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[Music] hallelujah i pray this this morning that our hearts will be truly open because i want to bring to you what it means to be empowered by the holy spirit i want you to have your bibles turn with me to john chapter 14 john chapter 14. i want to show you there's a supernatural dimension of power that's going to manifest because the holy spirit's upon your life we talked about david how david received the anointing of the of the spirit and he grew day by day increased by leaps and bounds by the time one year is done the waters have flooded the camps of the enemy john chapter 14 in verse 16 and 17 i will ask the father and he will give you another helper that he may be with you forever that is the spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive because he does not see him or know him but you know him because he abides with you and will be new soon i'll leave you i will not leave you as orphans i will come to you and then in verse 25 these things have spoken to you while abiding with you but the helper the holy spirit whom the father will send in my name he will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all that i said to you peace i live with you my peace i give to you not as the world gives to do i give to you do not let your heart be troubled nor let it be fearful i will not speak much more in verse 30 for the ruler of the world is coming and he has nothing in me when we are ruled by the holy spirit we overrule the works of the enemy when we are empowered by the holy spirit we destroy everything that the enemy has built up until now because the son of man was made manifest that he might destroy every work of the evil one i can see by the spirit of god the things that are happening in malaysia happening in america happening in different parts of the world where governments are now becoming feeble because they are made out of iron and clay attachments and these kind of alliances are going to fail in the future but the holy spirit must guide you through the mess that's been created right now i pray that the spirit of god will receive the highest place of honor number one if you want to be ruled by the spirit and have nothing to do with the devil and we charge the powerful course towards our destiny and our future that will be just amazing it's important for you to think about your spiritual safety your spiritual stability and his spiritual security all that is only found in christ the bible says in chapter 16 when he comes in verse 8 he will convict the world concerning sin righteousness and judgment sin because we do not believe in because they do not believe in me concerning righteousness because i go to the father and you no longer see me concerning judgment because the ruler of this world is being judged i pray the holy spirit will show you exactly how to deal with these situations in your life that's why i'm praying for supernatural grace that you'll be empowered by the holy ghost when you receive the holy spirit you shall receive power from on high power must be generated power must be generated authority we receive by virtue of relationship and position by power we receive by in working out what we god works in we got to work out say work out work in so god is working within us but we have to work out what is working out in our lives so that the evidence of the holy spirit is upon your life how did they know that this man all full of the holy spirit so let me give you some practical things to do immediately as you leave this place you will use use these materials and begin to build yourself up being empowered by the holy ghost number one the holy spirit must be given the highest place he must dwell in and live in us the spirit must be before must be that is before in us it will now be in flowing through our lives he must be given the highest place of honor how how you do that you you keep your mind focused and you start to think of the best thoughts that you feel concerning the holy spirit the best things that you can remember him saying to you talking to you speaking through you what the things that give the holy spirit the highest place of honor in your mind honor is always with the mind how you perceive how you see so if you see that not by mine nor by power but by my spirit then it shall be show but if you think and blasphemy against the holy spirit it's not a sin that you want to deal with on your own because god is a god who is a judge he said the enemy is coming but he has nothing in me so when you give the highest place then the lowest place or no place at all for the devil because we're seated far above all principalities and powers we are far above seated with christ so the demon demonic powers and satanic powers are far below so when you give the holy spirit the highest place of honor he takes over in accordance with your will as you surrender to him your will he takes over and something supernatural begins to happen so give him the highest place the spirit of god must be in us before we can be in the spirit why a lot of dimensions and experience of our life is short-circuited because we don't understand that it's it's the holy spirit that takes us to the next level john receiver invitations come up higher come up higher come up and see what's happening up here you'll know the future from here and so the bible says immediately i was in in the spirit the scripture is found in in revelation chapter 4 i want to give this to you so that you really will feel empowered by the holy ghost many people are becoming sluggish many are becoming weak and feeble some are dying