#14 Romans by Chuck Missler

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okay we're in the Epistle to the Romans session 14 and we're finishing up chapter 9 which among other things talks about God's sovereignty in some surprising ways as most of you recognize we are in the second of three major sections the first eight chapters being doctrinal and the next these three are really dispensational though we're going to be seeing Paul highlights of very fundamental doctrines for us and the last few two chapters of course are practical little notes about 28 of his friends but we're in chapter 9 looking at Israel's past specifically with the lessons it has for us today we're told by Paul and other passage of Scripture that all these things are written for our learning that we through the patient cover the Scriptures might have hope they're also there to set examples for us for our own conduct so this this these three chapters are one of most important trilogies in the scripture is no past present future there are other trilogies that were aware of course some of the mountains three chapters the spiritual gifts for screenings 12 13 14 and of course second coming in Zechariah 12 through 14 there are others but we've in the past reviewed the 10 advantages that Paul highlights in the first half a dozen verses of this chapter 10 advantages of the Jews they received the words of God they're called princes of God they were adopted as sons collectively the Shekinah was given to them uniquely no other nations had that privilege and then the covenants and we went through four critical covenants the Abrahamic covenant that is of course is being is basis of all our privileges and it's being challenged by the world today all the warfare you see on the earth really has its roots strangely enough as a challenge to what's the Abrahamic covenant and you need to understand that to really understand what's going on grant land grant to Abraham is being challenged very specifically by his Lomb doesn't belong to the UN doesn't belong to the PLO it doesn't belong even Israel except as tenants under conditions obedience and the Davidic covenant this is the surprising one this is the one that has more impact for each of us than we most people have any idea and it's the one that's being challenged by the church and the everlasting covenant which of course was given to Israel yet it's being claimed by the churches well after those four covenants then we had five others saying the giving of the law the service the service of God the special promises the father of the faith now these 10 things were detailed in the first session of the three why is all is so important because it is the summary of the purpose tragedy and triumph of all history that Matthew summarizes for us the last three verses of Matthew 23 Oh Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them which are sent of thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth and her wings that was the purpose of all history but he would not that is the tragedy of all history that when he came they refused him and he so he decreed behold your house is now left to you desolate and indeed it is but that's not the end of it that's the second of three points that the last point is jesus said i sandy you ye shall not see me henceforth till he said shall say blessed cometh in the name of the lord fortune is a milestone that will end this that's the second coming of christ when he sets up his kingdom on the earth a kingdom about which the old and new testament had a great deal to say despite the fact that most churches are in denial over that issue that leads to the eschatological heresies which we summarized the previous one a millennium postmillennialism and premillennialism and i won't repeat that all here for we keep moving here as the Word of God failed we had we have three cases that Paul draws up on one is Isaac who's the intentional product of a miracle and so is Israel and so is the church so I promised Isaac had nothing to do with it it was God's sovereignty that established him as privileged he didn't earn it it was God's declaration you and I are in the same mode we did not earn our justification it was God's initiative that caused it to be paid for and it was God's initiative caused us to discover it and Jesus says that to Nicodemus that which is born in the flesh is flesh but that which is born of the Spirit is spirit in Galatians Hector's a similar thing you know you're there for that the day which are of faith the same are the children of Abraham so we are children of Abraham by faith even though we're not Jewish we're not sons of the flesh were sons of the Spirit if you will spiritual Israel has never included all of Israel that's always been a subset this is the word of promise at this time will I come and search live a sudden he promises they got this announcement when they received the Holy Spirit the hay was put into the names Abraham the hay was added and Sarah Sarah I became Sarah so so that was the first case the second case was Rebecca's twins this is a very important case for us to understand they fought before they were born two nations the elder will serve the younger Esau disparage his birthright he flossed his inheritance we need to understand that he tried to get it back couldn't do it and Paul's indicates that no man seeks after God if it was left up to us we'd all be losers it's the choice of God before they