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hey guys what's going on spit bricks here back to another Lego video and lately I've been fascinated by all the astonishing creations that are constructed using Lego bricks so in this video we'll be looking at 15 of the most amazing creations machines and robots created with Lego have you ever seen a Lego robot that plays the guitar or a fully automatic Lego bricks order well you'll see those in this video plus many many more so be sure to stick around for this entire video to insure that you guys do not miss out on any of these must-see creations of course as always if you guys do go on to enjoy today's video please let me know with a like rating down below let's try and reach 2,000 likes for this video also don't forget to subscribe if you're brand new alright let's go ahead and check out the very first creation number 15 the first leg of contraption in this video you guys most likely saw as the thumbnail was created by a Japanese Lego builder named icky Yuki and he does an amazing job at creating GBC models or in other words great ball contraption models for this one he utilizes the concept of strain wave gearing which is used in industrial manufacturing is very technical in his building but overall gives a very pleasing and aesthetic visual appearance you'll notice that this machine transports the Lego balls to the gate via a stepper module followed by their motion up and around to the other side it has 16 open locations to grasp the incoming ball pieces and is all driven by a single Lego power functions motor very very cool to look at number 14 next up is a very unique Lego contraption this is the Lego paper airplane machine in fact as you guys can see this sheet of paper that goes through this Lego contraption is actually folded into a paper airplane and then shot out at the very end there are certainly some very clever engineering techniques that went into the creation of this build here and this was created by Arthur so check if the build of this model seems familiar to you you may have seen it in an advertisement during the 2016 NFL Super Bowl as it was created for Aero electronics and their ad that was running during the game the build itself is primarily constructed out of LEGO Technic and Lego Mindstorms pieces it is definitely a very creative build just like the next one we're going to check out number 13 up next is a slightly unconventional lego technic creation we all know as lego fans that sorting through your different Lego bricks can be tedious so this amazing builder from the Czech Republic name of GBC kotsky he has created this Lego sorter that will sort your bricks by color this is an automatic Lego sorter created from LEGO Technic as well as NXT bricks and motors from Lego Mindstorms now don't let the skeleton like appearance of this build distract you from how complicated it actually is it's based on a neural network which is basically a computer system or AI that can recognize and learn to perform a task based on what is pictured in this case it's color so with this bit of software programming and the addition of multiple yellow pushers blue green and red bricks could be sorted as they went down the conveyor belt it just shows an amazing potential that we have to create an even more sophisticated Lego bricks order and in fact there are a couple other versions created by other Master Builders in this video that'll show later on number 12 continuing on to the next LEGO creation we have a fully functional Lego microscope now this model was created by Carl Merriam it was actually posted on Lego ideas a very long time ago didn't reach the 10,000 supporters that it needed but I believe that it really deserves a spotlight here because this thing is very cool how this works is that it uses real Lego magnifying glass lenses and stacks a bunch of them on top of each other and in fact it can magnify an object that you put underneath the lens by 10 times which is honestly pretty strong considering that we're working with LEGO pieces here number 11 hopefully by now you guys have heard that Lego accomplished the amazing feat of creating a fully functional bugatti chiron now what's interesting here are the numbers behind it the statistics so not only is it drivable this was created in 2018 it's full scale fully functional and it cost about three million dollars to create which is honestly absurd that's more than the actual Bugatti costs it has been approximated that this bill took over thirteen thousand man-hours to complete that is a lot of time and dedication to create this model now it doesn't stop there Lego also created a lego technic McLaren Senna similar to the LEGO Technic Bugatti that was created this model of the lego speed champions set was created using 400,000 Lego bricks even the brakes are made out of Lego bricks which honestly is pretty mind-blowing when compared to the 17 Lego designers that were needed in order to make the Bugatti there was a team of 42 Lego master builders which is honestly just absurd but let's be honest both of these are absolute beauties number 10 the next LEGO creation was created by Luke 99 it is a life-sized Lego claw machine now I think everybody at some point in their childhood lives is just pretty much obsessed with these claw machine games here I mean I was there awesome to play and also well gets even better if you make it out of Lego this model in particular here was showcased at the 2019 brick world Chicago contains over 13,000 pieces and there is no glue in this model and so it is all able to be taken apart at Lucques choosing it is 130 inches wide 30 inches deep and 6 feet tall so it is a full-scale claw machine which honestly that's a really awesome accomplishment number 9 this next lego technic creation encompasses the power of gears in order to create this really cool simulation model you'll notice that we have a minifigure on some sort of bike or vehicle here and whenever they place it on the gear that is spinning it's almost as if it is in a continual loop or continual bicycle ride inside this almost looking like a hamster ball some sort of contraption is this the right way to use the word satisfying whenever you're looking at a LEGO creation I don't even know don't really like using that