15 Unusual Cars That Will Change The World

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remember that episode of the simpsons where homer's brother commissioned him to design a car and the car was so rubbish nobody wanted it and it tanked the company well what you're about to see are cars that are the opposite because these cars are far from duds these cars may just change the automotive industry forever these are unusual cars that will change the world [Music] number 15 bentley ultra tank this car is an absolute brute the bentley ultra tank might just be the craziest vehicle out there and also the most divisive it's basically a souped-up bentley car with massive tank wheels and as sturdy and heavy as it might look it is a very fast car it can reach speeds of 81 miles per hour making it the world's fastest tracked vehicle ever [Music] you either hate it or love it there is no in between and guess who invented it the russians of course this cross between the luxury world and the military universe make for a very unique and bizarre vehicle that has never been done before it is a comfortable yet badass ride only possible if you're willing to sacrifice the bentley the creators basically snatched the cheapest bentley continental gt they could find that needed a lot of work done and that had a busted frame and they replaced the car wheels with some caterpillar ones genius or insane it's hard to say but look at this tank go up a hill there is nowhere this car can't go and if someone dared to cut you off on the road you can simply go right over them like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping now it's time for the odd topic did you know that volkswagen are developing a hovering car in collaboration with a chinese business this image shows an example of what the vehicle will look like if the plan comes to pass in a post on linkedin recently two major players at volkswagen the ceo herbert diese and the head of volkswagen's china operations stefan volenstein openly discussed how they think vertical mobility will be a part of the company's future for those of you who don't speak nonsense business talk that's their way of saying flying cars based on this image of what it might look like when these things exist if affordable would you buy one let us know as always comment down below with the hashtag oddtopic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen with that said let's keep things moving number 14 eight wheeled sedan toyota as far as we know all the cars in the market have four wheels and the sedan line is no exception but there is an extremely bizarre and unique toyota limo sedan in banggong using not 4 not 6 but 8 wheels at the same time how you might ask it's simply a modification that the group grid odo has been working on for a long time and it has finally paid off this amazing vehicle has six wheels on the back and the normal two on the front but it has yet another kept secret it is no longer driven by the front wheels but by the rear ones all six of them and incredibly the six-wheel arrangement in the back does not in any way interfere with the car's suspension performance no matter the speed it is quite impressive one thing to note is that the car has for obvious reasons extra weight at the back which makes for an interesting yet sometimes unsteady drive but overall this vehicle is extremely unique and mesmerizing if anything although it can't be taken to the highway it is very fun to drive number 13 cadillac cyclone 1959 forget everything you know about cadillacs this concept car designed by harley earl and bill mitchell is absolutely groundbreaking they gave the cyclone 1959 a flip top canopy that is fully powered and disappears in the trunk not only that it is resting on an airbag as well the original design also had a top coated in vaporized silver to deflect the sun's rays for maximum comfort while driving and look at the sliding doors they jut out at the push of a button almost like in an alien spaceship it even had an external speaker system so the driver's voice could be heard from the outside but let's talk about the distinctive black cones on the leading edge of the front fenders can you guess what they're for they are a radar-based guidance system that was meant to interact with the smart roads of the future there is nothing that the designers didn't think of this car even had a proximity warning system that would alert the driver of upcoming obstacles a system that now most cars have not only is this car absolutely beautiful it was extremely before its time in the fields of design comfort and security this car definitely paved the road to future models number 12 bloodhound car imagine that a race car and a jet had a baby what do you think it would look like well look no further it's the bloodhound car this feat of engineering has been built to go as fast as a staggering record of 800 miles per hour at that speed the bloodhound should have no problem breaking the previous record of 763 miles per hour the car was halted in construction because of insufficient funds but thankfully mr warhurst came to the rescue and paid from his own pocket the tidy sum of eight million pounds and now the bloodhound is all ready to run at its bespoke race track on hack skin pan in the kalahari desert in south africa this car is so fast they're calling it a rocket [Applause] the project was launched at first to get school children more interested in science technology engineering and mathematics and it was completely privately funded the first design was to put together a euro fighter typhoon ej200 power unit and a rocket rolls royce kindly supplied the turbo fan and the booster is provided by the norwegian aerospace company called namo number 11 sea lion if you have ever dreamt of impersonating james bond now it's possible for only 259 500 the sea lion is an ambitious project of an amphibious car made to be the fastest vehicle in the world whether on land or sea this amazing vehicle was made from tig welded aluminum and cnc milled parts and is currently powered by 174 horsepower mazda 13b rotary engine but it's going to be upgraded soon to a custom-built 300 to 600 horsepower renesis rx engine so it will be the fastest hybrid car on the water this futuristic-looking supercar will definitely redefine amphibious cars in terms of speed all over the world it can reach speeds of a staggering 60 miles per hour on water and 180 miles per hour on land and it all started with a cad software design and some spreadsheet calculations but