DO NOT Wear This in Airport Security | (#5 is a TSA Red Flag!)

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today's video will help you get through the TSA airport security screening process without an additional search or a manual pat down you'll also want to pay special attention to the bonus tip at number eight I have been through airport security hundreds of times and this continues to be one of my all-time favorite travel hacks when choosing a travel outfit always avoid heading to the airport in sandals flip-flops or any other open toe shoe without a pair of socks whether you have to remove your shoes and place them in the gray screening bin to go through the airport security checkpoint is going to depend on the specific Airport's rules the date of travel and personal factors like your TSA pre-check status or being a senior you should always be prepared to take your shoes off and not wearing socks puts you at risk of having to walk Barefoot through the body scanner Barefoot on a floor where thousands of people have walked before you many Travelers don't know that that the type of shoes you wear May determine whether or not you have to remove your shoes and often open toed shoes like sandals can be kept on even if those around you have to remove Footwear like running shoes and boots I am a big fan of comfort and practicality and I will happily break every fashion rule in the book if it means I get to keep my shoes on as well as eliminate the risk of having to walk Barefoot through the security checkpoint I will do this by wearing socks with sandals by choosing to wear an open toe shoe like sandals with a pair of socks it means that I likely get to keep my shoes on but even if a TSA agent asks me to remove my sandals they are easy to take off and put back on and then by wearing socks means I never have to risk walking barefoot on the airport floor I would hate to scare you off with too much foot talk right at the beginning of the video so we will get back to feed later on with a hack that you are absolutely going to love it's going to make your airport experience as well as your experience on the airplane 100 times better it's a good one the second thing you should never put on before the airport would be pants that require suspenders or belt to stay on even with TSA pre-check you may need to remove your belt and place it in the screening bin while you walk through the security scanner always choose pants that fit well without a belt to avoid any embarrassing situations and ensure a smooth experience through the security check another key tip for your travel outfit is to be mindful of what you choose to wear as your base layer and then make sure that you avoid anything that you would be uncomfortable in if it ended up being your only layer you will likely be instructed by the TSA agent to remove your jacket sweater cardigan Blazer and sweatshirt before walking through the body scanner at which point whatever you are wearing underneath becomes the only thing that you are wearing one of my worst airport experiences was when I was leaving India and I was ridiculous ously sick with Deli belly if you know you know and I went to the airport in a sweatshirt without an undershirt beneath it when I explained to the security agent why I could not remove my sweater they were unsympathetic to say the least it was either follow the rules or get out of line so learn from my mistake and be prepared with an appropriate base layer when you go through airport security if you fly frequently you probably have your own share of interesting and unpleasant airport security experiences I would love if you could share any of them in the comments so we can use them as warnings and tips I also love to read your comments and I'm always learning from you you will also want to avoid wearing base layer clothing including pants with a lot of pockets the more Pockets you have the more likely you are to forget something small like a coin inside of one of them which puts you at risk of setting off the body scanner alarm and having to go through a manual search an obvious example would be Kyo pants these should be avoided since they pocket heavy and can easily trip you up at security but even pants you wouldn't expect like stretchy yoga pants sometimes have a sneaky back pocket which is super handy but also a potential Troublemaker if you accidentally leave something in it being there done that multiple times forgetting something in your pocket and triggering the alarm may not sound like a big deal but a manual search can be very timec consuming and you may need to wait a while for the next available agent TSA agents are also not going to prioritize you over other passengers regardless of your flight's departure time this can be very stressful when you are trying to make it to your gate in time for boarding So to avoid any potential delays choose clothing with fewer Pockets to reduce the chances of you forgetting something inside of one of them the fifth item to keep out of your travel outfit would be any t-shirts that have threatening messages offensive language or violent images wearing controversial graphic te's or clothing with sensitive sayings can actually lead to extra screen screenings and questioning trust me airport security agents often don't give the benefit of the doubt and such clothing choices can complicate the screening process to keep things smooth and hassle-free stick to neutral or non-controversial clothing when you are flying I appreciate Lewis but the TSA agents may not and therefore I will not be wearing him to the airport you will also want to avoid anything metallic either in or on your clothing as well as any large metal accessories this includes items with metal Parts like large metal buttons metal logos like the ones on the back of some jeans metallic threading in shirts metal jewels on tops or pants or numerous zippers such as those on zip off pants this tip extends to watches and metal jewelry as well and it's