NEW Paladin Healer Build with Max Shields & Heals! (100k IL) - Versatile Setup! - Neverwinter M28

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hey and welcome to never winter with Aragon so here I want to cover my Paladin healer build for module 28 we have a few new gear pieces we can use now this build will get you 90% in all of your healing stats power crit strike crit severity and outgoing healing this however is when you're within a full party but not dependent on anybody else not dependent on anything they could give you so this build is an ideal Foundation to First maximize your outgoing heing and from there you can make the decision to sacrifice some bonuses to provide extra team support we'll cover that later on in the video in group optimization but again this gets you all the important healing stats maxed out even with a ton of forte without say relying on Rapture or Palin crit AA or any of that you're just by yourself and you can be with any random player doesn't matter what they use and you you can have all of these maxed out stats with up to 40% total healing boost on top now like my recent builds I have a document which is going to Showcase and cover everything that you need to put together this build for yourself and yes the final section again is group optimization where you want to switch things out to provide Buffs to your team to say improve their damage but yes add a little bit of a sacrifice to your own Effectiveness but let's jump into the build there will be time stamps on the playar below where you can skip to any section you're most interested in so the first thing we're going to cover is Powers how to actually play what to actually use for the at Wheels you're going to just use Divine fulmination to deal a bit of damage from a distance you have range 80 ft and otherwise cure wounds to top somebody up if there's only one person who's a bit lower hit points than everybody else use the is to top them up you will want to use say a Divine shelter first and then use the Cure wounds because you'll take that advantage of sheltered healing to get that enhanced magnitude so that it heals for an awful lot more now you're in counter Powers there's quite a few effective ones you can use depending on the situation Divine shelter plus sacred weapon plus circular of divinity is your core base setup that you can use everywhere if you wish but you can again switch things depending on the content Divine shelter is your large area of effect heal radius 80 ft and gives a decent solid shield on people it's going to be like 30% of their hit points or so ignore that those guys are getting fully shielded they're not exactly geared at all you will use this to just make sure everybody has that shield and everybody's healed and then yeah they would just be sacred weapon for Divinity regen you'll also get some damage resistance and circle of divinity also for the regen while you stand in it and if you're a newer player and don't have Max stats yet then this will also provide a 15% outgoing healing boost to you if you can't afford to stand in this area cuz your content requires you to move a lot perhaps switch to bond of virtue for some added healing and otherwise if you're in fights where there are lots of enemies that you can stun you can use burning light and banishment don't use them like together just alternate them use banishment wait 6 seconds till they're free and then use burning light so otherwise you're just wasting that stun and you can basically stun enemies for a full 9 seconds which is pretty nuts and that's definitely something you've got to your advantage also being able to use banishment from quite a far distance with a radius you can basically stun the entire group of enemies before your team even gets there and there is divine touch that you can sometimes use instead of say Divine shelter but I would only do so if your teammates are going to be spread apart it's only going to heal players so not like Companions and it's split between the amount of players you heal and you can see on me here it is like nearly fully shielding me just with this one encounter power alone that's pretty nuts it's shielding me for over a million but again it's split between the amount of players you hear so if there's two of us in the area you can see we get like half the size Shield so again it's only good when people are spread out a lot I like to use it and say dragon hunts because people are usually very spread there we move to the Daily powers and I generally like to just have lay on hands in reserve have your daily Power full and just wait for that if people are grouped up and taking a lot of heavy damage over time you can use sanctuary and otherwise you could just use Shield of faith for a little bit of a buff for your mechanics here be aware that you have this shift ability which is a block you can absorb incoming damage up to 40% of your maximum hit points and it'll just also give you control immunity you just need to make sure you face the center of the control ability so if it's a red area that might knock you you have to look towards the red area into the center of it in order to gain that control immunity Unfortunately they Chang it to be like that it will no longer give you 360 control immunity your tab ability which is your channel of divinity you can tap it to put this Mark above somebody's head and this Mark will allow you then to cast your hand at Divinity which is a massive heal with a massive shield and it will always go to the target with those wings so you can then Channel it and the longer you Channel it the more cost it will be but also the higher the heal will be along with the shield so just on myself we can put the wings there and you can see this is going to