15 Strangest Things Found By Deep Sea Divers

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the depths of Earth's oceans are a haunting place shadowy corner after shadowy corner each jam-packed with curious creatures unlike anything seen on land none of us really know the full truth of what's going on down there and each and every day new things are found under the water these are the strangest things found by deep-sea divers number 15 animals chained up a group of divers were heartbroken upon making a shocking discovery last March when the group headed out to explore the waters of kyoka Indonesia the water surrounding koyuki are beautiful and perfect for tourists the ideal place to go for a swim as the water is crystal clear and contains various types of sea life on top of that the weather is almost always impeccable what the divers found there however was anything but impeccable instead a nightmare in which they couldn't awaken at the very bottom of the ocean were an assortment of cages inside these cages were two dugongs a mother and a baby the conditions of these cages worked terrible and the pair didn't look comfortable with the mothers tail being completely chained up so she couldn't move at all dugongs our close relatives to manatees and are currently on the verge of extinction so when the divers found out that a fisherman was holding them captive for business purposes they knew there wasn't a moment to lose as it turns out the fisherman was using the dugongs to lure in tourists and in exchange for money would allow them to get a closer look and interact with them the divers asked him to release the poor things he initially refused but then agreed to the next day the divers found this suspicious and rightly so they stayed there to document the situation and posted images all over social media in response this gained attention online and the very next day wildlife authorities arrived to find them still stuck in their cages the fisherman had lied is there the authorities forced him to release them let's hope they didn't take long to recover from their ordeal before we go on we have a cool challenge for y'all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic this interesting shot comes from a recent deep-sea dive quite where this photo was taken is not known as the divers involved have chosen to be secretive about it for now and possibly with good reason as you can see the diver stumbled across a curious metal artifact unlike anything we've personally seen before some have said it looks like a crashed alien ship while others have said it looks like a giant robotic suit almost like the Iron Man mark 1 personally we think it looks like some kind of ancient statue possibly carved by an ancient civilization left to dwindle in the depths of the waters what do you think as always comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 the Pyramid of Yonaguni the Yonaguni monument is a rather intriguing and large rock formation found underwater just off the coast of Yonaguni Japan there has been plenty of arguments in the past about just how natural the site is and whether it's been modified throughout history many believe that it is a man-made structure while others have considered the extra-terrestrial to be responsible the structure is said to be part of an ancient civilization that lived on earth well over a millennia before us many agree that it seems to take the shape of an ancient landing platform the monument contains pretty fine sand and mud stones which it is argued were deposited around 20 million years prior most of the formations are connected to the underlying rock mass while the main feature of the monument is a rectangular shaped formation that measures about 150 by 40 meters and about 27 meters tall and its top is about 5 meters below sea level number 13 the Lion City the Lion City otherwise known as XI Cheng is an ancient city that over time became submerged it now lies at the foot of Liu Shi mountain about 25 to 40 meters beneath the spectacular chenggao lake in China in 2014 there was renewed interest in the sunken city from officials following the strange discovery that the city that spent over 50 years underwater is somehow still completely intact the structure was open to tourists as a diving attraction and a convenient underwater museum in 2017 fold to the brim with unique architecture and carvings the date back almost 1400 years it is a spectacular site this ancient city appears to have been built sometime during the Eastern Han Dynasty roughly around 25 to 200 AD and was first set up as a county around 208 ad it was also once the center of politics and economics in the eastern province of shi'ites yang in 1959 the Chinese government made the rather questionable decision to construct a hydroelectric power station this power station included the construction of a man-made lake that fully submerged Chi Cheng under 40 metres of water a sad day for history but a step forward for power generation number 12 deep in the Baltic Sea the ocean is home to many amazing and bizarre creatures and over the years researchers have made some truly insane discoveries down in the depths a vast area it is a virtual impossibility that man will ever discover all that it holds in any given lifetime however professional diver stefano ger born is forever hopeful of achieving such a feat the ocean x team member was a part of a massive discovery in 2011 now labeled the Baltic Sea anomaly the team led by Captain Peter Lindbergh and co-researcher Dennis as Berg discovered a strange object that had sunk to the bottom of the ocean after much research the object still hasn't been officially identified with many comparing its appearance to the legendary Millennium Falcon spacecraft from the Star Wars franchise this would be normal for most marine biologists and deep-sea explorers however ocean x reported that when they came within the vicinity of the they experienced many electric malfunctions with their equipment it was only when they got 200 meters away that things begin to stabilize they since decided that the object was some kind of alien UFO or spacecraft that had miraculously sunk to the bottom of the ocean speculation has been rampant since its discovery with many believing it to have alien related origins while others think it could be a sunken ship belonging to the Russians the mysterious spherical object has set the world alight as millions clamber for answers to its origins and how it came to be their number 11 Russian Empire submarine s om a very lengthy search and salvage project was recently completed after 20 years of hard work ocean X's team work together with AI Explorer in order to construct a special salvage vessel that they named deep