because of the atmosphere that's been created on planet earth there's enough uneasiness everywhere a restlessness everywhere uh sometimes i pick it up in the in the nights when i go to sleep and there's battle going on battle going on demons manifesting here and then all over the place but god is in full control i say god is in full control let me show you to you in verse chapter 4 of revelation 4 verse 1 come up here and i'll show you what must take place after these things immediately i was in the spirit immediately i was in the spirit if the spirit is in you and dwelling within you then you can be in the spirit dimension we can make a move from there to here here to there and and begin to understand what it means to pray thy kingdom come from on on earth as it is in heaven so in the same way that you will begin to rise up i looked and a door standing open and the first voice which i heard said like the trumpeters sounded trump is speaking with me he said come up here and i'll show you immediately i was in the lord in the spirit and this is these are the dimensions that that's going to give you an experience of life the holy spirit bring it to you there are some people who are trying to make the holy spirit manufacture this thing for them or they're trying to manufacture what they think is the holy spirit but the holy spirit when he leads you guides you then you become like the son of god number two the holy spirit must be given the highest place number one number two we must develop the language of tongues until it becomes an utterance of the spirit i i had some amazing experiences in the last few years of this the holy spirit said i will give you a word i'll give you utterance at the time when you're speaking in warfare and praying that this language will become like a language that the angelic creation know and demonic powers know and understand so he gives a tongues of angels so that the communication lines between heaven and earth will become clear you've got to develop you've got to pray in terms not just korean and then stop for a while and then continue again like like a motto but we want to want to see that god energizes with you when you pray in tongues begin praying around pray strong pray far fast faster than your mind can can hold on to it that's why the bouncy mind is unfruitful because he cannot tap on no we can make the mind fruitful because in romans chapter 8 it tells us this is that you can set your mind on the things of the spirit the mindset of the things of the spirit so you and i can bring our mind and our spirit but you've got to learn to edify yourself make yourself strong make yourself become more solidly prepared for the challenge we must develop tongues until it becomes an utterance of the spirit adequate to express sometimes when you pray in tongues you don't feel like you're expressing everything but as you go further and further and further deeper and deeper you begin to find a worshipful feeling sometimes sometimes a violent feeling in signs sometimes you feel compassionate sometimes you don't feel anything but god can bring us to a place where you train us by the spirit language of tongues must develop into from word to syllable to sentences to syllables until it becomes a paragraph until it becomes a whole message so the dimension of the holy spirit can grow within us number three we must learn to impart what we carry the reason i'm saying this is because every time you continue in what god has been teaching you and you're going deeper and deeper what's going to happen is that the gifts become resident in your life if you come once in a while to australia you are just a visitor another resident but as a resident if you want to be in the residence of the of that country then you have to stay according to their rules and win their favor and win their progress towards our life so you can see that this is important because what you don't use you'll be lost use or not use at all let's say whatever you don't use somebody else will use it when the mind is not focused on the things of god then what happens is that our mind becomes focused on other things if it's not priorities then the mind will become lacking in focus towards the priorities but god is going to help us because if we learn to impart and share what we have what we have will multiply little by little until it becomes a big mountain god can do that in our lives as we use what we have so that is not unused amen i said whatever god has given to you is given to you prophecy prophesied given to you visions and dreams see vision and dream and articulate the interpretation of what is taking place but we must always let go what god has brought inside freely given to you freely share you lay hands on the sick and pray for the sick and prophesy to those who need the word of god and those who are thinking of this change of seasons in their own life so all these things can be done so if you want to be empowered by the holy spirit you must give him the highest place of honor number two develop the utterance of the spirit that means as you pray more and more you get different articulations different words different different strategies that god will give to you so if you will continue to do that then the dimensions of the holy spirit will increase that's number four we can impart gifts to the holy spirit when you lay hands on young believers and you're a leader you're a pastor believe that not only your hands there is enough energy and power but what you have inside you can be imparted into people's lives that's how they be that's how we become empowered somebody empower us the power