$150,000,000 Exotic Car Collection!

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so today we've got something very very special to show you the biggest car collection I believe in the United States we're going to show you 150 supercars and luxury cars worth about $100 million crazy crazy stuff let's go take a [Music] look so we are in Euro Car in Orange County this is the baby stuff Adam baby stuff baby stuff this isn't even the start of it let's go take a look I know a car that you like I can yeah that is amazing well well well what a pleasure Chris how are you good to see you my friend so good to to see you welcome welcome good to have you here and happy New Year to you see you my friend this is Adam Adam how are you nice to meet you welcome welcome not only is he a fantastic videographer and a friend but he's a great car Enthusiast way more about cars than I do and he's already falling in love with this oh my good he has good taste that's why you like that don't you this is unbelievable yeah this is this has got my name all over I I have a feeling there's probably a bigger selection of these somehow right we got a few bag here we don't don't tell anybody come on let's go take a look get your camera over here I can't not show them so we're just briefly interrupting this video this gorgeous gorgeous car showroom never seen anything quite like it to thank happy Jewelers who are are sponsor today and I'm sure you've seen them many many times on the channel they have their greatest selection of watches fantastic diamonds I've bought many watches in fact this one I bought from Happy Jewelers like 6 months ago truly truly phenomenal it doesn't matter what your budget is they have watches from 500 bucks up to the sky a limit same thing with jewelry they have diamonds they have lab grown diamonds all the different stuff and Gabe and Danny who are the owners they're just perfect people they're just so so nice anyway we'll put all the information in the description remember doesn't matter what your budget is if you want some jewelry or a watch those are you guys Happy Jewelers now let's get back to cars look at the this unreal or unreal every flavor every color every model every make so they have literally I don't know 10 times what all the official dealers have in every luxury brand pretty much right we do it's like one stop shopping you can see every brand here and never have to leave and and I've been a a customer here for quite a long time for a lot of cars and uh we'll talk about that soon absolutely where should we start oh my gosh well this is a Lamborghini ultimate so this is the last V 12 aventor 22 it's about $820,000 it's a spider beautiful blue but this is the last of the v12s for Lamborghini until they announce another one right sh just a spectacular car to drive what do you think of the color Adam it's cool I do like it I'm not usually a baby blue fan or powder blue fan but it looks great you can do anything on a Lambo though right very very aggressive very hard c car to drive yeah yeah uncomfortable yes no no fun to drive they're trying to sell them be no coffee drinking or phone calling you will be glued to the wheel I live I live at the top of a hill and I was going to buy one of these and the thing wouldn't go up the hill not not this one it was uh a few years ago yes it's just so hard to never mind you're out at the party everyone like who's this guy yeah right another V12 beautiful 812 super fast from Ferrari 2021 it's about $630,000 beautiful fantastic convertible once again V12 coming to an end here we go the last of the so no more v12s no more what do you think of the new Ferrari SUV the purang I think it's called or something it's sold out it's spectacular it's everything I don't haven't had touch one yet but I I think it's going to be a home run I really do do you like it I haven't seen it yeah it's it's interesting it's kind of a competitor to the Urus I guess they had to come up Urus the Colin all those big boys had the SUVs now Ferrari's join that group oh wait I have seen it because I think I've seen some memes where they taken like design ideas from everybody something well yeah something best of every car yeah yeah pretty pretty car these are great cars I absolutely love these there is and they're also very comfortable to drive it driv easy to drive you just point it and it gets you there right You' had a few cars right Michael uh yes just a couple just a couple now this is something this is my first time seeing this car this Spectre Spectre yes Spectre quite lovely I mean wow and this is electric electric all electric this is the hot girl to dance 24 a lot going on what is the range on this do you know they do have R 300 will it yeah but they don't their goal wasn't to be a no one takes a Rolls-Royce to anywhere yeah it's a to dinner you take it to dinner to dinner so they weren't concerned about mileage let's say I know that where a spectre yeah but just the fit and finish is spectacular their coach workk is is unmatched and this car cost how much it's about $639,000 a lot of money yeah but think about all the money you'll be saving on petrol and doubling my electric bill which is already outrageous exactly I really like the rear lights yeah it's very different isn't it like fins almost yes yeah oh how gentle and elegant I think you need another rolls I don't know I do and I think it might be