give us over our maximum hit points of Shield which is nuts that's that's over 1.26 million hit points extra in shield and all your Shields will last a total of 20 seconds before they expire and just be aware you cannot replace your own Shields with a smaller one so if somebody has a fat Shield you're going to have to wait till that gets either reduced or it falls off before you can place another one otherwise you're wasting your time for the class features I generally go with composure and Aura of restoration you can sacrifice a bit of healing to give your team a bit of offensive stats of Critical Strike with this alternatively there's or of protection giving them extra defense the rest of them I don't find very useful for the Feats generally the best composition is this be aware of Prayer of opportunity and if you find yourself just not taking advantage of it then don't be afraid to just go battle Focus prayer of opportunity basically when heal people you have a chance for that to trigger we get a dotted outline in our channel of divinity and we have I believe 12 seconds before we can cast this for free make sure you're channeling before the 12 seconds is over because that can just drop off even while you're channeling which is unfortunate and then it'll just consume the cost of up to 140 Divinity however I do recommend checking out gameplay of people running certain content that you want to run and you can also so check out what powers they are using to heal their team there are certain situations where you want to time your abilities accordingly you want to space out your heals cuz they all cost this Divinity and you only have so much that you can't just keep spamming or you will run out and then you'll have nothing to heal people with so it's a balance between how much damage your team take are they taking unnecessary damage and then how much should you then actually heal them and balance that as well with say their healing potions cuz keep in mind they do have them healing potions and health Stones if they really need to don't run out of divinity when you're going to need it for say a heal check so let's move on to our stats so as a paladin healer your main stats you want to focus on is power outo healing then critical severity and then Critical Strike you will also want to go with item level to get base damage to also improve your healing but that's outside of scaled context when you are scaled your damage this modifier is just set to a certain value however there are also bonuses like the detector set Like Your Divine agis like your weapons they're all going to add total healing and this is going to add to this outgoing healing stat which we do get to 90% would say reinvigorate on this build but they won't show like you might slot and UNS slaught Your Divine ages and not notice gaining that 9% at all and that is correct you won't see it it will add but it will be hidden and it can go over the 90% cap unlike the bonuses which are shown they cannot go over 90% so for example I was to add the golden bullet here it would not allow me to get to 97.5% it would just max out at 90% And you would gain no further bonus you also have this opal abysa Loop ring which is going to increase your multi-target heals by 7% it does work you just have to heal three or more players in order for it to actually affect your healing power so this build has an absolute ton of those total healing bonuses which you will not see adding to your stat but will increase your amount you heal for you will also want to be in a party of like five people to get graceful Harmony maxed out and also critical Harmony and that gives you the 12% outgo healing for being in that party and then just casting some heals will give us the reinvigorate that's this bonus here which will Max that out and then the detector set when we cast heals we'll get extra 4 there and also the total healing and in order to keep the detector set always active is to cast an counter power every 10 seconds however it does not check if you fully cast The Encounter power what you can do is just go to cast it and then press block and immediately cancel casting it you can do that for all of your encounter powers and that will give you a stack of this astral absorption allowing you to keep refreshing that back up to 10 seconds without actually casting encounter power very useful with your say Divine shelter so that you don't actually have to use any heal resource but let's move on to our race and ability scores so my race here is azmar that's going to give us a boost to our own healing stats but it's also going to give a boost to everybody's maximum hit points when they're nearby alternative races to use are like the wood elf for the Critical Strike but then to assist your team in dealing damage and it's your call if you want to make that decision is the Dr or the Renegade Dr they will both have an effect which will allow you to reduce the enemy's defense allowing your team to deal more damage against them very useful again within minmax endgame content for my ability scores we're going wisdom and Charisma with a little bit of dexterity from there we jump to the Gear we're using and you can see that's all here we've got the headpiece from Master Temple of the spider with the Divinity regen and yeah you can see see all of it here and in my document linked Below in the video description you can also see all the gear pieces and where each one of them is coming from be aware of Alternatives you can get say if you're newer to the game and still upgrading your character don't have access to all the content there's always Alternatives you can use just focus on things that are going to give you boost to these stats that are important for your healing again check