15 Kids Who Were Raised By Wild Animals

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15 kids who were raised by wild animals you might have seen the movie tarzan about the man who was raised by gorillas or the jungle book about a boy raised by wolves these fictional childhood stories captivated us and maybe you thought they were true perhaps you wondered what it would be like to grow up in the wild and have animals as family members from the kid raised by a snake to the woman raised by monkeys here are the 15 kids who were raised by wild animals number 15. the kid raised by a snake a young boy in cambodia has a special friend named jim rowan who is a 15-foot long python the seven-year-old yorn sambath regularly sleeps with the female snake plays with her and even kisses her apparently they found the snake when she was just the size of a thumb when sambith was just a couple of months old when they found her curled up beneath their bed they brought her to some bushes near a river but not two weeks later she had returned they decided to keep her letting yarn sambath grow up with her they even let them sleep together in a [ __ ] now a strong bond has formed between the boy and his pet and the family has become a tourist attraction and source of wonder for people just 12 miles out of phnom penh the capital of cambodia many come to see the python and witness the love that is shared between her and yworn sambath for many it is unbelievable until they witness it with their own eyes while others might be worried for the boy's safety and the safety of the village kim kanara the boy's mother is not since she believes that cham rowan is there to protect them and her son since before he was born she dreamt that this would happen before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping number 14. the kid raised by dogs in ukraine oxena malaya sought shelter in the dog kennel one night after her drunk parents forgot about her outside for five years from the time she was three years old to when she was found at the age of eight she essentially lived with dogs only going into her parents house on occasion the dogs loved her gave her food sheltered her and in return she became like them she would eat raw meat would crawl around on all fours and bark just like dogs when someone called the police about oxana and her human family the dogs tried to protect her from them pulling at their chains and aggressively barking she was then taken away from both her human family and the dog she lived with she had forgotten how to walk on two legs and she couldn't speak this worried doctors because research shows that if children aren't exposed to the spoken language by the time they are five they might never learn but when she was moved into an orphanage she learned to walk like a human and to everyone's surprise learned to speak luckily she had developed some rudimentary language before moving out to the dog kennel it seemed like she would be able to live a somewhat normal life number 13. the kid raised by monkeys remember how we mentioned the jungle book well meet mowgli 2.0 this is the story of a young girl who was found in the jungle of india's uttar pradesh near the border of nepal living with a group of monkeys while she was fully clothed when found no one knows how she came to live with the wild animals or how long she was with them at eight years old she walks on all fours and does not know how to talk she was discovered by a sub-inspector while he was on his routine patrol in katarnigat wildlife sanctuary when he tried to rescue her she and her family members screamed at him it was clear that she did not want to go and was comfortable where she was finally able to get her they brought her to a hospital where it became clear that she was terrified of humans as they were unable to comfort her there she has been trying to learn how to be a girl she can't eat off a plate but is trying to learn to speak and walk number 12. the cambodian jungle woman after almost a decade of living with the wrong family a cambodian woman who was believed to have spent almost 18 years living in the jungle tak went missing in 2006. when a cambodian family found her in 2007 they believed her to be their long-lost daughter raham penjang who went missing in 1989 when she was eight after a day of herding water buffalo people called her jungle woman since they believed that she had survived for so long in the wilderness unfortunately the girl they found was not their daughter and had only been missing for about a year however she still struggled to readjust to everyday life often dismissing her clothes and trying to return to the jungle she also didn't like sleeping in their family home in 2016 her biological father came forward with proof that she was his daughter and went missing in 2006. she was found scavenging naked and covered in mud while it is nice to know that she was reunited with her true family it is sad to know that the people that originally found her and took her in still haven't found their biological daughter number 11 tippy degree in the wilds of africa there was a little girl who instead of reading about the different animals roaming the continent befriended them tippy degray was born in namibia on june 4th in 1990. her parents were wildlife photographers and filmmakers who exposed her to things that most children can only watch on tv or read about in books over the 10 years that she lived in southern africa she spent time with a 28 year old elephant named abu a leopard named j and b lions giraffes abandoned mongoose an ostrich meerkats a cheetah a caracal numerous snakes a giant bullfrog and chameleons her life sounds like a storybook fairy tale that so many young kids dreamt about she loved her life so much that she wanted to share her stories with the world so in the year 2000 when she was 10 years old she wrote a novel about her time growing up with all her animal friends and the tribe's people that