15 Most Expensive Things In The World

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Most of these items are valuable because they are valuable, in the same way that the Kardashians are famous for being famous. A few — the Codex Leicester, for example — are not only irreplaceable, but have the potential to become even more valuable as we learn more about them. The fact that they 'belong' to people who paid huge amounts for them, and who see them as shoring up their own personal value, means that these items will be taken care of and preserved properly. There are a huge number of irreplaceable artworks that are kept in museums that are not well-funded, so that the artworks deteriorate year-by-year and are often stolen because the museums cannot afford adequate security.

Every scrap of parchment or papyrus that suddenly yields unexpected information represents thousands of scraps that were allowed to rot or were burned for fuel, or lost in some other undignified way.

Let Gates have his collection. He will take care of it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/SemichiSam 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2020 🗫︎ replies

My jaw literally dropped when they revealed that the 5" diameter Chinese bowl sold for $37.7M USD. Incredible. My parents used to sell antiques on the side so I grew up in a household that discussed them quite a bit. What happened was that the price of Chinese antiques shot through the roof starting in the 90s, when you had an explosion of Chinese multi-millionaires and a renewed national desire to bring great examples of Chinese antiques back into China.

Sadly, the price of American antiques, since the late 1980s, has done nothing but drop. Reason: The American middle class is shrinking. In the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the American middle class (particularly the upper-middle) had enough disposable income to collect antiques. That isn't the case anymore. Items my parents have that were valued at $10K twenty years ago are now worth $5K to $7.5K. The only American antiques that have risen in value are the best of the best pieces -- that is, the kinds of items being collected by American multi-millionaires. Ergo, silverware made by Paul Revere has done well. But beautiful pewter tankards? Or cherry highboys made by non-famous furniture makers? Not so much.

