15 Airport Mistakes You Don't Realize You're Making

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Pro tip if you have a short connection and there's someone waiting for you at the gate to help you get to your flight on time don't automatically trust them yeah that's me learning the hard way something you should never do before a flight that I'll show you in this video to avoid being like me and missing your flight having a crappy flight or Worse stick to the end because some of these things you might not expect let's start with another one that got me in trouble once so in the US it's legal to take photos in public places including the airport security lines even though they might have signs saying that you can't it says you're allowed right on the TSA website but just because it's legal doesn't mean that it's smart at least if you want a hassle-free experience in the airport more importantly different countries have different laws in some countries you want to be careful about taking pictures anywhere in the airport one time in Morocco we were walking around the airport taking shots that we wanted to use in a YouTube video just in normal non-secure areas but when we got to a passport checkpoint one of the officers stopped us and said no photo delete delete then when we showed him that we deleted the pictures he snatched our phone out of our hands and started looking through all of our pictures I was just sitting there praying that the guy didn't stumble on a pick of my wife's voluptuous body long story short don't assume you're free to snap piics anywhere in the airport and just be smart about it so believe it or not I'm actually a pretty big introvert and so it's tempting for me to just throw on my headphones whenever I'm in the airport or on a plane but on a recent flight I realized that drowning out the world around me was actually a mistake you never know who you're sitting next to in the lounge or at your gate or on your flight it could be your next best friend your new boss a business partner or even a lover all you have to say is hey are you headed on vacation and let the conversation flow from there if it goes nowhere fine no harm done and you can put it on your headphones but if you never try you could be missing out on big opportunities I suspect that this is even more true in business class lounges and flights it seems like people who fly business realize that everyone who can afford these seats are successful and important and so everyone just seems a little bit more friendly and chatty it kind of feels like a secret club for example recently I flew business from Nepal to Colombia and in the lounge I met an awesome YouTube subscriber so hey Henry if you're watching this then while winning to to board the plane I met a fancy producer who has produced a bunch of series on Netflix then during my flight I made friends with an interesting lady from Switzerland a fancy digital Nomad from Italy and a powerful guy who runs multiple International companies and is related to the mayor here in Cali Columbia I now have multiple influential contacts around the world and it's all because I didn't have my headphones on the kicker is these rich and Uber successful people people don't realize that I pay practically nothing to be sitting up next to them I have access to lounges and fly business practically for free because of the sign up bonuses that I got from my favorite travel credit cards that I'll link to below there's another reason why I highly recommend not using your headphones in the airport and I'll get to that in a second but first I used to think I was smarter than everyone else by sitting in the seats at my gate and watching while everyone stood and waited in line for a half hour to board the plane then when the line died down I'd stroll in all smug that was until one flight when I realized there was no more room in the overhead bins for my carryon luggage which had a bunch of valuables in it that I didn't want to separate myself from and after thinking about it more I realized that it's actually probably good for you to stand before your flight I mean you're about to be sitting cramped in small seats on an airplane for hours so now is your opportunity to move around and stretch your legs the exception to this would be short flights where you're not going to be sitting long anyways and there will likely be space in the overhead bins because the people traveling probably aren't carrying much luggage this next one's important unless you want to spend your whole flight pinching your butt cheeks together so your neighbors don't smell your farts then there are certain foods that you definitely want to avoid the day of your flight greasy Foods salty snacks eggs soda and alcohol can all make you bloated and at 40,000 ft in the air the cabin pressure makes gases expand in your stomach which can lead to some awkward and smelly situations you're better off keeping meals light on flight day and eating them slowly so you don't swallow so much air drinking lemon water the day of your flight can help too also keep in mind that while caffeine and alcohol can make flights more fun they also make you pee more that means more trips to the groy airplane bathroom which can cause dehydration headaches and stronger jet lag next up is the latest airport mistake that I made that made me miss my flight for essentially no reason don't automatically trust them he just took me to the wrong side of the airport and now I have to Sprint to the other side hope I make my flight yeah I didn't make it in case you didn't catch that a Turkish Airline worker was waiting for me when I got off my flight to help me make my connecting flight because I had a short layover if this ever happens to you don't automatically trust the worker just because they work for the airline always always always check the screens with your own two eyes to confirm your gate number and confirm that the person helping you also knows your gate number this Turkish employee walked me to the extreme opposite of the airport and then said oops my boss told me the wrong gate number you might be able to make it back if you run it seems like I'm always getting myself into these kind of shenanigans and learning things the hard way but the good news is that means you don't have to learn the hard way so make sure to subscribe if you like to learn useful travel tips based on real experiences anyway the same goes for your boarding pass don't trust it your gate may have changed since the boarding pass was printed and so make sure to always check the screens this is also that second reason why I don't think wearing headphones