Types Of Fruit You NEVER Knew Existed

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there are apples and bananas strawberries and oranges and then there are some types of fruits you couldn't conjure up in your wildest dreams here are 26 types of fruit you never knew existed number 26 the red bayberry the berry in this picture may look like a bunch of those table decorations made up of styrofoam shaped fruit like pears apples and grapes that are completely covered with hundreds of tiny glass beads but this is a picture of actual fruit you can find in China as well as some parts of Japan most people eat the fruit raw as is and it's supposed to have a sweet yet quite bitter taste other parts of the plants such as the seeds roots and leaves are used in a number of medicinal recipes whereas the bark of the plant can be used to create a yellow dye what a versatile plant number 25 shed we think that the strange red fruit into this picture kind of looks like the brain of a rodent or something like it this Chinese fruit looks like a mixture between a mulberry and a raspberry but it's supposed to taste like a watermelon with hints of cotton candy fig and mulberry how crazy is that fruit combo we definitely want to try it number 24 the red banana if we were able to start selling healthy yet brightly colored fruit like the bright red banana pictured here we would be able to convince a whole lot of people to eat more fruits especially the kids while that may be a concept for the future we have things like red fleshed apples which you learn about later on and these charming crimson bananas are found only in Ecuador did you know that there are over 1,000 different species of banana around the world it seems like a lot since we usually only have a selection of one or two at the grocery stores here in the States these red bananas are a variety with a dark red skin and a cream or sometimes light pink inner flesh it's supposedly sweeter than our traditional banana stew I think we'd switch in a heartbeat number 23 breadfruit breadfruit is a species of fruit that can be eaten at each stage of its life when it's firm in green the flavor resembles an artichoke when it's mature and hard it tastes and has the same texture as a potato however when it's ripe and soft it tastes just like a sweet dessert since breadfruit is so versatile it costs very little of grow harvest and maintain and it's high in protein as well as other minerals and nutrients it seems like the best choice for rural or underdeveloped countries there are projects bringing breadfruit into these impoverished areas to help better the community and that's what we would call one amazing fruit number 22 praying hands banana for those of you who don't know bananas grow in bunches on tall plants the species of banana pictured here is called praying hands bananas and it's easy to see why the two smaller bunches of bananas come clasped together just like a pair of hands during prayer normally bananas grow to look like they do in this image but we like the praying hands version better just looks cooler number 21 dead man's fingers although the colors of little loft belong fingered pods in this picture are called dead man's fingers and they are grown throughout parts of China while we couldn't find a description of the actual flavor provided in these interesting crews it is well expressed that people enjoy eating this dead finger fruit number 20 jackfruit the jackfruit really looks like a water balloon that has been hung out to dry the fruit you see here is native to Vietnam and has been used as both food and for medicinal reasons for a very long time the interior flesh supposedly tastes like a bland cucumber which to be honest we believe we're already bland while the seeds are edible as well and are said to have a mild nutty flavor number 19 snakeskin fruit if you are offered some fruit called snakeskin you would probably be inclined to refuse to offer who wants to willingly eat snakeskin no one however if you did choose to pass up on the fruit in this picture just because of its strange name you'd be missing out on a great snack that tastes sweet and not snaky at all number 18 Pattaya better known as dragon fruit the strange-looking food in this picture looks cooler than it apparently tastes while it truly looks like it has been touched by the magic of a dragon the inside seeded flesh is supposedly rather bland it seems rather strange that a fruit that took so much time in making itself look pretty forgot to give itself any kind of flavor yes they have flavor and it is sweet but it's extremely mild compared to its colorful exterior number 17 the order Blanco this fruit looks like but it isn't this bizarre fruit you see in this picture is a combination of a pomelo and a white grapefruit while the taste does sort of resemble a grapefruit it is far less bitter making it a delicious treat number 16 a bloodline the strange fruit pictured here is a hybrid made out of a red finger line and a mandarin orange if you always wanted to eat a lime straight from the rind but couldn't deal with insane tartness you have a sweeter option achieves from the bloodline won't really bleed and it lets you eat a lime pucker face not including number 15 black sapote the fruit in this picture may look like it has seen some better days but it's perfectly good to eat it just as it is this fruit may look like it has rotted flesh but in fact its nickname is chocolate pudding fruit it has a sweet interior and is eaten as a dessert all by itself I'm pretty sure more people would all be eating fruit if it all tasted like chocolate pudding number 14 the ice cream bean what a way to eat our vegetables or fruits not really sure what this is the giant legume you see here acts much like a fruit when it comes to a super sweet taste the beans themselves look like cotton candy and they're supposed to taste just like ice cream Target kidding me where can we get some number thirteen pine berries have you ever seen an albino strawberry well if you look at this picture you have the