15 Most Monstrous Snakes That Ever Existed

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snakes have long instilled fear in humans from their deadly self-defense and hunting mechanism to the pure terror existing in their soul-ripping eyes snakes have and will be a subject of human terror for years to come from a snake that was the most likely subject for ancient greek mythology to the meanest on the planet to date here are the 15 most monstrous snakes that have ever existed okay you're just gonna bite no no no no no no and again number 15 titanoboa there are legends and tales of monstrous snakes that stretch back as far as the beginning of man even in ancient greek mythology thor went in search of the german gander or the world serpent searching for this legendary snake that was so large it wrapped itself around the earth however when thor found him a mighty battle ensued between the greek god and the ancient sentient snake 60 million years ago in the swampy waters of what is now colombia there lurked a serpent of similar legend though not quite as extreme aptly named titanoboa it's the most giant snake that ever lived or at least that we have ever discovered this monster measured a massive 50 feet long and weighed a whopping 2 500 pounds that's one monstrous beast certainly i wouldn't want to be anywhere within a thousand miles of a snake that size and humans were definitely just a mere snack for this snake had we been alive back then it was so large it weighed 10 times more than the average green anaconda of today the biggest snakes of today may be large but nothing like the giant titanoboa there is a reason this legendary creature still permeates modern culture before we move on if you don't smash the like button subscribe and click the notification bell today it the clown will appear under your bed tonight number 14 medusa the reticulated python medusa is a 15 year old snake that finds its home in the most appropriate places a haunted house measuring 26 feet long and weighing in at 350 pounds medusa is the largest known snake of today or the most massive known snake of yesterday just three days after its capture and placement in captivity the snake went into labor and died in the process though the team has come under heavy scrutiny the matter is that when humans are required to intervene between nature the results aren't always the best this is one of many classic examples medusa was said to be in satisfactory condition when captured still her old age and the fact she was pregnant only made her stress higher causing new health issues it proved to be too much for her pedestrians spotted the gigantic serpent near an overpass construction site and where the ground has been violently disturbed in the construction process workers immediately called emergency services it took nearly an hour to catch the creature in a highly agitated and defensive state evidence since she was pregnant hats off to the men and women who deal with these monsters on the daily basis number 13 gabon viper this beast is the one true viper of the rain forest and can grow to lengths measuring up to seven feet that's longer than the average human this viper is genuinely unique and one of the most docile of snakes especially vipers worldwide to prove my point if you're hiking your way through the rainforest and stepped on one of these guys he probably just wouldn't even flinch most snakes strike at this moment but the gabon often just lets it go it's definitely one of the most chill snakes i've researched in addition to its extremely docile nature its camouflage makes it so well hidden that if you did manage to step on one you probably never would even know the difference its leaf shaped head and gorgeous coloration provide excellent camouflage as it lies half buried in the leaves and debris on the ocean floor for this snake life moves in slow motion if disturbed it startles and warns potential enemies by forcibly exhaling air through its nostrils like a quick hey i'm walking here fortunately number 12 gigantis garstini the gigantifist was once regarded as the largest known snake ever discovered to have lived on earth a title held onto by the massive snake until discovering the monstrous titanoboa it still stands as the second largest ever known though the species is long extinct today most prehistoric snakes were massive in size because they didn't have venom that's right they were all constrictors and used their massive weight in muscle to strangle the likes of crocs dinosaurs and other massive prehistoric creatures venom was an evolution of snakes that wouldn't take place for another few million years all the creatures were more giant back then due to an increased level of radiation to compensate for the massive size of the other creatures snakes grew to massive sizes though titanoboa is the one and only of its species ever discovered experts suspect that there were larger snakes out there just hidden by the sands of time could you imagine a 600 pound snake charging at you through the water or on land it's the thing of nightmares for sure number 11. burmese python a 17 foot long burmese python was captured in florida recently still its massive size and weight weren't the thing that startled and amazed experts the snake was pregnant with nearly 73 babies that is a ton of snakes the average snake can lay between 20 and 40 eggs this monster defied all expectations with her enormous motherly undertaking this python finds itself in the top 10 percent of large snakes found in florida and they're about to have 73 more on the way with the same dna sorry floridians your state is just one of those that has more things trying to kill you than not and now your snakes are getting bigger no the burmese python is an invasive species meaning when they come in they take over 73 babies are an example of how an invasive species can dominate so quickly though not native to florida experts suspect through multiple hurricanes and storms that decimated homes people who kept them found that their precious pets were on the loose pythons being non-enormous are often the favorite choice for pets let me explain to anyone now a python is no safer pet than a venomous snake it only takes 34 pounds to crush