16 Pick Up Lines Ranked (Worst to Best!)

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i've been approaching girls and helping students approach girls for the last 20 years [Music] and in that time i've seen a lot i've seen what works and i've seen what doesn't and today i'm going to go through your openers and tell you what's good what's bad and what's just plain ugly hey guys what's up this one's for you quite literally i went on our facebook group todd v insiders get on it if you're not on it and i asked you guys what openers you guys use what openers you want to hear about and i've ranked them best to worst literally the openers you care about let's look at them right now first open i'm going to look at is one of the most common openers i see guys use all the time it's hey i know this is random but i had to tell you you're cute okay so what's good and what's bad about this opener the good things about this open are at least you're getting to the point you're not beating around the bush you're actually coming in as a man and you are conveying that you're there as a man or woman you're at least confident enough to put that out there also the fact that you say hey i think this is random there is some little bit of social calibration there the fact that you understand that doing a cold approach is not the most typical thing that it's not a totally normal thing and that she might be put off by it and so there is a little bit of social calibration there however i personally have a beef with this opener for two reasons okay number one the random part and number two that i just had to tell you part okay so first of all that i just had to tell you you're cute it implies you just came over to give a compliment and then you're gonna leave and so it gives the girl a lot of leeway to potentially like oh okay thank you and then just walk off or something like that and it also means that you're gonna have to follow it up with something the opener doesn't carry much water it just gets you to hi i thought you're cute and then there's this pregnant pause that you just have to fill with something else you have to open again afterwards so i don't particularly love that aspect of it my second issue is this hey i know this is random now i mentioned earlier that good part about it in quotes is that you're acknowledging that a cold approach can be awkward and you're sort of giving yourself a softer landing or you're relieving potentially some of that awkwardness some of that tension however the very fact that you're mentioning it could be awkward puts it into her head that it might be awkward and that's not going to serve you you're basically asking to be treated as a guy who's medium attractive right the fact that you recognize it can be awkward means you're not totally socially uncalibrated and you didn't like grow up in a barn however the fact that you recognize it could be awkward means you anticipate a negative reaction you're worried about a negative reaction which says by kind of implied social proof that you've had negative reactions in the past you don't always get a good reaction which is not something a truly confident or truly high value guy would be thinking so this is a very leveled opener this is an opener that it will definitely say that you're not a guy who's like you know a five or below on the attractiveness scale but it's also really strongly saying that you're not a guy who's a 9 or 10 on the interactiveness scale so overall i would give this opener a below average score so we're going to put this in c tier however with an asterisk so this is in c tier overall it's not a very good opener really however i will give you that if you're a beginner and you want to use this opener by all means go ahead and do it why well the fact of the matter is being a little leveled as a beginner in terms of your game isn't that bad if if your opener screams i'm a six or a seven or maybe an eight and then the rest of your game is the level of a six or a seven or an eight it's nice that you actually establish that right away also as a beginner the fact that this opener is going to give you some soft landings and the fact that because this opener is polite if you have a lot of approach anxiety it might just get you opening when you're afraid to open otherwise for those reasons if you are a beginner by all means use it but use it with the knowledge that you're going to have to evolve past at some point when you become intermediate to advanced so overall it's definitely a below average opener i'd give it about seats here on this this tier list however as a beginner it's probably more like a bb plus type of an opener it's decent it's fine and if you need it as a crutch by all means as a beginner it's fine the next doper we have is the very ballsy sorry i'm a late opener which is where you walk into a group or even sit down potentially with a group and you say hey guys sorry i'm late and then you go from there this is a really interesting opener this is an opener that a lot of guys think is an awful opener even i've seen like prank channels use it as like hey i'm going to do this crazy opener but the funny thing about it is i actually think it's a pretty good opener i've had lots of success with it i've seen students get lots of success with this opener it's actually not a bad opener even though it is ballsy and even potentially uncalibrated now i do want to say it depends how you do it if you just jump down like hey guys sorry i'm late that's not so good but if you actually act the role as a legitimate thing then it really works it's kind of a lesson i learned improvisational company when you're in a crazy scenario or a crazy scene if you try and act crazy in a crazy scene everything just goes to crazy town it just gets wacky