15 Ship Launches That Went Horribly Wrong

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launching a ship how hard can it be put it in the water give it a name and then smash a champagne bottle on it should be pretty easy right well there's plenty of occasions when somehow things just didn't quite go according to plan from the bridge that got in the way to swaying ship that flooded a highway here's 15 ship launches that went horribly wrong number 15 luxury cruise liner collides with bridge in china china is building a lot of big stuff at the moment and that includes cruise liners this particular ship was named the pearl number seven and set off on its sudden maiden voyage in wanzao east of china's zhejiang province the 530 foot long ship is a massive seven stories high and it was sailing along the ujong river which flows under the wenzhau bridge only that seven stories was one story too many and the ship's chimneys collided with the bridge the impact damaged the chimneys and also left abrasions on the bridge which was reported to have been swaying after the impact authorities launched an investigation into the damage and also into the case ultimately blaming elevated river levels due to heavy rain in the previous days but there is also an investigation into the height of the ship and it's drought the ship was not operating on its own power instead being towed along the river by a tugboat as it made its way to a seaport where it was due to take on board passengers for its first luxury cruise although there'll be a few hundred disappointed chinese tourists now before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number 14 shift launch of cement carrier norden at royal badou's shipyard this big red ship is a pretty impressive looking vessel in fact it is a dutch ship built in the netherlands a nation famous for its incredible navy and sea going exploration of the past did you know that the dutch were the first europeans to sail all the way to japan this ship is not for exploration we have satellites to do that job now but it is a cement carrier here we can see the launch as workers remove the metal blocks holding the ship in place then its name is unveiled norden and there's a smattering of polite applause a big job has been completed and she's ready to go who knows how they used to do it in the olden days but nowadays a hydraulic system just kind of dumps the ship right into the water and in this instance it made the norton sway pretty wildly from side to side this created a wave which swept right up onto the road and went into the fields nearby almost getting some of the ship's spotter's feet wet who were standing nearby i guess that's how they keep the roads clean in holland number 13. ship accident during launching now we've seen the chinese and the dutch screw up we're going to switch over to the good old us of a where we'll show these upstarts how it's done properly or not in new orleans the us coast guard launched their first new icebreaker in 20 years on november 15 1997 but not everything went according to plan this icebreaker is what's known as a heavy icebreaker and in 2021 is the us's only ship of this type after being christened as the usgc heli the ship was tipped into the water and this heavy ship might have been a little too heavy as it kicked up water and debris which ended up injuring 20 people on the viewing platforms nearby bones were broken and others suffered cuts and bruises as the ship created a much bigger wave than had been anticipated throwing up a huge wave of that especially muddy new orleans water along with some other objects next time put the viewing platform a little further back number 12. panama canal ship accident the panama canal was one of the most incredible construction projects ever undertaken by humanity and since it opened in 1914 it has been one of the busiest shipping spots in the world allowing ships to cut out a huge and extremely perilous detour around south america this canal changed the face of crossing the oceans forever the spanish made the first survey of the area for a proposed canal in 1534 but the work was never attempted finally the region fell into french hands who began work in 1881 with the us taking over the job in 1904 and completing the canal ten years later since then many ships have been launched there [Music] and hopefully most of them were more successful than this one on each side of the ship are tow trains which help to guide it through the narrow canal lock only someone clearly screwed something up and the massive ship ends up getting a little too close to one of the trains ending up crushing it the train also known as a mule ended up in pretty bad shape after going head-to-head with this massive container ship number 11 akasia kill canal lockgate crash as you can see here this ship has ended up smashed right over the lock gate and you'd be right in thinking that this is not where it's supposed to be the lock gate seems to have come off pretty badly and it looks like it may need some serious repairs the container ship akasia had this accident on the keel canal in germany which is a 61 mile long freshwater canal in the german state of schleswig holstein it's a pretty useful canal which cuts out the need to sail all the way around denmark which has some pretty choppy waters at times on june 20th 1895 caser wilhelm officially opened the canal an event which was captured by the british director bert akers the first ship through was a sunderland-built wooden bark named lily and by all accounts things went a lot more smoothly than it did when the akasia tried to make its way through the canal was famous for a while in 1936 when adolf hitler closed it to international shipping which threatened the british economy and was one of the steps which led