Making a No Bake Cake in the Woods for 1,000,000 Subscribers

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it's trying to rain on my parade one million baby it never gets more predictable does it plan the perfect day and it'll still rain well even though it's raining i'm gonna make the most of it really thankful to be here honestly to be able to say that we've reached a million subscribers i don't know if i've really ever shared much of my story on this channel uh but this has been a dream of mine since i've been you know very little so i remember watching like old tv shows like robin big and just people that could like make a living doing what they want and uh i remember from an early age i found out what youtube was and i was like oh it's so cool that people are like subscribed to other people to watch just what they do in their life made silly videos in the woods with my friends picked up a hobby called fingerboarding and that's really where i learned how to edit and got a love for youtube i got my first thousand subscribers and i felt like i was on top of the world you know i'm very fortunate to be where i'm at today thank you to everybody thank you to the people that helped me along the journey thank you my parents for supporting me thank you to all my um friends that you know took me under their wing when i needed it and uh this isn't a uh a milestone just for me this is a milestone for all of us so i appreciate each and every one of you that has helped grow this thing to what it is today so i thought it'd be fun to actually make a video montage of the last two and a half years kind of showing how the content's changed showing how i've changed um and mainly showing the great moments of what made this channel what it is today so i guess let's start with rolling that hey guys what's up it's maverick [Music] what is going on guys it's been a while [Music] i appreciate so much you guys tuning in for this first episode i'm not really sure what i'm gonna do with this channel i really just wanna get out there and start making my own content two months into this thing and i wanna show you guys my daily life so i'm your host maverick jose i don't know how to transition this thing so so today i'm gonna embark on the adult adventure of trying to find my perfect dream truck so this is the first truck that i'm looking at the biggest thing for me is that it has this topper on it which is really nice i might just throw a little bed in here of course it needs to be cleaned out yeah this thing is just decked wow look at all that rum so cool so excited right now i'm so excited all right what's going on everybody what's going on everybody welcome back to another episode of mav so i got to give a big thank you to hannah too she also helped build a lot of my truck i'd say we at least did 50 50 on that thing so [Music] oh yeah i don't know what the heck this is but i got it take a look at these bacon wrapped trout over a fire that looks pretty phenomenal [Music] oh all right holy there we go the stuff's been just like mavs arms he wanted to say something else so bad [Music] oh my god shut up spencer you're like it's the biggest like shot i've ever seen in my life [Music] this is ridiculous dude i think so oh my gosh wow i know you don't get views like this from bed at least no actually now you do you do know well you do now oh the people look watching this do now 80 freaking candles lit right now [Music] oh i have one significant other one girlfriend just kidding no i don't [Music] you just won your first sailboat race your first time on a sailboat wait we got first shut up that was the first time i've ever had a cactus stuck in me oh oh my god all right one two three marlin marlon so [Music] so all right so i just made a chocolate gaunch ganch this is just gonna be like the frosting and now we wait about 40 or 50 minutes [Music] so here goes nothing [Music] much can't believe it can't believe we hit this milestone um thank you again to each and every one of you again i couldn't do it without your support well it's pretty crazy here to be celebrating 1 million subscribers if you would have told 12 year old me that i would be uh sitting here in the woods cake next to a volkswagen bug with a camper on it i would tell you you're crazy as a way to give back to you guys i'm gonna do a little bit of a giveaway yes of course i'm gonna give away some merchandise but the grand prize is i'm gonna either fly you to me or i'll drive to you and i'll cook you your favorite meal on my tailgate so all you gotta do enter is just comment down below let's uh we'll just have you comment uh what your favorite moment was in the last two and a half years on this channel it could be a meal it could be something that i said i don't know but just comment down below and give this video a like and that's all i do to enter um i'll pick somebody randomly but thank you guys again really can't say it enough as always until next time here i know the drill just keep on trucking
Channel: Mav
Views: 504,754
Rating: 4.9794378 out of 5
Keywords: small car, car camping, truck camping, mav, in the woods, cake in the woods, no bake cake, celebrate, million, million subcribers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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