good to know that even metal bobby pins in your hair can trigger an alarm as you walk through the body scanner resulting in a manual screen while minimal individual metal pieces like a ring a a jean button an underwire bra or a pair of small earrings usually don't trigger alarms on their own having multiple of these spread around your body will increase your chances of setting off the alarm to make things easier for you to remember I've linked a free guide in the video description that details exactly what not to wear the items that you'll need to put in a screening bin and some helpful tips and tricks to prevent theft and move through airport security as quickly as possible tip number number seven is to avoid an airport outfit that includes flowy clothing like wide-legged pants and maxi skirts which can get caught in conveyor belts or snag on equipment at airport security I would never recommend wearing a skirt of any kind to the airport or onto the airplane but if you insist do consider wearing a pair of shorts underneath this helps avoid embarrassing situations while you are bending down or loading items into bends there are also sometimes these big fans running in the security area and trust me this is not the time for a Marilyn Monroe moment that would really suck you also do not want to be wearing any Electronics such as headphones in your ears or a headset around your neck at least not for the actual security screening process it's a good idea to pack these safely away for after airport security to simplify the security process and keep your electronics safe as mentioned earlier you will need to empty your pockets and place everything including valuables Electronics and your wallet into a gray screening bin while you walk through the body scanner one of my all-time favorite hacks is to head to the security area while wearing a jacket with large Pockets when it's my turn to go through the security checkpoint I will take all of my valuables and my electronics and my wallet and money and anything else that is on my body and I will place it into my jacket pocket and then I will take the jacket off and place it into the security bin this strategy has three main benefits it keeps all of your items together so nothing gets left behind it simplifies collecting all of your items once you are through the security checkpoint and it conceals valuables to reduce the risk of theft you will also want to avoid wearing any non-essential accessories like hats money belts and sunglasses to the airport these need to be removed for the security screening process and are better to be packed away in your carry-on and then put on after getting through the security checkpoint I say non-essential because many accessories are actually okay to be kept on through the screening process these include things like hearing aids reading glasses religious headscarves and wigs the headline woman forced to remove Wig by TSA would not be a good look and don't worry I didn't forget that we were going to circle back to talking about feet next up I have a big airport no no for you as well as a tried and tested hack that I think you are going to love boots whether they're for work or winter weather are typically a nogo you'll almost always have to remove them even if other Footwear is allowed to be kept on they are not practical since boots with extra parts like buckles or laces can slow you down and hold up the line even simple pull-on boots can be tricky to get on and off since you need to balance and there usually isn't anywhere to sit down while taking them off I always recommend that you avoid wearing boots to the airport if you can but there is a major exception to this rule if you are traveling in cold weather and do need a pair of boots on your trip it is a lot easier to wear them and remove them at security than it is to try to pack them especially if you are trying to pack carry-on only a factor to consider is that if other passengers around you are wearing boots there is a good chance that the airport floor is going to be wet and Mucky and then walking across that floor once you remove your boots in your socks means that you will have wet and stinky feet for the rest of your travel my tried and tested hack is that if you are wearing boots or you know that others around you are likely wearing boots due to the weather always wear a set of disposable plastic slipons like the kind used with medical scrubs over your socks this keeps your feet dry and clean as you walk through the security scanner and then you can throw them away before putting your shoes or your boots back on while avoiding the unpleasantness of wet stinky feet just in time for your flight I bought a box of cheap disposable flip on on Amazon and they've been a GameChanger for my travels they're a small investment that pays off big time in Comfort keep in mind that some clothing items might be just fine at airport security but can then turn into a real hassle on a flight the video popping up on the screen now as well as linked down in the description goes through exactly what to wear and what not to wear on the plane I think you will be surprised and you should definitely check it out especially if you have a long flight coming up see you there and safe travels bye
Channel: Portable Professional (Travel Tips with Megan)
Views: 712,486
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airport security tips, what to not wear in airport security, travel outfits, tsa tips, transportation security administration, first time flying, tsa travel tips, do not wear to airport, not to bring in airport, what not to wear to the airport, what should i wear to the airport, what happens at the airport, what to not bring to the airport, what to wear to go to the airport, not allowed in airport, airport outfits, travel tips by laurie, wear on a plane, airport outfit ideas
Id: ud-2dsFd5zI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 17 2023
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