britain declaring war on germany in 1939 number 10 ship flips over in this clip we can see a different approach to landing a ship some smartass decided it would be better to use a vehicle with a crane to winch up the boat then swivel around before placing it nice and gently on the water somebody clearly got their figures wrong as this boat is clearly way too heavy for the crane and that becomes pretty apparent as the whole thing begins to tip and then fall into the water the idea was that the boat would end up in the water but this one brought the whole crane along with it too that's not quite what the original plan was as you can see the crane ended up flipped right over on its side and the boat seems to be looking at it as if to say oops i'm pretty sure the driver of the crane was feeling a little uncomfortable hanging upside down and almost being dragged into the water next time they ought to try out this technique with a rubber dinghy first just to make sure number nine symphony provider in the town of liran germany a pretty huge ship called symphony provider was being launched this general cargo ship is actually registered to the netherlands it is a pretty hefty vessel with a tonnage of 6740 built in 2017. the launch is looking like it was all going to plan but then something isn't quite right the part where the big ship is supposed to you know go in the water yeah that's the part that didn't happen it seems the ship got stuck at the bow on the shipway which meant the shipway wasn't slipping did they put enough wd-40 on it but then finally someone took care of the problem and the friction overload was resolved and the ship finally made its way down to where it belongs the water leers a town which plays home to many german shipping companies and 20 of the german merchant fleet is registered to the port people have been living here since at least 3200 bc and it's known to be a pretty nice town since it managed to avoid being the target of allied bombing in the second world war in spite of being an important shipping place number 8. km weehan sagittara out to indonesia now we are going to take a look at the passenger ferry km weehan sagittara this ferry sank dramatically at lemong bay with hundreds of passengers and vehicles aboard a few hundred yards from the launch site water began to pour into the ship and the captain made the decision to try and turn around and return to port before things got too bad but the ship began listing severely to the starbird side and then began sinking authorities dispatched several rescue vessels and a search and rescue operation was launched this operation successfully pulled more than 100 people from the water although 16 were immediately transferred to a nearby hospital with life-threatening injuries as the rescue continued rescuers had no idea how many passengers were aboard the ship so confusion began to threaten the lives of many currently the ship had tilted back and partially sank but we are afraid that might have some people inside the rack said the head of public relations of terminal among bay rika usamara at the time number seven ship launch goes horribly wrong from there we skip over to this video which is from the news network cbs right off the bat things look pretty much normal we've got a ship in the video and that's generally a great start to any ship launch because you know if there's one thing that's really gonna ruin a ship launch it's not having a ship then you'd just have a launch and you just know some smartass is eventually gonna start asking awkward questions about what is it you are launching and if the booze is free here it's not just any old ship but a pretty big one it's ready for its first dip in the water just like a big baby duck made of metal and stuff anyway the ropes are attached and we are just about ready for our ship to launch so the machines or strong dudes on the other end of the ropes start giving the thing a big pull and it slides down into the water and uh uh oh that's that's gone in a little too heavy causing a huge and powerful surge of water to obliterate the wooden fences at the dock edge which then hit people in the crowd including the guy filming number 6 scott explorer here we are at the launch of the ship scott explorer in the netherlands once again back on october 11th 2019. this is the royal radu shipyard in hugend and it seems like the dutch are a little slack sometimes when it comes to ship launches given how many we found that went horribly wrong that said some more slack is exactly what they could have done with during this incident first up we see the dock workers doing the kind of dangerous looking job of hammering the supports out from under a massive ship you sure wouldn't want that to slip off and fall on ya but hey it's not like anything could possibly go wrong right anyway we see the nice shiny red hull looking all clean and scratch-free and not covered in barnacles which by the way is the reason ship's hulls are red the copper in the red paint is a barnacle deterrent the first sign things aren't going well is that it starts raining you just know it's gonna be a long day the ship goes in but drama one of the ropes at the stern snaps and the ship is heading to the far wall where it gets a big prang from the wall scuffing up all that nice red paint job number five 10 million yachts sinks at launch ah the super rich cruising around the world and their diamond plated mega yachts an easy life you might think but what if your 10 million dollar yacht doesn't even make it into the water at its launch how are you going to race bill gates and jeff bezos across the caribbean sea then you'll just have to stay home and play with your helicopter collection i guess anyway that's what happened when this 90-foot yacht named baiden when it was