15 Most Mysterious Abandoned Ships In The World!

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given how expensive ships are you would think that the people who own them would take more care but there's actually a surprising number of ships around the globe that have been abandoned either at docks or even at sea permanently drifting with nowhere to go but while sometimes the stories behind them are simple other times the truth of how a long-forgotten ship came to be sailing the seven seas all alone is a mystery in need of investigation these are the 15 most mysterious abandoned ships in the world number 15 the Mary Celeste what would make a family abandon a perfectly good boat laden with six months worth of food and supplies that's the age-old question and one that no one yet knows the answer to Mary Celeste was a two-masted sailing vessel or Brigantine that weighed a whopping 282 tons she set sail from New York Harbor bound for Genoa Italy in November 1872 onboard Mary Celeste was the captain of the ship Benjamin Briggs his wife Sarah their daughter Sophia aged 2 and 8 crew members on December 5th less than a month later the boat was found at full sail and adrift by the British ship de gracia about 400 miles from the Azores the family and crew were all missing as was a lifeboat but the ship was undamaged all that looked out of place was several feet of water in the hold and around six months worth of food and water left behind where did they go what happened to them after they left the boat why did they abandon their ship a range of different theories have been thrown around over the years some people say a pirate attack could have caused them to flee or be taken while others think it was a giant octopus more sound theories exist - such as rough seas and a clogged bilge pump seeing the occupants abandoned ship at the first sight of land however this mystery wouldn't be the first or last time Mary Celeste saw trash tn controversy she was originally given the name of Amazon but was renamed after her bad luck such as deaths and illnesses on board and collisions at sea she also had several owners over her lifetime its last owner ran it aground in Haiti to try and claim insurance and it has never been seen since before we go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic the mystery of this particular abandoned ship isn't just whose is it and why was it abandoned the extra mystery is how did it get on top of the rock the obvious answer is that the sea levels may have dropped leaving it stranded up there but sea levels the world over are rising not falling and even if that were the case with the water not eventually rise up to where it was and whisk the ship away yet from what we've been told that ship has been sat atop that rock undisturbed for centuries there's probably only one answer whoever abandoned it deliberately left it up on the rock but why sadly there are no sailing records associated with the ship but expert historians suspect that this may have been a pirate ship and the pirates who abandon it were probably trying to create some kind of makeshift temple structure or perhaps some kind of tombstone two men lost at sea but what do you think let us know as always comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 the world trade center ship in 2010 construction efforts at the site of the World Trade Center were well and truly underway construction workers were preparing the site of an underground parking and security complex 22 feet below the street level this area set south of what used to be the twins hours while the workers had come across animal bones shoes ceramic dishes and trash they were gobsmacked to discover a boat with a hull measuring 32 feet long the wooden ship featured white oak materials and was thought to date back to 1773 pieces of the boat were sent to the Maryland archaeological conservation laboratory and the tree-ring laboratory at Columbia University everyone was intrigued to work out when the ship had been constructed and how old the wood was no one knows if it was sunk on purpose or if it had been strategically used to build up the coastline around Manhattan however oysters on the hole point to the idea that it had sat in the water for some time before it formed part of the World Trade Center site number 13 nameless shipwreck in 2019 a team from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration were testing equipment when they stumbled across something they certainly don't see every day a 19th century shipwreck the team was aboard their exploration vessel Okeanos Explorer in May when their remotely operated vehicle sonar picked up a shipwreck shape curious at their find they went in for a closer look the emailed marine archaeologists started a live video feed for those who were interested and began a virtual dive experts who watch the live footage which lasted for hours weighed in with what they believed they were seeing it was a 19th century schooner or a brig around 124 feet long and wooden with copper sheathing on its hull the whole winch and bow given a construction period but not necessarily a time of sailing the copper sheathing protected the wood of the boat up to the waterline but the