she lived with the sans bushmen and the himbus she currently lives in paris living the life of a typical teenager number 10. dina sanachar here is another story that is eerily similar to the fictional jungle book dina sanachar was found by a group of hunters one day in india when they saw him running on all fours in front of a pack of wolves they captured him and brought him back to civilization at six years old he was taken away from the wolves and brought to an orphanage where father erhard baptized him and gave him his name he had no language skills but was able to make animal noises he also only ate meat and would sharpen his teeth with bones while he didn't really care to connect with most humans he did form a bond with another feral child at the orphanage the child psychologist who studied sanitar said that after children grow up in the wild they struggle to connect with anything other than animals he thinks that it was only natural for the boy to bond with someone who was going through the same thing as him they were able to learn together and teach each other both trying to adjust to a different way of life number nine amala and kamala a century ago in an orphanage near midnapore india two girls howled at the moon just like wolves amala and kamala were called wolf children by their caretaker who believes they were raised by wolves she described them as human but they didn't act like humans at the beginning of september 1921 these girls had been living in the orphanage for almost a year amala had been diagnosed with a stomach malady after her fever skyrocketed and kamala found her dead the morning of september 21st kamala didn't understand what was wrong with amala and tried to wake her up several times even trying to drag her out of the bed she opened her eyelids with her fingers and parted her lips so she could breathe but nothing this was the only time that kamala was said to have cried she went through amala's things smelling them as if she was looking for something and couldn't find it over the next several years kamala continued to live as normal a life she could but in 1928 her health took a serious turn she was just about 16 and the doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong she died on november 14 1929 number eight monkey boy found among a group of chimpanzees a mentally impaired boy named bello died in 2005 after living almost his entire life either living with monkeys or acting like one he was rescued in 1996 after spending nearly a year with the chimps in falgore forest in northern nigeria it was suspected that his parents who were thought to be a part of the fulani tribe abandoned him there not wanting to raise him since he had little to no experience with humans he couldn't speak he walked like a chimp and despised wearing clothes and instead of speaking he made chimp-like noises he didn't trust anyone because he didn't know any better all he knew was life as a chimp after being rescued he was taken to a school while he was welcomed to the school where teachers tried to help him learn and to be a human everyone was afraid of him and he of them he never really adjusted to normal life and struggled to communicate never learning to speak number 7. john cebunya john cebunya lived with his parents in uganda until he was two or three years old during a time of brutal civil war in the 1980s it is believed that jon's father killed his mother and as a result john led to the jungle some think that this actually saved him from becoming a child soldier he lived with the vervet monkeys deprived of human contact for six months up to one year years after he was rescued he recalled the time he first encountered the animals he said that he was alone for a few days before they approached him and offered him something to eat in the beginning they were very cautious around him but once they realized he wasn't a threat they let him join their group he traveled around the jungle with them as they taught him how to climb trees and find food when he was finally found people thought that he was a monster because he had hair growing all over his face and body almost like a monkey he also acted just like his furry family however when his body hair was shaved off it never grew back he currently lives in an orphanage run by a ugandan couple and has made amazing progress while he can't always clearly communicate he functions at a kindergarten level he loves running and even entered the ugandan special olympics finding his passion in the sport number six vanya yuden the russian bird boy while not raised in the wild vanya yuden was raised as a bird by his mother in karovsky russia he grew up in a small apartment that was also filled with dozens of birds and everything that comes along with them the bird feed droppings and cages he was rescued by social workers who described his treatment as just like any other pet that belonged to his 31 year old mother his mother never spoke to him so his only exposure to communication was the birds that he shared his home with so he would chirp instead of speak thinking that he too was a bird even though he technically was never physically abused or abandoned in the wild he still suffers from what some psychologists say is the mowgli syndrome a condition named after the jungle book story this syndrome describes children who live like wild animals he temporarily lived in an asylum before being transferred to a more permanent psychological care this tragic story shows that you don't need to live in the wilderness in order to be raised wild number 5. trian calderar the romanian dog boy found in 2002 at the age of seven trian calderar was brought to a hospital in phagus romania after being found in the wild the surgeon knew it was clear he had never been in a social environment such as this as he was standing in an animal-like fashion it was determined that he had lived in the wilderness for about three years after being the survivor of domestic violence