launched in the washington state for 10 million you want the boat to be standing upright at least fiat builders new world yachts were like it's your launch equipment not us to blame then they laid off 52 staff and went out of business the bad news was that there were 6 people on the yacht when it was launched but all were rescued without any serious injury to anyone the physical evidence on and adjacent 2 the launch ramp suggests that the dolly carrying the weight of the port stern of the yacht may have suddenly dropped off the edge of the boat ramp during the launch causing the vessel to experience a sudden list deport from which it could not recover in its light condition for launch said the company in a press release number four this nyc fairy crash back on october 15 2003 a fairy named the mv andrew j barbery by the way isn't naming boats after a person's full name kinda weird was heading up towards staten island filled up with commuters from manhattan when a ship is heading towards some land the best thing to do is to make the ship go slower but this one didn't do that it kept on keeping on right into the pier the assistant pilot had fallen asleep and the ship's master wasn't paying attention so the fairy hit the pier in a pretty dramatic way with 6 000 people on board it was bound to have some serious injuries and unfortunately 11 people were killed that day as the passenger deck was sliced into by the pier andrew j barbary was named after the longtime coach of curtis high school's football team who had died shortly before the ship was commissioned i don't know if he was a lucky coach but his boat seems to have had a lot of bad luck it crashed again in 2010 once more causing many injuries although fortunately no deaths number three russian cargo ship crashes into bridge in south korea well now we're out in russia and a cargo ship captain who had been enjoying his navy rum a little too enthusiastically ended up crashing a ship into a bridge in south korea near to the port of busan the ship hit a major highway bridge and caused a pretty huge incident especially as it happened right around south korean rush hour meaning the whole city was jammed with traffic until things could be sorted out the vessel was damaged and so was the bridge which had a hull torn in its steel structure the 370-foot ship called sea grand had arrived in the town the day before and it seems like the state of this captain was a great advert for the quality of busan's nightlife because the captain was in a pretty rough state by the time the ship set out for its native port of vladivostok the following morning with the cargo of nearly three million pounds of steel coil on board the ship took a wrong turn and found itself heading right for the bridge and with all that cargo there was not much anyone could do to stop it number two cruise ship crashes into dock and tourist boat in venice once upon a time the city of venice was known to the world for being kind of devoid of culture and just basically a pretty drab place then someone invented the cruise ship and filled all of venice's tiny canals with these massive monsters and now the city is a thousand times better than ever before and who doesn't love a never-ending army of day-trippers [Music] then they leave their empty food containers everywhere as a sign of thanks to their venetian hosts for allowing them to come and improve their city oh wait a minute no cruise ships are the worst and here's another reason why they crash into stuff all the time and destroy things like other small boats it rammed its way into the dock with its horns blaring and ended up injuring five tourists which is kind of cosmic irony an investigation was launched into why a massive 13 deck ship managed to crash into the tiny waterways of venice if you're a genius and you need a job think about hitting them up for some consultancy work figuring out how this all happened number one brazil bridge collapses after ship collision ships are big and when they collide with stuff they damage stuff that's what happened here in brazil when a ship crashed into a bridge pillar pretty much completely destroying it and dramatically causing two cars to fall into the water according to witness reports the five crew members were reported to be unhurt but other injuries or fatalities are unknown as scuba teams were deployed to search the river the governor of the state of pera where the incident occurred was forced to sign a state of emergency to deal with the incident our priority is searching for victims and giving complete support to their families he told state media pera is the amazon region of brazil and contains one of the country's busiest ports bellum there had been reports that the pillar on the bridge was seriously corroded but that governors had failed to produce the funds needed to carry out the repairs and well now there's a pretty big mess to sort out that's going to cost a whole lot more when you factor in the lost trade from all the delays have you ever seen a ship launch that went horribly wrong what was your favorite story on our list today let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 1,448,209
Rating: 4.5159206 out of 5
Keywords: ship launch, ship fail, boat launch gone wrong, ship crash, ship compilation, ship big waves, ship in storm, ship accidents, ship simulator, caught on camera, fail compilation, documentary, ship launch compilation, big ship launch, compilation, wave, ship launch wave, fail, ship launch fails, ship fail compilation, ship, big wave, ship horn, unexpected, awesome waves, big ship launches, big ship launch fails, ship launch fail, cruise ship, big ship launch compilation
Id: u3QQeRzBc4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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