the power and the authority doesn't come from from from from us but it comes from him we receive authority from from god because of because we are connected to him as sons of the kingdom and sons of the father and and this is important because when once we know that we've been ruled by the holy spirit and empowered by the holy spirit we have courage we can take courage and do great things when god said to joshua take courage be strong and mighty that's great because then you can do great thing but courage is what moves the strength courage is what moves you forward they who know the law they take action you know god for sure and god does not weigh does not wait for anyone if it's wrong it's wrong it's right it's right and god is going to move by his spirit across the nations of the world and begin to align and adjust nations and governments of the earth so that they will know he is the ruler who is he is the king he is the lord number five we we must remember what we carry in our lives is not just for us it's for others also what we carry in our lives it's not only for us but it's for others in ephesians chapter 3 verse 2 and 7 it tells us this that if indeed you heard of the stewardship of god's grace which was given to me verse 7 of which i was made a minister according to the gift of god's grace which was given to me according to the working of his power so whatever you carry on the inside is not yours it also belongs to others so god anoints you to carry something in your heart until you mature it mature it mature it mature it and then begin to impart you can teach on anything but you cannot impart until you actually practice everything that you do impartation comes from those who can practice those who are not practicing who are just worthy then that's all that you get what you sow you read but the bible says that we must begin to be ruled by the by the empowerment of the holy spirit so that all that we carry we are seawords not owners i don't own this anointing i don't own this revelation it's not mine he come to me by the holy ghost and when he comes to me by the holy spirit then that's not mine it says so i got to be steward of what god has given to me and trusted to me so in the days to come that i become a minister that can minister in his power so when the power of god works within me grace comes forth and grace will make me a minister of fire so this is going to be our portion somebody said amen to that you are ruled empowered by the holy ghost what must you do the spirit must be given the highest place of honor number two we need to develop the language of tongues until it hits the frequency of what the holy spirit is saying now pray and pray praying spring dance until suddenly your your your frequency begins to tune itself to what god is god is saying and doing and then when that clicks then everything that god is talking about will come to you you will be on live broadcast god will speak to you number three i told you we must learn to impart what we carry so whatever we carry is important you must treasure it you must grow it you just nurture it you must keep it well so that you have enough to transfer number five we carry the stewardship of god's grace for the people who are called we are called to so god gives me grace for you and that's why the disruption of leadership by rebellious people is a dangerous practice that goes on in church that everybody takes the shot and the pastor and the leader the pastor's wife or son somebody in leadership this was miri and miriam said moses said can god only speak to moses he can also speak to me and i've heard him before also and so you can see the arrogance inside the heart and the bible says she was struck with leprosy and those who continually rebel in the wilderness against moses and their rebellion against moses was not just against him as a person but against what he was doing don't let god speak directly to us you speak to god and god then you come down the mountain and you speak to us we don't want to have direct relationship with heaven because our children are frightened by the noise i'm telling you when we do the school of the prophecy even young children are around they're not afraid they're not afraid of demon manifestation they're not afraid of holy spirit demonstration they know the difference and they're equipped and empowered for the journey number six we must be trained to discern other spirits and voices and shut them down if you want to be empowered by the holy ghost you must be trained to discern other spirits and voices what is amazing is this that god is going to supernaturally put into you the discerning the gift of the discerning of spirits so that you can understand what is happening in the spirit world angelic spirit demonic spirits human spirit god's spirit all these dimensions are insane so the holy spirit help you understand that's all that's holy spirit this is angelic spirit this is human spirit this is demonic spirits god must give you special grace and number seven there must be a consistent progressive flow of the spirit of revelation and prophecy there must be a consistent progressive flow of the spirit especially the spirit of prophecy because when you the bible say one day jesus was teaching the crown in luke chapter 5 and what happened is that the power of the lord became present for him to perform healing i'm telling you the reason why jesus did wonders is because the power of the lord came upon him and so that he can perform healing god perform god perform extraordinary miracles by raising a ball to distribute the power somebody had to receive it somebody had