the larynx the muscle carrying the air to your lungs even the smallest of pythons average a squeeze rate of three pounds per square centimeter one or two coils from the snake is no bueno for you i know some people will argue against that but nature is nature number 10 the green anaconda roaming around the once titanoboa dominated waters are the green anaconda some of the largest snakes in existence and speculated to be the titan himself's direct descendant these monstrosities can reach a length of up to 30 feet long and a whopping 600 pounds that's one snake to avoid at all costs the anaconda like the python is a constrictor as you can imagine with its massive size comes enormous power there isn't a creature on the earth that an anaconda can't strangle that even goes for elephants though the effort will go largely unrewarded due to their massive size it certainly has the tools to do so if it should choose these nightmare-inducing snakes are legendary throughout human history there have been stories novels and films dedicated to exploring the monster even though those explorations are often extreme look titanoboa was large enough to swallow a manhole in a single swallow i can only imagine what the snakes we have yet to discover will reveal their size and incredible power to be hey even in some religions the snake is the subject of evil so it's no wonder they can so quickly strike fear into the heart of a human number nine the amethyst in python once again florida takes the spotlight with a recently discovered invasive python that gives florida's other invasive species a run for their money yeah it's a different invasive python from the one before florida just has the luck of having two some experts call this florida's worst nightmare the snake has long been present in africa and is known there as the african rock python and now it's colonizing in florida at an alarming rate to make matters worse these snakes are ill-tempered and can grow as large as 20 feet long these guys are so mean they often pick fights with alligators and win experts have said african pythons are so mean they come out of the egg striking that's quite a trait associated with the species and definitely not good news for floridians experts claim that their vicious and brutal invaders that will push out even the burmese in a few years due to their increased hostile nature florida's got a lot going on number eight african rock python burmese python hybrid if you've been paying attention then you know what comes with this hybrid snake sorry florida i didn't mean to pick on you but you're just home to three of the largest and dangerous snakes in the world where you hadn't been just 10 years ago the two invasive species of florida the african rock and burmese python are now starting to get along in their mating to say the least this means bad news and i'll explain the burmese is invasive due to its massive birth number which can be anywhere between 60 and 100 combine that with the ill-tempered and hostile attitude of the rock python florida is now dealing with the massive spawning of rock burmese hybrid snakes this is one of the meanest known snakes to man and it now is producing 70 to 100 babies at a time that's a whole lot of massive mean as heck snakes slithering around looking for a place to live and hunt this could prove devastating to an already devastated florida ecosystem let's hope the experts can discover a way to slow the spread of these invaders number 7 wonambi at 5 to 15 feet long the walnumbi would have been able to tackle any medium-sized animal it set its eyes on this massive prehistoric snake is fourth in line of largest ever and is known by the aboriginal people living in australia as a child eater and would teach their children to avoid nearing any watering holes where the snake would often sit and wait for little creatures or humans to venture near humans were so prevalent on their menu that experts even claim that they've evolved to the taste and hunt do it successfully for so many years and the hunting methods get passed down after all humans in the eyes of this crazy snake are no more than lunch well nambi is another potent constrictor since it spent most of its time with just its snout and eyes above the water it was an efficient hunter and once it had its prey it was doomed a quick strike constrict and submersion underwater help suffocate its prey in a matter of a few seconds this method of hunting makes this constrictor one of the most efficient with its technique even if a group of people were walking and the snake took just one there will be little to do once the snake gets its prey into the water a deadly combination that has rightfully so stricken fear into the heart of australia number six twinkie twinkie is the hilarious name for the world's most enormous albino reticulated python and made her home at the reptile zoo in the fountain valley california measuring at an incredible 30 feet long twinkie has become somewhat of a celebrity on both the internet and late night tv gracing the shoulders of one conan o'brien and jimmy fallon found is just a spawning twinkie has lived out her entire life in the zoo and shows otherworldly attraction to her human handlers they mothered her to health and great strength after all heck even they've helped her get into the guinness world records where she still holds the title weighing 350 pounds twinkie was an enormous snake a stark contrast to the nearly dead little spawn how he was found unfortunately just one month after twinkie's 11th birthday where she was gifted an extra portion of rodents to eat she died marking her history and life in records of books and the internet here's to you twinkie number five the black mamba the black mamba may be the most notorious snake of all and for good reason it's extremely dangerous in fact many consider the species to be one of the world's deadliest they're found in southern and eastern africa and are relatively shy creatures which is a good thing if you come across one remove yourself from the area immediately it's not worth provoking the deadly snake if cornered or confronted they are a lethal killing machine and will strike without hesitation the black mamba is the cause of the most