and it's not funny it's not interesting it's just weird however if you're in a crazy scenario and you act completely normal and completely as though like that scenario is just where you are and you're a completely normal sane individual in it it actually works really really well so if you put on this whole like hey look at me i'm late i'm doing my big pickup opener it's incredibly awful however if you're like hey guys you know sorry i'm like look like uber just anyway forget about it but yeah how are you guys doing right and you just completely act it and if they do that you know hey who are you you're like oh my god look you don't i mean i know i was late i know you're pissed off but come on let's not go there and you actually play it out and go with it or um or at that point you just get normal like hey i'm sorry i'm just kidding hi nice to meet you if you can act normal afterwards it's fine if you make the whole thing like because it's a kind of a clowny opener a little bit but if you become a clown doing the opener you're gonna be in trouble if you can be very normal during the opener and just play it in a high value way you'll actually do fine this is an opener that i would recommend specifically to guys who are at least intermediate and ideally getting towards advance because the problem with beginners is they're probably gonna do it in a shy unconfident way and it's gonna be very incongruent and come off very bad if you're intermediate you're more likely probably to do it in that kind of clownish way that hey look at my crazy pickup line kind of way but if you've had some decent success with girls you've had you know some you know actually had results from full cold approach before in that case this is a fun opener to try um and it's one that actually can work it's also just good for mixing it up and keeping things interesting like you've done a lot of direct openers and compliment openers it is really nice to mix it up and to keep game fun there is a reason why they call it the game rather than the work so i actually really do like this opener my one objection to the opener is that it is a little bit gimmicky right so it's not a universal opener you can use everywhere and if you start trying to use it everywhere you're going to look gimmicky it also is a bit of a a crutch in terms of it's going to kind of stunt your growth in overall game because you're going to be relying on the kind of more absurd reactions you're getting from it so this should not be your go-to opener should not be your all the time opener by any means but it is nice in certain particular situations and can be used as a supplement so actually may surprise you i'm going to give this opener we'll give it an a tier maybe like a minus kind of a tier rating it's very very good it i have no problem with it by all means use it the one thing i will say is if you're using this opener more than about twenty thirty percent of the time you probably are being too gimmicky and relying on crutches in your game but it's a great one to throw in great way to mix it up and i don't think there's anything technically wrong with it as long as you're advanced enough to do it correctly do not use this one if you're a beginner and probably not if you're intermediate the next open we're going to talk about is one of the most commonly used openers anywhere it's also one that if you've never learned game and you try and figure out by yourself you're likely to use and it's also one a lot of pickup instructors are kind of intermediate recommend and this opener is the hey i saw you from across the street and i knew i'd be kicking myself if i didn't come over here and talk to you and why is it so commonly used well it just makes sense it's honest and sincere it's probably what you were actually thinking right so this idea of like be yourself be congruent be honest just say who you really are it makes a lot of sense to say that also girls will tell you be honest be sincere etc also a lot of people who teach pickup sorry to say it are actually fairly intermediate and that's actually kind of okay intermediates can teach beginners and can teach them a lot so i'm not hating on anybody but it is definitely an opener that is far from advanced and here's the reason why first of all hey i saw you from across the street and i had to come over all right so what does that say to the girl it says i've been watching you for at least some period of time this opener did not happen spontaneously it is an intentional thing i came over here with the specific intention to meet you now on one hand at least you're not hiding your intentions so you're not being a little like beat around the bush wussy man okay so at least there's that however it's anything but spontaneous by saying i saw you from across the street i came over here it's saying agenda agenda agenda i had an outcome in mind i'm not just here in the moment i came over with a purpose i.e i want something i.e you're on a pedestal i.e i have ulterior motives and agenda all of which is bad bordering a little tiny bit uncreepy okay so i really don't like this hey i saw you from across the street and i came over here it's much better if the open is spontaneous it's much better if the open happened the second you noticed her and it seemed almost instinctive because then it just happened which is a key idea for a lot of girls and their their kind of fantasy of how they would like an approach to go and how they would like romance to go the second thing is this idea of i'd be kicking myself if i didn't talk to you which is very flattering it's very nice it's very honest for a lot of guys because that's how we feel when we don't do the approach we kick ourselves afterwards i get it but for the girl the idea that you would be kicking