15 GIANT Animals You Didn't Know Existed!

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not all animals are as cute as a kitten as small as a hamster or as loving as a dog mother nature's coughed up some crazy creations in her time and the humble cosmic rock that we call home also houses a great many creatures that go bump in the night some animals are utter behemoths towering over us mere humans enough to make us quite rightly quake in our boots these are giant animals you didn't know existed number 15 thrilled shark I don't know about you but the very thought of meeting up with a shark keeps me out of the ocean with thoughts of their razor-sharp teeth racing through my head I'll happily leave those encounters to someone else Thanks aside from its frightening appearance the frilled shark is known as a living fossil it lives in the deep dark depths of the ocean floor and closely resembles lord voldemort's deadly snake companion Nagini from the harry potter series with a head like a lizard and a body like an eel this thing is ugly not much is known about the frilled shark even why it's called one at first glance you wouldn't think it was a shark however it's recommended as one because of its internal structure gills around the throat make it look more like a sea serpent and the red fringe around them is what led to its name a monster of a creature it has 300 teeth aligned in 25 rows and if that's now weird enough they all face backwards it must make eating difficult not only that but they also lack fins meaning they hover rather than swim now that I would love to see from a safe distance of course even though frilled sharks aren't the biggest animals in the world do consider the size of it in this picture compare the kid to this horrifying looking thing it's pretty gigantic and he asked me if I ever see one while swimming then consider me gone before we go on we have a cool challenge for y'all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic deep-sea gigantism is a unique phenomenon that sees underwater critters grow to impossible and terrifying proportions one of the more common examples are giant squids which can grow to truly tremendous sizes recent estimates put the maximum size at 33 feet for males this photo here shows the corpse of one that washed up on a beach terrifying the poor on lookers they say they were terrified but we think they should be grateful at least the thing wasn't alive what do you think as always comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number fourteen giant squid with so many supernatural monsters spirits and demons in Japanese folklore the surprise visitor on Christmas Eve 2015 had residents wondering if their eyes were deceiving them a real-life sea monster was spotted by visitors chilling out on a pier overlooking the water in Toyama Bay in central Japan measuring 12 feet long the monster was a giant red and white squid taking a quick dip in the bay much to the visitors surprise it turns out that although giant the little chapel is merely a juvenile squid and at almost for readers quite small considering they can grow up to 13 meters giant squids normally spend their lives in the depths of the open so to be able to get so up close and personal to one was more of a treat than a terrifying experience in fact they're normally found washed up on the shore after they have died in 2004 in 2012 Japanese researchers were able to get images of these live giants by luring them up to the camera however the researchers had to make the journey several thousand feet below the surface one of the Toyama bay visitors was diver akka Nobu Kimura he's simply jumped in the water with his submersible camera and obtained video footage that has been described as the most detailed and up-close viewing of a live giant squid yet a bold move Kimura lived to tell the tale saying his curiosity was way bigger than his fear luckily it all turned out well for both diver and squid with the giant fella disappearing out to sea not long after the encounter number 13 the Chinese giant salamander what looks like an oversized Mexican walking fish the Chinese giant salamander is so critically endangered it's facing extinction the largest amphibian in the world they grow up to two metres long and are very rare in the wild millions are kept in captivity but they're not the easiest creature look after there are three species with the South China being the largest each requires targeted and separate conservation management to save them from dying out altogether according to zoologist Samuel turvy of London UK and his colleagues those left in the wild must be located and species specific breeding programs introduced they have analyzed DNA taken from liver muscle and bone samples of 41 of the salamanders to help them find out more about the mysterious species the genetic analysis showed that the three species were separated between 3.1 and 2.4 million years ago this period coincides with the rising up of the Tibetan Plateau which could have isolated the giant salamander population today they are extensively moved around by Chinese farmers making it difficult to determine their origin