the hard work has certainly paid off it is extremely challenging to create the perfect amphibious car and this one gets real close it is made out of cnc milled parts and tig welded aluminum and the monocoque is fused to the car's body it also comes with fenders in rear and front as well as detachable pods number 10 renault kwid with drone the reynold kwid concept is a car featuring a built-in drone quadcopter that takes off from a rotating rear portion of the car's roof the drone can be operated using a pre-programmed flying sequence and gps coordinates and it can be controlled by a tablet inside the vehicle the copter dubbed the flying companion can be used for scouting traffic taking landscape pictures and also for detecting obstacles on the road ahead it is the perfect driving co-pilot the car's design was inspired by a bird's nest and the dashboard is a tft touchscreen that also provides access to connected services the car seats are suspended over a solid white base and they are made of a two-tone elastomer material this car is a dream come true and it's virtually impossible to have an accident with the kwid given that the drone is there to prevent it if every car in the world were like this one the roads would be incredibly smoother no more road rage being inside this vehicle feels like being in a soothing cocoon everything was designed to make the driving experience pleasurable and comfortable a true feat of design and engineering number 9 terafugia tfx the flying car the new terrafugia design is finally here the tfx and it only costs a mere 200 000 pounds it has been dubbed the flying car for all of us it features a plug-in powertrain that powers the wheels when the vehicle drives on the ground and also two electrically driven rotors for flight mode the amazing design of this car allows for vertical takeoff and landing and therefore it doesn't need a runway although terrafugia hasn't specified a cruising speed yet it has a range of an impressive 500 miles in the air and it's also completely autonomous when in flight when it lands a final landing can only be approved by the driver and it has a full vehicle parachute system for backup this vehicle currently costs a starting price of two hundred thousand dollars the company terafugia is based in the united states and was started by graduates from the massachusetts institute of technology in aeronautics the tfx could radically change the face of the earth making everyday life more exciting and comfortable for everybody number eight toyota fv2 the toyota fv2 is an amazing vehicle that looks like it's out of the blade runner or tron movies the first thing that is completely out of the ordinary is the absolute lack of a steering wheel instead of driving with your hands this vehicle can be driven by shifting your body weight the car intuitively moves backwards and forwards left and right by sensing your body movements the result is a vehicle that works more like an exoskeleton than a car the fv2 is like an extension of your own body it is absolutely groundbreaking this vehicle is connected to an intelligent transport technology which increases the security and the comfort of driving the fv2 can capture information from other vehicles and traffic infrastructure to provide the driver with help to deal with dangers such as blind spots at crossroads and this car's amazing abilities don't stop there the research program aims to enhance both human and artificial intelligence so basically the driver and the vehicle grow together and it'll be possible for the fv2 to remember gestures and tones of voice so it can communicate with its owner this car is almost an organic being it can listen and engage with the driver much like a pet would do number 7 phoenix bamboo concept car the phoenix bamboo concept car serves as a vehicle as well as a sculpture and that's because it's an art piece the designer kenneth cabin pew and the product designer albert berkner wanted to evoke and explore the links between technology and nature and the phoenix bamboo was born in only 10 days a team of craftsmen and weavers hand-made the vehicle out of bamboo rattan steel and nylon which are all a first in the car industry proving the different possible ways of building an automobile the phoenix bamboo's outer shape reminds us of the form of a leaf with stem and everything although the materials are biodegradable this car is heavy and industrial it can withstand use like any other in the market the bamboo shell was designed to allow ecological and inexpensive replacement which is the first time a car has an option anywhere similar if every car on the planet were like this one we would have a chance at fighting the climate crisis but this vehicle isn't only focused on the ecological aspect of the design its true purpose is to offer a real alternative of automobile for day-to-day life served with an exquisite design and luxurious comfort a true masterpiece number six the wind explorer imagine a cross between a car and a kite that's what dirk geon and stefan simmer a television host and german engineer built to cross the entirety of the australian continent with and they did it in only 18 days they set three world records that day the first time a continent has been crossed by a wind-powered vehicle the longest distance covered by a vehicle of that kind and the longest overall distance covered by an exclusively wind-powered land vehicle in 36 hours they covered in total over 5 000 kilometers with the wind explorer and they only spent 13 dollars on electricity bills an impressive journey the two-seated vehicle uses a battery-powered motor and a giant kite to run to charge the battery they can either plug it into the mains or through a portable wind turbine well if you can call a 20-foot telescopic bamboo mast portable of course finally the car gets propelled forward thanks to the gigantic kite that's attached to it and voila a cheap ecological and extremely fun to drive vehicle this could change the world for the better reducing carbon footprints and pollution all over the planet this car doesn't require any kind of fuel at all but one thing is for sure if two kites got tangled in the air it would be a pain to separate them number five aeromobile imagine in the future every car out there being able to seemingly transform from car to aircraft in under 3 minutes cities would look very different with the aero mobile it is now possible this vehicle is the new ultra high end for home the road and even the air they put together the most advanced