yourself after talking to her says that she stood out for you yes that's flattering yes it's a compliment it also says she's out of your league it says you don't normally talk to girls of her caliber it says you don't normally date girls of her caliber and if you don't normally date the girls of that caliber there's probably a reason there's probably something wrong with you not actually wrong but something lower tier or lower value from you that is not quite at their level and they're going to notice that and you're going to get that very leveled response so this is again one of those openers that's very leveled has some good qualities about it that honesty that directness that not hiding your intentions is positive but you are shooting yourself in the foot in a couple ways right off the open which i really really dislike so i'm going to give this opener a slightly below average rate and make this one seat here i really particularly don't like this one i think there are a lot of versions of this where you eliminate that i'd be kicking myself and you eliminate that i saw you from across the street those are two things you don't need to say you just say hey i thought you were cute without any other stuff and you've just improved the opener considerably that one is at least a tier maybe two tiers higher already just by eliminating those bad elements so this element as phrased is definitely below average i'm giving it seats here next opener is this hey you're almost as cute as me what's your name okay now here's what i like about this opener and here's what i dislike about this opener i'm a big fan of an opener that's a little bit cocky i don't mind [ __ ] tests a [ __ ] test as a response to an opener is great because it means you're getting a response it means you're getting a reaction from her and it gives you an opportunity to immediately set yourself apart so i'm quite fine with a cocky opener even a slightly overly cocky opener which this definitely is it's overly cocky however it's very clunky overly cocky it comes up it's gimmicky it comes off as this is my pickup line this is my thing that i do to girls and so for that reason it comes off a little bit cheesy as well as overly cocky so i'm a big fan of provoking a [ __ ] test off the open because you've made an impact but i'm not a big fan of provoking a [ __ ] test because you've given her a reason to object and made that impact and i believe this opener does that it is a little bit too gimmicky it also doesn't really flow right hey you're almost as cute as me what's your name it's cocky kind of a compliment and then it's what's your name right afterwards right and so in that moment where you've actually provoked the [ __ ] test quite potentially by being cocky you're not asking her for something and there's this idea in game of you shouldn't escalate off a [ __ ] test now granted she hasn't given you the [ __ ] test yet but because you're very likely to get a [ __ ] test off of this that escalation of asking for her name is probably not appropriate here and probably not high percentage at the very least and i know you're thinking yourself asking for a name how's that in escalation well here's the thing when you're asking for a name it's a hit or miss moment because most of the time just out of social politeness they'll give you a name a decent amount of time nice people will but again you've been overly cocky so you've given yourself a lower chance of that that politeness working in your favor and imagine she doesn't imagine you say hey you're almost excuse me what's your name she goes why should i tell you or i'm i don't talk to i don't give my name to strangers now where are you so it's this opener that's very gimmicky very hit or miss and you've also set it up so that she's more likely to give the negative answer than she would have been without the cocky bit so when this opener works and it gets like haha that's cute that's clever i'm this when it works it can work in a very decent way but it's going to alienate and not work with a much higher percentage of girls than necessary so it's just not particularly well calibrated but i do like openers that are a little bit cocky i do like openers to get a response especially if you're in an intermediate level there aren't that many openers that are like strictly intermediate openers this is actually kind of a decent intermediate opener it's definitely leveled but when it works it will work in a decent enough way and if you're willing to take the rejections it could be okay so i'm going to call this opener average i'm going to be generous and i'm going to give it b tier but i will say this is very specifically an intermediate opener you will not be able to use it for a very long time when you're beginner you won't be able to use it very well in your advances for a very specific point in your learning curve and you will outgrow it quickly but for that point in your curve it could actually work relatively well next open i want to talk about is the opener hey trouble or hey trouble probably a better delivery of it in any case the opener hey trouble what is good about this what's bad about this opener well first of all i'm a big fan of the word trouble or troublemaker you may have heard me especially a few years ago this would have been a very go-to opener of mine hey you look like trouble or hey troublemaker or something like that hey you look like trouble is more likely the one i would go with but there's a very big difference between hey you look like trouble and hate trouble hey you look like trouble is making an observation and it's a little incisive and they're gonna wonder why do i look like trouble or is that your opinion of me etc when you say hey trouble you're assuming a lot you're assuming that they've