16 Unreal Animals That Actually Exist

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sixteen unreal animals that actually exist number sixteen the mudskipper these fish happen to be amphibious which just means that they're capable of leaving the water and going on a dry land usually they only leave the water to go and feed or to interact with others this includes fighting off any rivaling males and courting potential mates number 15 the hyrax the hyrax is a small little mammal that is usually mistaken for being pikas or other rodents but oddly they're actually closely related to manatees and elephants weird right there are only four species of hyrax that can be found living only in the Middle East and Africa hyraxes live in a small family group where they are dominated by the alpha male protects their territory from other males number 14 the silkie chicken this is perhaps the cutest animal on this list while also being the fluffiest still get it it looks like a walking pillow besides they're wonderful fluff silkie chickens have other weird traits like the fact that they have black skin and bones blue earlobes and five toes instead of the normal for a chicken possesses these birds are even known for being the calmest and the friendliest out of all the other species of poultry definitely pet material number thirteen the zebra do occur it might look like a small zebra hybrid but the zebra do occur is technically classified as a small species of antelope they reside in mostly Liberia but they can sometimes be found in Guinea they survive off a diet of mostly seeds fruit and other vegetation but there is evidence that supports them eating small rodents from time to time their nasal bone has evolved to become well reinforced in order to help them to break through the hard outside layer specific fruits it's the two common factors of overhunting habitat loss and deforestation that has caused them to be classified as vulnerable number twelve the tuft deer these deer are widely known for their tusks that make them look like vampires such as they're nicknamed the vampire deer suggests only the male's are capable of growing out their canines the conservation status is listed at being near threatened because of habitat loss and over hunting since they only live in the forested mountain ranges of central China and northeastern Mayan mark it's considered very hard to study these animals at 4,500 metres above sea level number 11 the tarsier this white eyed critter can only be found living in the islands of Southeast Asia tarsiers were once found in several other locations around the world which we now know thanks to fossil records but now they're solely limited to one area these extremely shy primates are strictly carnivorous and are known to prey on mostly insects but they'll also eat snakes birds and even bats they're bulging eyes are the same size of their brain number 10 the mark or the mark whore is a large species of go the lives in several different areas of the Middle East and Asia it was just recently in 2015 that the mark horse conservation status was changed from being near threatened to least concern as a population has seen a 20% increase in the past few years fun fact this animal happens to be the national animal of Pakistan number 9 the raccoon dog know these dogs aren't related to raccoons but they do happen to get their name for looking like a close relative of those little masked bandits raccoon dogs are native to the eastern region of Asia but are considered to be an invasive species ever since they were introduced into the local area what's interesting to note is that these dogs often climb trees the selling of their fur by retail companies has been the center of many scandals number 8 the dull the endangered canid can be found living in the regions of South Central and Southeast Asia here they face the threat of habitat loss persecution and must compete against other animals such as tigers and leopards for food sources they're known to hunt in packs during the day and live in social packs that contain a hierarchy bill on dominance unlike most domestic animals they've been deemed as completely untamable due to their shy and vicious nature number 7 the geoduck the is a geoduck but you probably recognize it as just an ordinary old clam these saltwater clams are found throughout the west coast of North America and are edible most interesting thing about these animals is there very long siphons that can grow to be almost three and a half inches long by themselves not only that but this is the largest burrowing clam in the world it can live up to a hundred and forty years old making it one of the longest living creatures to ever exist the oldest geoduck on record was recorded at being 168 years old number six the giant isopod these nightmare-inducing crustaceans to home the cold deep waters of the Indian Pacific and Atlantic oceans they closely resemble pill bugs although that's not much of a surprise as they are related to them they were first described back in 1879 which means that they've been known to the public for quite some time now be giganteus is capable of reaching between seven-and-a-half to fourteen point two inches number five a deformed shit'll deer this might look like a strange new species of deer but no it's just a regular deer what makes it look peculiar are its antlers normally they're supposed to form upwards but it isn't uncommon to come across a deer with downward growing antlers the possible reason for this to occur is most likely due to injury the deer possibly hit its antlers on a tree while they were growing and caused a blood vessel to either rupture or cloth thus the flow of blood gets disrupted and must find a new path to flow number four the cassowary this flightless bird can be found living in the tropical forests of northeastern Australia and New Guinea they live off a diet of mostly fruit however they're considered to be am nipper as' and will feed on smaller animals typically the cassowary is a very shy animal but you do not want to get these birds angry they're able to inflict heavy damage by using their massive claws and can produce fatal injuries in humans and dogs number three the lowland streaked tenrec this small mammal can be found living only on the island of skaar wears conservation status is currently classified as being least concerned these little critters only grow to be around seven ounces and come equipped with barbed quills on their body this helps them defend against predators such as the fusa and the Malagasy mongoose these are the only mammals that use straddle ation to create sound which is mostly commonly used by snakes and insects number two the scorpion fly these insects are known as makup tara and are referred to as scorpion flies because of the resemblance to a scorpion the stinger that you see is it really the fly's tail but rather only a trait that the males possess because it's actually their enlarged genitalia scorpion flies are known to feed on dead organisms and live inside the bodies of dead humans however the body must be fresh in order to sustain the proper living conditions and now for number one the first be sure to subscribe the new videos every day the ant mimicking tree hopper you're probably looking at this and wondering what even is this thing well given the title of ant mimicking tree hopper you can pretty much guess that this isn't actually a real ant no psiphon iya clavata here is specifically designed by evolution only appear as an ant much like how other insects and spiders do the black ant part of the tree hopper is really just a bunch of extension growths from its body if you look closely you'll see that the creatures eye is in the circular shape located towards the brown area near its legs the reason the ant is positioned backwards is because when answer in defense mode they move backwards so when the tree hopper moves forwards that's the illusion it creates [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 1,216,134
Rating: 4.5959973 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, unreal, animals, actually, exist, unbelievable, real, shocking, bizarre, facts, creatures, believe, strange, incredible, in the world, unusual, wildlife, rare, mysterious, discovered, insect, treehopper, scorpion fly, Lowland Streaked Tenrec, Madagascar, Cassowary, bird, Chital Deer, deformed, Giant Isopod, Dhole, endangered, Raccoon Dog, Markhor, Tarsier, Tufted Deer, Hyrax, Animals You Won't Believe Actually Exist!
Id: QSzjiZUxZoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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