were born to feel if they repeat Ephesians 1:4 when did God first start dealing with you before the foundation of the world astonishing in his sovereignty he elected you it's a sovereign choice not because you merit it you don't all of us were despicable sinners sovereign choice not on the basis of merit divine election who chooses ooh why does one person believe and another doesn't faith versus freewill is the classical paradox predestination versus free choice this paradox dissolves when you recognize at time as a physical property and God is outside this physical dimension of time he's the only one that is God alone knows the end from the beginning as they have 46:10 righteousness is not of works we're talking about justification here it is declared by God by divine grace it's uncaused by us were the responders here was Judas predestined to betray Christ it's a common question it predicted in psalm 41:9 did jesus know he would betray him when he was choosing his disciples of course he did so what about Judas was he responsible was he was he his actions are foretold centuries before Zechariah 11 as an example of some others he's not a robot totally responsible he had free choice God just knew what it would be he just knew about it in advance God is not bound by time he's not fit the greatness oh you know I have a huge benefit by being a heritage of 20th century science because one of the several exciting discoveries 20 century science discovered that time is a physical property that's what the theory of relativity Einstein's theory is all about the time is relative physical the time of an astronaut traveling a time here a different the atomic clocks at Greenwich England and Bureau standards are off by 5 microseconds every year even though they're accurate to one microsecond per 100,000 years or whatever well how are they different because the different altitudes one's the 5,400 altitude fit 400 feet above sea level and one is it 80 feet above sea level the difference in altitude different gravity time is a different speed and so time is physical we know that today because we if we understand that then we shouldn't be hung up with the fact that God is beyond outside the physical universe so he doesn't he's not bound by time we are dry lexing the alternative suns is isaac / ishmael jacob / esau we went through all that these all portray consistently the tension between conflict between faith and works and grace in the law to be true Israel one needs to hold to the faith of Abraham God has no grandchildren in other words each person has to have faith of his own you can't do it for your kids they have to be accountable on their own each person to be in God's forever family must enter by their own faith that lead said the subject of inheritance esau was first born he had all the rights which double portion priest of his family but he disparaged them and he lost them through poor choices jesus achieved his inheritance by perseverance and suffering let me surprise you hebrews 2 2 and Philippians 2 emphasized that he achieved his inheritance by suffering seeing it through persevering see that's a condition of inheritance his companions the Greek term is meta koi what you want to aspire to is to be a medic oi a partaker they will inherit the same way see as parts of your inheritance you can't lose you oh if you're a son you're always a son but you don't necessarily inherit that's the father's choice based on obedience in the earthly realm and also in the heavenly realm but you want to be medica you want to partake and inherit earn your inheritance inheritance can be forfeited because of disobedience as in the case of Esau and that's not my conclusion that's the writer of Hebrews emphasized that Hebrews 12 or 17 among other places heritance can only obtain by persevering faith and patience God has laid it all out is God unrighteous there are three major questions that Paul is going to deal with in the rest of this chapter is God unrighteous why does God find fault if none can resist as well if you can't reason as well why does he find fault with you see the first one is going to be in verses 14 to 18 and 19 to 29 does God how can God find fault with you if you can't resist him and then what about the Gentiles these are the three doctrinal issues that I show up and out of these I'm going to suggest there's a additional topic if Israel had assurances how do they fail and if so and we what are the lessons here for you and me and what we sometimes call the so what question so what do we so what does it mean to me see well the first of these is verses 14 to 18 is God unrighteous Paul continues is micellar Romans what shall we say then is there unrighteous forbid of course not it's a rhetorical question demanding a no answer of course remember what Isaiah said you God says in Isaiah my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways saith the Lord that should be a caution flag for us not to try to second-guess God okay case number one was Isaac tensional miracle case number two is the Rebekah twins thought before the birth two nations elder sir now we're going to be introduced to a third case Moses and Pharaoh here's another case of election verse 15 of the Romans 9 for he saith to Moses I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy boy that's a quote out of many places in scripture and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion because they deserve it