15 Signs She Is Scared That She Loves You & Afraid Of Commitment (How Does She Feel About Me?)

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the magical l word love the meaning of love is  to have an intense feeling of affection it's a   powerful word and has super powerful feelings  actually attached to it and we don't really   understand how scary it can be to love someone  until we do love often takes us by surprise   first we like someone just as a friend and then  all of a sudden as if out of nowhere we have very   deep feelings for them which is why it is so  easy to get scared and to be afraid to commit   to someone sure we love them but do they actually  love us now it can be hard to understand ladies on   a everyday basis but when we are in love we often  try to hide it and we try to protect ourselves   which makes it even harder in today's video i'm  going to show you 15 signs that she is scared   that she loves you and is afraid of commitment  at this very moment like and subscribe stay tuned the good news is that once you understand these  signs of today's video you will understand how she   feels about you and then you can tell her that you  feel the same if you do so the first sign is she   is vulnerable around you come on we all have our  vulnerabilities in life and women are no different   to that a tell-tale sign that a lady is in love  with you is when she lets her walls down for you   she knows that you are not going to hurt her or  even use these weaknesses against her but also   if she does get a little scared and put  those walls back up that you will be there   still waiting for her when she's ready to lower  them down again she asks for your opinion she   is still that independent woman that you know and  love but she wants to know what you think and she   values your opinion and your honesty she wants  to let you know that you are part of her family   and that well your opinion matters to her which  dress do you prefer am i being unreasonable should   i have teal coffee what do you think i should do  if you're being asked these sorts of questions   chances are she loves you she can read your mind  only someone that is really in love with you can   know what you are thinking you can walk into a  room and she will know that you've had a bad day   at work she understands when you are feeling down  or when you have a need to celebrate something you   might be thinking about another girl and trying  to decide between the both of them and she will   know that you are thinking about this it's such a  power that us ladies have our intuition really is   incredible which might be why she is afraid to  commit to you because she knows that you are not   100 committed to her being open and honest with  her when she does confront you about her feelings   will show her that she can trust you and open  her heart to you she is scared to lose you if   she loves you she is most definitely 100 afraid  to lose you even if she does not know that she   loves you yet she will still be scared of losing  you this can make it hard on her when it comes to   commitment it's almost like a self-sabotage she  loves you and she's afraid to use you but she   distances herself from you which can mean that she  isn't fully committing to you and you can help her   with this by showing her that she does not need  to be scared of losing you because you are not   going anywhere and you are there to support her  she tells you what she likes about you girls are   often more obvious when they like you than what  the guys are to the ladies they will tell you what   they like about you and they will be open and very  honest you just need to be able to observe these   things and pick them up for example she could be  out for dinner and she might say i'm really liking   the way you're dressing this evening you might  simply say thank you without realizing that she's   actually showing you that she likes you so keep an  eye out for the little things that she says about   you and the ways that she shows you that she does  like you she sends you songs that remind her of   you this is a classic move and it's very romantic  it used to be that guys would make mixtapes for   girls or maybe you would share a song with someone  on spotify you both might have gone to a concert   together and one of the songs reminds her of you  or maybe she just heard a song on the radio and   then she started to think of you if she sends you  songs it's her way of actually showing you she's   thinking of you and that she might even love you  her friends definitely know all about you girls   tell each other nearly everything when it comes  to the guys that they like they don't normally say   anything until they know that they really do like  him and if she mentions to you that she's actually   explained who you are to all of her friends it's  a very good sign and you know that she is trying   to show you that she is ready to commit to you  but she's just not being direct with her words   she flirts with you but only via text this is her  way of showing you that she likes you but that she   is afraid to be completely vulnerable with you  in person in case you do not feel the same way   if you find that she is often flirting  via text but then when you guys meet   face to face there's no interaction then start  flirting with her in person so that she knows   that you feel the same way about her and this  will also help her to trust you a little bit more   read her body language when you are together on a  date make sure to take in her body language is she   displaying flirty body language the caring body  language maybe she has her hand on your leg is   she looking at you lovingly is there direct eye  contact these are all signs that she loves you   but she might be afraid to actually open up to you  she asks about what you have going on in your life   when you like someone or you love them you care  about them and you like to ask them everything   about their own life you might find that she's  asking about how you're doing it work or how   you feel about a certain friend situation she may  also ask you questions which are a little bit more   personal for example about any other girlfriends  that you do have this is her trying to figure out   where she fits in in your life and if you have  anyone else on the go then well she's gonna know   whether she should risk committing herself to you  she says sorry a lot being nervous and shy is very   common for when you have feelings for someone  but you are not sure if they feel the same way   a sign of being nervous and shy is actually saying  sorry a lot she might apologize for talking too   much when she's not even talking that much at  all it could be that she drops something and   then she keeps saying sorry over and over and over  again these are all signs she's nervous around you   most likely because she has deep feelings for  you but she's not sure if you feel the same way   she takes care of you picking you up  a cup of coffee on the way to see you   buying your favorite types of food when you visit  and not letting you lift a finger these are all   ways that she is taking good care of you if she is  doing this then she is a little bit more serious   about it than you think and she definitely wants  more you should tell her how you feel as well so   that she can be sure that commitment is the way  forwards you bump into her you might be walking   down the street minding your own business when you  suddenly see her out the corner of your eye you   might not think anything of it and you might think  it's a little bit strange because you're thinking   never seen her around here before but you will  notice she will find ways to bump into you if   she likes you she wants to stay at the forefront  of your mind and remind you of who she is and   she will pop up everywhere that you go she is shy  and nervous when she's around you so we've spoken   in today's video about people being nervous and  shy but it's actually worth saying again because   ladies often get nervous around guys that they  love especially those that they don't know how   he feels about her so if you notice that she's  fiddling a lot she's looking down at the ground   or looking anxious or a little bit nervous around  you then you need to try and calm her down because   well she's nervous because she likes you but she  doesn't really know what to do with those feelings   she tells you that she is taking her walls down  this is one of the final steps a girl will take   before she fully commits to you she will tell you  that she is taking her walls down and that she is   ready to commit hopefully by this stage you have  a good idea that she actually likes you already   so that you can react appropriately you can tell  her that you do feel the same way and if you do   that you are also ready to commit to her but  this might not mean a relationship it could   simply mean that you both are exclusively dating  each other taking it slow and seeing what happens   if you think i missed something from today's  video let me know down in the comments give me   huge thumbs up and consider subscribing to make  my day but if you want to get your name rolling   up next to my face like these amazing people's  names here then all you have to do is click the   link in the description bar below to find out a  little bit more have an amazing day see you soon
Channel: Joyanima
Views: 486,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dating, dating tips, dating advice, relationships, how to know if a girl likes you, signs a girl likes you, signs she loves you deeply, signs she loves you but is scared, scared to fall in love, signs she is denying her feelings, signs she is hiding her feelings, how to get a girl to like you, how to approach women, how to talk to girls, how to flirt with girls, how to attract women, how to get a girlfriend, what women want, signs she loves you, love, crush, does she love me, girls
Id: lC_pRPBhl18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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