15 Instant KARMA Moments Caught On Camera

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from a sports car that gets a reality check to the righteous vengeance of the sign police let's see 15 Instant Karma moments caught on camera number 15 yellow Lamborghini we are doing our best not to make any kind of sweeping generalizations or judgments about those that are able to own a sports car but well they probably shouldn't be allowed on the same roads as us mere mortals if you agree with the wildly biased statement I just made you'll love this video after buying a brand-new and very visible yellow Lamborghini this guy got his friend to record the very first journey he made out on the city streets almost immediately upon getting caught in traffic a police motorcycle happens to pull up right beside the car the universe's way of ensuring perfect karma and strict observance of the speed limit there's something hilarious about the absolutely perfect comic timing of the car getting caught in traffic with a police motorcycle which leads me to conclude that god has a fantastic sense of humor there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that this yellow Lamborghini was bought with the purpose of speeding through the city at some kind of absurd dangerous and probably illegal speed all of that only makes this video extremely satisfying to watch before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number fourteen no turns allowed when a sign tells you not to do something you probably should take an out like its cousins wet floor thin ice and do not eat the fake fruit no turns is a serious warning designed to prevent you from making some poor decisions although the fake fruit might be a little more gut-wrenching take a look at this clip and you'll see exactly what I mean a man is driving behind a car which has already decided it's not going to follow the advice of some stupid sign that's trying to tell him what to do thankfully it doesn't go according to plan as this genius begins to make the illegal turn a police car waiting across the street turns in behind him lights flashing it's the kind of Instant Karma that makes you glad to be alive at the same time as complete and utter morons isn't it the lesson of this incident is to always listen to the signs you never know when the sign police are just waiting around the corner and you do not wants to go to prison because you didn't read the sign and spent the entire buffet throwing up wax fruit sorry I kind of lost my train of thought there on to the next one number thirteen slippery ice you don't have to apologize for it there's something naturally hilarious about people falling over no matter what the circumstances whether it's ice a wet floor or just a good old-fashioned dose of poor coordination but be careful next time you laugh Karma's waiting this guy was out for a walk with this dog in sub-zero New York City temperatures when it happens as his dog begins sprinting towards his beloved owner he slips and cannot stop himself from falling onto his side as his dog eventually gets back on his feet the camera guy can be heard laughing Tisa laughing of course until he falls on his ass bet it wasn't so funny then eh it's the kind of thing you'd see from a distance and find absolutely hysterical but if it was you it's not funny it's not funny at all well it is a little funny I don't think it's humanly possible to navigate a strip of ice without falling and this video is yet more proof that we should all try not to get too cocky you may have good hand-eye coordination but you also have a butt you can fall on number 12 dog versus kid a human's relationship with a dog is a truly special bond made up of love affection and warmth and the occasional bit of frustration if you throw a kid into the mix that frustration may well become more of a frequent aspect of that relationship the parents know what I'm talking about in this clip we see two dogs enjoying a nice relaxing time at the beach but this little girl is clearly bored and wants to play as evidenced by her no doubt a very annoying playful qex it's easy to see how this could go very very wrong if either of these dogs were even slightly aggressive but instead we get a really creative solution to dealing with an annoying child with the girl gone he settles back into his position and enjoys the quiet time that is a smart dog dogs are beautiful animals filled up with so much love and affection but even they have their limits let your pups have their quiet relaxation time if you don't see you may get sand right to the face number 11 Brady cat curiosity killed the cat cats can sometimes show great curiosity when it comes to unfamiliar objects places or animals but that curiosity can come at a price here's an example a mom and her young daughter are looking at a new Halloween candy ball when their pet kitty comes up to see what all the fuss is about huge mistake as the cat starts sniffing around this odd little plastic ball the green hand inside snaps down frightening the cat so much that it can't spring off the table fast enough to be fair if I was checking out that bowl and the hand moved I would probably be on top of the refrigerator so I'm not sure we can be too hard on this cat in this case thankfully curiosity did not kill the cat it just gave him quite a shock that I'm sure he didn't forget in a hurry in fact he's probably been plotting his revenge for months imagine all the dead birds that family's gonna have lying around upset the cats at your own risk number 10 insulting the doc I would hope that most of us know not to go around commenting on people's weight that also