no because I'm God he's saying I make the rules you want to study carefully Exodus 33 and 34 though you're taking notes you might know we just make a note to study those two chapters 33 and 34 you'll learn a great deal about God's sovereignty you understand what's certain what were the circumstances God declared that Moses had interceded in chapter 33 offering his own salvation on behalf of his people the whole thing opened with that observation he even offered to die in their stead Moses said God says I'm in control I'll have mercy upon whom I'll have mercy God took refuge in his own inherent right to suspend judgment if it pleased him he's God he can do what he wants there was no resource left in man man left on his own be lost all of them including the Israelites if he is alive certain of the Gentiles all lost have left to their own resources all have forfeited title to life through sin the rebellion against God so let's flee to the elemental s flee to Christ himself see what he said about all this he back in John chapter 3 Jesus said he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God this is the condemnation that light has come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil that's interesting men love darkness rather you know the word love there is agape that shocks many people for every one that doeth evil hateth the light neither cometh to the light lest his deeds should be reproved there'll be no one in hell for their sins they'll be in hell for rejecting the provision God has made for their sins let's make it personal why do you believe in God assume you how many here believe in God 90% that's pretty good okay no I'm kidding here look sorry why because it was your response to his initiative it was God's initiative for his own purposes in John 6 Jesus says this is the will of him that sent me that everyone would see if the Son and believeth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day the Jews then murmured against him because he said I am the bread which came down from heaven he said is not this Jesus the Son of Joseph whose father and mother we know how is it then that he said I came down from heaven Jesus therefore answered and said in a memory not among yourselves no man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day as is written the prophets and they shall be all taught of God every man therefore that have heard hath learned of the Father cometh unto me not that any man hath seen the father save he which is of God he has seen the father verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me hath everybody has everlasting life it's a mixture it's God's initiative and human's response continuing verse 16 then is not of him that willeth nor him that runneth but of God that showeth mercy all of us are there not because we aren't did anything it's but because God has shown us mercy we all have free will and our first choice is to reject God all of us but it says initiative that prevails the German has always encountered in Genesis 6 the sons of God but I how hello heem the sons of God it's a term of a direct creation of God that's why it's used of angels all throughout the Old Testament as direct creations of God you and I are not direct creation Adams direct creation we are not were sons of Adam Adam was the son of a direct creation of God but rest of us are sons of Adam and we have a Sindhi we have a genetic defect called SI n whereas and positive but that were it's interesting in John chapter 1 verse 11 he came unto it's vfg he came unto his own his own received him not but as many as received him to them gave he the power to become the sons of God what does it mean to become a direct creation we call it the regeneration be born again it's a very literal re-creation part your heart doesn't get healed it gets replaced with a new heart for the scripture saith unto Pharaoh even for this same purpose have I raised the app that I might show my power in thee and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth God knew that Pharaoh wouldn't his arrogance would not yield he knew that upfront and he hardened him that doesn't mean he made that he just he left him with his decision Pharaoh chose his destiny Pharaoh is going to serve God's purpose interesting enough Satan is going to serve it serving right now God's purpose that's hard for us to understand but he does and if you look at Exodus 5 Pharaoh's choice he thought he was in charge and I'm not gonna let you people go oh really was God's purpose to leave it to in its natural state heavy stubborn increasingly hardened sometimes you read the text you get the impression well gee God drove him to that no no he just sealed him in the decision he'd already made therefore if he mercy upon whom he will have mercy on whom he will he hardeneth that's what Paul's rioja sizing hey God's choice is God's choice he has no obligation here God did not elect none would be saved there are none that seeketh after God Romans 3:11 remember that chapter 3 men are not lost because they are hardened they're hardened because they're lost the guy is not a horse thief because he steals a horse he steals horse because he's a horse thief ok ok a loss because they're sinners the lies give motivation for choice to rebel that's in Adam and Eve that man instantly died spiritually in the place that spiritual life came the nature of rebellion that's an inherited have you ever noticed you don't have to teach