copper plate was all that was left behind in some areas a lack of personal possessions and the appearance of charring and bent fasteners offer a clue as to what happened and all consuming fire may have begun onboard before the boat sank the only identifying factor is a series of numbers on the rudder to 1:09 number twelve the loop of orlova it's all over for Luba orlova but for a time this boat was a problem for which no one wanted to claim responsibility the lube of orlova was a Russian cruise ship that was built for a Soviet based company in Yugoslavia in 1976 its primary purpose was to make expeditions to Antarctica however Canadian authorities discovered the boat's owners were involved in a debt scandal so while it was docked in st. Johns Harbor and Newfoundland they seized it the hull which was worth around $800,000 in scrap materials was gonna be sold to the Dominican Republic while it was waiting for d-day the cruise ship came loose in a storm and drifted out into international waters it then spent a considerable amount of time in North Atlantic waters supposedly with cannibalistic rats on board with the unlikelihood that it would drift back into Canadian waters Transport Canada effectively wiped their hands clean of it much to the disgust of those such as the Irish who believed it could have a detrimental environmental impact the last it was heard from or seen was in 2013 when an Irish coast guard received a warning signal from it to lifeboats had fallen off it which automatically sends a radio beacon at this point it was around 700 metres from Ireland's coast a satellite was sent over the location to find no sign of the boat it's presumed sunk number 11 the Mary Rose perhaps one of the more exciting finds at the bottom of the ocean was of the two-door where ship Mary Rose Mary Rose was a Carrick's tile or ship that launched in 1511 as one of the earliest warships like it in the world she was not only one of the first but also one of the largest in the English Navy before it sunk in the Battle of Solent in 1545 it had proven itself in battles with Brittany Scotland and France Wood was to be its downfall was not another ship but itself the Mary Rose according to eyewitnesses had been firing all of its cannons on one side it was turning to bring its remaining guns to bear when a gust of wind caused it to tip the sudden movement caused a rush of water to flood through the open gun ports heavier guns than the boat was suited for may have also played a part and this oversight caused the loss of over 500 lives in this Strait between England and the Isle of Wight it wasn't until 1988 that Mary Rose was raised from her watery grave along with those who went down with the shed she was taken to the Portsmouth historical document for preservation and research using isotope analysis and DNA testing under the Mary Rose trusts program the many phases of Tudor England researchers were able to learn a great deal about this boat and its crew from the eight skeletal remains they've analyzed so far they have been able to work out that he muscular teen was aboard the boat between the age of 14 and 16 he was of African descent with a North African father and a North African or southern European mother number 10 the Bell Amica remember that time you misplaced your yacht and had to buy a new one but that is one of the stories being floated about how a $600,000 twin masted sailing vessel ended up drifting off the coast of Italy it contains someone's half-eaten dinner some clothing and charts outlining information on the Mediterranean everything else remains a mystery the 66 foot long yacht of a beautiful and classic design was in perfect condition and had no identifiable markers police found a plaque with the name bella mica but there were no yachts registered with that title it's also not known whether it was abandoned intentionally or not an a punctured tender boat had not been removed there have been no reports of missing or stolen yachts of missing people or yachts going walkabouts while police are not ruling anything out they're certainly keen to get to the bottom of how a pristine boat on the island of Sardinia known for its affluence can go unclaimed for as long as it has as a millionaire forgotten where they parked it did someone forget they owned it and just mountain bought a new one guess we'll never know number nine the Jean sang the oceans are so vast that we will never find everything floating on it under it and within it but when we do find something it always tends to be something quite absurd like a boat that no one owns or claims in 2006 a 260 foot long boat was found floating around the Gulf of Carpentaria southwest of Waipa customs officials from Australia were not initially able to identify its port of origin or nationality it also had a broken toe rope hanging from the bow indicating that it was being towed when the rope broke the motor was not operational nothing of value was found aboard the boat apart from rice which indicated it was a restocking boat for fishing trawlers outside of Australia's economic zone documentation found later stated the boat was called Jan Sangh but it had been painted over no one came forward to claim the vessel so it was