fruit you see here is a type of strawberry that tastes like a pineapple could you think of any better fruit to create and manufacture it's the Willy Wonka of fruits number 12 a wood apple we have to admit the fruit in this picture is just about as least appetizing as you could possibly get the food pictured here is called a wood apple and it apparently tastes like a mushy fermented raisin definitely don't sign us up for this one number eleven at key we would like to name the fruit of this photo the death fruit why because if you eat this fruit before it opens naturally you're subjecting yourself to possibly inducing a coma which can in turn lead to death it is the national fruit of Jamaica and is said to be very sweet and a much-loved staple of Jamaican culture number 10 the miracle fruit the interesting fruit pictured here is somewhat of the magician if you eat the fruit all by itself its lackluster not very interesting at all however if you combine this fruit or the juice of the fruit with a citrus juice the entire concoction becomes sweet along with everything you eat after including lemons the reason behind this miracle is the molecule in the fruit called miraculin which actually distorts the sweet taste buds on your tongue how nuts number nine buddha's-hand the scary Halloween prop hands pictured here are actually a type of fruit that is related to lemons and oranges the catch is that they are Citron's which means although they have a citrusy flavor they lacked any pulp whatsoever which may have people cheering for joy since this group doesn't have any flesh to feast on you're stuck using this to make zest for flavor or for making marmalades number eight jabuticaba this grape looking fruit grow directly on the bark of the tree which is super strange in the world of fruit trees when you crack one of these bad boys open you get the same sort of translucent flesh that you would with a regular grate also like grapes the jabuticaba fruit is e and rind be used in making jams wines and liquors the reason you won't find a basket of jabuticaba your farmers market is because of the fruit super short shelf life making it so the fruit can only be sold near where it was grown number seven the sugar apple the picture shows the apple of a thousand names well it seems like although South Americans refer to this piece of fruit as a sugar apple it goes by different names in other countries this fruits outer shell may look like that of an artichoke but the fruit inside is supposed to taste sweet like the sweet custard and it seems rather odd but this fruit is commonly made into wine number six the Halle fruit you may want to holla after hearing the name of this exotic fruit but once you learn how hard it is to get to the sweet C's inside of the pods or keys you'll probably be singing a different tune the fruit pictured here looks like a Sun made it with a flower and together they made a fruit it looks absolutely beautiful but a lot of people think that it isn't worth the hassle and they use the keys to make lay wreaths instead number five rambutan the crazy-looking fruit pictured here looks more like an anime character rather than something that was edible if you did find the courage to eat such a fruit as this then you would be enjoying something that tastes like great although it does look extremely rare and exotic it is commonly found in Malaysia Borneo and Vietnam number four vassilis being a member of the nightshade family you might think that taking a bite out of the fruit in this picture would spell disaster but it's safe to eat this fruit so don't work it looks just like an orange cherry tomato and it turns out it tastes much like one too it comes in strange little brown husks but it acts just like a tomato which isn't a scary food product at all number three red flesh two apples from Apple red love comes with a strange-looking fruit you see in this picture the company brags about being the only makers of the original red fleshed Apple you can see from this image that the inside of this Apple is indeed red have the apples on this list might seem rather bland but we like the fact that they have a different colored inside than we're used to see it's pretty cool number two the purple mangosteen just look at how interesting the fruit of this picture is its outer shell resembles that of a giant blueberry however inside the sweet and sour flesh is more like what you would find it in orange in 2007 it became legal to import them into the United States when they were first introduced they cost about 45 to $60 a pound at specialty stores in New York it is said that the only other place they are sold in is in Florida you wonder if they brought in their horizons number one durian this fruit really does try to ward off predators just look at its ugly appearance not only is it covered in spikes on the outside but this is supposed to be the smelliest fruit in the world with a winning combination of onions and old gym socks it's a wonder that people would even get close enough to this fruit to eat it if you do somehow manage to get past the incredibly horrid stench it apparently tastes like a heavenly custard go figure give a writer something cool to talk about let us know what you guys want to see in the next video down in the comments below and feel free to check out my channel board badger for content just like this I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 2,012,845
Rating: 4.6309171 out of 5
Keywords: Talltanic, types, fruit, you never knew, never, never knew, existed, you won't believe, won't believe, fruit you won't believe exists, never heard of, heard of, exotic fruits, fruits, tropical fruits, unusual, weird, bizarre, unique, exist, unbelievable, you didn't know existed, didn't know existed, weird fruits, rare fruits, unusual fruits, durian, breadfruit, apple, hala fruit, food, eating, eat, delicious, chocolate pudding fruit, sapote, strange, strange fruit
Id: 88CzwYe6lWM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2017
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