your children to be ad requires no instruction at all I've just Lee Malone they take care of that for you right born spiritually they were the nature rebellion against God and you don't have to teach them any of that stuff God is under no obligation to anything to bridge that chasm but he's chosen to yes but that's easy that's because he's God okay so much for that one let's take a look at well that was one of the first of the three questions let's talk let's summarize it is God unrighteous of course not for election has nothing to do with justice but rather free grace God is unjust if he chooses one and leaves another some ignorant people would tend to say no we got that wrong purpose of God goes beyond justice if God did only what was just he would have to condemn all of us we don't want justice we want his mercy Paul uses Moses and Pharaoh as proof that God can do what he wishes in dispensing his grace and his murder it's his mercy and His grace he can do what he wants with it nobody deserves God's mercy nobody can condemn God for his choice of Israel or his bypassing of other nations okay I'll take the second group of questions verses 1929 why does God find fault if none can resist as well as if Paul develops here what that will say to them unto me why doth he yet find fault for who hath resisted as well nay but o man who art thou that repliest against God now he's going to just take us into the Potters shop here shall the thing formed say to him that formed it why hast thou made me thus he just he takes he's going to go with Jeremiah into Jeremiah's shop those would be God follow the dust Abraham dubbed the Alpha those that meet God fall into the dust always so let's go with Jeremiah - Germa 18 Jeremiah says then I went down to the potter's house and behold he wrought a work on the wheels and the vessel let him a it of clay was marred in the hand of the Potter so he made it again another vessel has seemed good to the Potter to make it and he just started over right lumped it together and started over right the word of the Lord came and he's saying o house of Israel cannot I do with you as this Potter save the Lord behold as the clay is in the Potters hand so are ye in my hand o house of Israel God can do what he wants because he's God is the point that he's trying to make here we are but dust literally by the way when dust gets stuck on itself it's just mud right the nation's are as nothing isaiah says so paul continues what if god willing to show his wrath and to make his power known endured with much long-suffering the vessels of Wrath fitted to destruction he makes some of these for that very purpose to destroy them I can visualize a Potter making clay pigeons for shooting at him because he chooses to it's his clay and it is gone right see the verb fitted here is a form that can mean middle voice or passive voice we don't have middle voice really most translations assume a passive voice the subject receives the action this should be the middle voice the vessels of Wrath who prepared themselves for destruction see the passive voice is the subject receives the action an active voice the subject does the action that's in for the Greek has a middle voice in which the subject both received and acts simultaneously and that's the term that's being used here anyway the wicked are estranged from the womb they go astray as soon as they be born speaking lies that's the psalmist summary of it all the LORD hath made all things for himself yay even the wicked for the day of evil because God is God it's the point Peter rides in his first letter a stone of stumbling in a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient we're on to also they were appointed appointed to be a disobedient Ezekiel picks up this theme is Ezekiel 3 again when a righteous man does turn from his righteousness and commits iniquity and I lay a stumbling block before him he shall die because thou has not given him warning he shall die in his sin and his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered but his blood will I require that I hand this to watch Watchmen passage ago Ezekiel 20 because they had not executed my judgments but had despised my statutes and had polluted my Sabbath's and their eyes were after their fathers idols wherefore I gave them also statutes that were not good and judgments whereby they should not anyway continuing John three got back to the Nicodemus visit here he that believeth on him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he have not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God that's our prerogative the freedom to choose it's God's mercy that makes it available it's our freedom to choose it's God's initiative but are we responding to God is that issue that will determine our destiny that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vessels of Mercy which he had afore prepared unto glory back to the Potters example in Romans nine this is an echo Ephesians 1:4 that before the foundation of the world he has chosen you he alone knows the end from the beginning verse John - it's worth taking a look at this this is the rebuttal in my mind to the limited atonement view of the Calvinists my little children these things write unto you that she said not If any man sin we have an advocate with the father Jesus Christ the righteous and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world there are those would argue he died just for those