15 Amazing Treasures Found By Complete Accident!

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there are many people such as archaeologists and pirates who dedicate their lives to finding treasure so they must find it greatly irritating when someone with no expertise or experience in these fields just so happens to stumble upon remarkable treasure by pure chance yet many do these are amazing treasures found by complete accident number 15 diamond rings stuck on Charon an engagement ring lost in 2004 made a surprising appearance in the vegetable garden of the same family 13 years later long since forgotten its owner Mrs Mary grams was devastated when it went missing whilst weeding the garden at the farm near Armina Alberta given to her by her late husband Norman in 1951 83 year-old Mary was ecstatic at the find she had never told her husband that she had lost it so she couldn't believe her luck when her daughter-in-law Pauline Daly came in from leading the garden having found it Haroon around a Miss shapen Karen Mary's isn't the only carrot that has provided its owner with treasure either in 2011 16 years after losing her wedding ring a Swedish woman found it wrapped around a carrot and so too did a German man in 2016 he had lost his wedding band just three years fryer before we go on we have a cool challenge for y'all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works now it's time for the odd topic back in 2012 the rarest thing struck a hot summer day in Ireland knowing they had to make the most of the sun's rays partners Alicia and Jackson put on their hiking boots and headed out to the neighboring hills but they suddenly saw something strange out in the grass a beam of light was bouncing off of something on the ground in the near distance creating a strange shimmering effect they headed over to investigate and found buried in the grass this peculiar object it looks like a colossal ammonite fossil but the huge size is only the second most interesting thing it's rainbow like dizzying display of color is beautiful and oddly totally natural quite how this fossil came to look this way we may never know all we do know is that it truly is one beautiful little trinket as always comment down below with the hashtag odd topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen let's move on to the next one number 14 a Jackson Pollock original for all you bargain hunters out there here's a tale worth listening to if you've ever thought a given up on finding that unwanted piece of treasure in a thrift shop it might be worth reconsidering in 1992 Terry Horton was on the hunt for the perfect birthday present for a friend when she happened upon a lovely painting in a local thrift shop in San Bernardino she offered the seller $5 for it however later found it was too large for any of her friends rooms the painting took the eye of an art teacher when she attended a yard sale at Hortons home in 1992 she recognized it as a possible masterpiece from Jackson Pollock's collection the forensic specialist was called in to examine the painting and found the artist's fingerprint on the canvas proving it was the real deal although she was offered two million dollars from an art dealer and nine million from a collector Gorton died in July 2019 having never sold the painting it was said she was hoping for 50 million dollar payday payday that sadly never came number 13 and so Adams negatives over the years many people have enjoyed pottering around yard sales looking for bits and pieces for their homes or to sell on at some point for some like Fresno California resident and commercial painter Nick norsu gian it has simply become a hobby a regular at garage and yard sales he was often on the lookout for inspiration or hidden treasure drawing pleasure from the seemingly worthless trinkets and novelty nothings often presented for sale he enjoyed the banter with sellers and occasionally purchased interesting items for his small collection but in 2000 when he bought two boxes of photo negatives for $45 norsu Gian's Kenai he was richly rewarded after conducting some research he discovered the negatives could be the work of famed landscape photographer Ansel Adams norsu jian called in many experts including a handwriting expert meteorologist and even a former FBI agent with the works classified as authentic expected to earn him a tidy sum of close to 200 million dollars noir cg and hired attorney Arnold Peter to help him with the sale the lawyer had him signed an agreement to sell the prints through a company he owned media partners global allegedly duping him out of hundreds of thousands of dollars the company is said to have sold enough prints turn 1.8 million dollars in revenue however norsu Jian saw none of the profits the pair settled out of court following a very public disagreement number 12 the golden treasure of panagiotis day three brothers working in a clay pet factory near