sunk in deep waters to become an artificial reef number 8 the MV joyita the MV joyita is like a puzzle but instead of all the pieces belonging to the one puzzles they come from all different ones basically no one has any idea how to create a picture of what happened to the MV joyita back in 1955 the merchant vessel set off from a pia harbor in samoa with 25 people on board on october 3rd it was one day later than scheduled due to a port engine clutch failure but it left with one engine still working on board were two children a doctor 16 crew a government official and other passengers medical supplies empty oil drums timber and foodstuffs made up the majority of the cargo on board the vessel it was supposed to reach the tow Kaleo islands around 270 miles away in two days but it never turned up the Royal New Zealand Air Force covered around 100,000 square miles without a single sighting five weeks later the boat was spotted around 600 miles from its planned route it was partially submerged but was in no danger of sinking and no signs of crew or passengers were found four tons of car we're missing as whereas a logbook chronometer navigation equipment and Sexton blood-stained bandages were also found in the doctor's bag on deck no distress call had been made but the radio was tuned into 2182 kilohertz a known distress channel in international waters there was also enough fuel onboard to indicate the boat had made it to within 50 miles of tow Kaleo to this day no one has any idea what happened to those onboard the ship or what even happened on that fateful day number seven the cast - the cast - is one of the most mysterious cases of an abandoned boat that authorities in Australia have ever come across a 39 foot catamaran was found drifting near Australia's northern coastline its engine was running as were the computer systems and a laptop on the table and the table had even been laid for dinner with food but no one was on board or nearby no distress calls had been made and no life jackets were missing all emergency systems were operational but unused the three men who set off on the boat were neighbors from Perth Western Australia aged between 59 and 69 a range of theories were floated but none can be confirmed rough weather may have caused the men to jump overboard or a freak wave may have been to blame we may never know what caused three men to leave on a boat but only a boat to come home number six the Sabrina the Sabrina was a three mast flat bottomed schooner that was launched in 1873 for me transport given that the meet had to go from South America to the UK and boats of the time had no suitable refrigeration or great speeds she was subsequently deemed inappropriate for the job after this brief life as a meet boat the Sabrina found odd jobs in ports around Europe before leaving Cornwall bound for France with a cargo of coal but a mere two days later she was found drifting in Cherbourg and ended up ashore south of there at Rozelle point once French coast guards climbed aboard they discovered minimal disruption the table was set for breakfast and the captain's log was visible the thing missing was the people all of them the most widely thought cause for this strange boat abandonment is a u-boat attack because the Sabrina has a flat-bottomed torpedo attacks don't come to much it's likely that the crew were removed from the boat by enemies but may have been involved in some kind of submarine accident afterward they were never repatriated after the war and were never seen again number five the Carroll a Deering the Carroll a Deering was one of the last wooden schooners to be built before iron was the more preferred material of choice and was built in 1919 and left Norfolk Virginia in 1920 in good condition onboard were 10 crew and a captain on their way to Rio de Janeiro to deliver coal the vessel arrived on schedule delivered the coal but never made it home instead the Carroll a Deering was found marooned on Diamond Shoals by a Coast Guard before the boat was found a lighthouse keeper at Cape Lookout recalled seeing the vessel and a crewman as it passed the lighthouse the crewmen had said the boat had lost its anchors when the Seas had calmed enough for the members of the Coast Guard to board the boat they found some unusual sights dinner was on the stove but everything else including navigational equipment documents and personal possessions were gone the crew were never seen again and the boat was blown up to stop it from becoming a marine hazard number for the baychimo the SS baychimo formerly known as Angermann elf then let's go with baychimo until 1914 fortunately has a far better story to tell while the boat is lost the crew are and that has to be a good thing the 230 footlong cargo steamer from Sweden started life transporting goods between Hamburg and Sweden at the end of World War one the British claimed it as part of wartime reparations it was then used for pelt trading along the Canadian coast from 1921 and spent a decade moving from Scotland to Canada and again in 1932 the steamer became trapped in ice near Alaska the crew hiked to an Alaskan town and waited for it to melt it then got stuck again but more seriously most of the crew were airlifted