of those caught in the wild some may have escaped from farms or been deliberately released but it's believed that the original population has been almost completely wiped out number twelve Nomura's jellyfish measuring almost two meters across and as heavy as a male lion it's hard to believe this jellyfish is just six months old the size of a child's palm at first the new more a jellyfish is now larger than an adult human with no bones to nourish no complex organs to maintain and very little energy wasted on swimming the Nomura jellyfish his sole purpose is to grow drifting with the currents and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake this deadly creature prefers plankton to people and is only responsible for the loss of eight human lives because of their size humans are not on the numerous menu although large they have tiny mouths and that's plural yes these jellyfish have hundreds of mouths mouths so tiny they're virtually invisible to the naked eye imagine how handy that would be in an all-you-can-eat buffet well known for their green the species costs Japanese fisheries serious damage each year with many looking at ways to turn this invasion into a resource and the bad news is these guys are multiplying their sudden population explosion has been linked to climate change and overfishing number 11 blue whale the fact that these giant mammals are larger than dinosaurs doesn't mean much really considering none of us were alive to see the comparison so let's talk about numbers instead an adult blue whale can weigh up to 190 tons and measure just over 30 metres long to put that into perspective the largest mammal on earth is bigger than 25 elephants or 115 giraffes today there are between 10,000 and 25,000 blue whales left in the ocean this may sound like a lot but it's not enough to save them from extinction until the end of the 19th century blue whales were abundant in nearly all oceans on unfortunately they were almost hunted to extinction by whalers until the practice was banned by the International Whaling Commission in 1967 the Commission estimates that between 1868 and 1967 almost 400,000 blue whales had been caught in whalers nets between the male and the female the female is the larger of the two their bodies however are long and slender and instead of blue as you would expect they're a slightly darker shade of grayish blue on the top and somewhat lighter underneath with a diet that consists almost entirely of krill the blue whale obviously isn't a fussy eater number ten giant sea lizard with countless razor-sharp teeth and dull green eyes this deep-sea predator would make a great addition to any horror movie forget our mechanical shark friend Bruce from Jaws this bottom-dwelling lizard fish has a reputation for making almost anything in its path dinner the ocean is home to many spectacular sea urchins including the beautiful purple orb glowing UFO jellyfish and googly eyed squid but the giant sea lizard doesn't care not fussy it devours them all and starts looking for more a rather bizarre species at home in Australia's eastern abyss the sea lizard is an ambush predator lying in wait for its unsuspecting prey hunting a depths of between 3,000 to over 8,500 feet this terrifying monster of the deep is largely just a mouth with a tail and one bite from its razor-sharp hinged teeth and there's no escape it eats anything and everything it comes across including other lizard fish fortunately they have both male and female reproductive organs so there's no issue when it comes to reproduction whether this is good news or not I'll leave up to you to decide number 9 dragon fish to be honest this fish doesn't even look real not only is it extremely long but it's also really flat I can't imagine how difficult it must be to navigate its own body let alone the ocean this giant oarfish washed up in the Philippines in 2016 with many residents very excited by its beaching Albay in fact the locals were ecstatic as it's very rare to see an oarfish because middle pop up very often these strange creatures resemble sea serpents but much about them remains a true mystery of the deep the dead fish measured four meters long and weighed 50 kilograms and while it is the largest or fish to hit Philippine shores it is by no means the biggest ever seen in 2013 California's Catalina Island played host to a five point five meter specimen that washed up dead on the beach but the record stands at a whopping 11 meters speculation is rife as to why they sporadically wash up dead on the shore some believe their unusual body shape means they're easily injured where others suggest changing currents and shifting distribution of their food source is to blame for forcing them to spend more time in the shallows number eight world's biggest bad no you're not watching a scene from Hotel Transylvania this is real life and as scary as they appear these bats are completely harmless the largest bat species in the world with a wingspan of a massive 1.5 meters across the flying fox can be identified by their fox-like faces long wings large strong claws and unique behavior because they don't wear deodorant like us humans these