16 year old corrects cop who is pushy to see I.D.... ft. Cali girl copwatch

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guys have any IDs why would you need an ID yeah your US citizen right and why did you ask me I would just well you need an IDs to get credit cards and the ideas to to get alcohol tobacco anything like that and we have one so I need our we have one why do you need it because I've been asking conducting a mess pedestrian jack you see if you guys are okay making sure we anybody I come in contact with I Ron and make sure everybody here you're not allowed to worry about you're not suppose I'm not allowed to worry about people I mean that's why the so and we have to worry about our dog and you're not supposed to worry about our safety unless you have reasonable suspicion now reduce you're on a freeway overpass public side which I understand public sidewalk but this is also a freeway right here we get jumpers all the time okay we're mentally okay mrs. C with you that's why and you're not going to be getting the ID for myself then you guys are free to leave before - Jenna refers to do with you guys also No okay would you like my car I really like missile that means okay oh yeah you said we're agent sir you said we're American and you say that we're citizens so why hope you're citizens I don't know we don't have to he does matter you guys are juveniles you're not allowed to be at court i'm 49.5 I'm supposed to worry about my state I got one 49.5 says you're not supposed to worry about our safety our mission that we're doing something Oh sovereign citizen what's this because they because they fun with our insist and I still have to register it through you guys and say hey look I'm a sovereign citizen I'm not even actually you go yeah you do yeah because if you don't you get messed fair attorney to those otherwise your attorney yes right here is an attorney you guys trouble because of this stuff that you guys do does the stuff we do yeah have I done anything to yours no you please square my house oh yeah okay what have you done maybe huh me have you seen the videos on YouTube when officers held us at gunpoint for just filming in front of Greentree I don't get into that one now I don't go onto YouTube and look up this you don't really know the whole story we're just keeping you guys a code you guys supporting it don't ask we just keep the guys accountable least accountability who's Caramella just like we can look at it like this we already know our rights and we don't want to speaking for okay all right guys I'm good night by drum you
Channel: Teen4justice
Views: 341,398
Rating: 4.8112359 out of 5
Id: hOoI6qhQt9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 6sec (186 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2016
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