My parents have two tables in the basement covered with cut glass dating from 1800-1850. We can hardly give it away. (A) As stated, Americans just don't collect antiques anymore; and (B) cut glass, in particular, has fallen out of fashion. It's a pity because a lot of these pieces are the work of extraordinarily talented craftsmen who laboriously cut the bowls; it's a skill that's been lost to the past. The bowls, in particular, look magnificent in good light. These pieces would bring $200 to $300 decades ago, while today you might get $40 or $50.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Squrlz4Ever 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
our diamonds the most expensive objects in the universe not even close you're not going to believe how valuable some of these things are here are the 15 most expensive things in the universe number 15 Penner Qing Dynasty vase this extraordinary rare find dates back to the late 17th and 18th centuries and belongs to one of China's most successful dynasties valued at 83 million dollars this Chinese porcelain is the world's most expensive vase the Pinner Qing Dynasty vase was picked up by an explorer uncle in the late 1920s and has been a family decoration until the real price and value of the vase was revealed now after several auctions and reselling this extraordinary colorful porcelain vase belongs to an unnamed Chinese industrialist number 14 Leonardo da Vinci codex Leicester what was once Leonardo da Vinci's manuscript full of the scientists ideas sketches and diagrams now belongs to the billionaire and Microsoft founder Bill Gates the Codex Leicester is a manuscript that dates back to the 16th century and the software engineer is said to have bought it for an impressive thirty point eight million dollars this 72 page notebook is a rare glimpse inside da Vinci's mind with mirror image style writing and old Italian this Codex is truly a one-of-a-kind object in the universe number thirteen rube wanna brush washer Bowl take a guess at how much this nine hundred year old ceramic bowl is worth and you will still be short a few million the rube wanna brush washer Bowl is a classic example of Chinese ornate art the turquoise delicate vessel with its signature ice crack open was sold after a 20 minute bidding war that ended up valuing the bowl at a shocking 37 point seven million dollars this little dish is 5 inches or 13 centimetres in diameter and is thought to be extraordinarily rare and virtually unobtainable number 12 Gutenberg Bible the Gutenberg Bible is one of the finest examples of the earliest book printings in the world printed by Johannes Gutenberg and present-day Germany in 1450 this historic Bible remains one of the most expensive books in the world while there are only 49 Bibles known to exist only 21 are complete for years collectors from all over the world have been trying to piece together the incomplete pages one by one and all the complete works are displayed in museums and libraries it is thought to cost around 25 to 35 million dollars number 11 a tech Philly pocket watch one pocket watch that broke its own record at auction is the Patek Phillipe pocket watch sold at a staggering twenty four million dollars this pocket watch is the most expensive timepiece in the world it's intricate detailing and accents make this Patek Phillipe super-complicated piece a must-have for any watch enthusiast an aficionado weighing about a pound in gold the movements inside the watch are produced from three stack layers that are joined to create a stunning display number 10 pink blue enamel moon flasks Chinese porcelain has established a name for extraordinary beauty and value and the pink blue white enamel moon flask is no exception this superb example of Imperial chenglong porcelain has a price tag of 16 million dollars its outstanding artistry and six character seal mark date back to the 18th century when the Ching Wong Emperor the sixth of the ching dynasty ruled over China with a white shade at its base intricate blue dragon like shapes diverged all throughout the Moon flask sweeping pink Phoenix grabs the viewers attention as their Center placement makes a powerful statement like no other this 19 inch or 49 centimeter high porcelain art has two dragons squirrel handles on each side giving the piece of perfect finish from bottom to the top what makes this Moon flask standout are its contrasting colors not only is the quality of the painting skills exceptional but a combination of rich underglaze cobalt blue and animal pink is extremely effective and flattering to the eye only a few porcelain pieces are decorated in colors and techniques and that's why this truly extraordinary moon flask is worth every penny number nine Elizabeth Taylor's necklace one cannot discuss the universe is most expensive and valuable things and not mentioned a la peregrina pearl necklace originally designed for the classic Hollywood actress Elizabeth Taylor this pearl necklace was made by Cartier one of the world's finest and most coveted jewelry companies this amazing 16th century piece of jewelry was purchased by Richard Burton in 1969 and remains one of the greatest gifts the fifty point six carat la peregrina pearl is one of the most famous pearls in the world and its history spans more than 500 years before the Hollywood actress was the proud owner of this piece it is thought to have it start from king philip ii of spain back in the 1500s after numerous owners and world leaders it became a James Hamilton the Duke of Babur cornesfamily staple eventually it was sold in 1969 and that's when Burton bought a la peregrina pearl for just $37,000 years later Elizabeth Taylor commissioned Cartier to redesign the jewelry and the historic Pearl was then surrounded by diamonds and rubies all around finally the story ends in 2011 when the necklace sold for more than eleven million dollars at Elizabeth Taylor's collection auction at Christie's in New York that day at the auction two records were broken one for historic pearl and another for the highest valued pearl jewelry to ever be sold at auction before we move on be sure to subscribe to top 5s with notifications on number 8 double eagle coin collectors from all walks of life try to find the rarest items with the highest values while many failed during several attempts once in a while a piece comes along that shocks the world with this incredible price and historic value this rare 1933 double eagle is just that piece of art back when coins had more than a dollar value this incredible $20 double eagle is the most expensive gold coin to ever be sold at auction or amongst collectors with only 13 coins in the world that display an eagle on both sides this incredible gold coin has a value of 7.6 million dollars with a mass of just 33 grams at one point three inches in diameter this double eagle antique comes with an interesting story collected and stolen by the illicit coin dealer family of Israel Swit this 7.9 million dollar piece was discovered in 2005 by the Secret Service and after meticulous investigations it was found to be a genuine 1933 double eagle coin as the price tag of this small object was so extraordinary many have tried to replicate its value and beauty while the concept of designs was similar in the copies many details were inconsistent number 7 Napoleon's sword Napoleon Bonaparte was one of history's greatest emperors and military leaders considered to be one of the greatest commanders in the world his European domination and global affairs are now known as Napoleon Wars and his war tactics are studied in military schools across the globe the gold encrusted sword is an antique piece of military weaponry that napoleon wore into battle in italy this legendary sword was sold for 6.4 million dollars at the Fountainbleu auction in Paris and is said to be the last of Napoleon's sword that ended up in private hands this particular piece is more than 200 years old broke the record as the highest piece of napoleon memorabilia to have ever been sold this intricately decorated blade is just under 40 inches or 100 centimetres in life and has its signature gentle curve at the top its design and signature curved leaves the impression that it must have been attained during Napoleon's Egyptian adventures historians think that the French general used this exact weapon during the Marengo battle in June of 1801 the battle he gave the sword to his brother as a wedding gift and has been passed down through the family generations ever since and while the sword was declared to be a national treasure in 1978 this 6.4 million dollar piece of art