bats have a distinctive body odor but unlike ours theirs has a purpose the special odor allows them to communicate with each other during the mating season when pregnant the females form their own colony they give birth after 40 days and in two to three months their pups are fully developed and left to fend for themselves they make parenting sounds so easy masters of disguise the bats contrasting colors help them mingle with the environment unseen by predators prying eyes while they sleeps throughout the day mainly nocturnal these enormous bats spend their evenings traveling with most able to cover 40 kilometres a night they don't spend the whole time flying however as they occasionally stop to find food the flying fox is mostly found in the tropical rainforests of the philippines and east a usually seeking the shelter of tall leafless trees and deep caves number seven world's largest Eagle Eagles are gracious birds of prey known for their strength power and persistence used as national symbols in many countries such as the United States and Japan Eagles can be found at the very top of the food chain no surprises there experts at hunting prey and surviving the harshest weather conditions these heavily built birds have had scientists and researchers fascinated for years now extinct the Hoth's eagle was the biggest eagle in the world with a wingspan of three meters and was one of the most ferocious predators of its time preying on flightless birds like the MOA which was up to fifteen times its weight in fact the continuous decline of these birds led to the haast extinction the giant eagle weighed up to 17 point eight kilograms and was considered one of the largest known true Raptors today the largest living evil is the golden eagle that has a wingspan of up to 220 centimeters for 2.2 meters considerably smaller than its giant ancestor number 6 world's biggest dog The Alibi not the type that gets you out of a sticky situation but the canine type is a loyal friend and companion no real surprise is there but what you might not know is that this special breed is one of the world's biggest weighing in at a whopping 120 kilograms and standing at over 2 liters on its hind legs this dog is larger than the average man with a history that dates back many thousands of years The Alibi has adopted many traits from its ancestors including its height and weight with a powerful physique broad well-developed chest and large fangs this dog presents an imposing figure but don't be fooled it's really just a big softie at heart fiercely protective of their owners they're also patient and calm and don't act rashly popular guard dogs and working dogs The Alibi is strong and fast and as a keen eye that can accurately analyze a situation making them perfect for a protective duties number five the redtail catfish with its only similarity to a cat being the whisker type features on its head the catfish is a delicious tasting River fish mainly found in the Amazon in 2013 a redtail catfish was caught in the Illinois River during the annual hams reading an AAV welding catfish tornament fishermen allenham jr. was at first confused by his unusual catch texting one of the organizers asking because this the fish expert was consulted and an Amazon red-tailed catfish was the reply said to reach weights of up to 180 pounds the fish are easily recognized by the bright red markings on their tails and fins believed to have come from somebody's aquarium the red-tailed catfish was a rare find but it's not the only time one of these big cats has been found in the u.s. others have been found in Florida Nebraska Missouri Tennessee and Texas but the Amazon is considered the catfish capital of the world with more turning up there than anywhere else in fact there are over 3,000 different species of fish that occur in the Amazon and almost half of them are catfish with 15 families including over 1,300 species some Amazon catfish are bottom dwellers some nocturnal some are parasites and some are roving predators with the biggest caught weighing a massive 134 kilograms now that's one big cat even if it's not of the four-legged variety number four big then a majestic creature with a mind of its own there's nothing quite like the freedom owning a horse can provide simply saddle up if you so choose and ride off into the sunset but imagine if our horse weave 3000 pounds you would be hoping it was a docile chaplain well this six year old lad coned by Cheri van TESL and Charles a dad perfectly fits the bill not only is he well loved by his owners but he is also gentle and patient with childrens big benton lives at haddad farm in Great Barrington Massachusetts in 2008 Cherie and Charles took him to a plan in Kanaan Connecticut where there is a platform they weigh concrete trucks on up steps Big Bend and his owners were overjoyed with the result hoping they were trying to make him into a bodybuilder at 3,000 pounds or 1300 60 kilograms there is no mistaken this boy is big the Belgian gelding stands 19.2 hands at the shoulder slightly shorter than the world's tallest horse radar who at 10 years old stands 19.3 hands or 6 feet 7 inches tall radar is however