that are saved don't know he died for everybody there's no limitation on his atonement his whole it's also this is one of the places that nails it there's no limitation on what God says whosoever will may come there's no limitation he's not willing that any should perish that all come to repentance man is lost he could not save himself man is guilty none could pardon them but God by nature childr we're not able to change allied with God's enemies am i not subject nor able to be subject to God's law or will doing things worthy of death we persist in them any move toward salvation must be from God God knew the attitude of every man towards the overtures would be to oppose them that's us in the natural sense since any real response to those overtures must come from God's grace he must elect to overcome effectually man's resistance in any of three ways either no case in every case or in certain cases whichever one you pick you've got criticisms if in no case that's the whole God unable to overcome man's resistance in the case is the limit is power in a sense does it God isn't limited in his power okay how about in every case to hold that God is unwilling to have certain saved is to deny his repeated word he's always not unwilling to have some say okay or in certain now if you have certain cases who would have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth first Timothy Ezekiel 33 as I live saith the Lord your OVA I have not pleasure in the death of the wicked but that the wicked turn from his way and live that's God's preference that leads to see them saving some of the people therefore it would seem that only in those cases in which it would no longer be consistent with God's glory consistent with his holiness righteous and just government of his creatures would God withhold or refuse longer to employ his gracious operations on behalf of any creature so God has basically has his choice not all or none in between his choice but it's his choice he's got election is outside human history altogether it is of God don't try to rationalize the election in some cases we can say it was predictive in other cases hey it's sovereign he is who he is God now we get to the interesting one Ava's whom he hath called not of the Jews only but of the Gentiles the Jews are not the only ones that are called you and I are called Romans 9 verse 25 picks up with us as he also said in Isaiah now Hosea may look strange to you in your King James that's the Greek name of the Prophet Hosea if you will Hosea if you want to could transpose it I will call them my people which were not my people and her beloved which was not beloved this is the name issue that he does that Hosea plays on that through this whole book I will so we're unto me in the earth and I will have mercy upon her that hath not obtained mercy and I will say unto them that which are not my people thou art my people and they shall say thou art my god top of the Gentiles here in Isaiah the Old Testament Peter also quotes this in a similar manner in 1st Peter 2:9 but when we won it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said of them he are not my people there shall they be called the children of the Living God that's you a meaning Paul is quoting from Isaiah 110 and then Hebrews and elsewhere says now some better thing has been provided for us thus sons of a living God that's exciting as they also cried concerning Israel though the number of the children is will be as the sand of the sea a remnant shall be saved from the beginning it was only a remnant that she'll be saved that's in Isaiah 10 11 elsewhere now that was written even before Babylon because it was written by Isaiah Paul writes after the second Roman destruction of the temple you study the whole concept of a remnant early late it's always there it's always just a remnant a small select group that are saved in Israel a small select group that are saved among Gentiles and it's a small select group of that remnant that's the bride and he will finish the work and cut it short in righteousness because a short work shall the Lord make upon the earth who getting heavy here after a patient foreboding silence he suddenly executes his external foreign purpose that it was at the flood it was also at Sodom Gomorrah and also against the Canaanites God's wrath and it's coming three-and-a-half years for two months the final half of this 73 Daniel is a big climactic one now why does God find fault if none can resist as well well Paul replied with a parable of the Potter of course because God is the Potter the nations are of the world are the vessels some are vessels of Wrath that God patiently endures until the time of their destruction okay others are vessels of Mercy that revealed his glory but God is God and he's playing out his drama but then Paul after after the Potter thing with dear Mai then quotes Isaiah to show it God promised to call a people from among the Gentiles I'm just summarizing this section here this is the church he also quotes isaiah showing the remnant of the jews would also be saved okay in other words God's purpose in election makes it possible God's purpose in election makes it possible for both Jews and Gentiles to be saved by grace but it is by grace it is by his grace neither Jew nor Gentile could be saved any way other than by the grace of God as nobody earned it nobody deserved it okay none to the third of the three last couple of verses of the chapter