already acknowledged that they're trouble you're assuming a lot of familiarity because you're already using a pet name with a stranger so it's a little bit overly bold you could say the same thing softer and get a much better result so there's a thing in game and in life of what's called a dominated strategy if you say this thing has all the positives this other thing but none of the negatives there is no reason to use that one that has the negatives and this is a dominated strategy because hey trouble is just flat worse than something like hey you look like trouble or hey troublemaker even is better than hey trouble so for that reason i just dislike it now can this work yes it can it is leveled it is overly bold and so for those reasons i'm gonna call it b-tier it can work at a certain level of intermediate and it will work well at that level but it definitely will hold you back when you're advanced and definitely if you're a beginner you're not going to be able to pull it off so it's for a very narrow sliver it can work relatively where well it's fairly average but it's just a little bit too bold it's a little too gimmicky i don't like it in the long run all right this next one don't don't shoot the messenger okay the next messenger and this was put on the facebook group so not my fault is you've got the best dick sucking lips i've ever seen alright i hate this i flat out fully hate this top to bottom think it's awful don't ever use it okay now first let's get into what possibly could be good about it what could be good about it is that at least you're being bold at least you're being sexual and the times that it works if it does work if a girl responds to you after you saying this there's a decent chance she's pretty down and she might have sex with you right so that's good if you get a positive response it could be a very positive response and i suppose if you had absolutely no game whatsoever and you were trying to close directly from your opener you're trying to have an opener that like will fail fail fail fail fail but that one drunk girl that says yes it might work all the way okay if your game is that awful maybe it could work but here's why in general i hate this opener for every opener you use you're going to get a certain percentage of girls that are yeses a certain percentage of their maybe is a certain percentage that are notes and the goal is to get some yeses so that you're actually making progress with the opener and there was a point to it but not to get so many no's that you're just whittling down your sample size to a pointless number and this opener is just going to get too many no's right there's too many girls are going to flat out rejected and while the girls who say yes to it will be a very strong yes every single one of those girls basically would have responded to a slightly less bold opener that's still sexual and still forward so you could increase the around the range of maybes and yeses and decrease the number of no's so what this means is a softer version of the same kind of an opener would actually get all of the girls that would say yes to this one to say yes and then it would get far more to say maybe and actually many more to say yes right so it just is a completely better version this opener is just two up front too sexual etc a slightly less sexual opener would get a yes from all the same girls plus many more oh for this reason by the way i give this d tier awful terrible worst don't use it the next opener is you look so blank and the suggestion given here was something of an ethnicity like you look so german okay now do i like this do i dislike this i kind of dislike it it's okay but i kind of dislike it and this may surprise you because a lot of people watch my material and they see that i make what i call mini cold reads i make these kind of observational statements about a girl and so they think that hey you look so german is a good observational statement and they think that's like hey todd i learned that from you no you didn't i never taught you that i don't endorse that it's not a good opener it's not completely awful it could work but it's really just not doing very much okay why is specifically you look german and then you look x you look x actually can work but you look german as bad so why is that bad why is you look german or you look mexican you look canadian whatever why is that bad well number one you're going to be wrong a lot right you're going to be wrong probably more often than you're right in most cases and so you're going to start the interaction by getting her to say no which is not something you want as a precedent you don't want no as a precedent number two if she is german or mexican or canadian so what right so what now you have to follow it up and you have to open again so you you number one are going to get a no a decent amount of time number two you're not making much progress and number three you're not bringing much that's particularly interesting and also you could even potentially be offensive right a lot of people don't like to be identified by their cultural moniker or by you know by where they come from as the first thing by a stranger they consider it sort of invasive and so it's kind of too invasive doesn't make enough progress and you're often wrong so for all these reasons something like you look german you look french you look whatever i don't really like it so much however weirdly enough if you were to get more specific about it and more kind of associative about it it actually kind of could work so for example you look german i don't like because you're asking are you german however something i will use is something like you look so new york or you look so la or or you look you look very paris or something like that or you