sea worker this vessel recently arrived in Sweden with a cargo load of cognac and liquor that is said to age back over a century these liquors were possibly the final shipment of liquors for tsar nicholas ii russia the deep sea workers purpose was to salvage bottles at a reasonable depth between Sweden and Finland waters the importance of this find should not be overlooked not only where the cognac and liquors considered rare but they also formed part of an important piece of Imperial Russian history the kardi the owner of the Benedictine brand were understandably excited to hear of the findings as the brand stretches back well over 500 years when it was first created by French monks being left to ferment for that many years it's likely to be some very strong liqueur number 10 sunken pirate City Port Royal Jamaica was everything you'd expect from 17th century pirate life the city was full of all sorts of individuals displaying questionable behavior many were responsible for a vigorous looting treasure hunting alcohol consumption and gambling so it's no surprise that Port Royal was often described as the wickedest city on earth however the wealthiest port in the West Indies met its bitter end on the 7th of June 1692 following a heavy earthquake that resulted in almost the entire city sinking into the sea over 300 years on Port Royal as come one of the biggest and most sought-after archaeological sites in the Caribbean unfortunately very little of the city was recovered and it wasn't exactly mapped out either at least that's what we thought a project from the University of Nottingham has utilized optical mapping and robotic technology to scan the lost city in high-resolution it's hoped that the results of this will help support the hopes of Jamaica's application to obtain World Heritage status for the site the aftermath of the earthquake and the sinking left over 1600 people dead and a city that only existed for 37 years ruined and submerged the archeological site holds plenty of significance today when the earthquake struck it preserved many aspects of the daily existence in the city at that exact moment in time the city now lies sealed under the silt in Kingston Harbour number 9 the Titanic the Titanic sinking is arguably one of history's most iconic disasters this past year some new footage emerged from the site of the shipwreck that hit an iceberg and sank in 1912 this footage is the first that we've seen in 14 years and it's very eerie in comparison to what's been seen prior the ship looks rather spooky now and is in the worst shape ever as it appears to be dissolving from the effects of salt water strong currents and bacteria an expedition that involved five dives over a course of eight days was undertaken by world-renowned ocean explorer Victor ves covo and his team they dropped 12,000 feet into the very cold Atlantic Ocean waters using a specially designed submersible to handle the environment and pressures of the sea level the aim was to capture some new footage for a new National Geographic documentary this wasn't the first time the team had happened upon the wreckage however this time they were shocked to see just how much the ship had decayed over the last decade many of the iconic components of the ship such as the bow from the I'm the king of the world scene from the 1997 film were now completely unrecognizable and slowly fading away at the bottom of the ocean the captain's bathtub had also completely disappeared under a collapsed deck researchers believe that over the next few decades the ship will completely the and will be gone forever this is a sad truth but unfortunately it is inevitable as a sign of respect to those that perished during this great tragedy the crew laid a wreath down by the wreckage and held a short ceremony to honor those that were lost over a century ago number 8 underwater circles many of you will have heard of the mysterious crop circles that conspiracy theorists have a field day with but have you ever heard of underwater circles these circles have been called the oceans crop circles and are suggested to be patterned and over seven feet in diameter they were first seen in 1995 in Japan by local divers who deemed them to be much like an enigma for the next 16 years researchers divers and other water experts scratched their heads wondering at the origins of these mysterious circles in 2011 the reason for their existence finally came to light when they discovered that pufferfish could create these elaborate designs to attract their female counterparts upon further inspection the fish would spend a fair amount of time constructing their respective circles using their fins to dig around the sand it said that the quality of each circle determines the females choice of mate so it's no wonder the males spend so much time perfecting their individual mysterious looking circles number seven the Cancun underwater museum the Cancun underwater museum is easily the biggest of its kind on planet earth originally known as Musa or Museo sub acuario de Arte the museum welcomes a healthy number of tourists every year with official numbers rising above 700,000 in total the Cancun underwater museum holds an interesting blend of statues ranging from themes such as capital greed to simplistic holistic living of the fisherman community the place is well hidden as it's tucked neatly between the islands of Cancun and Isla Mujeres which is in and around the coast of Mexico this museum has over 500 life-sized in lifelike installations that are completely submerged by water it enjoys world preservation status as it promotes marine diversity amongst its installations this is the perfect spot for all ocean and museum enthusiasts and who knows it could be the site of your next vacation offer in the joy of swimming around one of the world's most beautiful and scenic artistic pieces and sculptures but more could you ask for if this isn't a true definition of art coming to life than what is number six underwater structures of Zakynthos divers and researchers were certain they had discovered a lost Greek city ruins ruins that were a result of a parish city from tidal waves hitting the shores of the island of Zakynthos however new research has unravelled the true circumstances of these ruins these findings were published in the Journal of marine and petroleum geology and have pointed out that the site was the result of a natural geological phenomenon that took place around the Pliocene era some five million years ago discovered by snorkelers various experts then carefully examined the site scientists used x-ray and microscope techniques to see if they could further unravel details of mineral content and texture of the underwater formation the research team