off the boat but the captain and 14 sailors stayed behind to keep an eye on it even in punishing weather conditions temperatures rose enough to release the boat from it's icy entrapment but a blizzard saw it impossible for the men to get back to it when they did it was gone they found it floating around 45 miles away but it was no longer seaworthy they unloaded the cargo and let her sail the Arctic waters alone she's been seen at least a dozen times in the last 40 years with the last reported sighting in 1969 number three the SS Trang Madden the SSU Arang Madden is one boat that leaves many questions but no answers for them did the boat even exist is the story entirely embellished we may never know as the story goes the SSU rang Madden was in the Strait of Malacca when nearby boats received a distress call the caller described all officers and the captain dead in the chart room and possibly all the crew as well he then ended the call saying I died and presumably he did when rescuers got to the boat they found what the radio operator had described and more all had been found on their backs facing the Sun with faces of horror even the dog on board looked like it had been frozen with fear shortly after a fire started in the bow and the rescuers had to disembark the SS you rang madam then exploded and sunk there are no records of this boat ever existing which brings some possible truth to the cause of the explosion stored cargo of nitroglycerin and potassium cyanide given the boat supposedly existed in the 1940s secret weapons and equipment would have gone under the radar no one knows for sure what saw the end of the boats men or even the boat itself number two the SS Valencia whoever named the West Coast trail along Vancouver Island is the graveyard of the Pacific weren't lying this dangerous coastline has claimed an alarming number of souls and evidence of such remains a century later the SS Valencia was a steamer that had spent its life as a troop cargo and passenger boat in its later years it carried passengers from San Francisco to Seattle during an excursion in 1906 it ran aground and started taking on water the captain ordered his men to beach the boat as it was only 55 yards from the shore instead the ship hit rocks and couldn't reach safety against the captain's orders all the lifeboats were launched and with disastrous consequences some flipped some capsized and others disappear as a result 136 people lost their lives including all women in children just 37 men survived the remains of the wreck can still be seen from the west coast trail to patina Beach number one the high aim six the high aim six with the Chinese name of high on Lu how was a Taiwanese vessel that flew under an Indonesian flag it left southern Taiwan in October 2002 but was found drifting in Australian waters in January 2003 the ship's owner sai hua insurer hadn't spoken with the captain since December 2002 the boat was found around 91 miles from the Australian exclusive economic zone in calm waters all the crew's personal items were on board nothing appeared to be stolen and there were no distress signs or signals it almost looked like the crew had just up and left there was also plenty of fuel and supplies on board and rotting fish in the hold ruled out people smuggling five days before a team went on board to investigate the boat was identified as running by the time it was boarded the rudder was locked and the engine was dead a distance of around 80 400 miles was covered to find the crew but no one was ever discovered but we're about to add a plot twist police track down an Indonesian crew member who said the engineer Lin chun-li and the captain Chen tae-chang had been murdered why no one knows we don't even know if it actually happened wood also added fuel to the fire was information provided that placed the boat 3500 miles away in the Marshall Islands before it was found it was only after then that the boat's owner reported he had been unable to contact the owner no one knows how many people were on board but seven toothbrushes indicates seven crew or at least seven identic crew piracy was all but ruled out due to no loss of equipment and no signs of struggle police said they might never know what happened to the crew or why the boat was seemingly abandoned does all this talk of shipwreck and boat abandonment make you on a board a ship anytime soon probably not have you seen any spooky abandoned boats what's up with all the meals left on the tables on these boats also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 489,955
Rating: 4.7623544 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned ships, ghost ships, abandoned, ships, mysterious abandoned ships, mysterious, mysterious ship, mysterious ship wrecks, ship, mystery, most mysterious, unsolved mysteries, boats, boat, mysterious ships, unsolved, exploring, abandoned ship, ghost ship, forgotten ship, abandoned boats, haunted ships, unbelievable, mysterious boat, discovery, mysterious ghost ships, explained, lost at sea, strangest, abandoned things, discoveries, mysterious discoveries, in the world
Id: o-LISrfb2Qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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