absolutely don't look new york maybe if you're in new york those kind of comments are actually much more interesting because you're not saying i think you're this i'm playing a guessing game and hoping i'm right what you're saying is you have a little bit of this vibe which is a lot more curiosity and inspiring it's a lot less invasive it's a lot less kind of like putting them pegging them into a category and saying you oh you must be this thing so it's actually more light-hearted it's harder to say no to and it's more interesting so changing it from you look german to you seem very new york or something like that is you know a very very big difference so that you look german i would give kind of very average kind of maybe b tier and that's that's maybe generous but i'll give it beats here but that you seem very new york or you definitely don't look miami or something like that that actually i think is a very good opener and i'll give that a tier for sure it's something i use myself not every single time not all the time not as a go-to all-purpose opener but i've definitely used it many many times with tons and tons of success so that slight modification can make a very mediocre opener very very good next opener i throw in is both an opener and a category the opener as posted on the facebook group was if two vegans hate each other do they have beef so this is like the lame joke opener and there's various versions of this there's also like the lame pickup one that like how much does a polar bear weigh enough to break the ice which is actually probably better than this one a little bit or did it hurt when you fell from the sky which is arguably worse because it's not so original but at least it's more on the point and it's more man-to-woman but the lame joke opener how do i feel about this i actually don't like it as the lead-in how it's used here if you come right in and you say hey if two vegans hate each other they have beef i don't like that but if you actually gave a little like theater to it and gave a little build up to it and then were normal about it afterwards and just got on with it it could kind of work so if you're like hey excuse me i have to ask something that's just been on my mind um so real quick if two vegans if they hate each other do they have beef right and then gage's reaction if they're like uh whatever i'm just kidding i'm [ __ ] around anyway i just i had to come say hi and then you have to reopen but at the very least you showed a little personality you kind of made it a little bit less of a hey i'm coming here just to talk to you so you avoided the the initial rejection you might get with a pure direct opener so with a little framing framing it as the old school opinion opener this one actually could kind of work the how much do polar bears weigh or that did you fall from did it hurt when you fell from heaven i think are pretty cheesy those i would put as just very average probably beats here they're kind of the overly bold overly pick-up-y category which is seems to be a lot of what b-tier is apparently for me however the actual kind of cheesy random joke framed the right way with a question on the front and with normality on the backside i'll still put it as beats here but i'll put at the very top of btr almost a good opener and certainly usable there's no reason if you have good game that you couldn't use as an opener and have very very good success and the nice thing about it is because it's a conversation opener first if you're good enough to always be man to woman and good enough to turn it flirty afterwards it is a very low risk opener which is something i do recommend for more advanced guys i still don't think it's great that's why i'm going to keep it just towards the top of beats here but it's definitely a usable opener and you could you could have a pickup career using this as an opener as cheesy as it is i don't recommend it i do think it's cheesy i would shoot myself in the head if this is my opener over and over again i would just get bored with it and i would hate it and game would stop being fun for me but on a purely technical level if delivered right and with preamble there's not much wrong with it if delivered how it's said here it's awful and it's probably like at least c tier at best but with the preamble and with the right framing done in an expert way it could almost be a good opener next opener very simple compliment opener hey i adore the look okay now what do i think of this opener well direct openers completely fine for me um you do risk a higher rejection rate and you do risk if you call it a risk getting a [ __ ] test off the open so those are the issues with a direct opener so in general i'm a fan of direct openers i don't quite like this one because it's half an opener okay hey i adore the look is it not a complete opener because hey i enjoy the look thanks and then what right what reaction is she supposed to give that's going to lead you to a good conversation i mean she has to be like oh i adore your look too and get really enthusiastic and actually add something which is not something you should be expecting a girl to do right at the very start even if she likes you because she might be confused she might be nervous she might not understand so this is a good start but it's not a full opener so as phrased this is probably sea tier as an opener it's actually quite bad because there's just not enough to it however if you were to add something hey i adore your look so i want to come over here and say hi now it's fine and now i would say that's an a tier opener it's not maybe the greatest open in the world but it's completely reasonable and good i've seen plenty of guys that get to definitely high intermediate even up to an advanced level using a very simple