goes for animals you don't want to call a hippo fat that thing will destroy you for it however sometimes you can't control what children are going to say which usually leads to this this video shows a very brave child telling his intimidating-looking dog that he's fat over and over again I mean honestly you already know this is going to get ugly and I don't think anybody will disagree that this kid had it coming frustrated by the constant comments about his weight the dog begins gently pushing the kid away fighting his pants leg and lifting it so the kid trips up the dog actually steps away when the owner decides that the dog has gone too far despite the fact that he stayed silent while his kid provoked and insulted the dog but when the child gets up again the dog hilariously pushes him back down if you go around commenting on people or animals wait what do you expect is going to happen I think most of us are just surprised the dog was so restrained in its response number 9 the tumble pranks are always a great idea until they're not it's incredible how just one little mistake can turn a hilarious joke on someone else into a prank on yourself and when you prank yourself well it's hard to think of anything more embarrassing this guy decided to pull one of the old classics of prank hood on his brother pull the chair away before they sent and then as they fall over but I don't imagine he expected it to go like this take a look at the footage and see if you can pinpoint the moment that everything goes horribly wrong just as his brother is about to sit down the guy pulls the chair so far so good but as his brother begins his tumble down the hillside he grabs on to the pranksters flimsy chair pulling him down too and sending both of their beers flying as they go rolling the vase is a prime example of pure Karma a prank gone horribly wrong thanks to a complete lack of general thought anybody with half a brain could see this happening but I guess that's what happens when you take a few beers out onto a hill number 8 no bowling shoes while they may not be the most attractive of shoes bowling shoes exist for a reason those lanes are continuously greased you try and run down one of those barefoot you are probably going to end up waxing the thing with your face that's not far off of what this woman did the video shows a woman taking her turn on the alley and we should say in advance that we have no idea if she's drunk but if she isn't drunk then she's a very unique woman the video shows the woman adopting the Running Start strategy getting a little run up before she lets go off the ball unfortunately she seems to have forgotten how to stop and ends up halfway down the alley before she slips and falls on her back and very almost hits herself with the ball the reason no bowling shoes there's a lesson here kids when you ignore or otherwise break the safety rules that have been established you're playing with fire especially if you're drunk or have a male friend holding an empty bottle of wine nearby stay safe kids don't drink and bowl and wear your bowling shoes for goodness sake number 7 truck driver doesn't yield we've all seen enough news stories to know that big semi-trucks can be incredibly dangerous and even fatal if they're not being driven safely which really just makes a video like this all the more satisfying bad drivers we're coming for you the dashcam video shows the driver planning to turn onto the i-5 when a huge fast-moving semi truck blows right through the yield sign luckily the driver of the car managed to stop in time to avoid a major car accident but the whole thing gets even better the police car behind the driver witnessed the entire thing and immediately begins pursuing this huge semi with its sirens blazing instant satisfying karma just seconds later we see the semi being pulled over by the police car and probably resulting in the driver losing even more of the precious time and money he thought he had gained from speeding through that yield sign trucks and other vehicles of this nature are incredibly dangerous things capable of causing some serious and devastating accidents the pride disposal company won't be looking at this one with much joy I'm sure number 6 baby hits mom sometimes you just want to clap your hands and enjoy yourself without interruption but that can prove an unrealistic dream when you're a young child with enthusiastic parents then it's just wishful thinking apparently this footage shows a young child enjoying a little bit of applause when her mother begins making kissy faces as if asking her young daughter for a kiss but the child is having none of it preferring to keep clapping instead of fulfilling her mother's wish and giving her a kiss she slaps her mom in the cheek and continues clapping well it's nice that she continued pursuing her dreams at least right I think the lesson here is if a child is clapping you should just let them get on with it and not push your face between their hands or just I don't know ask your child for a kiss instead of interrupting their happy time while this is not a typical Karma moment it's what happens when you interrupt a child while she is very clearly enjoying herself you just don't interrupt applause number five dog won't bathe you can't make an animal or a human do anything that it doesn't want to do that's basic decency right well there comes a point in everybody's week when those people around us say man you stink which brings us to this video the video captures the difficult process of getting a massive dog into the bathtub for a much-needed shower the only problem that dog didn't want a shower and it