15 Simple Magic Tricks to Do at Home

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was that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating Cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini Cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to end flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail too you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice Orko Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands that's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear them I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be sceptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating Cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announce that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it put the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini Cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller Cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you place several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick take some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to add flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth concoction-- then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear them I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your we'll see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you place several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to add flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail too you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke snow queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the Ice Cube's fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear um I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're been the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom top once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it put the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick take some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to wet flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke snow queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands that's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear um I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini Cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls and water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to end flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear them I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and while the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be sceptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ringg climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you'll be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the hoes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick take some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls and water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to wet flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear them I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating Cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini Cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller Cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you place several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick take some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to add flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction-- then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or coke Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear up I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your we'll see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announce that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it put the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasped your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to end flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice Orko Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands it's always the most important bar then turn the cup and let the Ice Cube's fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear 'm I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you are bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you'll be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know add to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls and water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to end flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice or Koh snow queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands that's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear um I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and voilà the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be skeptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating Cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ring climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it put the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger Cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you will be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the toes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake-charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you place several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick take some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls add water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to add flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modeling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow turning water into ice take a bottle of water and put it in the fridge for about two to three hours once you've made sure the water is cold enough take it out of the fridge and start pouring the water into something frozen like ice cubes in a bowl or an ice pack your friends will be shocked when the liquid water instantly turns to ice to make the whole thing even more impressive you can add some food coloring to the water or use fruit juice Orko Snow Queen illusion now here's an even cooler way to turn water into ice and give Elsa a run for her money first of all take a plastic or styrofoam cup and put a sponge on the bottom after that place several ice cubes on top of the sponge now once you've got your audience watching pour a bit of water into the cup blow on it and make some abracadabra movements with your hands that's always the most important part then turn the cup and let the ice cubes fall out by that time the sponge will have already absorbed all the water disappearing ice put several ice cubes into a paper cup shake it and say abracadabra or presto change-o or even expecto disappear up I don't know you decide then turn the cup over and your audience will see that it's empty when you return the cup in the upright position and shake it once again everyone will hear the ice cubes rattling against the sides of the cup again and this time when you turn the cup over again the ice will fall out yeah it's a real showstopper of a trick and here's how to do it cut a flap in the side of the cup and do your best not to turn this side to the viewers after you fill the cup about halfway with ice cubes fold the flap down with your thumb this way it'll keep the ice cubes inside the cup after that stop holding the flap and the ice will magically reappear card trick for this awesome illusion you have a plastic bag in your hand with a playing card inside you shake the bag and the card changes its suit to prepare for this trick take two playing cards of different suits and colors but of the same value and glue them back-to-back then put them in a ziplock bag and start shaking the main thing here is to not let your audience see the other side of the plastic bag floating needle huh start by telling your audience that you can make a needle float on water they'll be sceptical of course because everybody knows that steel should sink when put into water but if you cover the needle with some cooking oil it'll stay afloat ah the magic of science spoon bending grab a spoon with both hands and position the bowl like part against the table then act like you're pressing on the spoons handle and bending it forward towards the table it'll seem as if the handle is in your fist but it'll actually slide down towards the table to anyone watching it'll look as if you're bending the spoon after that use both of your hands to take the spoon off the table and show your audience that it's unbent tricky moving objects fill a plastic bottle with water and put some light object in it like a piece of foil for instance it should still be heavy enough to sink to the bottom though once it's done that start making your magical movements with one of your hands meanwhile your other hand position at the bottom of the bottle is where all the magic happens if you lightly press and release the sides of the bottle the object inside will go up and down seemingly on your command levitating cup all you need for this trick is a Styrofoam cup and some practice make a hole in the side of the cup so that your thumb can fit in it show the cup to your audience but don't let them see the side with the hole announced that you're going to make the cup levitate and discreetly push your thumb in the hole now you just need to make some fancy magical finger movements and it'll look as if the cup is levitating in the air between your hands ringg climbing up a string take any ring you can find it's better to choose a heavy one and a string hide the longer part of the string in your fist and pass the shorter part through the ring so that it hangs closer to your other hand start to move your hands apart all the time releasing some more of the hidden string it'll create a stunning illusion that the ring is climbing up the string on its own magnetic hand take a steel spoon and announce that you can magnetize your hand and make the spoon stick to it with the spoon on the table and move your left hand over it a couple of times then tightly grasp your left wrist with your right hand and pretend to be applying a lot of pressure at the same time grab the spoon with your left hand and clutch it now open your hand the spoon seems to be stuck in your palm but in fact you're just extending your right middle finger along your palm to hold the spoon up after some practice nobody will guess that the magnetized spoon is just an illusion turning a drink into cash cut a plastic or styrofoam Cup in half and throw away the top part fill the remaining bottom half up to the brim with coins then take a bigger cup and cut a small hole out of the bottom cover the bottom of the cup with a sponge and place the coin filled mini cup in the bigger one fill the big cup with coffee soda or anything dark enough to hide what's going on in the drink now all you need to do is use your finger to push the smaller cup upward through the hole the sponge will absorb the liquid and your audience will be mind blown by the appearance of the coin self levitation with enough practice you'll be able to convince your friends that you can float in the air the most important thing though is the correct positioning of your body your audience should be standing further behind you in such a way that they can see only the side of one of your feet and both heels so when you lift yourself up on the hoes of your hidden foot to everyone who's watching it'll look like you're floating a few inches above the ground snake charmer believe it or not a lot of this trick success depends on the weather but in most cases it works like magic take a plastic drinking straw that's still in its wrapper tear one tip of the wrapper off now you need to grab the open end of the straw with one hand squeeze the wrapper with the other and quickly pull the straw out put the empty wrapper on the table and wave the straw over it the wrapper will start to sway as if it's in a trance naturally the best audience for this trick are kids who don't know about static electricity levitating car at the beginning of this trick you play several fanned out playing cards under your hand but when you lift your hand the cards float up along with it baffling your friends to know when to perform this trick you need to put a ring on your middle finger after that carefully slide a match under the ring so that is positioned along your finger every time you slide a card under your palm make sure that it goes between the match and your finger also press your fingers down a bit against the cards this way they'll stay in position more firmly piercing your jaw with a finger now this trick takes some serious preparation but the effect is totally worth it start by putting some flour and a bit of gelatin in different bowls and water to the gelatin so that the latter dissolves entirely start to end flour to the mixture one spoonful after another until you get a smooth even concoction then takes a modelling clay and wrap it around your finger to make a mole be sure to seal any and all holes and gaps when the mold is ready fill it with the mixture you've prepared in advance place the filled mold in the freezer and leave it there for several hours when it's ready make your fake finger look real with the help of makeup and a press-on nail if you normally wear nail polish don't forget to paint your fake nail to you too guys now all you need to do to shock your friends is to secretly put the artificial finger in your mouth and the trick is ready just make sure to show off your acting skills as you pierce your jaw with your finger and please be careful that you don't accidentally swallow your finger safety first and yes that would be a tough act to swallow [Music] turning water into ice
Views: 180,640
Rating: 4.5617218 out of 5
Keywords: magic, magic tricks, magician, illusionist, illusion, optical illusion, performance, magnetic hand, self-levitation, Levitating Card, Disappearing Ice, Card Trick, Floating Needle, Spoon-Bending, Moving Objects, Levitating Cup, snake charmer, greatest magic tricks, the most popular magic tricks
Id: 43j4ty8mQ3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 58sec (5878 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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