this one behind you oh that's meaty what is this that's a 2023 Phantom 8 that is the flagship of Rolls-Royce the whole car is completely customized one off it's like a tank it's huge it's a it's a penthouse look inside and we go holy moly oh my word oh my word you will be the only one W you have to open the back door as well for full effect okay you'll be the only one that has this in your neighborhood this color com anywh possibly United States would anybody else want one I don't know Michael you need this car car do you think yes how much is it uh about gosh I think 800,000 800,000 yeah I mean if you liquidate a couple of watches then you're there you don't wear them all anyway but where could you go in there everywhere you're driven you get driven in this Michael yeah you do right you do yes so you know what I like about this is that mansori tends to be hit on this some of the stuff they do is a little bit too blingy this looks it's tasteful right it's tasteful yes especially I mean imagine this on a black car where the carbon the crush carbon doesn't show even as much as it does on this yeah I like it the way it stands out I yeah cuz it takes it it makes a little more kind of a current younger look to it aggressive feel too not quite so much what a crazy car this is bepoke so they ordered this way some yeah they order the car this way at bepoke but mans the mansori stuff has to be done after market afterward but they're in bed together so they do they work together the yes they oh very cool very very I mean they probably made six kits for the whole world so I mean look at that front end it's like a million dooll house brick that's interest this is pretty that is and so's that I know you like the black one right yes yeah the Turbo S yeah I'm I'm still in it for the GT there you go that one right there yep Ah that's the new GT3 rs's they're spectacular cars to drive yeah cuz Michael you already know that there is not a chance I'm talking about them you're not a fan of that one I like that one this is quite special right so this is the gt3rs it's a track car from the ground up it's meant for the track no one actually probably takes it on the track spectacular car though $530,000 plus so this one is the visak Edition so Weck is going to be about 62 lb lighter and that's about $38,000 of to get that 62 lbs off you got to spend $38,000 to get less yeah you pay more to get less but that's the hood the the fenders car carbon fiber the roofs carbon fiber all this is achieved the rims are magnesium it's to get the car a little bit lighter so you pay a lot for those 68 lbs and these are magnesium magnesium correct magnesium cantocks they weigh absolutely nothing absolutely nothing air comes through here cools in the radiator here and they want the cool air to Flow Away from the motor so they push it away to keep the motor running cool and that starts to take effect at somewhere like 150 M hour right they say it starts at 120 okay there you go perfect easy for you but it has about 2,000 lb of downforce this car at 100 miles hour compared to the previous model so it's like a giraffe being on top of the car what does it weigh about 3 200 lb like over 3,000 lb not crazy all right so we're almost getting to the point where you can drive it upside down another 1,200 lb we can fly wi we can fly right come and stand here Michael for perspective on just how big this W is well I can do my thing you know I mean this is T I mean it is it's your full armp 6 foot yeah I mean it doubles up as a coffee table latte bar right adjustable height so if you're slightly smaller you can just flip it down a little bit yes yes it's all F1 adjustable as you drive the car you can adjust the wing up and down yeah you need to doesn't it come up as well for breaking or no that's the McLaren does that but this does do that to an extent yeah McLaren's going be known for that and then moving on to the exact polar opposite no let's stay here let's just stay on this one then we have serious weight this is what 7,000 lb I'm not I'm not even going to show it wait I'm not you can talk about it but I'm not going to show it this is meant to climb a wall it's meant to climb a wall the ceiling and back over they're very capable it's the G63 4x4 squared take a look at that cool it looks like any other G wagon oh and guess what let's do the thing and everyone go wow oh listen to how good that sounds like an mg Metro happen you as a child yeah yeah exactly I got tast in cars is what Happ what happen you as a child so I bought one of these as you know I have the um the regular sized one the G63 yes and he's like why did you buy that I said because I like it why do you like it cuz I do what is that to like about it everything it's only their bestselling car for the last three years so it's their Flagship Mercedes right yeah it's their home run hey it doesn't mean that everyone that buys them isn't a bit silly it it is different is the word but it's it's fun I mean you f it's $430,000 limited production they okay let me ask you a question okay cuz you know the buyers of these cars yes who is more likely to use them for their I'm using air quotes for intended purpose for this cuz this is not intended to go off-road ever this is intended to go on the track are more people off-roading this or are more people tracking that that's going to be more tracking that because Porsche owners are