snake-related deaths in africa with limited anti-venom and a way to get to someone in a short time they have to live it's nearly impossible though their name is black their exterior coloring is rarely black they are more often gray and brown the inside of their mouth is black and is where their name comes from most deaths occur in rural parts of africa and where health infrastructure and resources are limited even with proper antivenom the way it affects the body is complicated its venom is complex and interferes transmissions across the motor end plate where the nerves and muscles connect essentially it causes instantaneous paralyzing the venom is also cardiotoxic which means it could rapidly speed up or stop your heart entirely just depends on the individual all in all stay the heck away from the black mamba as there's little hope of survival if bitten number 4 the olive python if a snake can swallow a croc that's a big old note for me apparently crocodiles are a holiday special for the olive python who often feeds on crocs and baby crocs there's been some wicked footage of the two and a duel to the death i guess it's really not that surprising we've seen pythons swallow kangaroos baby elephants and hippos so why not go after another fierce predator like a croc it's one way to show them who runs the swamp after his large meal he just slithers off as if it were just another day of croc eating i mean we have pictures of this thing swallowing inch by inch the equally monstrous reptile to say the least it's a sight still trying to figure out what kind all of pythons like all pythons are extremely powerful if it coils around the croc there's little the croc can do especially if it has jaws of the croc within the vise grip of the snake's coil there will be little even a crocodile can do at that point all in all this just solidifies why terror is so often exemplified with the snake number three gigantic malaysian python this enormous python may have finally taken a spot as the longest snake in modern times toppling medusa's record a few years after her death measuring in at 26.3 feet this monstrous python is reaching for the record books just to haul these things around it takes a team of five people with considerable strain though the python is far from heaviest its length alone puts it at 300 pounds reticulated pythons who have gritted patterns on their skin in which they're named average a mere three to six meters long and often are found swimming the surface of swampy waters where it can barely be seen once again a few days after his capture it died while giving birth to a single leg another odd occurrence and suspect due to a heightened stress in its capture where her normal should be about 50. it was suspected that it had already laid the other eggs during capture and the physical handling while giving birth lodged the last eggs in there causing severe damage and causing its death though none of them have been verified it's widely acknowledged that the capture itself played a vital role in her passing number two soft-scaled viper vipers didn't make it on this list too many times they're more associated with venom or toxin than massive size and power so the two on this list are indeed unique specimens the soft-scaled viper is a terrifying looking snake with a toxin to match its appeal those eyes of theirs sends shivers down my spine they're the most notorious killers in the snake world these snakes kill more people globally each year than almost any other kind of snake it proves more deadly than the black mamba because it's found in more locations and has a more aggressive temperament they mostly live in sub-saharan africa the middle east and asia still they've been popping up in surprising places around the globe how they got there still remains a mystery another reason for its abundance of attributed deaths is because there's no effect of anti-venom though there is anti-venom available for the deadly bite it only works about 30 percent of the time the snake's venom is just too complicated for easy reverse engineering though the anti-venom availability is growing as science grows there is still a long way to ensure guaranteed survival after a dose number one king cobra world's longest venomous snake if you never had the pleasure of seeing a king cobra in a zoo when you get the opportunity do it they're truly fascinating creatures blessed with an enormous length in potent venom the king cobra is one of the strongest largest and deadliest snakes globally not to mention that great iconic hood that is unique to some cobras king cobra can stand on half its body meaning it can reach heights of seven feet tall this snake could slither up to you rise to meet you at eye level and flare out its hood for a pretty intimidating spectacle that can only be described as pure terror i've been on the other side of that thick pane of glass that king moved his head with mine from side to side his eyes never leaving my gaze his challenge gave cause for me to check my surroundings and ensure i was indeed safe if there wasn't a pane of glass between us he indeed would have enjoyed me for a snack snakes have been subject to fear and fascination in humans for as long as known history their existence in ancient religions myth and lore is testament to that fact they're an exceptionally well adapted and dangerous species that shouldn't be trifled with especially those monsters who wouldn't think twice about swallowing you whole in one effort if you enjoyed this 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Channel: The Supreme
Views: 163,739
Rating: 4.8745723 out of 5
Keywords: most, monstrous, most monstrous, monstrous animals, snakes, snake, that ever existed, animals, animal, biggest, titanoboa, titanoboa snake, viper, viper snake, gaboon viper, giant snake, giant animals, creatures, big, biggest snakes, giant snakes, largest, largest snake, largest snakes, scary, top 15, countdown, python, burmese python, dangerous, dangerous snakes, in the world, green anaconda, anaconda, amethystine python, african rock python, wonambi snake, black mamba snake, new, 2020, lists
Id: 4eMHFZ62_QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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