his mother reported that she was constantly beaten by trian's father and even though she loved him and cared for him she believes that he ran away because of the abuse they both suffered when he ran away she assumed that he was adopted by another family and had no idea that he had been living alone in the wilderness for so long after some time spent with people he started to behave more and more like a human being and began to trust people number four peter the wild boy you may have heard of the pied piper legend well a boy was found in the woods near hamelin which is the town of said legend he was born in 1713 and was originally from hanover in northern germany most of his family details are unknown and he was living as a feral child for an unknown length of time he survived on the forest flora walked on all fours and was entirely uncivilized it is thought that he suffered from a rare genetic disorder called pitt hopkins syndrome when he was found by king george the first and a party of hunters he was brought back to kensington palace where he spent time as a sort of pet they found him fascinating as his behavior was extremely intriguing eventually they grew bored of him and he was sent to a farm in burke hampstead to live out the rest of his years he loved his life on the farm loving being around nature at the school in the town there's a caller that peter wore when he lived at the farm it may look like a torture device but instead it is engraved with a note saying that he was peter and if he was found to bring him back to the farm he often liked to run around in the forest sometimes losing his way he lived into his 80s at the farm and his gravestone still stands it reads peter the wild boy and is still often adorned with flowers from people who want to remember him number 3 marcos rodriguez when marcos rodriguez was three years old his mother died giving birth to his sibling who died shortly after his father got remarried and they moved to fuencaliente ciudad real in the sierra morena in the 1950s his new stepmother who had a child from another marriage mistreated and abused marcos by the year 1954 all marcos knew was abuse and he was sold and delivered to a local goat herder he was only seven years old and was supposed to act as the landowner slave but somehow he was abandoned to nature during the delivery more than 10 years later in 1965 the civil guard discovered he was living in complete isolation from people and had made a home with a pack of wolves the civil guard forced marcos to come home to his father who became angry with him for losing his jacket he was taught by local nuns to speak to dress normally and to eat with utensils but eventually he was brought to a hospital in madrid where he lived until adulthood when he was initially reintroduced to society he was sent to mallorca to live at the hostel trading work for a place to stay at different points during his life he served in the military and worked as a pastor number 2 vicente cow-cow pumas are notoriously dangerous creatures and it is hard to imagine someone being able to live near them let alone be raised by them but this is the case with vicente caucau he was a feral child from chile he was found in 1948 at the age of 12 when people started to notice their chickens going missing since pumas were common in the area they suspected the wild cat however there were also strange marks on the udders of their cows almost like something was desperately trying to get milk the police in the area were charged with solving the mystery and they had no idea what they would find they were shocked to discover that a boy who walked on all fours and ran like a wild cat was the culprit he lived in the wild and was allegedly raised by the pumas brought back into society he was studied by psychiatrists and he was taunt to live like a man once he tried to escape back to the forest but was found the next day he recently died of old age when he was 74. number one the woman raised by monkeys the colombian-born british woman named marina chapman is somewhat famous for her claim that she lived during her early childhood alone in the jungle with a colony of capuchin monkeys she was born around the year of 1950 and she says that when she was 5 years old she was taken from her village and abandoned for reasons she did not know or understand she supposedly lived for the next seven years with the monkeys until a group of hunters found and rescued her at this point she was not able to speak she was sold to a brothel lived on the streets and was a slave for a mafia family until her neighbor rescued her from the wilds of society when she was around 14 years old she was adopted by the woman's daughter and was sent to be her children's nanny in bradford england this is where she has lived since the year 1983. she eventually married a scientist in the area and wrote an autobiography called the girl with no name her daughter vanessa was involved in the creation of the book which was rejected by several publishers who didn't believe it was authentic she still lives in bradford with her husband and two children now that you have heard the stories of children raised by wild animals what do you think it truly means to be human also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 291,422
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Keywords: raised, kids, wild, animals, wolves, jungle, chimpanzee, capuchin, spain, siberia, bello, chapman, lists, therichest, wild animals, raised by animals, feral children, raised by wolves, children raised by animals, feral child, raised by dogs, education, facts, viral, kids who were raised by wild animals, kids who were raised by the wild, feral kid, dog girl, werewolf boy, jungle kids, video, new, entertainment, kid friendly, family friendly, jungle book, raised in the wild, raised by monkeys
Id: zet90ZeAQaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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