direct opener of that nature and i've even done many many simple direct openers throughout my pickup career at least in the appropriate situations so with the rest of the opener added on it's a tier i think it's a good opener it's not the greatest but it's definitely good and it's definitely one that you can use nicely at all levels you can use it beginner intermediate and advanced and it won't really hold you back beginner intermediate will be great advanced it'll only hold you back slightly so i think with the full opener it's good but if it's just hey i enjoy the look dot dot dot that's not a full opener it's half an opener and as so as such it gets maybe half the score that would be very low that'd be seat here so the next opener is one that's actually new to me and i think it's quite creative and interesting and it's something along the lines of this hey do you think you can just walk around like that looking so cute this time of day and ruin my whole schedule that's an interesting one with perfect delivery it kind of could work and the reason it could work is it has phase it's going to have a phase where she thinks you're accusing her something or she thinks she did something wrong and then it's going to dawn on her that you're kidding and it's going to be kind of like fun and interesting for her and she might really like it she might like the humor the downside though is it is a little bit gimmicky and it's kind of like too clever or too thought out anything that's too thought out even if it's clever it doesn't look spontaneous it doesn't look like you just came up with in the moment it looks like it's something that's planned so the problem with this opener is it just looks planned it looks a bit too much like a pickup line so it could work and when it works it'll work in a big way but too often especially an advanced level especially with hot girls that get approached a lot it's going to come off gimmicky and a little bit leveled so while i do like this and it's fun and i actually do some similar things to it that i think are a tier this one i have to give beats here because i think it's just a little bit leveled just a little tiny bit too gimmicky unfortunately now if you had had a genuine reaction like oh my god you cannot give me that look you're gonna you're gonna ruin my whole day what is this something like that that comes off more spontaneous and more in the moments can be very good and i actually do do openers like that on a regular basis and that one i would say if it's spontaneous and actually based on a reaction and based on having made eye contact so it's genuine i would give that one probably s-tear that's like amazing and that's actually an opener i go with a lot which is the girl gives me a limit oh my god what is that look or who do you think you are or something like that i'm like no uh-uh right and it's an instantaneous reaction off of a genuine look and then the follow-up is not too contrived so this opener has the seed of something really really good in it but because it's too contrived i have to give it just like it's above average but not great however the better version of this is actually i think one of the absolute best openers it may be one of the very few i will actually give s tier 2 the modified version of this opener the next number we have is i would say high but i'm too shy and bashful okay first thing i will say is do not deliver it like that if you deliver like that you're going to appear like a sociopath and it's absolutely not going to work you have to deliver this as though you know you're joking and probably you can't deliver it right away from with that as your perhaps say hey excuse me or something like that before delivery it probably needs a pre-opener because otherwise it's going to be weird however if you are clearly confident clearly well-dressed clearly attractive and the girl is not in [ __ ] mode so to speak like she's not all done up and she doesn't have her friends who she has to impress and stuff like that going over in kind of a cute way but hey excuse me i just wanted like i i was going to say hi but i'm just shy and bashful i just i i don't even know but um well i guess i'm here so high all right something like that could work with some preamble some hesitation a little bit more genuineness that actually could work in a lot of cases and could be pretty decent and again you could pull it off my one issue here is it's not one that you're going to be able to pull off oftentimes with a girl that thinks instantaneously she's better than you but even a lot of times very hot girls are not in that situation so if you're in a relatively semi-social situation to begin with like at a some kind of party or event where people know each other this would probably be completely fine and kind of cute and fun and whatnot or if the girls just kind of dress down dress casual she doesn't feel like it doesn't feel to you like she's in full [ __ ] mode then this actually could work very very well um and i'm going to give this a relatively high tier i'm going to give this if delivered right i'll give this with the preamble with the delivery with the hey excuse me and all that kind of stuff i'll give this the low end of a tier because it could be pulled off and it could be very very good however if you are a beginner if the girl legitimately might think that you are shy and bashful do not use this this only works if it's ironic if it's actually self-deprecating it's bad if it's ironically self-deprecating it could work it's not the absolute best it's not at the top end of the top tier or not even in the top tier but it's definitely above average and it's definitely usable next one we have we're going old school it's i love your dress my grandma has the exact same one all right