13 Riddles That Are Trickier Than They Seem

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[Music] all righty polish up that big brain of yours because we have 13 riddles that are trickier than they seem at first glance and maybe even second glance some of the riddles you're about to see may seem way too easy at first glance but don't let that fool you only the brightest minds will be able to solve these puzzles think you got what it takes I know you do so let's get to it question 1 look carefully at the animals on the screen we got a cat cheetah camel pig crocodile and finally a chicken one of the animals doesn't belong on the list which one is it you have 15 seconds to figure it out but feel free to pause the video if you need more time [Music] answer are you ready to let the cat out of the bag well the cat's fine it was actually the pig that was the odd one out it's the only animal whose name doesn't start with a letter see if you caught this detail nice job but don't get too confident there are 12 more riddles to go question 2 here we have four triangles and a whole bunch of seemingly random numbers study them carefully and try to figure out what number should be inside the fourth one your 15 seconds start now answer if you look close enough at the first three triangles you'll see a repeating pattern the number inside the triangle is the result of subtracting the number on the left from the one on the top and then multiplying that by the number on the right for example in the first triangle six minus two equals four and four times two is eight which is exactly the number inside the triangle use the same formula for the last triangle and you'll get the right answer which is three this one had me so stumped did you get it let us know in the comments all right moving on question number three you have seven guests at your birthday party and you've got to figure out how to cut your round birthday cake only three times to make eight equal sized slices seven for your guests and one for you of course times a-tickin and your guests are waiting for their cake so get going [Music] answer well first off you have to cut vertically right down the middle of the cake to make two equal pieces do the same thing but this time horizontally to make four slices your third and final cut should be laterally across the cake which will quickly turn your four slices into eight so how'd you do on this one and no worries he still got tons more question number four there are six glasses in front of you the first three are full while the other three are empty how can you arrange them so that they alternate in a full empty full pattern oh and you can move only one glass good luck [Music] answer just pick up the second glass and pour the water into the fifth one voila now they alternate hey you only move one glass nobody said you couldn't do anything with the contents yeah that was sly question number five this time we have the simplest question for you how many cubes are in this image 15 seconds on the clock go answer he didn't say six did you uh-oh there are actually nine cubes in this picture the three at the bottom aren't visible but they do exist and still count yeah I didn't do so well with this one what about you okay let's pull ourselves together we have another shot question number six the ages of this father and son add up to make 66 the digits of the father's age are the same one as his sons just reversed in some way of course so what are their ages [Music] answer you've got some wiggle room on this one because there are actually three possible answers the fathers sixty years old while his boy is six hey go dad or dad's 42 and his son is 24 and finally the father is 51 and the son is 15 did you get any of them or even more than one if so high-five come on bro don't leave me hanging right there you go by the way if you want to flex your brain muscles and solve some more fun puzzles check out our other short tests you know the more you solve these types of puzzles the better you get at them so keep practicing and now we'll keep practicing with more questions on this list question number seven here we have six squares with numbers inside them but one square is empty so the question is what goes in the last square [Music] answer the last box shouldn't contain a number but the letter R these numbers are actually the imprint you see on a stick shift the first five gears and then reverse still lost it's okay ask your parents or grandparents they didn't have fancy schmancy automatic transmission back in their day the next one won't be a trick question scouts honor here we go question number 8 no tricks here but how about some math we have a series of numbers from 1 to 9 without changing their order insert plus and minus signs between them so the final equation equals 100 but you're limited to only 3 pluses or minuses total you have some time to think about it but not much [Music] answer I'm sure only real math lovers came out with the right answer of 123 minus 45 minus 67 plus 89 equals 100 ah gee sorry - the liberal arts majors out there but it's okay you still have your chance to improve your final score on this test let's move on to the next question question 9 here we have 10 trees replant them so that they make 5 rows with 4 trees each sound impossible just take your time [Music] answer the answer here is so painfully simple and seemingly obvious once you see it just make sort of a star shape with the trees everything's as it should be exactly five rows each with four trees if you've got this one your logic skills are truly above and beyond ni envy you you brat question 10 look closely at this picture and try to determine which of these bottom lines is a continuation of the top one answer the bottom of the top segment is this line here on the right yeah it was about time for an easier one give that big noggin of yours a break yeah but we're not done yet so let's keep it moving question 11 here we have two seemingly perfect watches but look closely one of them is real while the other one is just a toy which one is which your time starts now [Music] answer the watch on the left is the toy how can you tell it's minute hand is way too long to work its way around the face of the clock so the one on the right is real it's as simple as that question 12 let's try a murder mystery shall we a woman has been murdered in a restaurant bathroom how rude I mean was that before or after she paid the check well actually it doesn't matter so can you find out who the killer is just by looking at this picture good luck detective [Music] [Music] answer its the man under number four look closely he's sitting near the restroom his knife is missing and his shirt is ripped at the bottom and take a look at the victim once again there's a piece of his shirt in her hand a scratch on his neck doesn't leave much to the imagination either case closed Sherlock question 13 any Chicago Bulls fans out there check out this NBA teams logo everything seems as it should but there's something hiding here what can you see other than the bull [Music] answer flip the Bulls logo upside down and it's a robot reading a book on a park bench and now you'll never be able to unsee this you're welcome so how many riddles did you solve tell us in the comments don't forget to hit the like button and share this video with your friends to see how many riddles they'll be able to crack you can find even more fun quizzes on our channel so make sure to subscribe join us on the bright side [Music] you
Views: 7,268,980
Rating: 4.4151511 out of 5
Keywords: simple riddles, easy riddles, detective riddles, mystery riddles, riddles, brainteasers, riddles that will trick your friends, riddles that will blow your mind, riddles and brain teasers with answers, puzzles, riddles for kids, tricky questions, hard riddles, riddles with answers, riddles that will trick your mind, test your brain power, test your intelligence, test your logic, test your friends, test your mind, bright side riddles, bright side
Id: W4Bx1dnARjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2018
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