to supply it somebody has to distribute it so when the power of god begins to hit the church the power begin to flow from head down never from down upwards the tree dies from down upwards but the anointing comes from above to below so that everyone at the top and those at the bot at the bottom carry the same grace so that there is no uh pride nothing whatsoever because we are all together in this as one collectively we are together so we must have a consistent and progressive flow of the spirit especially of prophecy because prophecy is like a river like a very deep river the steamboats can come in the sump can come in the smaller boats can come in the fishing vessels can come in even cruise liners can move into that river those kind of rivers are all do as much as they do in the sea the blessing of god to have such deep rivers and big rivers because the fish from the sea will come in into the river mouth so i want to thank god this morning this morning for you so that the supernatural will explode in your life just stand to your feet wherever you are we must shut down the gates of hell and open the windows of heaven i say we must shut down the gates of hell and open the windows of heaven because in a special way the spirit of god is going to help us change the atmosphere change the spirit dynamics of people because we are empowered by the holy ghost let me close with this word for it seem good to the holy spirit and to us to lay upon you no greater burden than this essentials there is a word of god coming that is going to stop you from doing what you want to do and help you start doing what you should be start doing the spirit of revelation is coming so that you can be empowered for the task you'll not be asked to do things that you cannot do you'll be asked to do the things that the holy spirit can do through you that's why it's always according to the power that works within us according to the power now to him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all we can ask you a thing but it's always according to the power of god if god can work inside you then he can work through you if you can go deep inside then you can be higher and higher and higher you want to build a ministry they will shake the nations of the world then you got to make sure that the holy spirit is given the top place and we begin to learn from him and learn get him to teach us and begin so that the spirit of truth can begin with us the last days are going to be year month with deception so you need to hear the spirit of god hear the voice of god and be ruled by the spirit empowered by the spirit that you have no strength in you except that the holy ghost quicken your mortal body with strength from one high hallelujah i pray for generations to rise up in jesus name that something supernatural and powerful will come upon your life in the church in jesus name for this will be the day of reckoning the day to make things happen lay your hands on the sick and the sick will will be healed lay your hands on those who need to receive impartation in a very supernatural way let me read this last verse for you in mark chapter 15 16 go into all the world and verse chapter 15 sorry chapter 16 verse 15. go into all the world and preach the gospel of all to all creation the gospel of the kingdom he who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved but who is this belief will be condemned these signs will accompany those who believe in my name their castle demon you believe in his name you believe in the power of his blood the bible tells us we command the en we tell the enemy the blood of god christ has cleansed us and healed us and bought us with a prize and then we use his name jesus against the enemy who is a robber thief commonly those who believe in my name and they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongue see that this is a devotional tongue that we have that we can communicate directly with god and deal with the devil's demonic powers in his name we can pick up serpents and if they drink any deadly poison it will not hurt them they will lay hands on the sink and the sea will recover may this become your portion this year as a year of happenings that you lay hands on the sick and the sick must recover because god said you take a stand in righteousness and stay focused and begin to release the grace of god become mightily father i pray that they will cast out demons they will speak with new tongues new utterance will be given to them so that to be empowered by the holy ghost that from this the hands fall we do not have to be the tail but the head we can become the head not the tail we can become stronger and stronger and stronger until the power of the holy spirit descends upon us holy spirit come quickly and turn our hearts towards you so that we can be ready for the coming back of the lord jesus christ in a special way hallelujah thank you lord empower us this morning in jesus name amen
Channel: cristo-id
Views: 4,430
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Keywords: jonathan david, tunde bakare, ANS Muar, ISAAC Networks, Open Heaven, Steven Agustinus, Melchizedek, djonny tambunan, mitra destiny, Wisma Mulia Muar, jonathan-david.org, Christ Jesus, Apostolic, Melkisedek, Pewahyuan Kristus Yesus, Nubuatan Indonesia, Gereja Masa Depan, Jemaat Masa Depan, Move AS One, Gereja Apostolik, building church, dr tunde bakare, dr jonathan david, birthing zion, kingdom of heaven, kingdom of god, jmd, ibadh jmd bandung, prophecy indonesia
Id: Jjy78rcn7o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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