was sold in 2007 to a foreign buyer number six william shakespeare signature when william shakespeare is mentioned the mine naturally goes to his iconic plays in science that to this day are still an important part of the english language and literature the mind behind 39 plays over 150 sonnets and two long narrative poems is mostly known for Hamlet Othello and the world-famous Romeo and Juliet his standard poetic form composed of iambic pentameter and his verbal dexterity is unmatched by any other great writer in the world so it doesn't come as a shock that the English poets signature would be worth a lot it is estimated that only six shakespeare signatures still exist in the universe today all are found on four separate legal documents that date back to 1612 and 1616 the last four years of his life said to be priceless if ever sold at auctions each signature would cost around five million dollars making them the most valuable and expensive autographs in the world three of the documents are kept in the National Archives while the last remains as a part of a permanent collection of the British Museum if you take a closer look at the six separate signatures you can see how the name and writing differ each time historians have confirmed that all of these autographs are genuine and real but that the writer must have suffered from a tremor during his last few years on earth each piece of writing shows distinctive characteristics that clearly showcase Shakespeare's creativity and style the case and his last name stays the same throughout the legal document while his long last name was often shortened to just check a common abbreviation style in the early 17th century his signatures are not just small autographs with the writers name on them they carry a story and represent an important part of history number five crystal piano you've ever wanted to play a beautiful piece of classical music on a clear glass like piano and have a spare 3.2 million dollars then the heintzman crystal piano is a perfect choice for you the Heinzman and company is a Canadian piano manufacturing company that has been making groundbreaking instruments since the 1860s this record-breaking piano worth more than three million dollars was first introduced to the world during the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and is said to be the world's most expensive and valuable piano living up to its name this grand piano is a futuristic masterpiece entirely made from crystal and was exclusively built for large concert hall performances the instrument was played by the world-famous pianist Lang Lang during the 2008 Olympic Games but is said to have been sold to an anonymous bidder ever since and while the Kawai transparent and silver piano has come close to the Heintzman instrument by its design and overall style nothing can compare to the world breaking 3.2 million dollar heintzman crystal piano number 4 Honus Wagner if you're an avid sports card collector take a quick look around your collection because one day you might stumble upon a card that is worth much much more than you can possibly imagine this world's most expensive card is the T 206 Honus Wagner baseball card that was ultimately sold for 3.12 million dollars at an auction this iconic card was printed between 1909 and 1910 back o company this top and mint condition antique has reached such mythical proportions that it's often called the card while many Hollywood stars moguls and business executives wanted to own a legendary card this rare item has a controversial history and origin it was estimated that around 60 to 200 of these cards were printed back in the early 1900s and while many genuine copies still exist to this day only replicas and fake additions have been resurfacing in the modern not only are its origins a topic of controversy and debate but it's unusual size is also remarkable in noteworthy it's often regarded as the junk Wagner and his proportions defy the typical T 206 cards being slightly larger than the rest this Wagner piece of memorabilia was actually miscut during production not only making its height larger but also giving it thicker borders due to its atypical proportions this particular Honus Wagner attracted a lot of media attention that questioned its authenticity and actual value number three bluefin tuna while most canned tunas can be bought at the supermarket for less than ten bucks one species of tuna is so rare and extraordinary that its price rises well above a couple of million bluefin tuna are the largest tuna species in the world and is the finest delicacy used in sushi and sashimi during the 2019 Tokyo market this species of tuna sold for a jaw-dropping 3.1 million dollars naturally driven by such high prices fishermen all over the world do incredible things and technologies for a chance to catch the rare fish this particular 612 pound are 278 kilogram bluefin tuna was displayed at the 2019 Tokyo auction and was bought by the Kimura corporation whose owner runs the sushis on my chain and while the rare fish has always had a high price and extraordinary value the owner admits that he may have paid over budget for this particular piece the tuna looks so tasty and very fresh but I think I did too much he said this bluefin tuna was caught in Japan's oil Mori prefecture and is the best quality of tuna in the world but why exactly is the bluefin tuna so expensive and valuable one factor that determines its price is its rarity in nature there are only three known species of bluefin and unfortunately these fish don't breed well the three million-dollar fish has a distinct flavor texture and complexity that is purely unmatched by the types of canned tuna found in supermarket aisles number two treskilling yellow staff while post stamps cost less than a dollar at most one extraordinary 1855 staff has defied any value in price known as the treskilling yellow stamp this Sweden's post stamp is not only the most expensive of its kind but it is also the only one known to exist what makes this post stamp so incredibly value is its color while the three skilling stamps printed were normally blue green shades this 2.3 million dollar piece came out as yellow an orange to this day it's not known exactly what went wrong during the printing process but most historians and collectors believe it was due to the stereotype of the printing machine being damaged or broken somehow this mistake was overlooked and by 1858 the Swedish currency was changed along with the Skilling stamps even though this mutant of a stamp was meant for the trash in 1886 a young collector named georg wilhelm discovered this gem while rifling through his grandmother's attic now decades after its initial discovery the stamp has changed hands and owners several times from the 1920s to the late 1980s and more recently 2010 this treskilling yellow staff has only increased in rarity and price the auction house originally valued the staff at 1.5 million dollars but it was ultimately sold to an unknown bidder for 2.3 million who now owns the world's only treskilling yellow step number one one thousand dollar bill one might think that a thousand dollar bill will cost as much as its value so one thousand dollars but that's where you'd be wrong one particular $1,000 bill sold at a stunning 2.04 million dollars dating back to the 19th century this dollar bill is called the holy grail of paper money and was sold at an auction in Baltimore the 1890 Treasury note is dubbed the grand watermelon due to its large green zeros on the back of the bill while the front displayed Major General George Meade who was the commander of the Union forces at the Battle of Gettysburg there are only seven grand watermelon notes to exist in the 21st century this unique object is one of the rarest and most sought-after pieces of American paper currency while three are in private collections the rest are still yet to be discovered or brought back into the limelight the United States first introduced paper currency back in 1861 because the u.s. never demonetised its currency the bill is technically still legal and can be used by its face value but why buy something for $1000 where you can sell it for well over millions in years to come subscribe to top 5s for more and check out some of our other popular videos
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 1,495,433
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Keywords: Most Expensive Things In The World, Price Comparison, World Most Expensive Things
Id: m_wg9l3iF8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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