the town of pedicure - de bulgaria happened upon buried treasure in 1949 the dike Hoff brothers stumbled upon a masterpiece of Thracian workmanship quite by accident while going about their daily toil initially they believed they had simply found gypsy brass instruments that had been hidden from view however their find was far more precious made of solid 24 carat gold and decorated with mythical and traditional scenes characteristic of the three in civilization the dish amphora and seven write-ins weighed a whopping six thousand 164 kilograms and dated back to the 3rd and 4th centuries BC curator of the local museum dr. Peter gorbunov believed the treasure was once a royal ceremonial set by the Thracian King sue seized the third the brothers handed it on to local authorities and it is now kept in the Bulgarian national bank vaults number 11 rare baseball cards found in attic a rare find in February 2011 couldn't at the family of Karl hench up to three million dollars Karl Kistner was cleaning out his attic when he came across a box belonging to his late grandfather who had died in the 1940s inside the box were 700 rare baseball cards a collection described by experts as the biggest most exciting find in the history of sports cards collecting the cards were all nearly pristine and represented some of the finest examples ever seen they were part of a rare 30 player set released with caramel candy in 1908 the family decided to sell some of the cards during the National Sports collectors convention in Baltimore in August 2011 and were set up with Heritage Auction to do so to avoid flooding the market and potentially devaluing the cards they were encouraged to sell a fraction of the mid one time since then the family of soul departs a lot of over 1 million eight hundred thousand dollars and are expected to gradually sell the rest so as to not harm the baseball card industry number 10 original copy of the Declaration of Independence found spending 4 bucks in a local flea market in Pennsylvania was money well spent back in 1989 when a collector unwittingly came across an ancient artifact dating back to the late 1700s the Dismal painting he had purchased because he liked the frame held a precious secret inside carefully folded behind the canvas was what appeared to be a copy of the Declaration of Independence the linen paper measured 15.5 by nineteen point seven five inches and was found to be an original copy of the 1776 declaration the buyer who asked to remain anonymous locked it up in his house until he could figure out what to do with it the priceless documents sat in his house for months until at his friends urging he requested an appraisal from Sotheby's considered one of the world's most prominent brokers of artwork jewelry real estate and collectibles Sotheby's were skeptical at first with VP of books and manuscripts lb Keffer believing the initial call to be fake experts agreed however that the document was the real thing and was one of the 200 original copies made and dispersed to government leaders the army and the 13 colonies valued at between $800,000 to 1.2 million dollars the copy was auctioned for a whopping 8.1 million dollars and a bad return for a $4 painting number 9 underground city a renovation project in the neva shear province near the turkey city of Cappadocia took a surprising turn in 1963 when the homeowner discovered a secret room hidden in his basement the room was found after he tore down an old wall however that was only the start of it upon further investigation the homeowner found the room was merely an entrance to a tunnel descending into a mysterious labyrinth in fact he had stumbled across the entrance to the ancient underground city of Derinkuyu constructed sometime between the 15th and 12th centuries BCE the city was carved from soft volcanic rock and was designed to stay hidden from view there are said to be several entrances to daran kuyou each with massive stone doors closed from the inside archaeologists believe this is one of hundreds of subterranean cities built beneath Cappadocia however only six have been located so far of the six Darren kuyou is by far the deepest and is set over 18 different levels accessed via a series of narrow tunnels the ancient city was designed so that everyday life could carry on as normal even if forced underground for an extended period number a vintage car collection auctioneers called in to value a few old cars following the death of their owner got quite the surprise when they showed up to a French farm gathering dust in warehouses and makeshift tents shelters and spread across several paddocks they found a treasure trove of vintage automobiles the collection of deceased entrepreneur Roger Balin included sixty expensive French cars and not just your run-of-the-mill 1930s vintage automobiles either inside they found Ferraris and Maseratis amongst the dozens of vintage sports cars a very rare 1956 