now this is what we call an egg basically this is like the standard version of neg is you give a compliment but the compliment is actually more of an insult than a compliment or at least more um sort of insecurity provoking than positive emotion provoking because again nobody wants to be dressed like somebody's grandma it's not actually cool and the idea of an egg is very very good it's a useful thing in general however here's the key thing and here's the thing people get wrong about niggs negs are not insults any neg that's insulting is miscalibrated in bad game but something that's very subtle could actually work now this one's a little too try hard this one when you say my grandma has the same one it's clear that you're trying to be gaming it's clear you're trying to poke her and get a reaction like i'm trying to be nasty i'm trying to be that nasty little guy who gets a reaction and nobody likes that nobody likes that guy so while negs done right are actually brilliant negs done wrong are just toxic they're just very very bad so this particular opener i'm going to have to give seats here it's definitely not good even though it has some good elements however there are some versions of this opener that are pretty good i'll give you a version of this opener that would be high b tier maybe even low eights here which i've actually seen people that are very good at game use which is they go oh man i love that sweater it's so cool that you're like trying to bring the 80s thing back it's bold something like that where it's actually phrased as though it is a legitimate compliment phrase as though you really mean it and there's nothing that's like this nasty little insulting thing it's just subtle it's just subtly saying like you know maybe you don't quite get the fashion perfectly but you know i appreciate the try right that's a pretty good version of this and that's a much better version so the key idea here is and this is true for openers and everything in game if you're going to have the subtle little t's and subtle insults you never want to come off like you're intentionally trying to be mean you're just going to come off like your high value and some of the things you said happen to make them insecure so this the my grandma has the same one it's just too overt it's not good but there are versions similar to this that would make it into you know those advanced tiers and definitely be usable openers and i've seen you know pretty advanced guys use them successfully next one we have is i like your item of clothing like i like your dress i like your shoes whatever you have a cool style okay now this one is very similar to one we just did a few minutes ago which is i adore your look right but this one is better for a couple of reasons number one it's more specific and so it seems more in the moment more like something you just noticed number two it's longer my issue with the i adore your style was there just wasn't enough there there wasn't a full opener there this one just by virtue of being a little longer giving a little more to it is more likely to provoke a response so it is actually a much better version of the same so i think i don't even remember exactly what i gave the my adore your style one but i'm going to give this one beats here which i believe is at least a tier above it or at least half a tier above it because it is a better version of the same it's much more natural it's much more sort of like it it flows it seems more normal and it doesn't cut off abruptly with okay now what so i think this is pretty good and you can actually say this a lot better you could say something along the lines of hey i love the dress cool look or i love i love the dress is very interesting look something like that it is a little bit better than i love this i like i love your style the i love i love kind of thing is kind of bad but the general gist the general format is definitely a pretty good format i wouldn't say it's tip top but it's definitely decent um you are probably going to have to follow it up with something but at least you're likely to get thanks unless you're going to get a positive response before you have to reopen as opposed to just having to reopen cold so it's pretty decent i wouldn't say it's tip tip top i wouldn't say it's at ors tier by any means but it's certainly a solid high b maybe maybe maybe at the very bottom of the a next one we have is another bold one it's so when do you want to share my company this week or next week and it certainly could be delivered better with a little more hesitation a little more pauses but in general the issue with this one is that it is overly bold now in general i am a fan of bold openers like i said it's better to be cocky it's better being noticed than to be overlooked or not get a response but this particular one is just to like hey look at my pickup line look how cocky i can be it's like you're treating being cocky as your source of value it's like you've kind of realized that there's this button where if i push the cocky button it gets a response and you're almost like addicted to pushing the cocky button it's too try hard nobody who's actually truly confident would would do this because you wouldn't feel the need to right so it's a very very clearly leveling i think it's actually a little bit on the bad side i'm going to give this actually c tier and we'll give it high seats here because it could work sometimes but you're just blowing out more girls than you need to and you're going to get very negative reactions way more often than you need to and you're going to just make game more like icky overall than you need to because games should be a situation where most of your interactions even if they don't go somewhere everybody leaves them feeling better whereas