Words You're (probably) Pronouncing Wrong - Even my advanced students make these mistakes.

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let's make your English accurate English I will teach you the correct pronunciation of some commonly mispronounced words even my Advanced students make some of these mistakes let's look at the first word this word is commonly mispronounced do you know how to pronounce it it means not in the correct position or not functioning properly not going as planned not going well it's pronounced arai arai we often say to go arai something went arai we can say our plans went arai everything went arai something is arai let's listen to some native speakers pronouncing it well for me something went a little arai uh some things go arai when it goes arai how do we pronounce this word how many syllables are there there are only two syllables the a is silent we say cocoa cocoa I like to drink hot cocoa I use cocoa powder to make a cake so we don't say cocoa we say Coco let's look at the next word when people talk about difficult English pronunciation they almost always mention this word English spelling can be very strange and this one is at the top of the list so if you haven't been pronouncing it correctly it's not your fault it's pronounced like this kernel kernel there's no R in the spelling but somehow we pronounce it like that I have no idea why a colonel is a senior military officer an officer of high rank in the army or in the Air Force and this is a colonel of corn same exact pronunciation colonel colonel a colonel in the US Army I'm Colonel Tai sigil each Colonel of corn has its own silk if you plant one curdle of corn I didn't create the language I just teach you the rules or in this case the exceptions colel I spoke to the colonel the colonel is in command how do we pronounce this word you say it how many syllables are there there are not six syllables there are five so we don't say automatically we say automatically that a disappears let's say that again automatically other words that follow the same pattern are practically and actually so we say practical we pronounce that a but when we say practically the a disappears and same thing with actual we say actual but we say actually actually and let's say that word again automatically how did you pronounce the Au it's not ow it's o o automatically same thing for other words that begin with au author August audience and so on have you been pronouncing this word correctly it's commonly mispronounced the vowel sound the ouu is the same sound as in the words jump love and and brother we say uh uh country what country are you from so don't say country and don't say country it's country this is a commonly mispronounced word some of my students stress the incorrect syllable they stress the third syllable and it should be the second develop develop so we don't say develop we say develop and depending on on your native language this one could be a hard habit to break here is a short video where I am teaching a student from India he was struggling with this word but after a little practice he was able to master it this thing in my mind to develop this American accent develop has three syllables you said develop and that's not correct let's stress the second syllable develop develop good develop develop can we use it in a sentence I'd like to develop some no you said develop do it again yeah I'd like to develop sorry I'd like to develop TR it again we're going to stress the second one devel develop develop that's right do it again develop good develop I would like to develop I would like to develop I would like to develop let's say it together develop development that's an interesting development I wonder how things will develop how do we pronounce this word if you've seen some of my previous videos then you know how to pronounce it perfectly I've talked about this one in the past because it's so difficult for many students let's look at the e n we don't say an we say on on entra the TR R is pronounced like this TR TR entra entra entrepreneur entrepreneur he's a successful entrepreneur let's listen to some native speakers pronouncing it an extremely successful technology entrepreneur or whether you're an entrepreneur with a $2 million business so whether you're an entrepreneur scaling your business have you been pronouncing this word correctly you say it it's pronounced figure figure figure figure has several different meanings a figure is the the amount or the total for example give me the figure give me the total a figure is also the shape of something this is a cubicle figure and a figure is also the bodily form she has a beautiful figure also a character or a person of Distinction we can say he's a well-known figure in society or a person's Public Image he's a controversial political figure and the most most common way we use this word is as a phrasal verb to figure out this is something we always say let's pronounce it perfectly in the past tense I figured it out I figured it out connect all those words make sure you link them I figured it out I figured it out let's look at some commonly mispronounced words spelled with the letter U how do we pronounce this word how do we pronounce the U we say formula we don't say formula we say form U formula there are some other words with the same pronunciation for example this word you say it document it's not document it's document and here's a hard one how do we say this word both of those 's are pronounced as U accumulate accumul accumulate accumulate and by now you already know the pronunciation of this word you say it Cuba not Kuba Cuba and here are two more you say them monument and Furious do you know how to pronounce this word even though it's originally French it's pretty common in English how do we pronounce it in English we say genre genre genre genre is a specific type of music or film or writing for example you can say his favorite film genre is science fiction that's my favorite genre of music my absolute favorite genre as a literary genre there was something that really drew me to this genre here is another word that comes from French how do English speakers pronounce it it means izer or starter a small dish that is served before the main meal it's pronounced urv orve let's have an urve and in plural we say orves would you like some orves enjoy a drink and an Ord delicious cheeses and other ordes ordes anyone this word is commonly mispronounced how do you pronounce the S you say it did you say increase or increase it's a s sound increase increase if you've been mispronouncing this word you may also be mispronouncing these common words decrease we don't say decrease and release in this one too we don't say Lee we say lease I leased the car prices have increased don't say increased let's learn the correct pronunciation of this word make sure you reduce the a don't say literally say literally literally and that t is pronounced like this litter litter same as in better water a lot of it is literally stress the first syllable literally and be careful how you use this word a lot of people use it incorrectly including native speaker for example you will hear people say she literally exploded with anger well she didn't literally exploded with anger it just felt that way some people say I'm literally dying of hunger you're not actually dying you're very hungry it's not literal literally means exactly precisely just like that so you can say I'm literally teaching you right now we should use literally only when something is actually true for example you can say it's very hot today it's literally 100° in this house it's 100° fah or it's literally freezing outside that's possible if it's freezing outside but if you say I'm literally freezing you're probably not dying you're probably not freezing you're just very very cold so we sometimes use literally incorrectly let's look at this word this word is commonly mispronounced you say it the first part is pronounced th th as in Thursday or third thir and the second syllable is pronounced as o o as in row or no and we stress the first syllable thorough thorough thorough means complete including every possible detail for example you can say you did a thorough job the inspection was thorough please clean it thoroughly don't confuse it with through this is through and this is thorough how do we pronounce this word you say it the W is not pronounced W it's pronounced wo as in war or more or four so we we say warm warm imagine War plus M warm it's a warm day this sweater is so warm don't say warm I recommend that you make your own sentences and say the words out loud that way you're much more likely to remember them thanks for watching and keep practicing your English take your English to the final level of fluency with my online online courses the American accent course the 400 Advanced words you must know for fluent English course and the phrasal verbs for fluent English course go to Accurate english.com
Channel: AccurateEnglish
Views: 359,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pronunciation, how to pronounce, accurate english, learn correct pronunciation, like a native, american accent, fluent english, Lisa Mojsin, speak English, correct english, difficult English, how to spell, how to pronounce awry, how to pronounce literally
Id: WJ86suMymeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Sun May 12 2024
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