Maserati a Talbot Lago previously owned by Egyptian King Farouk a Ferrari made famous for its role in a movie alongside Jane Fonda and another previously owned by Alain Delon formed part of the unviewable Collection Baylon had intended to build a museum with his collection but he had to sell 50 cars and the rest were forgotten of the cars found the Ferrari 250gt swb owned by Alain Delon became the fifth most expensive car ever sold when it was auctioned for 23 million dollars number 7 $100,000 meteorite doorstop imagine finding out the trusty old doorstop you've been using for the past 30 years is worth a fortune that was the reality for a Michigan man who had always known that 22 pound rock was a meteorite but hadn't realized its value when purchasing his farm located about 30 miles southwest of Mount Pleasant the previous owner told him the doorstop was actually a meteorite that had arrived on earth in the 1930s he left it with the property and the new owner didn't think anything more of it until in 2018 when inspired by stories of Michigan residents finding and selling pieces of meteorite he decided to have it examined after testing scientists determined it was a meteorite or space rock and at 22 pounds was considered the sixth largest ever found in Michigan better still it had the potential to earn him $100,000 dubbed ed war meteorite the hefty space rock is now looking for a new home number six world's largest natural pearl in 2016 a pearl that had been hidden under a poor fisherman's bed for ten years was found by his relatives and handed to gemologists to verify its authenticity one of the world's largest pearls weighing 34 kilograms it was originally found inside a giant clam puerto princesa city tourism officer Aileen Cynthia arauz said relatives discovered the monstrous pearl that had been used as a good luck charm prior to this find the pearl of lao-tzu which was found in the Philippines was the largest known pearl in the world it weighed six point four kilograms and measured 24 centimeters in diameter in comparison the Puerto Princesa pearl came in at a whopping 67 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide if the pearl is found to be legitimate it's likely to outstrip the value of the pearl of lao-tzu by almost ten million bucks it was valued by a Colorado Springs gemologist in 2003 at 93 million dollars and the Puerto Princesa pearl is expected to fetch more than 100 million dollars not too bad for a simple good luck charm number five valuable painting used to cover whole over the years many have been guilty of strategically hanging a picture on the wall in order to disguise a hole a rough patch in the wallpaper or drawing by a younger member of the family but most won't have the history of one used to cover a hole in the wall of an Indiana home the painting Magnolia is on gold velvet cloth was purchased along with some furniture for next to nothing however was sold to the Museum of Fine Arts in Houston several years later for 1.25 million dollars why you may ask well it seems that the still life painting was in fact a 19th century work by American painter Martin Johnson he its new owner began to realize the paintings possible value after playing masterpiece a board game about art that included an image of a similar he'd paint he searched the internet for more information before sending an email to Kennedy galleries in Manhattan who handled some of heeds work the painting was authenticated and the gallery put him in touch with the Houston Museum where it now hangs number four 2.2 million dollar garage sale bowl it seems it may pay to attend the occasional yard sale with many unwanted treasures found this way including a rare Chinese Bowl bought for just three bucks from a yard sale in the US the bowl found in New York State was purchased in 2007 and sold several years later for 2.2 million dollars at an auction in New York the purchaser had no idea of the bowls worth and it sat on display in his living room before curiosity got the better of him and he had it assessed as it happens he had stumbled upon a one thousand year old treasure a ding Bowl at just five inches in diameter the bowl was an example of northern Song Dynasty pottery and was estimated to be worth between 200 and 300 thousand dollars a similar Bowl had been on display in the British Museum in London for over 60 years the bowl was auctioned on March 19 2013 with furious bidding undertaken for the rare and ornate artifact eventually London dealer Giuseppe Eskenazi secured the bowl for two million two hundred twenty-five thousand dollars with the family later discovering that the bowl was even more unique than first thought giuseppe told him there's only one other in the world that's decorated both on the inside and outside the bowl was very very rare and considering its history was in perfect condition a very rare find indeed number 3 buried goldrush coins a couple out for