quite a lot lighter than Big Ben and weighing in at just 2,400 pounds the heaviest horse on record however is a Belgian stallion named Brooklyn super II who tipped the scales at 3,200 pounds no matter Big Ben with his gleaming reddish coat and blazing flaxen mane is a stunning specimen and the pride and joy of his owners who offer Big Ben of the Berkshires tours at their farm number 3 rolls with horns the N Cola 2z one can only imagine how difficult it is to carry around a headgear that these horrible each day do we like wearing a crown but without the title and the life of privilege that goes with it best known for the very large horns that adorn their heads the end call WA to Z is believed to have ancestral origins dating back as far as 4000 BC the longhorn cattle first established themselves in the Nile Valley in ancient Egypt in fact they even appear in photos of Egyptian pyramids the Egyptian descendant migrated to Ethiopia and then further down the continent breeding with the Longhorns EMU to eventually form the ankle Watusi we see today throughout India Pakistan Africa America and Europe the first herd in America was recorded in 1960 and an international registry was set up in 1983 at last count in 2016 there was approximately 1500 head of the breed with 80% of those farmed in the United States considers this showstoppers of the bovine world these elegant and graceful cattle are usually red in color with cows weighing up to five hundred forty five kilograms and Bulls as much as seven hundred thirty kilograms and if you think that's heavy spare a thought for the poor mother giving birth to a calf that can weigh anywhere up to 22 kilograms that's a decent sized calf the entire herd are very protective of new calves with the adult horns serving as weapons against intruders I don't know about you but I wouldn't want to take one on that's for sure number two blossom in May 2015 a cow that made it into the Guinness World Records sadly passed away the adorable blossom owned by American patty needs Hanson had injured her leg and it was decided to put her out of her misery the female Holstein will live on in the record books however as the world's tallest cow in history she towered over most American adults and a staggering height of 1.9 meters over 6 feet tall and was measured at her home in Orangeville Illinois for the record books in early fifteen Meads Hansen was emotional on learning blossom and claimed the coveted record of the tallest cow but said her beloved cat was unaffected by all the attention that once surrounded her she said as long as she could count on her oats and daily chin rubs and ear scratches she was happy having owned blossom from just eight weeks old heeds Hanson said she was born to do normal sized cows both of whom she quickly outgrew means Hansen's late father suggested she have the cow measure however he died before the record was officially confirmed number one great white shark over the years the ocean has played host to thousands of pretty oversized sharks and their sizes continue to differ and increase throughout history these predators are pretty dangerous and vicious when prompted and you'd imagine with increased size comes increased risk however for some strange reason many people seem to enjoy the thought of coming face-to-face with these creatures obviously there's a cage between them but let's face it you've all seen what happens on jaws cage or no cage in Australia there's a special week long dive event hosted by Andrew Fox a renowned ocean enthusiast the days are spent shark diving as well as getting up close and personal with some of Australia's finest sea lions these dives have seen sharks in great numbers including many larger sharks obviously not on a Megalodon scale but certainly larger than your average great white it's an experience that all ocean and shark lovers should give a try even just once I mean how many people can say they've come face-to-face with a great white roaming the Great Barrier Reef and the Pacific Ocean and live to tell the tale not many I met when dealing with gigantic mammals and animals it pays to do your homework before any encounter particularly if it's of the plan variety although large some are docile whereas others should be kept at arm's length to ensure you don't lose a limb or two or maybe even your life like the world's biggest dog for example it may be cute but at 120 kilograms and with a name like bulldozer it can be too careful also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 944,397
Rating: 4.749444 out of 5
Keywords: animals, abnormally large animals, giant, biggest, large animals, large, largest animals, huge, creatures, abnormally, largest creatures, big, exist, biggest animals, actually exist, strange, animal, gigantic, abnormal, big animals, largest, unbelievable, facts, biggest snake, wild, actually, wild animals, caught on tape, weird, bizarre, largest animal, in the world, huge animals, biggest cow, giant animals, large pets, biggest animal features, weird animal, oddest animals
Id: YZ-zhhqXNys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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