15 Riddles to Deal with Any Situation

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[Music] hey kids what time is it it's Howdy Doody time now it's really time to check that big brain of yours to see if you can get through these brain twisting riddles and keep track of how many you get right your results oh wait at the end one a tough choice you're sailing around the world when you get caught in a terrible storm as your boat is fighting the huge waves and gale force winds you suddenly hit your head against the mast and lose consciousness when you come around you find yourself on a beach surrounded by angry locals they can't decide what to do with you so they give you three options they can send you to a cave filled with tarantulas throw you in a pit full of yellow scorpions or hand you over to hungry ferocious lions you have only ten seconds to choose the option that will let you survive [Music] [Music] opt for the tarantulas they're mostly harmless to humans to a desert island David and Hannah got stranded on a tiny uninhabited island they had no radio or cell phones so they couldn't inform rescuers about their dire situation there were no trees on the island so they couldn't make a smoke signal suddenly Hannah noticed a plane circling the sky in search of them unfortunately it was flying too high and the pilot couldn't notice them that's when she got a bright idea soon after the plane picked them up in no time what was Hannah's idea to use rocks to spell out SOS on the sand number three lost in the jungle one sunny morning a traveler is wandering through the jungle all of a sudden the path he's taking splits up into three smaller roads one leads to a dangerous Marsh that swallows anything and anyone who steps foot there the second leads to vampire hunting grounds and the third path will bring the traveler to an active volcano filled with red-hot lava which road is the safest you're ten seconds start now the traveler should take the second path even if vampires do exist they won't show up in the daylight of this sunny morning for a missing element which element isn't on the periodic table here's a hint they use it all the time in movies it's the element of surprise I give me some plutonium 5 a dangerous show you agreed to take part in a reality show but it turned out to be a trap from a crazed lunatic he tells you to dive into one of four tanks the first one is swimming with venomous snakes the second is filled with corrosive acid electric eels are swimming in the third one and the fourth tank is filled with bacteria infested water in which tank will you have more chances to survive [Music] choose the tank with a bacteria first of all not all bacteria are harmful and secondly not all bacteria are contagious six locked in the dark Mike was studying for a big test in the school library it was already late when he finished up as he was walking along the dark school halls he heard someone shouting for help the voice was coming from behind a locked classroom Mike rushed there and managed to open the door inside there was his classmate John he told Mike that he had gone to grab a bite in the cafeteria only to find it was closed that day suddenly someone hit him on the head and the next thing he knew he was locked in the classroom Mike promised to find out who had done this by morning Mike had four suspects in mind when school started he interrogated them Matthew told him he had been doing his homework in a classroom Emily said that she had been with Matthew but later she'd gone home Olivia claimed that she had been having lunch in the cafeteria and Chris explained that he had been sick that day it took Mike no time to figure out who was guilty it was Olivia she couldn't have been eating lunch in the cafeteria because it was closed that day number seven think fast you're kidnapped and locked in a room with an explosive that will detonate in three minutes you can escape through one of three doors but behind each of them danger awaits duh of course the first door hides a monster a huge fire is raging behind the second and if you open the third door a toxic gas will fill your lungs what's your choice hurry you only have ten seconds left [Music] open the door with the monster and throw the explosive inside after it goes off escape through this door number eight an elevator crash if you find yourself in a falling elevator what should you do jump at the moment of impact or drop to the floor and cover your head there's no way you'll be able to time your jump perfectly so you should immediately fall to the floor and protect your head with your arms 9 a blackout after a powerful earthquake there's a blackout in your town some bad guys take advantage of the darkness to kidnap you for ransom how coincidental the building where you're kept has 3 doors you can use to escape but the first door hides a trap that will crush you as soon as you enter behind the second door there are electric chainsaws that can cut you to pieces in no time and a flesh-eating acid is bubbling behind the third door you have just 10 seconds to make your final choice the chainsaws won't harm you because there's no electricity in the town remember number ten hit and run a woman was hit by a car that sped away right after the accident luckily there were several witnesses who could describe the car the investigating detective headed to the house of one of the suspects there he saw a car that resembled the one in the description but when he interrogated the owner the man claimed he hadn't left his house all day the detective figured out the suspect was lying right away how the detective touched the hood of the car and realized it was still hot from the engine 11 trapped in a castle you find yourself trapped in a medieval castle far away from civilization boy you're on a bad vacation you can't jump out of the window because it's too high above the ground the only tree growing near the window doesn't look sturdy enough for you to climb down however guess what there are three doors one of which can lead you to freedom but behind the first door there's a fierce fire the second door holds back hundreds of venomous snakes and behind the third door there's a pitch-dark maze filled with animal traps which door should you choose [Music] the third you'll just need to break off a tree branch turn it into a torch by lighting it in the first room and go through the maze it won't be dark now 12 a fall or poison in which situation do you have more chances to survive if you're falling from a 10 story building or if you get surrounded by mean-looking snakes you're 10 seconds are taking the snakes you've encountered might not be venomous and won't cause you any harm but when you're falling from that kind of a height well it's just not your day 13 reading in the dark mark got a new book for his birthday the plot was so exciting that he couldn't stop and kept reading the story until late at night at midnight his mom switched off the light in his room and told him to go to sleep but Mark continued reading even though it was pitch dark how is that possible [Music] [Music] mark was blind and was reading a book written in Braille those of you who said he was reading an illuminated ebook are creative but sorry no points 14 a famous pirate Captain Jack was an infamous and feared pirate who'd robbed thousands of ships with the help of one simple trick it allowed him to approach any ship from any country easily and closely enough to port it without any problems what was his secret [Music] Captain Jack had a collection of flags from different countries instead of using the feared Jolly Roger Black Flag he raised the flag of the same country the ship was from and it got him immediate access 15 what am i ice melts when you heat it up but if you heat me I solidify you have 10 seconds to figure out what I am I'm an egg and now to the most exciting part your results if you manage to solve 0 to 3 riddles uh-oh looks like we've got some work to do you should probably practice more so that your mind doesn't get too rusty 6 to 10 riddles not bad but I'm sure you can do better riddles in the morning riddles before bed and you'll amaze your friends with your razor-sharp thinking 11 to 15 riddles whoa are you a mega brain you must have been solving riddles since you were born way to go so which riddle was the hardest for you let me know down in the comments if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend but hey don't go solving more riddles just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is click on this left or right video and enjoy stay on the bright side of life
Views: 5,598,692
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Keywords: riddles, brainteasers, riddles with answers, puzzles, test your brainpower, test your intelligence, test your logic, observation skills, lateral thinking skills, attention to detail, logical riddles, observation, murder riddles, critical thinking, memory improvement, boost your brain, increase your brainpower, survival skills
Id: YVBbAlbuf9I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 25sec (805 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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