back on the stat section with with regards to the modifications we can see we have a Critical Strike here a maximum hit points a critical severity and a Critical Strike and then on the neck waist and Rings we just have awareness now the hit points on the armor piece here is just there so that we're not maxing out these ratings and putting them in the red now we jump to our enchantments keep in mind only the offense ones really matter along with the utility one the defensive ones you can just have spare different ones that you might use on this character or other characters or even on your tank it's not as important but if you wanted to min max you'd probably just have all garnets and defense for the overloads I generally go with a devil's Precision for the crit strike and like a corrupt black ice just to give you the action point regen you can use any of the corrupt overloads they'll give you that too I haven't found it very useful to say use a white dragon glyph it it heals for like next to nothing and otherwise don't be afraid to use extra survivability if you think you need that combat enchantment definitely the Divine Aegis giving that total of 9% outgoing Healing The Shield effect is a little bit pointless it doesn't really do anything it shields for nothing it does stack on top of your own Shields so if they ever fix it that still won't be a problem for you at all it'll just be extra and bonus enchantment you go with movement speed depending on the content or you could go recharge speed to maximize the cool Downs on these encounters to cost them a bit more so you get more Divinity regen for the artifacts we got Zealot blast scepter it's a great as primary as well for the debuff the spell Jammer one for our set also good as primary for the debuff we do have the tat Arcane Globe this is definitely not important at all I have it here to minmax my stats so we can get a teeny bit more Forte so I can Max maximize my Critical Strike to 90% after we cast our encounter powers and get our detector set Stacks you can see then we get the nice green 90% without that little bit of 40 from this artifact we wouldn't get that but yeah I wouldn't worry about it too much if you're just a regular player run any of the high 1,500 item level artifacts instead and we just have the sleting symbol of order again just for its stats but also the Saar regen is nice and we don't need any more offensive ratings there now we go to our Companions and here you want to use a summoned companion which is going to support your team so like PTO Bell Da Vinci but then there are ones like DDS giving the 3% extra damage to your team the tutor with the combat Advantage the Black Death scorpion to make your enemy Grant combat advantage and spine devil for its debuff and there are many others as well which might give your G even the survivability buff but I would recommend running Port toell if nobody else in your team is cuz this will also give you a little bit of power which will help yourself to Max that stat you can of course just use the forgers box and that will get you the 3% as well we have then reinvigorate on this setup again to maximize our outgoing healing but there's no problem to switch like a power companion over to the golden bullet or the pink Yeti to that out and then just have a support one here and run with the tamed Raptor and that way you get all the power you need there too so then we have drid tier for crit strike crit severity baby deep grow power the Divine judgment from like Zario zordel there's plenty of other ones which also just give crit strike and crit severity the dog for power and crit severity and then the compy for the power from there we jump to our mounts here in our current tab we want a combat power to to support the team so ideally one of the top four here as long as nobody else in your group is using it and then for the auras you want like Mystic Ora pack tactics or runic Ora again depending on what teammates in your group are also using don't use the same one unless it's say pack tactics and then for stable we're using this so we have a bunch of brutality Rhythm and dominance Insignia and that is it now you can go ahead and use aggression insignias and then go and have say more power enchantments here this allows us to get say as much Forte as possible and then also having the stats we need to Max everything with the Insignia bonuses we have two M Covenant and then two survivalist expertise and then a shepherd's devotion you can definitely ditch survivalist expertise when running in content where you might die a lot because this will increase the amount of hit points you lose every time you die fortunately for you as a Healer these revived sicknesses do not affect your healing at all so you can die a few times and be fine unlike a damage dealer who might use this and just lose damage every time they die and this is only worsening that effect so it ends up being kind of a nogo but for you it's quite a decent boost having like two of them that's 7,540 and then yeah that just increases your stats that you might get from it but also your like divinity region but again don't be afraid to switch that over to like more Shepherd's devotions even magistrates patience or tactician Precision now for the colors the only real important ones to have is the outgoing healing and the critical severity then we jump to our Boons so in the campaign tab we just have all the power the crit strike and the crit severity we do take some defense and awareness get the movement speed and then we'll go with the recharge speed action point gain outgoing healing Forte and then get the Blessed Boons for yourself as well from there you can go like more hit points more defensive stats you can get like the lingering