found that that donut like hard solid masses were something of a subsurface fault that allowed gases to escape from its depths the solid masses rarely form in seawater but can be quite common in micro Burrage sediments exhumed by natural erosion they were left exposed on the seabed the research team was certain that such a phenomenon was extremely rare in such shallow waters and is unlikely to occur regularly hence the interest number five Cleopatra's lost city Cleopatra's ancient ruins are well and truly submerged at this point having sunk into the sea well over a millennium ago like many ancient cities and ruins historians and scientists are convinced that earthquakes and tidal waves had something to do with the eventual end to Cleopatra city and iconic palace the ruins can be found under the Mediterranean Sea just off the shore of Alexandra which is a large Egyptian city though there is little information on the lost city there have been great leaps to revive and recover significant portions of it with excavations going underway in 1998 many things were discovered during this process such as shipwrecks a statue of a goddess and also a sphinx there's plenty of ground to cover down there so it wouldn't be surprising if there's still more to find two decades on from the in excavations number four Dwarka there's always been an element of uncertainty when it comes to India's origins and the same can be said for its many religious geographical locations in fact there are plenty of pilgrimage sites that hold heavy holy and mythological backgrounds there are also many tales circulating about the location of India's greatest ancient sites but there's still much to learn about one in particular Dwarka this ancient city dates all the way back to 3200 BC making it older than the Hurons society according to mythology Dwarka was the city where the eighth avatar of Vishnu once resided it is also the place that was considered the Kingdom of Lord Krishna who supposedly built the city contemporary historians and archaeologists simply ignore the theories of the city being completely submerged by a great wave but it's certainly possible that the city was hit by something over 30,000 years ago there was plenty of superstition that the ancient city was under some kind of curse but whether that's factual or simply a myth is still yet to be confirmed by experts number 3 beiiy this Roman city has been compared to cities like Las Vegas it was almost like a resort that catered to those who were wealthy among the Roman elite the city was also famous for its hot springs due to it being located over volcanic vents unfortunately baiii didn't last as it was sacked and taken apart by Sir Atkins during the eighth century by 1500 the once beloved city was completely abandoned due to the volcanic vents the water slowly rose around the city and soon enough the once luxurious location was no more today the ancient city can be visited by tourists to an extent it's located in one of only a few underwater archeological parks tourists can see crumbled remains of structures and well-preserved statues through glass-bottom boats for the very keen you can scuba dive down and investigate for yourself what was once a great home to many number two Pavlo Petrie Pavlo Petrie is easily one of the oldest sunken cities in the Mediterranean as it is sat in place since 3000 BC considering its age it's crazy to think that it was only discovered in 19 67 the ruins of the city include many roads gardens homes temples and even a cemetery many urban planners have since been astonished by the city and how it was laid out some believing it to be better than modern building and city layouts around 2009 further studies took place on the city and it was theorized that the city was completely submerged due to a series of earthquakes that sunk almost nine hectares despite these earthquakes however experts feel as though many of the buildings are still very visible and recognizable today the site is easily accessible for tourists although experts aren't particularly thrilled by this as they would like to preserve the ancient city as much as possible to do its age and architecture can't say I blame them really number one the giant Pyrus so after much research and investigation it's obvious there's no other place on earth that is home to more bizarre creatures than the ocean Pyrrha somes come under this category these gelatinous free-floating marine and vertebrate animals occupy the upper layers of the ocean and particularly so in warmer seas these creatures are shaped like cylinders and are made up of colonies of thousands of individuals these colonies differ in size some are less than one centimeter while others can be several meters long the individuals of each colony are called zooids and there are only millimeters in size they are embedded together to form the gelatinous tunic making them somewhat whole as a result each zoo it opens to the inside and the outside of the tube to filter the ocean water to the colony whilst also extracting from microscopic plants that they feed on the colony is rather bumpy from the outside each bump representing each individual zuid inside Pyrrha somes are planktonic like the evil little green chap who features in the cartoon SpongeBob SquarePants because they are planktonic they don't necessarily control their movements these movements are created by the currents tides and waves within the ocean they are all so brightly bioluminescent which allows them to flash a glowing blue light visible for several metres over the years many sailors have been treated to virtual light shows the glow that Tyrus ohms reflect there wouldn't be many people that haven't heard the story of the Titanic and how it came to be resting on the deep dark depths of the ocean floor but that's just one piece in the history books there are many other great mysteries that have been solved by divers over the years and most are just as intriguing also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 384,695
Rating: 4.7753444 out of 5
Keywords: underwater, deep sea, mystery, ocean, things, found, mysterious, unexplained, scary, mysterious things, discoveries, scariest, found in the ocean, sea, unsolved, unexplained mysteries, diving, deep sea mysteries, creatures, bizarre, creature, creepy, discovery, strangest things, strange, creepiest, things found, underwater mysteries, deep sea divers, divers, unbelievable, most mysterious, scary objects, objects found, finds, explain, strangest, scuba diving, searching, deep ocean, scary ocean
Id: p7gZVzEjbsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 57sec (1197 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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