1,462,277 DPS FIGHTER: The Best of 6 Single Target Setups! - Animation Cancelling? - Neverwinter M28

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hey and welcome to never winter with Aragon so here I want to cover the fighter dreadn the DPS path for this class I want to focus on single Target damage where you want to maximize your damage against a boss as this is where we want to get the best balance between the classes as that's where your damage matters most I will have time stamps on the playar below and we will ultimately compare versus some other classes like wizard Barbarian and Ranger which I have also done similar videos on and tested out their setups specifically so I've done a whole load of tests here so we can find out what setup is best so let's just quickly walk you through what I did find to be the best and then compare it against other Alternatives that I did check out so your at will of course you just want heavy slash also gives you the 5% buff then your encounter powers I found what works best is Anvil of Doom bull charge and then your commander strike there are some situations where you might want to use Griffin's wrath instead either for the action point gain or because somebody is already using a vulnerability to physical damage debuff your daily Powers you definitely want mow down and for your class features you want momentum for the bull charge and you want enduring vengeance you can potentially switch up to vigorous strikes if you need the extra stats you're not capped out yet but other than that there's no real good option yes there is combat superiority but it's only going to buff your at Wheels by 10% and your ATS are only going to be about 20% of your damage and so this feet becomes about 2% equivalent damage buff versus 5% from enduring Vengeance then your Feats you want weight to Vengeance for buff up Anvil of Doom does not matter on the second pair of Feats here you want crushing blows it's generally deals a bit more damage especially if you're animation cancelling heavy slash which will'll get into here you want then Striker's Mark and boiling hatred and that is the best setup I found for dealing damage in single Target on the fighter dreadn not now in order to get a fair test to compare versus other classes we are using these test rules this is for module 28 where yes indeed we have the new Celestial enchantments so we are in the training room here in order for the boss to have enough hit points we set it to 20K ratings we summon an ally and then here's the boss we're going to fight so let's just show you my game play of the test however before we do so I want to tell you we are indeed maximizing our damage with animation cancelling where our animation cancelling heavy slash and also mow down you will see that in the test to make things easier for me we are indeed using a key bind to animation cancel heavy slash and then for mow down we simply just press our shift our block ability after we've cast it to then switch to using more heavy slashes so here we're going to start the test we make sure we have full Vengeance we have our net graph activated there to see our ping as that will influence somewhat our animation cancelling we start with artifact anvel of Doom commanders bull charge mount power daily power some at Wheels here Anvil bull charge and that's the artifact call you do want tactician's Precision to make the most of it otherwise you won't be able to cast Anvil and bull charge a second time within that 10 seconds and they will result in significant amount of extra damage when you do so I only have one tacticians and if we had two we could potentially change the rotation to commanding Anvil and then bu charge buffing up the first Anvil otherwise you're just using your encounter Powers off coold down here and then just spamming your heavy slash and this is again with the keybind animation cancelling you can do it manually by switching between dig in and heavy slash here we go with the next artifact call so then Anvil commanders bull charge the mount power the daily power and then some heavy slashes Anvil bull charge and you're done again you are cancelling the animation of mow down your daily power because you can do so and still have it deal the full amount of damage it saves you a lot of time allowing you to cast a lot more heavy slashes now the way we manage our vengeance is that occasionally we will need to go in dig in to squat there to make sure we have that above the halfway point like here we Squat and then we get the damage hit from the boss cuz we took some damage from him but also you're just going to generate Vengeance while sitting there anyway so it will vary on the fight but ultimately you can just manually animation cancel and you will gain Vengeance by doing so if you use the keybind you don't gain any vengeance here the third artifact call again Anvil commanders bull charge your mount power your daily power and then back with Anvil and bull charge and you only have just about enough time to squeeze that in the squat here again to make sure we feel the Vengeance and back to heavy slashes and just using encounter Powers off cool down so it's not exactly that difficult with regards to the game play of fighter the challenge comes when you want to master animation cancelling and you want to maximize Time On Target because you are full mely damage excluding one at will you can use for a little bit of ranged to make sure you get some action point regen and yeah so depending on the content you might struggle depending on what mechanics you have to face that Force you away from your Target and such but otherwise you can see on the bottom right there our total damage and then our DPS to the right side there coming up on the last artifact call here and our DPS is going to get to that maximum point and we're going to end after we've done this artifact call with Anvil bull charge and finish was not ideal there that we did not have half Vengeance for the last two hits there so we potentially could have squeezed out a teeny bit more damage but the damage log and breakdown results in this 1. 