will do anything to avoid it you can't make a dog of this size do something it doesn't want to do which is why pretty much the whole video consists of the owner desperately trying to gain some control over the situation but as always if there's a dog involved the dog will somehow gain control they're usually either strong or adorable but they will always win sometimes you have to push someone to do something they don't want to do but in this instance the dog was extremely unwilling to go through with it and boy did it make that clear this poor woman was probably exhausted after this number four body cuts up tractor here is a timely reminder for any driver just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should and for all of those that have ever been cut up by someone who thought they could get away with it you're going to like this this video was captured by a tractor trailers - camera so it's worth remembering that the events in this video happened at a much closer range than it seems the video shows a Noddy pulling off an audacious move right before the New Jersey Turnpike ramp effectively cutting up the tractor trailer at a hazardous point thankfully the universe delivered some wonderful karma in the form of a waiting police car across the turning who witnessed the whole thing the officer immediately turns on the sirens and pulls over the ADI god that's so good to watch isn't it the ADI driver made quite a few errors here but the biggest one is probably the fact that they genuinely thought they would be able to get away with it just because they had a fancier or more expensive vehicle well thankfully the police don't care about that so much number three girl lifts bro you don't need a youtube video to tell you that working out is hard it's exhausting it hurts you look ugly while you do it outside of the health and aesthetic benefits the positive effect on mental health and general all-around goodness it's the worst wait what are we talking about again we have no idea what this girl did to deserve this but either she ticked someone off or the universe has been keeping a close eye on her watch as she prepares to do some kind of exercise with these weights look I never claimed to be an expert after getting some weights above her shoulders she begins to push up only to half the whole thing go horribly wrong free tip from a non expert when the weights fall off the pole something has gone very wrong realistically speaking she was quite lucky that this happened the way it did how do those weights press down on her spine like it almost did she would have been extremely injured admittedly a video like this doesn't much help to combat the unfair and inaccurate stereotype of women lifting weights but we'll chalk this one up to Karma whatever she did the universe balanced it by unbalancing it number two booster versus boy let this be a lesson you shouldn't need do not kick or kick near animals especially if they have wings and /or are bigger than you it's not going to end well for you and if you're a drunk you should consider this life-or-death advice this amusing video shows the moment this little guy learned that very lesson on what looks like a hot summer day on a rural farm a young boy begins kicking near a rooster as if to make it shoo or move quickly but when the first kick doesn't do anything he tries again Edmund does he get a reaction the rooster immediately launches at him frightening the kid enough that he drops his drink and Sprint's away can you blame him we've all seen what birds are capable of Hitchcock did a whole movie about it but the rooster wasn't finished the video goes on to show the crying boy being chased by the rooster well he might have deserved this while we hope nobody has to be told not to kick or kick near animals this video is definitely a good example of why that lesson is so crucial number one man dances for dog dad dancing is a thing whether you father's out there want to believe it or not there are hundreds of thousands of children out there completely mortified by your incredible lack of ability to move four limbs in a synchronized rhythm and that figure also includes dogs apparently this hilarious clip shows an older man demonstrating his frankly questionable dancing for his dog presumably hoping to impress or get the dog to join in instead he gets quite a shock the dog launches with such an aggressive force that the guy Sprint's away with a scream that I can only describe as comedy perfection I think it's fair to say that the dog was not a fan we have no idea what happened after the video but chances are the guy didn't come out of that room for a good few hours we know that Dad dancing is not something that necessarily deserves karma but I think most embarrassed kids and spouses will say that anything that stops it is a good thing this dog is nothing short of a hero which of these Instant Karma moments was your favorite let us know in the comments also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Amerikano
Views: 863,390
Rating: 4.5461164 out of 5
Keywords: instant karma, instant karma compilation, instant justice, karma, instant, caught on camera, caught, instant karma videos, caught on video, instant regret, instant karma moments, instant karma caught on camera, justice, instant justice compilation, road rage, instant karma fails, fail, fails compilation, moments, karma compilation, dash cam, wtf moments, karma moments, epic moments, instant regret moments, dash camera, caught on tape, cam, when karma strikes
Id: W3HFPP1mdy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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