potion booms as well and just run with potions instead of Health stones and you'll be fine and then going to the guild booms we've got the crit strike revive sickness defense and so finally we jump to our consumer Ables and belt items so this build goes ahead and use squash soup flask of potencies zor this is Guild food Wild Storm Elixir and then for the belt items we have a hell Stone wondrous Dragon for the action point gain not a priority at all to get this one and then the awaken for dress box you may as well pick it up 3% free Power and that is ultimately the entirety of the build however you want to go to group group optimization and sacrifice certain things depending on the content you're in and what group you're in in order to boost the team's Effectiveness cuz you can do so by quite a lot like yes you have all these stats at 90% so your healing is great you've got all this overhealing like if you're in Wild space you get a whopping 5% plus 12% when against one enemy 177% total healing just from these weapons plus another 7% from the detector set another 7% from this opal ring to your multi-target heals and another 9% from the Divine ages that's 40% total outgoing healing bonus so when you're already at 90% you're basically adding 40 to% to that again and you're at 130% effective outgoing healing which is nuts like that's that's overkill on total healing so you can totally switch some of those out and support your team would say damage now I cover all of the steps in the group optimization section of my document but let's go through them with you here you only need to adjust this build a little bit you can switch out your ring over to the 's grace giving that debuff and you can trigger this by casting Your Divine fulmination it's considered a multi-target attack then your left ring switch that over to the galactic Loop this will give you the rate ings you will need for this switch you'll switch your neck and waist over to the vistani set along with the ti AR over to the tooa deck and that gives you the ability to cause your target to take increased damage which will be at the same time whenever attacking anybody with Divine fulmination as what you do with the grace ring so you increase yeah the amount of damage your team will deal against that one Target by as you can see here 5% from bani and like another nearly 5% from the grace ring with the debuff effect from that so yeah nearly 10% increase damage to the Target which is great and then with enchantments we just need to switch over to using two Jades and also two Cobalts and then switch your Garnet in utility over to a jade for a little bit of outgoing healing and then you go to Companions and you switch the compy over to like the golden bullet or the pink Yeti and you switch the baby deepcrow over to the tamed Velociraptor and then you can also switch reinvigorate over to like armor break D senses slowed reactions vulnerability even Advantage notification or weapon break and that'll support the team even further and now you can see our stats looking very solid power maxed out crit strike maxed out crit severity maxed out and outgo healing maxed out and that's with all of this all you lost was your multi-target heal bonus ring and the detector set so you didn't lose that much and you gained a lot of Team support you can now provide your team with the power for the Velociraptor you also get all that in return allowing you to use the vastani set to give them the debuff there the grace ring for that debuff and then also like armor break for that debuff providing your team yeah nearly like 15% extra damage against the target I will add in here the enchantment Swit is cuz yeah you did need to go and use two Jades and two Cobalts instead of what you had was like three garnets and one Cobalt ultimately that is the entirety of the build you have a lot of ability to support the team by switching things up sacrificing a bit of healing but this overall build with the maximum like heals and shields with all of that overhealing should help you to get a baseline to be comfortable with the amount of healing can do and then from there slowly but surely figure out what works for you in terms of sacrificing healing for team support with a raptor group it definitely frees you up a good bit to get more extra stats to be able to fit even more debuffs without a raptor group it can be a bit harder and you will be a bit more limited but it's still possible if say you sacrificed a bit of your regeneration via say these boots or this helmet or even say these arms you might not find you need those depends entirely on the group especially if you're running with newer players they'll take an awful lot more damage and so you might need the extra healing but that can be related to as well if they have less damage boosts they'll also take longer killing the enemy which means they'll also just take more damage and it'll be even more work for you so there is a balance there as well but in most cases if it's a good player they'll still do good damage without say your Buffs and then with those good players you'll find you don't need as much healing and you can switch to more damage support causing them to even deal more damage again causing your runs to be even faster that's what happens in endgame so hopefully all of this was insightful a massive thank you to all of these channel members and we'll see you guys around goodbye for now
Channel: Aragon
Views: 4,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aragon, neverwinter, build, new, guide, gameplay, endgame, Viperion
Id: LrJoj6TQkRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 55sec (1495 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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