1462 million in counter GPS however let's look at the other setups that we have got used including using Griffin's wrath here along with knee breaker and trip attack instead and also versus using animation counselling and not doing so so we have six different tests here and these are our results again I just showed you the top performing setup there and the full test gameplay then the second performing setup was only with animation counseling modown not heavy slash so you can see the difference there is not that big a deal perhaps I could perfect my timing a bit more with heavy slash with the animation counseling and resulting a little bit more than that but just to check the damage log you can see that's here not cancelling heavy slash it was at about 2 27,000 DPS versus when we do it's at 260,000 so definitely an increase by doing so other than that we do compare with executioner cut again this setup is only with animation counselling mown and there is a bit of a damage loss there as you see executioners cut 42,000 encounter DPS versus 61,000 encounter DPS also keep in mind when you are animation cancelling heavy slash you can trigger crushing blows even more often and we see its DPS go to nearly 880,000 as for the other setups we did test then just without animation cancelling at all so it's the exact same abilities as the top setup but again that's no animation cancelling versus animation councelling and there's nearly 100,000 DPS difference there again that mainly comes from heavy slash because if you don't animation cancel modown then you're stuck in the full animation of that versus being able to cast a few extra heavy slashes during that time along with then just animation cancelling heavy slash allows you to just get more hits per second than if you were to just normally cast it and then there is yes Griffin's wrath there is one thing to keep in mind Griffin's wrath can provide you a lot of action point Regen and depending on your build you might be able to use two daily Powers every 60 seconds right now we are not doing that because we only get our daily power within like 40 to 45 seconds and that's not enough time to be able to cast it twice so we refrain from doing so and we just wait while our daily power is full until we get the next artifact call but again with Griffin's wrath and some extra action point Regen or just in content where you can delay the artifact call a little bit you might be able to cast it twice allowing you to also take advantage of tacticians a second time allowing you to cast some more encounter Powers but again I have not found it worth it in my tests at all because again we're only casting one daily power and Griffin's wrath during the artifact call just takes up far too much time you're better off just casting Commanders increasing all your damage and then being able to use some more heavy slashes during the artifact call that is why it does not perform so well keep in mind that's not with any animation cancelling so it would be a bit higher if it was so you can just compare it versus the one above it and then the last setup there was with knee breaker instead of anvil of Doom and the reason it performs pretty poorly is because knee breaker has a lot higher cool down so you have the full 13.9 seconds versus Anvil which has its cooldown reduced to 12 seconds when you have above 50 Vengeance what this allows is you can cast Anvil twice during an artifact call where with knee breaker you cannot perhaps again if you have two tacticians precisions you might be able to squeeze in two knee Breakers like you can with icy raisin wizard but again this is the setup I have to deal with I cannot possibly get another tacticians as that mount is super rare it was exclusive to the anniversary event and then exclusive to a one off claim free Mount which I put on my Bard so in all likelihood most of you also only have one tacticians and thus KN Breer definitely not be as good that is ultimately all the setups there so finally let's compare versus some other classes how good is 1.46 2 million in counter DPS well if we check Ranger that is also getting some updates with warden for module 28 and these improvements are within the test you can see they're only at 1.39 1 million in counter DPS so fighter can definitely be better and then with Barbarian I did only one test on the best setup that I had with my modu 27 tests and so with that new test and the improvements we are now at 1386 million in counter DPS so again fighter is still better than that and then with wizard I also have only done two tests here with the modu 28 test rules but yeah the highest performing test was 1.49 million in counter DPS so a teeny bit ahead of what fighter can output but not too bad I will say though wizard is just easier to play and so you will find the average player to perform better than say the average fighter particularly because fighter has to be merely up close to the enemies where a wizard you can stand back and yeah avoid mechanics and still deal damage at the same time overall that is ultimately it for fighter just be aware again with these little test tables you can see the rotation here as well and it's really important you get your damage output in the correct order during the artifact call it is reliant on how many tacticians you have and so the best rotation I could get on fighter with this power setup was that right here we have to cast Anvil before commanders due to the time limitation cuz you want to cast Anvil twice in the 10 10 seconds of the artifact call if you were to cast commanders before Anvil then you would not have enough time also if you were to cast bull charge before Anvil at the end in most cases you'll end up with Anvil not being within the 10 seconds just due to how their animations work and the timing so hopefully that's all somewhat insci shows you how you can maximize your damage on fighter in those boss fights and yes fighter definitely has the potential to be competitive versus some of the top performing classes with damage output again wizard Barbarian it even beats along with Ranger it also beats you just really got to play the right setup and have the correct timing so with that said a massive thank you to all of these channel members for your added support thank you for watching and we'll see you guys around goodbye for now
Channel: Aragon
Views: 4,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aragon, neverwinter, build, new, guide, gameplay, endgame, Viperion
Id: Woy2XddeW0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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