh that's so awesome and then we put the a operated milk on top okay I like that there you go yeah it's complete chor with to so FYI Bistro Filipino is not just a buffet restaurant they do have a pretty nice Allard menu they do catering as well they got a lot of parties in here so it's like multi-purpose and also the buffet Not Just Breakfast you could come here for a lunch buffet and dinner buffet of course for a different price but I think you should definitely check out this breakfast buffet if you're into Filipino food you're into breakfast and you want something that's like cheat beads I don't go to breakfast buffets that often because I don't eat so much for breakfast so this is actually quite fun for me how could you go wrong with garlic rice this thing is so good it's rice that has a strong garlic flavor and this is one of the popular foods that you'll find in Filipino restaurants but then panit is also one of the very basic Filipino foods that you should [Music] know it's like a very classic tasting pen seed really good flavor know very thin noodles as you can see I think there's a chicken in here too yeah M so if you guys want all you can eat HT seed for breakfast this is a spot you got to come check out and in every Filipino Buffet I've been to they've always made the eggs like this see how yolky it is you got to have your eggs right with your breakfast but then if you want your sausages this is kind of like an equivalent the longaa they kind of call this their chizo but it tastes nothing like a chizo it's not spicy it's not salty rather it's sweet wow I think I actually do like that longa better with the vinegar because now it's like sweet and sour at the same time that is pretty cool I don't think I've ever had it like that in a restaurant so that's why if you're not sure you can always ask Hara or the staff how exactly they eat the foods and they will point you in the right direction so that you can get the maximum flavor of everything and one of my favorites beef tapa here we [Music] go this is actually one of the most unique tasting beef toas because this one cuz usually the beef toas that I had were softer a little bit more like eating a sweet brisket I would say so this one definitely has more of a bite to it you know almost like a beef jerky okay kind of like their unique way of making making it that's awesome or maybe that might actually be the real Filipino way of making it if you're more of a pork person look at this tosino o very nice so it's like sweet but then it adds like that vinegary flavor which kind of takes it in a New Direction so there's like more flavors going on but this I think really is like a nice touch don't forget it so with the eggplant and you know what you can do is take the soy sauce which kind of has like a vinegary flavor from what I heard I mean even without that vinegary soy sauce it would taste great cuz I love the taste of fried eggplant but when you dip it in there it really takes the flavor to the next level like soy Saucy but then that really vibrant Taste of the vinegar yeah you should try it I can seriously go all out with that eggplant the champorado so yes it's not just a Mexican food they have it at Filipino restaurants [Music] too it tastes almost like a chocolate soup I love it now I feel like I'm eating dessert like I've already jumped into dessert mode oh it's really good especially if you put that condensed milk over it now here's something I did not expect but it's also a pro tip so you could get this fish and you can uh dip it no I'm just kidding no what you're supposed to do is just kind of eat it by itself because the fish is supposed to be salty and the sweetness of the champorado just balances the saltiness I guess oh that's right it is pretty salty you would need something like rice or perhaps your champorado just so that it can kind of tone down that salt saltiness well let's try it yeah I guess it works I never would have thought of that combination but once you drink this one it's like all the saltiness just goes away o looks so good so um let's try the appetizer yes let's try that chicken skin yeah since this is a buffet round number two right and don't forget your coffee all you can drink coffee which comes with your cream and sugar yeah I needed my morning coffee okay ooh what about these little anchovies I feel that this vinegar makes anything taste better I mean it's not to say that it tasted bad before that but it just makes the food taste more exciting I would say and I suppose you can also dip the chicken skin in there too wouldn't hurt [Music] right wow this is very crunchy too but I like it because I like anything that's crunchy anything fried like this you know chicken skin chicharones all good with me and I don't want to forget about my soup I don't want this to turn cold [Music] right w W that's actually better than I thought I thought the soup was going to be vinegary or like very salty but this tastes like a very nice homestyle chicken soup so I would say it's more gingery there is a lot of ginger in here so it's not sour and it's so good on a day like this where it's you know very cloudy and did I mention how nice the music here is at this restaurant it's very soothing like it's classy it's laidback you really feel at ease when you're eating here now this rice is something that I've never had before in the Filipino restaurant let me sample a little bit of it it's fermented you know what it really tastes like is kimchi you're supposed to eat it along with the veggies that are inside M cuz the vegetables itself has uh more of like a very plain flavor but then when you put the fermented rice on top of it and eat it together it definitely gives it more of that sour taste so my understanding is that the fermented rice and the veggies is actually a delicacy in this one city in the Philippines uh panga Pena so that's why you got to appreciate it because when you come here you're going to find a lot of very awesome Filipino foods that you're not going to find in too many Filipino buffets oh so here I see that there's another dessert that came out yeah so this is um gin ma is actually sweet rice with corn and jack fruit and in coconut milk this is um kamot que um it's actually a um sweet potato in carmelized sugar banana all right should we get a banana too yeah why not it's a buffet let's get it I don't think you should expect to find too many desserts for breakfast buffets but they do have some options here so just the Gin ma knockout that tastes exactly the way it sounds coconut milk it's creamy there's rice in there very soft jack fruit as well so it is kind of fruity mhm oh such good flavor I feel that even if this were an ice cream flavor it would be pretty bomb but then I cannot forget about my caramelized sweet potato [Music] right I love that brown sugar taste so when you come here to this breakfast buffet definitely get the beef tapa get the chicken tinola soup was really awesome I mean even the eggplant you can't go wrong with unless you really hate eggplant but I really love it but do you know what was really the surprise to me was the champorado this thing is one of the best Cho barados I've had in a Filipino restaurant I heard customers come here sometimes even just to get this you could do it all a card but yes so it's here at Bistro Filipino which has this breakfast buffet but then they also have a lunch buffet and a dinner buffet but I think the breakfast buffet is pretty cool so yeah come check it out make the drive here and check check out one of the best tasting affordable Filipino buffets they you can find in LA county so guys I convinced Tera to do something very special for you so when you mention Rockstar eater to either her or the staff she's going to do something very special for you what is that we're going to give Rockstar eaters 10% discount for breakfast and for lunch wow look at that so you have some options breakfast and lunch so yes come on over here and enjoy this amazing Filipino food here in West coina anyways thank you so much for watching I'll see you all in the next Food Adventure
Channel: Rockstar Eater
Views: 26,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filipino food, filipino buffet, filipino cuisine, filipino culture, food from philippines, all you can eat buffet, ayce buffet, $16.99, breakfast buffet, filipino breakfast, los angeles, LA food, best restaurants in los angeles, cheap eats, filipino food mukbang, food review, west covina, filipino dishes
Id: TrUVyLwsXr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 33sec (993 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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