term all the time but hey maybe it fits for this one number eight continuing on this next Lego robot is a puzzle solver it's powered by Lego Mindstorms as always and it's able to solve Sudoku puzzles for you now if you guys haven't ever tried to solve a Sudoku puzzle I'd recommend you guys actually try it out it's very easy to learn and quite fun actually I used to do them all the time whenever I was younger however if you do happen to have this machine or you're able to build it with your LEGO pieces this one in particular here was created by Hans Anderson it basically is a robot that's able to scan the puzzle with its light sensor and utilize a simple computer algorithm to find the solution to it go row by row and manually write in each number until the puzzle has been completed number seven here's the first Lego car that was ever created this was way before the times of the Bugatti and McLaren that Lego created this one actually is a life-sized Lego car that's powered by air it was created by two creators Steve some material and raw ojeda were both creators in this 500000 LEGO brick masterpiece it runs on air and includes 256 Pistons in order to make it run it's approximately worth about $60,000 worth of bricks that were put into it and it's almost all Lego bricks in that case except for a few structural parts such as tires and gauges that you know in order for the car to work it kind of needed to be real pieces nonetheless in the fact that this was made about five years ago is a stunning feat in itself that this was even able to be created at the time and I think still to this day is still a amazing accomplishment number six this next Lego creation is certainly on the peculiar side but decided to throw it in because I thought you guys may find it kind of interesting to see the experimentation process the model was made to represent real-life drilling and mining machines and throughout the video he tests many different strategies in order to burrow into a bucket of Lego they found that a pushing mechanism using Technic arms works the best and is able to disappear into the pile of LEGO bricks which honestly was kind of interesting whenever I was watching this video so I decided to share it with you guys number five if you enjoy perfection you'll really like this LEGO creation let me introduce you to the pipe cleaner bending Lego machine this incredible Lego builder was able to utilize Lego Mindstorms as well as LEGO Technic in order to create perfect bends equidistant to each other on a pipe cleaner that is fed through the mechanism basically each angle is going to be congruent to each other and it's basically a perfect Bend every single time number four we are now approaching the top spots in today's video and believe me the creations just get crazier this one here is an accurate Lego Mindstorms digital clock name the time twister by its creator Hans Andersen we saw one of his creations earlier in this video in particular this model here utilizes two Lego Mindstorms bricks that communicate via bluetooth the main control brick operates the minute digits and keeps track of the time in order to rotate properly while the second brick was added to handle the hour digits and the second indicator something about the rotation to me is just quite mesmerizing I would certainly love to have one of these as my main clock in my room number three as I stated earlier in the video we have a second Lego bricks order to look at this one was created by the fantastic Lego creator by the name of phileo it sorts 2x4 Lego bricks in six colors including black red yellow green blue and white the ev3 color sensor can detect if there is still bricks in the queue waiting to be sorted it picks up the brick analyzes and recognized is color and then deposits the Lego brick in its correct location it even says what color it detects so listen to this you can quite literally have a companion that sorts your Lego bricks here using Lego Mindstorms pretty cool stuff number two coming in at number two on this list is a lego robot machine that can play the guitar which is honestly just crazy to think about that this is by technically possible he has a YouTube channel I'll have this video link down below and used Lego Mindstorms ev3 in order to create this model he says that it's kind of limited to what songs you can play as it does take a lot of time to set it for a particular song however the idea that you can actually do this with Lego bricks in order to play a musical instrument is honestly mind-blowing number one coming in at number one is a lego robot rubik's cube solver it's powered by Lego Mindstorms and is titled the cube stormer 3 in Birmingham England it set the new world record of 3.25 3 seconds in 2014 to completely analyze and solve a Rubik's Cube so it is definitely a very powerful machine it's powered by a Samsung device at its core with a custom app to calculate the precise movements needed to solve the cube here's also a simpler version that was built by rubik's Ryu on YouTube this one uses a color sensor infrared sensor and a servo motor in order to solve the Rubik's cubes puzzle here this one goes a lot slower so you can kind of see how it moves and also just the overall engineering of this amazing device here and that's gonna wrap up today's video be sure to comment down below which one of these Lego creations was your guys's favorite be sure to let me know also subscribe to the channel if you guys are brand new leave a like if you enjoyed and check out one of the videos on screen right now I'm Spit bricks and I'll see you guys in the next video coming very soon
Channel: SpitBrix
Views: 2,333,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, SpitBrix, lego creations, legos, lego machines, most incredible lego creations, 10 Mind-Bending LEGO Technic Creations, lego robot, lego ninjago, ninjago, lego star wars, lego moc, amazing lego creations, amazing lego machines, creations, lego creation, lego 2020, lego 2020 sets, lego sets, lego technic, lego mindstorms, lego technic creations, lego mindstorms ev3, technic lego, mindstorms, technic, mechanical, lego machine, lego guitar, robot, engineering
Id: 1AwrYtzNeOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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