this is the kind of opener where people like feel like they have to compete with you and have to fight you and have to be like it will go away when they don't like you so i don't like that aspect of it i also don't think it's gonna be super high percentage so it's just overly bold i don't quite like it i like what you're trying to do i appreciate the effort it comes from a reasonable place but it just doesn't quite come off next one is another relatively cocky opener but i think a better version of it which is hey i think we should have a conversation before we get married all right um now see this one is again relatively bold but it's at least kind of like metered bold it has a positive with a negative it's a little more playful it's it's highly positive in general it's not being like saying i'm so amazing and so we should get married it's not flat out saying i'm amazing it's just kind of assuming it so it's a little more subtle in that way i don't like it as phrased if you go up and say hey i think we should have a conversation before we get married i think that's bad however with the right preamble and the right stuff around it it could kind of work if you're like hey you know sorry i started bodybuilding doing some thinking you know we probably should have a conversation or two before we just rush in and get married i think that seems you know it seems prudent yes something like that is a much better delivery whereas you actually thought it out you're actually like building the joke a little bit you're actually delivering it instead of just saying hey here's a line i'm spitting out so there is a decent way to say this one this one can absolutely never be anything like a tier because it's a little too contrived it's a little too gimmicky etc but i do think it's toward the higher end of beats here if you're gonna do a gimmicky opener this is a pretty good gimmicky opener and it certainly beats a lot of the other ones that have been beat here on this list so it has to go towards the top end of the beats here in my opinion final opener for this video and i do think it's an interesting one it's hey you can't just look at me like that and walk away my name is todd what's yours okay so this one on its surface very much resembles the opener i already put in the s tier which is notice in the reaction commenting very very natural etc and this has that same element hey you can't just look at me like that it has that i just you know i noticed it's in the moment kind of thing and actually hey don't give me that look would be a better version right because it's a lot less like try hard and it seems like how you'd actually normally talk to someone so that's an immediate improvement that can be made but that first part is kind of okay but following it up with my names that's what's yours is problematic because you started with teasing them and then you're going to immediately escalate right and this just doesn't make sense because if you tease them and then they respond to the t's well you're in a position of high value if they respond well to the ts now there's no need to escalate because they're already chasing you and why would you give back the value there it really doesn't make sense if you tease and it gets a bad response well then saying my name is what's yours now you're asking for something off a negative or asking for something off a [ __ ] test which is a cardinal ruling game that you should absolutely not be doing that so either of those outcomes this is a very bad thing to follow with so the start's good but the follow-up is almost universally going to be the wrong follow-up right and the second thing is it's a compound opener which i really don't like because the problem with compound long-winded openers is you're planning or assuming a particular response and you're going to say this specific thing no matter what the response that's usually a bad idea because in any opener you're going to get a very wide range of responses and you want to actually calibrate and adapt to the response she's specifically giving you rather than just blindly plow forward so one i don't like blindly applying forward and two i think that in most cases this follow-up is actually the wrong follow-up so for these reasons taking the reaction opener that's s tier and doing this with it i think makes it probably b plus tier a minus here we'll give it an a minus um but it significantly worsens the actually we're going to give it b plus because i really hate the follow-up we're giving it beats here you know it goes down two tiers i yeah i just i just don't like it i hate the follow-up and actually a good lesson what you do after the opener probably matters more than the opener anyway so a bad fall up to the opener is probably worse than a bad opener so it's gonna kick it down two tiers for that i just don't like it i don't like that it's contrived i don't like that it's poorly constructed so that's it those are my openers so like i said all of those openers came from the facebook group they came from you and if you like this video let me know it let me know some other openers you'd like me to do and i can certainly add to this to your list i can certainly do other rankings that kind of stuff if you have other ideas like that put them here if you want go join the toddler insiders facebook group put them there i'd love to hear from you hope you liked the video and i'll see you next time
Channel: Todd V Dating
Views: 184,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game, cold approach, meet, girls, women, dating, date, relationship, say, pickup line
Id: BKOMSlmPyfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 40sec (2260 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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