Secrets Airlines Don't Want You to Know

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in today's video I'll be running through some things that airlines are not telling their passengers many passengers including myself until recently don't know the significance of seemingly random letters printed on a boarding pass a code to take note of would be having the letters SSS printed on your flight ticket the four assists stand for secondary security screening selection and it's good to know that if you see these four letters on your boarding pass you will likely need to go through additional screening of your body and of your belongings during the TSA airport security check you may also never know exactly why you were selected it could be due to your past travel history your future itinerary or simply a random chance something else to know about your boarding pass is that you should never be disposing of it in a public garbage can leaving it behind on the airplane or please don't do this posting a photo of it on social media your boarding pass displays information such as your name your destination and your frequent flyer number but it also has a barcode and a six digit alphanumeric code which is your PNR or passenger name reference this information is tied to a database with details like your date of birth your passport information and even your credit card data not information you typically want to share especially not publicly where it can get into the wrong hands something else that Airlines don't often tell their passengers is that the food you are being served is probably loaded with salt and sugar like a lot of it the high altitude and low humidity levels in the cabin are going to dalio census of taste and smell by up to 30 percent I found it fascinating to learn that airplane food really does taste different if you were to eat it on the ground than if you're eating it in the air so to compensate for our loss of taste Airlines have to add a lot more flavor usually in the form of salt and sugar to make the food taste good or at least as good as airplane food can be let us know down in the comments if you usually opt to eat the airplane meal or decide to skip it I usually end up eating it mainly because there is not that much else to do on the plane and I'm always just so curious about what they are serving another interesting fact that Airlines don't necessarily want their passengers to know would be the reasons behind common flight routines if an accident is going to occur studies show it will likely happen during the takeoff or the landing the main reason that you are asked to put your tray table and store your items it's so that it's easier to evacuate in the case of an emergency you are also asked to open your window shade not for the view but so any emergency Personnel from the outside are able to see inside the plane in the events of a crash and then when it comes to dimming the cabin lights this is not primarily done so you can get some sleep but instead it's to help passengers and crew adjust their eyes to the darkness in the case of an evacuation but even if sleep is not the primary purpose the dim lights can help you get some sleep along with the sponsor of today's video soundcore with their latest Innovation the Sleep A10 sleep earbuds these tiny but powerful sleep earbuds are ideal for anyone looking to get some sleep on the airplane or hoping to get their schedule back on track once they've arrived at their destination they have a unique four-point noise masking system and you can further zone out by connecting via Bluetooth to your device to play your own music or podcasts you also get access to the soundcore app that's going to be equipped with a Free Library of sleep music to choose from and it gives you the ability to set a personal alarm one of my favorite features is that you can additionally use the combination of the app and the earbuds to track the quality and duration of your sleep I'm someone that definitely needs my sleep and these earbuds have been game changing to get some sleep on the airplane as well as to deal with the general jet lag and disruption to your sleep that goes along with with travel I also have very tiny ears and was thrilled to see that they came with multiple size options I'll have a link for you to check out the Sleep A10 earbuds for yourself down in the description fun fact studies show that background noise like the noise on an airplane can actually reduce their senses of taste and smell even further so popping in a set of noise canceling headphones could actually improve your dining experience on the airplane Airlines also don't let their passengers know which seat is going to be the safest and which seats are going to be the least safe it turns out that while the back of the plane is the most turbulent it also has the highest survival rates in the case of a crash some studies actually suggest that the middle seat at the back of the plane would be the safest place to sit I found this quite interesting because the middle seat at the back of the plane is probably going to be the last seat that most passengers want yet it does tend to be safer than any of the seats that are up in first class or even near the middle of the aircraft okay I have one more interesting fact for you about the food but this time it involves what the pilots are eating not us passengers while there is no Universal rule Airlines often have guidelines that co-pilots cannot eat the same meals as each other this is because if there was something wrong with the food we don't want to risk a situation where both Pilots end up being too sick to land the plane this makes total sense but like this next fact it's just something I've never thought about it's fascinating to know that there is apparently a do not pair system that allows pilots to submit the names of co-pilots that they do not get along with and do not want to fly with I wasn't able to find too much information on this do not pair system now but there are plenty of Articles from back in 2017 that say it is a real thing I feel like this should be extended from Pilots to all of our jobs hopefully you learned something new and will consider subscribing so you can join us back here for more travel hacks and tips and apparently random travel facts next week safe travels bye
Channel: Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
Views: 374,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DubbedWithAloud, air travel tips, airline, airlines, airport hacks, airport tips, best seat on airplane, boarding pass, boarding pass in airport, cancun airport, cheap flight booking tricks, cheap flights, how to find cheap flights, how to pack luggage for international flights, portable professional, secrets airlines don't want you to know, travel, travel essentials 2022, travel hacks, travel insurance, travel tips, tsa precheck, what they don't want you to know, willie d
Id: p1rIvdVO7Uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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