a walk on their gold country property stumbled across a virtual goldmine one day in February 2013 buried in the shadow of an old tree was ten million dollars in rare mint condition gold coins a rusted can drew the pair to the hidden treasure they spotted it emerging from the hillside dug and took it home further trips to the same site turned up several more treasure filled cans that are believed to have been buried there 150 years prior by the property's previous owner it was thought that the 1427 coins dating from 1847 to 1894 were buried to save as an investment for a rainy day and simply forgotten the coins were authenticated by co-founder of professional coin grading services of Santa Ana David Hall who said they were all uncirculated and in mint condition at face value they were believed to be worth approximately $27,000 however because many were so rare coin experts say they could fetch nearly 1 million dollars a piece for the properties owners this was a real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow scenario number 290 million dollar paintings in attic finding a place that needs a bit of work done to it fixing it up and flicking it off for a tidy profit is a pretty common way of making a few dollars when it comes to the house market however two New York friends found a much easier way in 2007 legislative assistant Thomas Schultz and his pal Lawrence Joseph paired up to purchase the most affordable house they could find in Bellport Long Island their search brought them to the former house of the obscure Armenian American artist Arthur Panahi in they purchased the modest two-bedroom bungalow for $300,000 and whilst investigating an outbuilding discovered some 7,000 paintings that the owner said he would dump if they wanted him to he said they were all work by his wacky cousin however Schultz couldn't bring himself to throw out the painters life work a decision he is now glad to have made he and Joseph held on to the collection and invited experts to look at it a contemporary of Abstract Expressionists vilem de Kooning and Franz Kline Arthur Penna heon's entire collection was valued at 90 million dollars Schultz quit his job and opened gallery 125 in Bellport from there he is sold Penta his paintings for as much as three hundred eighty-five thousand dollars at canvas and says one day you will be able to tell his grandchildren of the role he played in preserving Penna heon's legacy an artist that was said to not conform to today's norms he painted every day but no one saw his work making the posthumous attention somewhat unusual number one - million dollar Warhol sketch a pencil and graphite work dating back to the 1930s could secure its new owner over three million dollars the drawing was purchased at a yard sale in a dodgy Las Vegas neighborhood leonard by drug addicts and crooked dealers so it came as a complete surprise when it's lust rias origins came to life andy fields purchased a drawing of comic milton berle back in 2010 for just five dollars saying that the man hosting the sale did mention his aunty used to look after Andy Warhol when he was a little boy Fields now 56 and living in Devon England didn't think much of the casual comment until he came home and removed the burl artwork from its frame whilst doing so a second drawing that of Rudy Vallee fell out this drawing boreholes signature although the aunty Warhol foundations ceased authentication before fields could confirm its legitimacy art appraiser Brad Molly a regular on TV show Pawn Stars believes it to be the real deal he estimated it may even predate the artists double Elvis drawing that sold for fifty three million dollars however puts its value at around two million one hundred fifty thousand dollars can you really put a price on the earliest Warhol imagine discovering something as simple as your doorstop the one you've used for several decades is a priceless meteorite how about the chap who sold a bowl in a garage sale for a couple of bucks only for its new owner to discover his value was closer to 2.2 million dollars next time you had a clean-out it might pay to double check that you're not thrown out a priceless heirloom from whose sales someone else will benefit also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: Factsopedia
Views: 578,337
Rating: 4.852293 out of 5
Keywords: amazing treasures, treasures, discoveries, treasure, found, accidental discoveries, hidden treasure, found by accident, discovered, finds, amazing discoveries, found treasure, discovery, important finds, unbelievable, hidden, treasure found, metal detecting, hidden treasures, by accident, biggest, treasures discovered, amazing treasure, lucky people, strange discoveries, rare, treasures found, treasure map, millionaire, gold bars, fenn treasure, gold, how to be rich
Id: j8rD3f9Uodc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 10 2020
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