material leading-edge design and engineering to create an impeccable luxurious and exceptional vehicle it took over 10 years of research and the collaboration of bmw aston martin mclaren mercedes-benz f1 and ferrari f1 as well as aerospace leaders lockheed martin rolls royce airbus and diamond aircraft to achieve a never-before-seen pedigree in such an aircraft this gem of engineering is scheduled to be on the market in 2023 but they are already taken pre-orders the first edition consists of 500 vehicles no more no less the aeromobil is the first of its kind it will revolutionize transport and luxury making roads everywhere obsolete the aeromobil 4.0 has a hybrid power based on a subaru boxer engine 300 horsepower gasoline or 110 horsepower electric number four the thorium the thorium car was created by a connecticut-based company called laser power systems and it is completely emission-free turbine free and also electricity generating as the name suggests the thorium car is fueled by thorium lasers which means that the engine only needs 8 grams of fuel every 100 years basically you buy the vehicle with a full tank and you pass it on to your kids for them to refill it forget about renewable energy thorium is the perfect fuel so much so that charles stevens the ceo of the groundbreaking company says that only one mere gram of thorium is the equivalent of 7 500 gallons of gasoline it basically works by harnessing heat by heating the energy from an external source the energy becomes so dense that the molecules start producing heat thorium is a natural radioactive element and it's the favorite candidate to replace the current nuclear energy that has caused so much damage to the environment scientists are designing reactors fueled by thorium 5000 tons of thorium would supply the whole planet earth with all of the energy that it needs it is the most revolutionary discovery of the century and because it exists in nature thorium is absolutely free but the thorium car isn't just ecological it also looks like a newer version of the batmobile it is absolutely stunning number three google driverless the new self-driving google car is amazing you only have to get in and literally tell it where you want to go then the car simply drives you exactly where you want to go while you surf the web or read a book or finish your paper that you were a little late with truly a car from the future the google car project started in 2009 and it can drive autonomously over 10 uninterrupted 100 mile routes the system behind the self-driving car is fairly simple the car has many built-in high-resolution cameras that can track all of the objects around it which makes for a very secure car as it can react if it would steer into another vehicle or obstacle they also have an in-car computer that knows all of the driving rules making them a better driver than any human being out there this car will revolutionize the car industry forever with the risk of accidents near zero vehicles won't have the need for a steel exterior or expensive airbags why would you need protection if there's no possibility of danger that means car manufacturers will save billions if not trillions of dollars in designs and materials that would become obsolete immediately the future is here with the self-driving car number two upside down ford f-150 rick sullivan is a collision center and auto body shop owner in clinton illinois and he has built an amazing upside down truck it looks like a flipped over vehicle nonchalantly driving down the street rick got the strange idea of building a working turned over vehicle when he saw a truck on its back in the middle of the snow one winter with its wheels sticking up into the sky and he told himself i could recreate that and he kept his word it took him six thousand dollars the help of a couple of co-workers and six months of work to finish the road legal car he built it from the parts of two separate vehicles a 1991 ford ranger pickup truck and a 1995 f-150 the result is a curious truck that certainly attracts attention everywhere it goes people usually have to look at it twice before realizing what they have in front of their eyes it's like a puzzle on wheels more than one person must have thought they were a little out of it when they caught sight of this vehicle but they are not dreaming it is very much real number one bugatti chiron lego what if i told you that you could build an entire car out of electric lego well you can with only 2 304 electric lego technic motors the bugatti chiron lego has about 5.3 horsepower and it is capable of driving itself it's an electric full-size chiron in real life completely powered and run by lego parts this amazing car is built around a steel frame but aside from that every surface is made out of lego parts it's a child's dream come true on steroids it even has a lego technic speedometer and the most amazing part is that all the lego parts already exist so in theory anyone with a big enough garage and lots of free time and let's be real big budget these bricks are expensive could achieve the same result the car can fit two passengers and it can propel itself up to a top speed of over 12 miles per hour that is quite fast for a car made out of toys this amazing feat of engineering took more than 13 hours to develop and construct and they didn't use any kind of glue it even has functioning front and rear lights detachable steering wheel and a brake pedal the future seems to be at our doorstep with so many different kinds of new vehicle designs out there what do you think cities and roads would look like in the future do you think we'll still drive on the ground or will we finally achieve the promise of the jetsons and fly our cars through the sky also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 155,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cars, vehicles, unusual cars, weird, unusual, inventions, vehicle, weirdest cars ever made, strange cars, car, strange, future cars, strangest, amazing vehicles, weirdest cars, weirdest, incredible, technology, cool cars, automobile, weird cars, strangest cars, unbelievable, transport, unusual vehicles, future transportation, concept, future bus, weird vehicles, strangest cars ever made, discoveries, future, new transportation technology, bizarre vehicles, new technology, bizarre, in the world
Id: G0DD1R_Kchw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 21sec (1341 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 26 2021
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