what about the Gentiles Paul contains verse 29 is isaiah said before except the lord of the sabbath hath left us a seed we had been as sodom or had been like gomorrah if we wouldn't but for god's intervention of grace we all would have gone to perdition the only reason israel itself was saved was because of god's grace they didn't earn it either they were rebellious and the same thing is true of america that it's been hurt it's been god's grace so far I love the quote by Jay Leno he says with all the fire storms and all the floods and tornadoes and hurricanes with all the terrorist attacks is this really a good time to remove God from the Pledge of Allegiance good question Jay well requestion is why are you in the kingdom of God how does all fit to you you're here by God's choice you're here by God's grace your guy got here by God's appointment and you're here only because you responded to his initiative you did your half you've responded Paul continues what should we say then that the Gentiles which followed not after righteousness have attained to righteousness even the righteousness which is of faith but Israel which followed after the law of righteousness hath not attained to law of righteousness that's a strange that's a terrifying statement in other words Israel pursuing a law which should righteousness did not arrive the Jews trying to produce a righteousness of their own through the mosaic system didn't produce it look at look at the nation today all religions all realize the definition religions try to reconcile themselves to God by works religion is trying to reconcile yourself with God you can't do it all religions try by their various ways including Judaism Judaism had to redefine itself after 70 AD they lost the temple there's now know that the Torah says without the shedding of blood there's no remission of sins there's no place to shed by there's no temple so they had a meeting in 90 AD called the Council of Yamuna where they defined we did you really find Judaism into our works oriented concept here there's no place for sacrifices so sin is rationalized away rather accepting the work of their Messiah can't you make the same mistake Cain did Cain did not get he tried to give a bloodless offering no Abel gave the blood as instructed because God was teaching by the shedding of innocent blood they would be covered Cain offered the fruits of a curse drought didn't fly didn't fly that's what every religion tries to do by their own works including Judaism so again he's contrasting the Gentiles residue wherefore because they sought it not by faith but as it were by the works of the law for they stumbled at that stumbling-stone as he's written behold I lay in Zion a stumbling stone in Iraq of it who is the stumbling stone in rock of the fence anyone Jesus Christ 1st Corinthians 10:4 the rock is Christ consistently all through those idioms I lay in Zion as stumbling stirring the rock offense and whosoever believed on him shall not be ashamed rock of offense he offended the Jews because he claims to be children he offended their false claims of righteousness he offended the leaders of the Israel by exposing their sin he offended their hopes of an immediate carnal earthly Kingdom he offended the nation's by overthrowing their false hope it works ok well here's the paradox of history the Jews tried to be righteous and we rejected the Gentiles who did not have the privileges the Jews had were received boy that's got to be ironic especially to a Jew the reason is because the Jews tried to attain righteous by works while the Gentiles receive righteousness by faith through the grace of God by the grace of God Jews stumbled over a crucified Messiah they want a messiah that would lead the nation to political freedom and glory they could not believe in a crucified Christ Paul's purpose in this chapter is to explain Israel's position in the plan of God we need to understand that despite what churches may teach Israel was an election given privileges that no other nation had yet it failed miserably to follow God's program of blessing for the world well Israel can blow it can we who you bet you I'll show you how this entire chapter exalts the sovereign grace of God without minimizing the responsibilities of men and women for making right decisions Sovereign Grace still have responsibly to make the right decisions God's Word will prevail regardless of human disobedience but disobedience sinners will miss the blessing no human mind can fathom the wisdom of God without yet the sovereign grace of God there would be no salvation that leaves us then with one final thought before we finish up here if Israel had assurances how did they fail we were Basten all those assurances in Romans 8 didn't we there's no separation expressions of what can we fail the same way Israel did let's talk about inheritance we don't take the time to understand it here the rights of the firstborn he was a person of special privilege he received a double portion and he held a preeminent position over his brothers he was destined to priesthood family that was the concept of firstborn right the rights of the firstborn could be transferred there are many examples of that they can be forfeited or lost their sonship could not be lost once a son there a son that can't be changed that's party inheritance that's that's permanent there some of its permanent some of it is a response to faithfulness Reuben was the