in the airport is the best idea you might miss important announcements it would suck if they were blasting your name over the intercom for last call but you didn't realize it cuz you're too busy jamming out to Britney Spears in the lounge and speaking of lounges don't get too distracted some don't have screens on the inside so you won't realize if your flight status has changed also some airports have weird layouts with security screenings in seemingly random places I made the mistake recently of staying in the lounge until the last second and then having to scramble through in extra security that I wasn't expecting all stressed out so I'd make it to my gate on time so whenever you check into a lounge just ask the attendant how far of a walk it is to your gate and if there's any extra security you need to be worried about okay so I thought this next one would be obvious but judging by the number of times I see people making this mistake in the airport I'd be doing a disservice not to mention it recently I was waiting near my gate and I couldn't help but cringe I was watching a guy near me chasing around his rowdy kids with his arms full of stuff super distracted then I glanced down and noticed that hanging out of his Loosey Goosey pocket nearly falling out were his family's five passports come on dude protect those things don't walk around the airport with your passport in your hands don't slip it in your pocket protect that thing with your life for me that either means in my zipped pants pocket or my zipped fanny pack that's attached to me my friend once got her passport stolen in the airport because she had it in her hand when someone asked her for help and she absentmindedly said on top of her suitcase for a split second that someone she was trying to help was actually a thief in Disguise and she snatched her passport without her even realizing it let's not get ahead of ourselves though because I'll cover a weird thing you need to do to avoid scams in the airport in just a second while you're sitting around waiting to board your flight don't forget to look up how to get from the airport to your hotel once you arrive in your destination is there public transportation specific ride share areas maybe a specific ride share app that you need to download beforehand does your hotel offer a free or reasonably priced pickup and how can you avoid taxis at all costs which is where you're most likely to get scammed finally if you're going to be arriving to a small airport at night is there going to be any transportation options at all or do you have to figure something out beforehand one time dianae and I flew 25 hours across the world to go visit my family in my hometown and it's a small airport we arrived at midnight completely exhausted and realized there was no taxis no Ubers nothing we were literally stranded there and had to wait an hour for my mom to come pick us up in the middle of the night and in some parts of the world it's not even safe to leave the airport in the middle of the night to go find Transportation so it's always a good idea to have a plan before leaving and if you're traveling abroad you can use this same waiting time to make sure you set up your travel eim so that you have data on your phone the second that you arrive then you'll be able to easily access those ride share apps or Maps or whatever else you need to arrive to your hotel safe and sound I tested a lot of different eims in this video in a link to the ones I personally use down below with some discounts if you're traveling soon you can buy one now and then just wait until you get to the airport to install it the alternative is to just buy a physical SIM card once you arrive in your destination at the airport but again it's smart to use your time to do some quick research beforehand to make sure they actually sell SIM cards in the airport and that the kiosks are going to be open at the time that you arrive while we're talking about phones there are some things you definitely don't want to do with them when you're in the airport the first and more obvious one is to never do sensitive transactions or logins on your phone while you're connected to public airport Wi-Fi if you do you're making yourself a target for hackers either use a data plan for your internet or if you don't have a data plan then you can use a VPN to protect yourself while connected to that public Wi-Fi this goes for for any public Wi-Fi by the way not just in the airport I personally use surf shark and if you're not yet protecting yourself with a VPN you can get 85% off and 2 months free using my link if you want the second thing you want to avoid with your phone is using those public charging stations sometimes hackers will tamper with these USB ports so malware loads onto your phone when you connect it if that happens they can steal your sensitive data passwords and a lot of other things that you don't want this sounds crazy but it's actually so prevalent that there's a name for it it's called juice jacking most news stories focus on airports but I assume that this could also happen in the planes themselves there are three ways you can protect yourself the first and most obvious is a power bank the second and cheapest is called a USB condom which cost a couple bucks on Amazon and it's basically just an adapter that you slip into the USB port before you plug in your cable and the last option is to just use one of those dumb charging cables that only let electricity through and not data through juice jacking is just one of the crazy ways that scammers try to steal from you in the airport though you think the airport would be a secure place but it's actually a breeding ground for sneaky scams if you don't know what to look out for lucky for you I made a full video on the worst airport travel scams that Travelers fall for every single day so make sure to watch that one next to protect yourself and your wallet subscribe like and do the stuff thank you love you bye
Channel: Project Untethered
Views: 31,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel tips, airport tips, air travel tips, travel tips for airport security, tsa line tips, airport rules, airport rules for first time flyers, airport rules for luggage, first time on a plane, international travel tips, first time airport, first time flying, what to do at airport, airport check in counter, boarding flight first time, boarding flight procedure, airport mistakes, airport security mistakes, what to bring in airport, not to bring in airport
Id: 1dcFwCqq9Tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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