sensible people that's why I love porsa I'm not going to argue with you but I you know I can't pick my favorite car it's like pick my favorite kid of course this to me is a lot of fun Adam this is a great car I love my G wagon I really do you feel secure you're looking over the top of the world it's a tank if anyone chases after you you just destroy it it'll vaporize right yes exactly let's make him drive it actually let's make him drive it yeah right no yeah going to happen okay all right let's move on this believe it or not is one of my favorite alltime cars this is not the current DBS old school 2015 2010 actually 2010 wow cuz they didn't change they kind of rebranded it and put in different headlights different tail lights but they kind of kept that body going through many many years it's classic so how much is this that one I think is only 120 that's I mean a lot of car for I mean still a lot of money but it's a lot a lot of car they sound great too they sound fantastic called the notes of Aston Martin they call it not exhaust the notes of Aston Martin oh there you yes yes it's beautiful if that had today's technology I would have one what would you like so the the GPS function we can put car play it for you every it wouldn't matter it's it's not ideal but it is a beautiful car and it's still has a lot of merits as far as I'm concern oh it has a tape deck look at this what is this that is the competitor to the gt3rs is the stto it is a track car it is meant for the track once again like the gt3rs is very very aggressive there's no Bonet to put anything in hard hard racing seats big fins to cool the brakes it's all about performance it's it's rough it's wild it is fun can it be driven on the street yeah 100% 100% it's pretty nuts right I love them I casual color doesn't stand out at all so I had a regular hurricane yeah and mine was pretty wild right I called it Zeus it was yeah it was very wild yellow with red and black big Graphics all over it yeah it look like the German flag the calipers I had done in the Italian flag so there were three color stri that was pretty cool I thought it wasn't he's laughing look you know what we were talking about at uh Wicked that's an ESOP you know what it's called yeah but what's the proper name for it uh a Gil nope begins with an N uh you got two of them ninja you got two of them between your legs nuts close knees knackers oh that would be kna it's a naad duct naad duct that's funny that's the proper name I remember oh how about this I like this dry carbon it's a wrap oh it is this is a wrap yeah it's a wrap it's very good it's very good W never yeah you can see you can see it only only just cuz I'm looking though yeah but it's a really I thought this was a dry carbon hood yeah wow wow and how much is one of these uh that's right around I think 24ish 250 right around that range and that's been a great car for yours I for Lamborghini it's been a hell of a car it's a 200 M yeah it's a 200 mph SUV so it's really meant to this will do 200 M yes it will it's insane so if you're late for socer practice if you're late for soccer practice you have a chance to get there in time funny and this is a wrap on top of white right it's that's a matte matte clear to make it look matte white on top of white looks great yeah it's got the crazy tires on these These are stickers look yeah never seen that before that's a new that's a new thing they're doing stickers and it stays on most of the time apart from that bit well little bit yeah you need to get a pin and let the air out but that might FL the tire go be careful we have a ton of cars here a lot of things to look at go do your thing I'll hook up with you later we'll talk catch you soon this is exciting soand much I'll see you in about 4 days okay you got it okay there's some sandwiches by the Rolls-Royce so you didn't expect anything like this right this is crazy yeah it's been a long time since I've come here and they expended I don't remember there being this many what do you think of these I like them they look great in Black don't they yeah not sure about the blue one but yeah I I definitely think that if you're going to do a luxury SUV needs to be yeah needs to be black but Michael seriously I think you should buy that mansori one are you going to chip in sure how much I don't know like a grand or two do I get to drive it no but you get to sit in it m $35 that's a good offer for getet to drive it I'll pay a little bit more how much well let's do it this way if you were to rent one it would cost you about $6,000 a day okay so if you want to have it for like a week yeah that cost you 40 Grand okay I'll counter you at three grand okay and then I just get to drive it whenever we hang out which is a lot yeah let me give that some thought how about this like a purple one purple pink I got hammered for saying that blue watch was Green how I'm not pointing the camera at the right thing where's the blue one there green turquoise it looks green to me well it's kind of a Bluey green green watch blue CU it wasn't there look that's teal agreed we agree on that that's kind of a greeny blue this is like a purplish pink a light purplish pink yeah right like a sort of a laky orange not red red yes exactly look at these cars I mean talk about selection it's crazy it's insane it's absolutely insane well okay no Rolls-Royce dealer anywhere on the planet that has