firstborn but because he defiled his father's bed his double portion was given to Joseph and his priestly portion was given to Levi he lost his inheritance not just Esau the one we spent all the time on here Cain not able not jvitous sim not Ishmael but Isaac not he saw but Jacob not Manasseh but he for him not Aaron but Moses not Ilya but David it was the youngest of the brothers not the old but the Covenant but the new not the first anima the last and of course Ishmael and Isaac and Esau and Jacob the ones we focused on in Chapter nine but there's others as we study our Bibles the word inheritance Clara no male a reward for a life of faithfulness is what it's talking about there's two kinds of inheritance that which you can't lose that what you can is two kinds we're talking here about the kinds you can lose it's a verb form four times the book of Hebrews the inheritance rights of the firstborn can be lost in both the Old Testament and the new need to understand that inheritance can be forfeited because of disobedience as in the case of Esau and it's only obtained by persevering faith and patience that's in Hebrews 12 in Hebrews 6 Hebrews is all full of this kind of emphasis there are at least two kinds of inheritance in the Old Testament portions of inheritance which you cannot lose your sonship you'll always be a son therefore an heir but not necessarily a joint heir or firstborn status if you will being an heir just an heir is unconditional being a joint hair is conditioned upon perseverance are we all gonna be joint heirs with Christ everybody thinks oh I make that I take the position if you're if you're justified by Christ 100 percent he's done it you are saved you can't lose it you cannot lose your salvation and let yourself age depends on you it doesn't depend you depends on Christ I know in whom I believe that he is able to keep that which I committed unto him against that day it's his no one can take him out of my father's hand even lose your salvation they got a new name for God butterfingers that's taught my justification but we're going to be joined I think I personally suspect that the majority of people that get to heaven are gonna be disappoint maybe we get weeping and wailing of gnashing of teeth 4000 years because they all thought and been mistaught they're saved they're they're great as subjects not sovereigns if we suffer with him we rule with him Romans member back in Romans 8:17 mention that if you're saved you're guarantee a fist off' ID you're guaranteed after in heaven justification is a free gift of god nothing we did to earn it entry is not ownership I bite you into my home let's give you access then give your right to rearrange the furniture you can enter hotel that doesn't mean you've inherited it different context we are remember there three tenths of salvation the present tense of salvation is separation or the power of sin future tense and separation when the presence of sin passed penalty present power of sin future tense presence we call the past tense justification you're separating you are stamped not guilty you haven't changed but you passports now been stamped permanently you can't lose that even if you try because that's Christ it at all the present tense separates you from the power of sin we call that sanctification that's being walking by this right you now have the choice from now on your sin is a moment-by-moment choice you have the power through the Holy Spirit not to that's new that's exciting that's very powerful the future sense is to separate you from the presence of sin we call that glorification justification sanctification glorification kingdom the power and the glory for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory three tenses of set we don't use the word salvation because that's confusing what do you mean I mean I was saved last week from a drowning accident from burning building no no I'm talking about whatever you're probably we'd say justification you know what I'm talking about sanctification you know what I'm talking about glorification you can at least make some pretty good guesses those are all expressions of one of the tenses of salvation justifications for us sanctification is in us justification declares the sinner righteous Sankhya patient makes the sinner righteous justification removes the guilt and penalty of sin sanctification removes the growth and the power upset so inheritance for centuries theologians have fought the wrong battle Calvinism verse Arminianism once always say versus conditional salvation both are right and what they assert and they're both wrong and what they deny the problem is the difference between justification that's entrance of heaven and the sanctification the inheritance of heaven big difference we need to understand the Medeco the partakers got do some homework these are the select ones that joint heirs with Christ 2nd Timothy 2 11 through 13 most of the book of Hebrews you and I have the possibility of being disqualified from the prize let me show you a few verses in 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 10 Paul state talking to the Christians he's saying for we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ that's the Bema seat but don't get sold this idea that the Bema seat is just an athletic stand to give out awards Pilate justice Festus Agrippa DeLeo were all on bhima seats when they sentenced prisoners nor have you know we're judgment seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to that he hath done whether be good about all of us these are judgment of Christians it will happen in Christ the first thing that happens after the rapture because out of this comes the select few that will become the bride Paul says an interesting thing in Chapter 9 of 1st Corinthians Paul says I therefore so run not as uncertainly so fight I not as one that beateth theater but I keep my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway paul what are you talking about Paul's the guy that wrote Romans 8 Paul's the guy that wrote has learned Timothy saying I know who have believed that he is able to keep that which I've committed against that day and so Paul knew eternal security what's he talking about being a castaway he's not talk about losing salvation he knows he can't do that he's fearful of losing his inheritance didn't want us be in heaven he wants to attain to the prize he always lives his life in paranoia of missing the game here first judge let's talk what John says first John 2:28 and not little children abide in him that when he shall appear we may have confidence and not be ashamed before him at his coming you can be ashamed before Christ at his coming Oh Betty how can you be shamed he paid for your salvation what are you ashamed of Oh your lack of faithfulness that isn't he doesn't have an award to give you at the Bema seat or whatever you don't want to be ashamed permit it's coming inheritance Jesus achieved his inheritance in perseverance and suffering we talked about that his companions are medically then hear it the same way we read that back in Romans 8 verse 17 we overlooked that and if children then heirs and heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ and if so be that we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together what's that word if so be see not everybody is going to be joint heirs not everyone's going to rule not everyone is going to be a member even if the blooding feast let alone a member the bride depends on one's walk Hebrews six we desire that every one of you do show the same diligence to the full assurance of hoped unto the end that ye be not slothful but followers of them that who through faith and patience inherit the promises that's heavy stuff gained through faith and patience inherit it's not automatic Hebrews 3:14 for we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning of our confidence death as the end partakers this is that word America one who shares in companion comrade partner a partaker of and how do you distinguish them if we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end perseverance how do you do that with the power of the Holy Spirit so we went through all of this the purpose strategy of triumph so what's next our next sessions what about Israel since the biblical period Romans 10 the next session will deal with Israel today what happened since the fall of the temple what's happened what's been going on and then the next chapter will Israel's future it's going to lay this all out for us in advance let's stand for a closing word of Prayer father we we stagger as we realize that it was your initiative that salvaged us from the depths that we had sunk into we thank you Father that you have cared so much to go to such extremes that we might have the opportunity to partake in a destiny that's beyond our imagining we thank you Father for the gift of your son Jesus Christ which makes this all possible we thank you Father for the diligence of the holy spirit that has brought us to an awareness that has brought us into fellowship with you and yet father as we begin to recognize that there's a response that needs to come from us to fully appropriate the inheritance you have for us we would ask father you would further empower us through your Holy Spirit to discern to resolve to embrace that which you have put before us we pray father that you would help us each of us to be more effective stewards of the opportunities and the resources you've placed at our disposal we thank you Father for your chastening we thank you father for your counsel we thank you father for your guidance and yet father we so look to that ultimate fellowship with you we do pray father that you would reignite them each of us an awareness of the urgency of the times help us father to fall on our face before you acknowledging our unworthiness acknowledging our sin we ask you Father through your Holy Spirit to reveal to each of us those things that you would have us repent of step by step item by item we seek your checklist father we pray father that you would help each of us here to become emblems of your sovereignty emblems of your election emblems that would please you emblems that would testify to your grace in your mercy we thank you Father that you are indeed God and we thank you Father you have gone so far on our behalf help us father to respond as you would have us respond as we commit ourselves into your hands without any reservation whatsoever in the name of Yeshua our Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ amen god bless you
Channel: NarrowPathMatt714
Views: 29,395
Rating: 4.7602997 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Romans, Chuck Missler
Id: jK2ctr6W5Io
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 33sec (2853 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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