this no there just doesn't exist and getes it all the way around so let's do a quick tally cuz look they're all down there too all the way to the end so what what would we say is the average price of one of these half a million they five they are 500 well these These are 600 the Phantoms yeah uh let's go let's go 500 uh 400,000 400 okay so from the end 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 it's actually 22 cuz that one's a Bentley oh yeah it is yeah so 22 * 4 is 88 1 $16 million 88 $44 million $44 million no Stephen is 100% putting like the math yeah do the math so 22 20 if there were a million dollar each it would be 22 million so it's 11 million if there were 500 it's like N9 9 million or somewhere around there what is it 8.8 million that was close to 9 million crazy just in rolls-royce's right what do you think the orange interior does it fit it looks black no it would have to be red it has a red strip oh true oh God the screen is just that tinted it is red it's black and red okay black and red yeah be look at the dash wow never seen anything like that it's some form of of strange carbon very very very tasteful it's interesting it's kind of like um a mesh like a carbon mesh it looks like it would light up weirdly I don't think it does but these are not Rolls-Royce rims they're enormous they are 244 do you remember back in the 2000s when like a 19in rim was huge Adam when I bought my first Porsche which was probably a long time ago the rims on standard rims were 15 in and to upgrade to 16 I think we called fuks Wheels Fu HS was like a big deal and you couldn't get tius on cuz nobody made a 16-in tire and now that's the size of like a pram right yeah exactly yeah 16inch tires are still difficult to get yeah it's a weird size okay so this it's like a metallic black with a tinge of something in it like a I don't know like a some rainbow it's like green I see green I see some Reds fun right Rolls-Royce make a cracking car don't they cracking car indeed yeah I know I know we've said that these are also very luxurious they are but like there's just something special I mean they're also $300,000 more this is also quite beautiful I haven't seen one like this before is that Flying Spur this is a Bentley but it's definitely not a regular Bentley look at this it's yeah it is it's the Flying Spur glass crystal in here gr diamond yeah that's what it is so this car this car's I don't me mean to sound obnoxious but it's only 219,000 I thought it would be substantially more and again beautiful car take a peek inside this one it's different to a Rolls-Royce it's like a a funner version right not quite as serious well it feels it is nice but it still feels like a sedan whereas Rolls-Royce is like when you get inside of a Rolls-Royce you know you're in a Rolls-Royce you could take all the badging off and put somebody in that car and there's nothing is this a rollro there's a lot of space isn't there you know like it's just it's gigantic gigantic and then this is the same in white so many black and then gray and then the drop tops this is fun look they put a little blue accent in the front things you don't normally think of I guess it's got blue interior yeah that is cool let's see and tell everybody that doesn't already know the uh deal with the Pinstripe and who does it at Rolls-Royce and how it's done it's done by hand there's one person at Rolls-Royce that that does it they do it all by hand with no masking tape I don't know how they do it it's quite crazy and it cost a fortune yeah for one line I think this is a $5,000 option oh my goodness and very subtle little bit of apart from the a pillars seal are uh are all teal yeah but it's still subtle it's nice nice nice nice okay let's continue Range Rovers all the Bentleys they're all very similar I think yeah how many miles has yours got now 300 300 isn't that a shame it is a shame let's go to McLaren's let's talk about these I don't know I know you're a big fan of McLaren's I do like them I like them to drive they're they're a very very fun car to drive they also they're great on July the 4th um firework time right just started up so the thing that really bugs me about McLaren's is the build quality let's look at look at the width of the Gap here right and this one fits semide decently but look at the other side it's much closer it is yeah I mean there's no getting away from that but it that would take an extra few hours in the factory quality control yeah no I mean you're right that could be fixed you you're right yeah there is there is no excuses for that no I mean everything is just not perfect that's a million miles out but that's the way they make them and some people love them um I I get that it's just not not my not my thing what do you think of this color I like it it's um what color do you think it is gray with a touch of lilac what color do you think it is yeah I would say so we're in agreement finally what color do you think this car is I'd say it's a pale blueberry a oh a pale blueberry yeah pale blueberry like a chalky blueberry I like that pale blueberry watch the car but what about the calipers on green like a weird green it's the artura isn't it the I don't know what it is but it has a hole here it's the hybrid one I think that that's called a flying buttress flying buttress yeah it's called a flying buttress Ur you are you are correct yes it's the hybrid interesting car but again McLaren like the I don't know what generation this is but this you know the 570 like has looked the same forever obviously they haven't really facelifted much uh good question I don't know cuz they have like 500 different models that they keep introducing one even with like the artura it's it's just a 570 with a facelifted rear bumper right you can open the doors on these oh it's going to crush me weird seats yeah I don't know and you like these right um yes I mean I do I just think that Claren have gotten a bit lazy Porsche or McLaren oh Porsche all day every day no comparison right GT3 or GT3 RS anything else but they are pretty what do you think of the sf90 $800,000 well that one is it's a spider technologically brilliant phenomenal when when you actually see them in person they're SL underwhelming right slightly underwhelming don't don't say bad things Chris is here I heard something no no it's fine we're talking about we're talking about the sf90 and I'm I'm a big Ferrari fan love Ferraris I just think this is underwhelming to look at I don't know what you doesn't grab you no does it grab you it grabs me at times at times yes at times things take a minute to get used to for me so to me it's very aggressive I like the look I just don't know if I love the look right I I think the the f8 is more aggressive looking yes I think it's the headlights that do it for me this this fin there's too much going on up there for you yeah and it's it's a bit funky yeah but lovely yes lovely yes very sexy car this one is how much uh it's around 700 700 and the spider uh High sevens High sevens yeah and these were going for over million weren't they when they first came out when they first came out it was the it was the Run get the car right and then it just totally what was MSRP we don't talk about that I do like the seats though I'm guessing that that was probably 600ish in that area yes a tad maybe a t00 but right around right around there yeah 580 yeah something like that well this is very nice well you won't believe it but this car is uh going to a dear friend of mine look at I've never seen like this yes it's a dear friend of mine he's kind of a celebrity and you know he came all the way from Los kind of celebrity wait I thought this was Michael's car came all the way from Los Angeles to Orange County he's exhausted from the trip but yeah this is my dear friend Michael's Porche tar I bought it and in full disclosure so I bought this car about 6 months ago it sat here for 5 months right yes uh I didn't pick it up in fact I bought it I hadn't even seen it no um I I bought it I paid for it yes and it sat here and Chris very kindly took care of it for me and then I had it shipped to Wicked Motorsports where they put the GT3 hood on it Motor Works Motor Works sorry Motor Works GT 3 Hood there do that again so the car was sat here for like 5 months and then they sent a trailer down from from Wicked Motorsports works this is all going in so I don't know why you're trying to retake so you had the hood you had the front bumper you had a sexy rear bumper put on it and now it is the most unique Carrera 4S tarer in the world yeah and it's getting new rims next week it's getting brixon rims uh very cool rims which will be on the car hopefully next week show the back of it the back of it is really cool too yeah it's beautiful and so you were saying that this mesh here isn't stock so this is this is a this is the OEM sport bumper yeah and this here was cut out and they put the the mesh in there cuz on the factory one it's just solid of crry do you want see inside it we'll actually do a whole video on it yeah yeah let's do a proper walk around but can we just show people what you had done since we saw it at Wicked yes indeed this was silver when I do you remember that was that was forgot that yeah and this is actually a wrap and it looks like paint you cannot tell that that's not paint and it's just a fantastic fantastic job and and um it was well done by the way that's very well done because it stops the the flow keeps going doesn't stop the silver the car kind of color flows back and forth I'm going to tag the company in the description who did the the uh the rep for me it fantastic yeah there it is um very exciting congratulations yeah we won't open we'll do that we'll do that later yeah let's do a proper walk around Chris what a pleasure my friend than you so much for coming in best best dealership anywhere greatest selection of cars yeah what a pleasure nice to having you guys down here what a pleasure really thank you what a thrill so you guys know what to do hit the Subscribe button hit the Bell we're in it to win it and that's it see you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 366,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eurocar orange county, Eurocar california, eurocar OC, porsche 911 carrera 4S targa, supercar, hypercar, Porsche 911 GT3 RS, Ferrari 812, Lamborghini Huracan STO, Lamborghini Aventador LP780-4, Lamborghini Aventador Ultimae, Rolls-Royce Spectre, Rolls Royce electric car, Rolls-Royce Phantom, Rolls-Royce Mansory, Adam Swords, Michael Blakey, producermichael, Mercedes Benz G63 4x4 squared, Aston Martin DBS Volante, Lamborghini Urus, Bentley Flying Spur, Ferrari SF90
Id: GDMuao7Ixnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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